national monument
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2022 ◽  
Elizabeth Schmidt

In 2020 and 2021 the Southeast Coast Network (SECN) collected shoreline data at Fort Matanzas National Monument as a part of the NPS Vital Signs Monitoring Program. Monitoring was conducted following methods developed by the National Park Service Northeast Barrier Coast Network and consisted of mapping the high tide swash line using a global positioning system (GPS) unit in the spring of each year (Psuty et al. 2010). Shoreline change was calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) developed by USGS (Theiler et al. 2008). Key findings from this effort: A mean of 2,255.23 meters (7,399 feet [ft]) of shoreline were mapped from 2020 to 2021 with a mean horizontal precision of 10.73 centimeters (4.2 inches [in]) at Fort Matanzas National Monument from 2020 to 2021. In the annual shoreline change analysis, the mean shoreline distance change from spring 2020 to spring 2021 was -7.40 meters (-24.3 ft) with a standard deviation of 20.24 meters (66.40 ft). The shoreline change distance ranged from -124.73 to 35.59 meters (-409.1 to 116.7 ft). Two erosion areas and one accretion area were identified in the study area beyond the uncertainty of the data (± 10 meters [32.8 ft]). The annual shoreline change from 2020 to 2021 showed erosion on the east and west sides of A1A where the Matanzas Inlet is located. Overall, the most dynamic area of shoreline change within Fort Matanzas National Monument appeared to be on the east and west side of A1A, along the Matanzas River inlet.

Diversity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Atsuko Fukunaga ◽  
Kailey H. Pascoe ◽  
Ashley R. Pugh ◽  
Randall K. Kosaki ◽  
John H. R. Burns

Recovery of coral reefs after physical damage sustained from storm events can be affected by various factors. Here, we examined the initial recovery of a coral reef at the southern end of uninhabited Lalo Atoll of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument after its complete destruction by Hurricane Walaka in 2018. While the site was still mostly (98%) covered by a mixture of rubble and sand, surveys utilizing underwater photogrammetry allowed for detailed quantitative assessments of benthic cover and confirmed colonization of coral (Pocillopora meandrina and Porites lobata), macroalgae and sponges. The proportion of sand in the rubble–sand mixture also decreased from the level observed in 2019. Visual fish surveys confirmed the presence of 35 reef fish species, a large increase from no reef fish in 2019, despite the low biotic benthic cover. Overall, the colonization of benthic organisms and the return of reef fish, which is potentially supported by the benthos and cryptofauna in the rubble bed, offer positive signs of reef recovery. The photogrammetric surveys in the present study captured the subtle changes in the benthic cover and provided us with a procedure to continue monitoring the succession of the site. Continuous monitoring of the site should reveal whether the reef returns to the original state of Acropora coral dominance or progresses towards a coral assemblage with a different composition.

Kari A. Prassack ◽  
Laura C. Walkup

AbstractA canid dentary is described from the Pliocene Glenns Ferry Formation at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, south-central Idaho, USA. The specimen possesses traits in alliance with and measurements falling within or exceeding those of Canis lepophagus. The dentary, along with a tarsal IV (cuboid) and an exploded canine come from the base of the fossiliferous Sahara complex within the monument. Improved geochronologic control provided by new tephrochronologic mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey-National Park Service Hagerman Paleontology, Environments, and Tephrochronology Project supports an interpolated age of approximately 3.9 Ma, placing it in the early Blancan North American Land Mammal Age. It is conservatively referred to herein as Canis aff. C. lepophagus with the caveat that it is an early and robust example of that species. A smaller canid, initially assigned to Canis lepophagus and then to Canis ferox, is also known from Hagerman. Most specimens of Canis ferox, including the holotype, were recently reassigned to Eucyon ferox, but specimens from the Hagerman and Rexroad faunas were left as Canis sp. and possibly attributed to C. lepophagus. We agree that these smaller canids belong in Canis and not Eucyon but reject placing them within C. lepophagus; we refer to them here as Hagerman-Rexroad Canis. This study confirms the presence of two approximately coyote-sized canids at Hagerman and adds to the growing list of carnivorans now known from these fossil beds.

