high tide
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2022 ◽  
Elizabeth Schmidt

In 2020 and 2021 the Southeast Coast Network (SECN) collected shoreline data at Fort Matanzas National Monument as a part of the NPS Vital Signs Monitoring Program. Monitoring was conducted following methods developed by the National Park Service Northeast Barrier Coast Network and consisted of mapping the high tide swash line using a global positioning system (GPS) unit in the spring of each year (Psuty et al. 2010). Shoreline change was calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) developed by USGS (Theiler et al. 2008). Key findings from this effort: A mean of 2,255.23 meters (7,399 feet [ft]) of shoreline were mapped from 2020 to 2021 with a mean horizontal precision of 10.73 centimeters (4.2 inches [in]) at Fort Matanzas National Monument from 2020 to 2021. In the annual shoreline change analysis, the mean shoreline distance change from spring 2020 to spring 2021 was -7.40 meters (-24.3 ft) with a standard deviation of 20.24 meters (66.40 ft). The shoreline change distance ranged from -124.73 to 35.59 meters (-409.1 to 116.7 ft). Two erosion areas and one accretion area were identified in the study area beyond the uncertainty of the data (± 10 meters [32.8 ft]). The annual shoreline change from 2020 to 2021 showed erosion on the east and west sides of A1A where the Matanzas Inlet is located. Overall, the most dynamic area of shoreline change within Fort Matanzas National Monument appeared to be on the east and west side of A1A, along the Matanzas River inlet.

James R. Holmquist ◽  
Lisamarie Windham-Myers

AbstractTidal wetlands provide myriad ecosystem services across local to global scales. With their uncertain vulnerability or resilience to rising sea levels, there is a need for mapping flooding drivers and vulnerability proxies for these ecosystems at a national scale. However, tidal wetlands in the conterminous USA are diverse with differing elevation gradients, and tidal amplitudes, making broad geographic comparisons difficult. To address this, a national-scale map of relative tidal elevation (Z*MHW), a physical metric that normalizes elevation to tidal amplitude at mean high water (MHW), was constructed for the first time at 30 × 30-m resolution spanning the conterminous USA. Contrary to two study hypotheses, watershed-level median Z*MHW and its variability generally increased from north to south as a function of tidal amplitude and relative sea-level rise. These trends were also observed in a reanalysis of ground elevation data from the Pacific Coast by Janousek et al. (Estuaries and Coasts 42 (1): 85–98, 2019). Supporting a third hypothesis, propagated uncertainty in Z*MHW increased from north to south as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) errors had an outsized effect under narrowing tidal amplitudes. The drivers of Z*MHW and its variability are difficult to determine because several potential causal variables are correlated with latitude, but future studies could investigate highest astronomical tide and diurnal high tide inequality as drivers of median Z*MHW and Z*MHW variability, respectively. Watersheds of the Gulf Coast often had propagated Z*MHW uncertainty greater than the tidal amplitude itself emphasizing the diminished practicality of applying Z*MHW as a flooding proxy to microtidal wetlands. Future studies could focus on validating and improving these physical map products and using them for synoptic modeling of tidal wetland carbon dynamics and sea-level rise vulnerability analyses.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Solène Derville ◽  
Christophe Cleguer ◽  
Claire Garrigue

AbstractMobile marine species display complex and nonstationary habitat use patterns that require understanding to design effective management measures. In this study, the spatio-temporal habitat use dynamics of the vulnerable dugong (Dugong dugon) were modelled from 16 satellite-tagged individuals in the coral reef lagoonal ecosystems of New Caledonia, South Pacific. Dugong residence time was calculated along the interpolated tracks (9371 hourly positions) to estimate intensity of use in three contrasting ecoregions, previously identified through hierarchical clustering of lagoon topographic characteristics. Across ecoregions, differences were identified in dugong spatial intensity of use of shallow waters, deeper lagoon waters and the fore-reef shelf outside the barrier reef. Maps of dugong intensity of use were predicted from these ecological relationships and validated with spatial density estimates derived from aerial surveys conducted for population assessment. While high correlation was found between the two datasets, our study extended the spatial patterns of dugong distribution obtained from aerial surveys across the diel cycle, especially in shallow waters preferentially used by dugongs at night/dusk during high tide. This study has important implications for dugong conservation and illustrates the potential benefits of satellite tracking and dynamic habitat use modelling to inform spatial management of elusive and mobile marine mammals.

