shoreline change
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2022 ◽  
Elizabeth Schmidt

In 2020 and 2021 the Southeast Coast Network (SECN) collected shoreline data at Fort Matanzas National Monument as a part of the NPS Vital Signs Monitoring Program. Monitoring was conducted following methods developed by the National Park Service Northeast Barrier Coast Network and consisted of mapping the high tide swash line using a global positioning system (GPS) unit in the spring of each year (Psuty et al. 2010). Shoreline change was calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) developed by USGS (Theiler et al. 2008). Key findings from this effort: A mean of 2,255.23 meters (7,399 feet [ft]) of shoreline were mapped from 2020 to 2021 with a mean horizontal precision of 10.73 centimeters (4.2 inches [in]) at Fort Matanzas National Monument from 2020 to 2021. In the annual shoreline change analysis, the mean shoreline distance change from spring 2020 to spring 2021 was -7.40 meters (-24.3 ft) with a standard deviation of 20.24 meters (66.40 ft). The shoreline change distance ranged from -124.73 to 35.59 meters (-409.1 to 116.7 ft). Two erosion areas and one accretion area were identified in the study area beyond the uncertainty of the data (± 10 meters [32.8 ft]). The annual shoreline change from 2020 to 2021 showed erosion on the east and west sides of A1A where the Matanzas Inlet is located. Overall, the most dynamic area of shoreline change within Fort Matanzas National Monument appeared to be on the east and west side of A1A, along the Matanzas River inlet.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 232
Yeon-Joong Kim ◽  
Jong-Sung Yoon

The severe coastal erosions are being accelerated along the east coast of South Korea owing to the intermittent erosions and depositions caused by the imbalance between the effective sediment volume supplied from coasts and rivers and the sediment transport rate. Consequently, many studies are being conducted to develop coastal-erosion reduction measures. To accurately determine the cause of coastal erosion, the causes of the erosion and deposition should be accurately diagnosed, and a comprehensive evaluation system for the sediment transport mechanism in the watershed and sea while considering regional characteristics is required. In particular, realizing the evaluation of the effective sediment volume that flows from the river to the sea through observations is a highly challenging task, and various research and developments are required to realize it, as it is still in the basic research stage. The purpose of this study was to systematically analyze the comprehensive sediment budget for coastal areas. First, an analytical system was developed. Then, a shoreline model was constructed by considering the size of the mixed particles. The parameters required for developing the model were determined using the observation data to improve the shoreline model. A sediment runoff model was applied to evaluate the effective sediment volume supplied from the river to the sea, and the applicability of this model was evaluated by comparing it with the sediment supply volume according to the soil and water assessment tool model. The representative wave and the input parameters of the model were set using the observation data of several years. It was found that the prediction performance of the shoreline change model improved when the effective sediment volume was considered, and the particles of the sediment on the shore were assumed to comprise multiple sizes. In particular, the prediction performance improved when the balance of the sediment budget was adjusted by applying a groin having a structurally similar performance to take into consideration the geographic features of the Deokbongsan (island) in front of the river mouth bar. The model demonstrated a good performance in reproducing long-term shoreline changes when the characteristics of the sea waves and the effective sediment volume were considered.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Arjen Pieter Luijendijk ◽  
Etiënne Kras ◽  
Vasiliki Dagalaki ◽  
Robin Morelissen ◽  
Ibrahim Hoteit ◽  

The Saudi Arabian tourism sector is growing, and its economy has flourished over the last decades. This has resulted in numerous coastal developments close to large economic centers, while many more are proposed or planned. The coastal developments have influenced the behavior of the shoreline in the past. Here we undertake a national assessment on the state of the coast of Saudi Arabia based on recent data sets on historic and future shoreline positions. While at national scale the shoreline is found to be stable over the last three decades, the Red Sea coast shows a regional-mean retreat rate while the Gulf coast shows a regional-mean prograding behavior. Detailed analysis of the temporal evolution of shoreline position at selected locations show that human interventions may have accelerated shoreline retreat along adjacent shorelines, some of which are Marine Protected Areas. Furthermore, reef-fronted coastal sections have a mean accretive shoreline change rate, while the open coast shows a mean retreat rate. Future shoreline projections under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 show that large parts of the shoreline may experience an accelerated retreat or a change in its regime from either stable or sprograding to retreating. Under the high emission RCP 8.5 scenario, the length of coastline projected to retreat more than doubles along the Red Sea coast, and approximately triples along the Gulf coast in 2100. At national scale, the Saudi Arabian coastline is projected to experience regional-mean retreats of ~30 m and of ~130 m by 2050 and 2100 under both RCPs considered in this study. These results indicate that effective adaptation strategies will be required to protect areas of ecological and economic value, and that climate resilience should be a key consideration in planned or proposed coastal interventions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Kristen D. Splinter ◽  
Giovanni Coco

Sandy beaches comprise approximately 31% of the world's ice-free coasts. Sandy coastlines around the world are continuously adjusting in response to changing waves and water levels at both short (storm) and long (climate-driven, from El-Nino Southern Oscillation to sea level rise) timescales. Managing this critical zone requires robust, advanced tools that represent our best understanding of how to abstract and integrate coastal processes. However, this has been hindered by (1) a lack of long-term, large-scale coastal monitoring of sandy beaches and (2) a robust understanding of the key physical processes that drive shoreline change over multiple timescales. This perspectives article aims to summarize the current state of shoreline modeling at the sub-century timescale and provides an outlook on future challenges and opportunities ahead.

2021 ◽  

Abstract The study examines the shoreline (1990-2019) and nearshore morphological changes (seasonal) to understand the littoral drift and sediment budget variability. Shoreline change rate depicts erosion (-0.06 m/yr) in the northern sector and accretion (+0.12 m/yr) in the southern sector. Seasonal nearshore morphological changes from non-monsoon to monsoon period signifies net erosion (-1.8x10^4 m^3 ) in northern sector and net accretion (+2.5x10^4 m^3) in the southern sector. Although the lost sediment during monsoon is regained in non-monsoon period, the quantity of sediment gain is reduced in areas with human interventions. The results of the investigation depict the dominance of littoral drift towards north from February to October, when wave approach from east-southeast to south-southeast direction and southwards from November to January when the wave direction was from east-northeast to east-southeast. The net longshore sediment transport rate estimated during the study period was 2.6x10^5 m^3/year in the northern sector and 1.5x10^5 m^3/year in the southern sector with higher rate attributed to monsoon than the non-monsoon. Sediment budget results in deciphering the causes of erosion (-1.27×10^4 m^3/yr) in northern sector and accretion (3.91×10^4 m^3/yr) in southern sector in the wave-dominated Chennai beach.

2021 ◽  
Megan Gillen ◽  
Andrew Ashton ◽  
Jennifer Miselis ◽  
Emily Wei ◽  
Daniel Ciarletta ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 104079
Ali Dastgheib ◽  
Carolina Martinez ◽  
Keiko Udo ◽  
Roshanka Ranasinghe

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