2021 ◽  
Justin Tweet ◽  
Holley Flora ◽  
Summer Weeks ◽  
Eathan McIntyre ◽  
Vincent Santucci

Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (PARA) in northwestern Arizona has significant paleontological resources, which are recognized in the establishing presidential proclamation. Because of the challenges of working in this remote area, there has been little documentation of these resources over the years. PARA also has an unusual management situation which complicates resource management. The majority of PARA is administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM; this land is described here as PARA-BLM), while about 20% of the monument is administered by the National Park Service (NPS; this land is described here as PARA-NPS) in conjunction with Lake Mead National Recreation Area (LAKE). Parcels of state and private land are scattered throughout the monument. Reports of fossils within what is now PARA go back to at least 1914. Geologic and paleontologic reports have been sporadic over the past century. Much of what was known of the paleontology before the 2020 field inventory was documented by geologists focused on nearby Grand Canyon National Park (GRCA) and LAKE, or by students working on graduate projects; in either case, paleontology was a secondary topic of interest. The historical record of fossil discoveries in PARA is dominated by Edwin McKee, who reported fossils from localities in PARA-NPS and PARA-BLM as part of larger regional projects published from the 1930s to the 1980s. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has mapped the geology of PARA in a series of publications since the early 1980s. Unpublished reports by researchers from regional institutions have documented paleontological resources in Quaternary caves and rock shelters. From September to December 2020, a field inventory was conducted to better understand the scope and distribution of paleontological resources at PARA. Thirty-eight localities distributed across the monument and throughout its numerous geologic units were documented extensively, including more than 420 GPS points and 1,300 photos, and a small number of fossil specimens were collected and catalogued under 38 numbers. In addition, interviews were conducted with staff to document the status of paleontology at PARA, and potential directions for future management, research, protection, and interpretation. In geologic terms, PARA is located on the boundary of the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range provinces. Before the uplift of the Colorado Plateau near the end of the Cretaceous 66 million years ago, this area was much lower in elevation and subject to flooding by shallow continental seas. This led to prolonged episodes of marine deposition as well as complex stratigraphic intervals of alternating terrestrial and marine strata. Most of the rock formations that are exposed in the monument belong to the Paleozoic part of the Grand Canyon section, deposited between approximately 510 and 270 million years ago in mostly shallow marine settings. These rocks have abundant fossils of marine invertebrates such as sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods, crinoids, and echinoids. The Cambrian–Devonian portion of the Grand Canyon Paleozoic section is represented in only a few areas of PARA. The bulk of the Paleozoic rocks at PARA are Mississippian to Permian in age, approximately 360 to 270 million years old, and belong to the Redwall Limestone through the Kaibab Formation. While the Grand Canyon section has only small remnants of younger Mesozoic rocks, several Mesozoic formations are exposed within PARA, mostly ranging in age from the Early Triassic to the Early Jurassic (approximately 252 to 175 million years ago), as well as some middle Cretaceous rocks deposited approximately 100 million years ago. Mesozoic fossils in PARA include marine fossils in the Moenkopi Formation and petrified wood and invertebrate trace fossils in the Chinle Formation and undivided Moenave and Kayenta Formations.