Michael Robinson ◽  
Clark Alexander ◽  
Claudia Venherm

2022 ◽  
Vol 956 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
U Yanuhar ◽  
M Musa ◽  
A Oktaviana ◽  
N S Junirahma ◽  
N R Caesar

Abstract Water quality monitoring is a key component in the management of these important water resources and ecosystems. Biological indicators can be monitored continuously and are easy instructions for monitoring the occurrence of pollution. One of the biological parameters that can be used as a marker of environmental conditions is plankton. zooplankton can be used as study material to determine the quality and water productivity. The method used in this research is descriptive to determine the water quality condition in the estuary of the Kalimireng river biologically through the identification and characterization of zooplankton. Observations of plankton identification, plankton abundance, dominance index, and characterization of zooplankton were analyzed by fluorescence microscope observation. Three species of zooplankton were found in the waters of the Kalimireng estuary, Leptodiaptomus sp., Canthocamptus staphylinus, and Diaphanosoma bracyurum. Zooplankton is more abundant in water conditions at high tide compared to water conditions at low tide. At high tide, the highest abundance value was obtained at the station I at week 3, 843 ind/mL. At low tide, the highest abundance value was obtained at the station I at week 2,251 ind/L. The highest Dominance Index (D) at tidal water conditions is shown at station 2. This indicates that there is a community that dominates at that station.

Mukhamad N. Malawani ◽  
Muh Aris Marfai ◽  
Aldhila G. H. Yoga ◽  
Tiara Handayani ◽  
Ahmad Cahyadi ◽  

The government of Indonesia has faced several challenges to its goal of achieving salt self-sufficiency, necessitating the formulation and implementation of strategic steps to increase salt production. Among its islands, Java has a great deal of potential for salt production, as does the Special Region of Yogyakarta, where the government has initiated salt farming development as part of its coastal community empowerment program. This study aimed to (1) evaluate the land suitability of existing salt farms and (2) identify potential sites and make a productivity estimation of salt farms in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the broad objective of demonstrating a rapid land assessment for salt farming development using the combination GIS and field survey. The approach was carried out in three phases; i.e., the analyses of land availability, land characteristics, and land recommendations. On-screen digitizing using GIS was applied to identify land availability through several data sources (satellite imagery and a land-use map from the Indonesian topographic map). This process led to the discovery of 19 sites. Land characteristics and land recommendations analysis were carried out in those sites, resulting in multiple land suitability classes, mostly in the S2 class (moderately suitable). Several impediment factors, such as wind, material texture, and temperature, were also identified, along with other obstacles including high tide and tsunami exposure. In terms of supporting the Indonesian salt self-sufficiency program, these results are significant, with salt productivity estimations of the potential sites meeting the target set by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 379-384

Abstract Anomalous sea levels along the Mid- and South- Atlantic coasts of the United States are often linked to atmosphere- ocean dynamics, remote- and local- scale forcing and other factors linked to cyclone passage, winds, waves, and storm surge. Herein, we examine sea level variability along the U.S. Atlantic coast through satellite altimeter and coastal tide gauge data within the context of synoptic-scale weather pattern forcing. Altimetry, derived from sea level anomaly (SLA) data between 1993 and 2019 were compared with Self Organizing Map (SOM)-based atmospheric circulation and surface wind field categorizations to reveal spatiotemporal patterns and their inter-relationships with high water-level conditions at tide gauges. Regional elevated sea level patterns and variability were strongly associated with synergistic patterns of atmospheric circulation and wind. Recurring atmospheric patterns associated with high-tide flooding events and flood risk were identified, as were specific regional oceanographic variability patterns of SLA response. The incorporation of combined metrics of wind and circulation patterns further isolate atmospheric drivers of high tide flood events and may have particular significance for predicting future flood events over multiple spatial and temporal scales.

Eos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
Guanan� G�mez-Van Cortright

Researchers analyzed 36 years of data to understand how atmospheric rivers and other factors drive chronic coastal flooding.

2021 ◽  
Lukas WinklerPrins ◽  
John Largier ◽  
Ana Vila-Concejo ◽  
Shari Gallop ◽  
Thomas Fellowes ◽  

The wave field in coastal bays is comprised of waves generated by far-off storms and waves generated locally by winds inside the bay and regionally outside the bay. The resultant wave field varies spatially and temporally and is expected to control morphologic features, such as beaches in estuaries and bays (BEBs). However, neither the wave field nor the role of waves in shaping BEBs have been well-studied, limiting the efficacy of coastal protection and restoration projects. Here we present observations of the wave field in Tomales Bay, a 20 km long, narrow, semi-enclosed embayment on the wave-dominated coast of Northern California (USA) with a tidal range of 2.5 m. We deployed pressure sensors in front of several beaches along the linear axis of the bay. Low-frequency waves (4 * 10^-2 * 2.5 * 10*^-1 Hz or 4 - 25 s period) dissipated within 4 km of the mouth, delineating the "outer bay" region, where remotely-generated swell and regionally-generated wind waves can dominate. The "inner bay" spectrum, further landward, is dominated by fetch-limited waves generated within the bay with frequency >= 2.5 < 10*-1 Hz. The energy of both ocean waves and locally-generated wind waves across all sites were modulated by the tide, owing to tidal changes in water depth and currents. Wave energies were typically low at low tide and high at high tide. Thus, in addition to fluctuations in winds and the presence of ocean waves, tides exert a strong control on the wave energy spectra at BEBs in mesotidal regions. In general, it is expected that events that can reshape beaches occur during high wind or swell events that occur at high-tide, when waves can reach the beaches with less attenuation. However, no such events were observed during our study and questions remain as to how rarely such wind-tide concurrences occur across the bay.

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