2021 ◽  
Sherry Leis ◽  
Mary Short

The Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network completed its sixth year of plant community monitoring at George Washington Carver National Monument in 2020. Plant community monitoring focused on the restored prairie community. We visited seven monitoring sites in each of the six years and collected data on plant species and ground cover. In this report we also included two environmental factors—precipitation and recent fire history—to better understand the vegetation community status and trends. Since 2000, precipitation has often been below the 30-year normal. Moreover, annual precipitation was below normal for all but one of the monitoring years. We found that the drought in 2012 stood out as possibly influencing plant guild cover. Although prairies are adapted to drought, further analyses might reveal more about the role of climate change in these vegetation communities. Fire management also plays an important role in shaping plant communities. Prescribed fire occurrence became more frequent and consistent through the period of plant monitoring. Additional treatments, including herbicide and mowing, also supported a healthy prairie. The prairie plant community continues to be moderately diverse despite recent increases in tree seedlings and small saplings. Species richness in 2012 was different than in two of the six years monitored. However, diversity indices (H′ and J′) were very similar across monitored years. Species guilds (also known as functional groups) exhibited differing patterns. Woody plants, long a concern at the monument, were statistically similar across years. In 2020, grass-like species increased, but grass species appeared to have declined below prior years. Grass cover in 2004 was statistically different (greater) than in 2008 and 2020. The reasons for this are not clear. Of particular interest to the park is the status of two sumac species (Rhus glabra and R. copallinum). These species were in decline as a result of focused management actions since 2012. However, the blackberry species (Rubus spp.) seemed to be replacing the sumac in some sites. In 2020, nonnative species richness and cover were below peak levels, demonstrating management actions have been successful in maintaining low levels. The vegetation monitoring protocol experienced some changes between 2004 and 2020. A key difference was a shift from sampling twice during the field season to sampling only once in a monitoring year. Although a decline in species richness was anticipated, that pattern was not apparent. However, the abundance of grasses may have been affected by the shift in seasonality of sampling. Additionally, we remedied inconsistencies in how tree regeneration was recorded (stem tallies in some cases and cover estimates in other cases). We converted all cover data to stem tallies and density was calculated to be consistent with the protocol. The monument has had success with coordinating fire management and invasive species management. A decrease in sumac across the prairie is evidence of this success. These actions will continue to be important for maintaining the prairie in good condition into the future.

2021 ◽  
Maxwell Boyle ◽  
Elizabeth Rico

The Southeast Coast Network (SECN) conducts long-term terrestrial vegetation monitoring as part of the nationwide Inventory and Monitoring Program of the National Park Service (NPS). The vegetation community vital sign is one of the primary-tier resources identified by SECN park managers, and monitoring is currently conducted at 15 network parks (DeVivo et al. 2008). Monitoring plants and their associated communities over time allows for targeted understanding of ecosystems within the SECN geography, which provides managers information about the degree of change within their parks’ natural vegetation. 2019 marks the first year of conducting this monitoring effort on four SECN parks, including Fort Pulaski National Monument (FOPU). Twelve vegetation plots were established at Fort Pulaski National Monument in August. Data collected in each plot included species richness across multiple spatial scales, species-specific cover and constancy, species-specific woody stem seedling/sapling counts and adult tree (greater than 10 centimeters [3.9 inches {in}]) diameter at breast height (DBH), overall tree health, landform, soil, observed disturbance, and woody biomass (i.e., fuel load) estimates. This report summarizes the baseline (year 1) terrestrial vegetation data collected at Fort Pulaski National Monument in 2019. Data were stratified across two dominant broadly defined habitats within the park (Maritime Tidal Wetlands and Maritime Upland Forests and Shrublands). Noteworthy findings include: Sixty-six vascular plant taxa were observed across 12 vegetation plots, including six taxa not previously known from the park. Plots were located on both Cockspur and McQueen’s Island. The most frequently encountered species in each broadly defined habitat included: Maritime Tidal Wetlands: smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), perennial saltmarsh aster(Symphyotrichum enuifolium), and groundsel tree (Baccharis halimifolia) Maritime Upland Forests and Shrublands: yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), southern/eastern red cedar (Juniperus silicicola + virginiana), and cabbage palmetto (Sabal palmetto). Four non-native species identified as invasive by the Georgia Exotic Pest Plant Council (GA-EPPC 2018) were found during this monitoring effort. These species (and their overall frequency of occurrence within all plots) included: Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica; 17%), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum; 8%), Vasey’s grass (Paspalum urvillei; 8%), and European common reed (Phragmites australis; 8%). Two rare plants tracked by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GADNR 2013) were found during this monitoring effort. These include Florida wild privet (Forestiera segregata) and Bosc’s bluet (Oldenlandia boscii). Southern/eastern red cedar and cabbage palmetto were the most dominant species within the tree stratum of the maritime Upland Forest and Shrubland habitat type. Species that dominated the sapling and seedling strata of this type included yaupon, cabbage palmetto, groundsel tree, and Carolina laurel cherry (Prunus caroliniana). The health status of sugarberry (Celtis laevigata)—a typical canopy species in maritime forests of the South Atlantic Coastal Plain--observed on park plots appeared to be in decline, with most stems experiencing elevated levels of dieback and low vigor. Over the past decade, this species has been experiencing unexplained high rates of dieback and mortality throughout its range in the Southeastern United States; current research is focusing on what may be causing these alarming die-off patterns. Duff and litter made up the majority of downed woody biomass (fuel loads) across FOPU vegetation plots.

2021 ◽  
Dustin Perkins

Invasive exotic plant (IEP) species are a significant threat to natural ecosystem integrity and biodiversity, and controlling them is a high priority for the National Park Service. The Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN) selected the early detection of IEPs as one of 11 monitoring protocols to be implemented as part of its long-term monitoring program. We also calculated a patch management index (PMI) to quantify the extent and density of invasive patches into a single value that helps identify the scale of the problem. Park managers can use this tool to help prioritize IEP treatment. At Dinosaur National Monument, the NCPN monitors IEPs in the Green and Yampa river corridors. This report summarizes data from monitoring on the Green River in 2019, and monitoring on the Yampa River in 2017, to represent the completion of the third monitoring rotation of the entire river corridor (2002–2005, 2010–2011, 2017–2019). During surveys conducted from June 26 to July 2, 2019, NCPN staff detected 12 priority IEP species and two non-priority species in a 84.6-hectare (209-acre) area along 74.4 kilometers of the Green River above (“upper”) and below (“low-er”) its confluence with the Yampa. A total of 2,535 IEP patches were detected. Of those patches, 24.2% and 15.6% were smaller than 40 m2 on the upper and lower Green River reaches, respectively. The patch management index (PMI) was low or very low for 95.7% of patches on the upper Green River and 90.9% of patches on the lower Green River. Tamarisk (Tamarix sp.), broad-leaf pepperwort (Lepidium latifolium), and yellow sweetclover (Meli-lotus officinalis) were the most widespread species. For the first time, NCPN monitoring detected teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris) on the upper Green River. Yellow sweetclover has increased on all three river reaches during the survey years. Musk thistle (Carduus nutans) was found at considerably lower levels than yellow sweetclover but has also increased on all three river reaches. Leafy spurge is increasing on the lower Green River and Yampa River. Cheatgrass was not monitored in the first rotation, but increased substantially in cover and percent frequency on all three river sections from 2010–2011 to 2017–2019. This increase may be due to a lack of recent high-flow scouring events. The highly regulated upper Green River generally has the highest number of IEPs, while the lower Green River has a moderate amount of IEPs. The largely unregulated flows of the Yampa River continue to result in a lower number of patches per kilometer, lower percent cover, and lower percent frequency than the upper or lower Green River. Network staff will return to the monument in 2022 to begin the fourth monitoring rotation.

2021 ◽  
Lauren Pandori ◽  
Brian Hong ◽  
Linh Cat ◽  
Keith Lombardo

2021 ◽  
pp. 251484862110453
Tai Kondo Koester ◽  
Joseph Bryan

This paper relates the cartographic construction of public lands by topographic surveys of the Colorado Plateau in the 19th Century to contemporary debates over the management of public lands. We focus our attention on the Bears Ears National Monument that was established by President Barack Obama via Executive Order in 2016, only to be significantly reduced in size by President Donald Trump one year later. Debates over the Monument hinged on competing notions of the public interest, where the public was conceived as a singular entity in ways that marginalized the leading role played by the Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Ute, and Ute Mountain Ute tribes in securing designation of the Monument. These debates featured competing claims of “federal overreach” and theft that glossed over the Tribes’ role in creating the Monument, let alone how the land became public in the first place. This paper considers the role that surveys by the US Army Corps of Topographic Engineers, John Wesley Powell, Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden, and others played in papering over the theft of Indigenous lands. Their cartographic depictions of the region underpin current debates over management of public lands. They also shape the terrain on which the five tribes in the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition have worked to protect the area through designation of the Bears Ears National Monument. Framing struggles over Bears Ears as a public lands issue embraces a history of erasure and dispossession and shifts focus from returning land to tribal control.

Palaios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (11) ◽  
pp. 331-338

ABSTRACT Within the eolian Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, exposed in the Coyote Buttes area of Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona, a site (informally known as the “Dinosaur Dance Floor”) is reinterpreted as an enigmatic, modified (possibly pedogenic) eolian surface that was exposed and further modified and accentuated by modern weathering and erosion. The resultant surface is covered with small, shallow potholes or weathering pits, with no direct evidence of dinosaur activity.

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