estate crop
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2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 83
. Mukhasim

<p>Penelitian budidaya lorong bcrbasis tanaman perkebunan di sekitar Danau Toba telah dilaksanakan di kabupaten Simalungun Sumatera Utara dai bulan November 1999 - Januari 2002. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah unluk (I) mengidenlifikasi potensi dan peluang pengembangan tanaman perkebunan dan (2) memperoleh model usahatani yang layak dikembangkan pada daerah dataran tinggi sekitar Danau Coba Pcnarikan contoh acak secara berlapis dilakukan untuk memperoleh data primer dan petani/kelompok tani dan pedagang pcngumpul. I.apis pertama adalah kabupaten, kedua kecamatan dan ketiga adalah desa. Data sckundcr diperoleh dari instansi terkait yaitu UPS, Dinas Perkebunan lingkat propinsi dan kabupaten, BPN, I3PTP Gcdong Johor, BPK Ack Nauli dan kantor kecamatan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang Iclah dilaksanakan di dataran tinggi Danau Toba dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa dari keadaan lahan dan iklim, sarana dan prasarana, kcragaan usahatani serta pemasaran. tanaman perkebunan berpeluang untuk dikembangkan di dalaran tinggi Danau Toba. Model yang dipilih dalam penerapan tanaman perkebunan dan tanaman pangarvhortikullura adalah model yang dapal mclcstarikan sumberdaya lahan, menccgah erosi dan memberikan nilai tambah kepada petani. Model tersebut adalah budidaya lorong dengan tanaman kopi yang ditanam segitiga sebagai pembentuk lorong dan baricr penahan erosi Diantara lorong ditanam tanaman jahe dan tanaman cabai merah secara tumpang gilir, dengan nilai BCR antara 1.07 -1.25. Pcngurangan laju erosi dengan penanaman kopi mencapai 30-44%.</p><p>Kata kunci : Coffeae sp, Zingiber oicinale, potensi, peluang, Danau Toba, sumberdaya lahan, erosi, budidaya lorong, dalaran tinggi</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Development of estate crop based alley cropping in the area of Toba Lake</strong></p><p>Alley cropping research on estate crops in area of Toba I ,ake was carried oul in Simalungun, North Sumatera from November 1999 to January 2002 The objectives were (1) to identify the polcncy and probability to develop estate crops and (2) lo obtain farming system model which are feasible to develop. Purposive stratified Random Sampling had been conducted lo obtain pimary data from farmers/farmers group and traders. The irst level was regency, the second sub distict and the third was village. Secondary data were obtained from related institution Based on the condition of soil and climate, facility, farming system performance and marketing. It could be concluded that estate crops had polcncy lo develop in upland area of Toba Lake. The model Uiat had to be selected was a model that could preserve land resource, prevent erosion, and increase farmers' income. The model was alley cropping based on triangle-planted coffee as erosion barrier. Ginger and red pepper were planted rotation between alleys. The value of BCR was 1.07 -1 25. The erotion rate decreased about 30-44%.</p><p>Key words : Cofeae sp, Zingiber oficinale, potency, probability, Toba Lake, erosion, alley cropping, upland</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Ahmad Rizani

This study aims to examine the economic potential in the sector and sub-sector of agriculture, forestry and fishery of Jember Regency. In addition, this study also identifies and determines the leading sectors and sub-sectors in Jember Regency to provide an overview of the leading economic activities that can be developed in increasing the economic potential in Jember District. Analyzer used in this research include analysis of Shift-Share, Location Quotient (LQ), and Growth Ratio Model (MRP). From the research result, it can be seen that: (1) shift-share analysis shows Jember Regency economy during 2010-2015 period increased by Rp2,412.3 billion. The improvement of economic performance in Jember Regency can be seen from positive sector of agriculture sector, forestry and fishery; (2) Based on the analysis of Location Quotient (LQ) sector and the leading sub-sector in Jember Regency there is 1 sector and 1 sub-sector having average LQ> 1 or sector and subsector of the (potential) ie agriculture, farming, and plantation sub-sector; (3) Growth Ratio Model (MRP) analysis shows that the dominant sectors of growth and large contribution include estate crop sub-sector, agriculture and hunting services sub sector, forestry and logging sector, and fishery sector; (4) weighted results based on Shift-Share, Location Quotient (LQ) and Growth Ratio (MRP) analysis were obtained by the highest ranking sub-category of the most potential weighted crops sub-sector.

Agro Ekonomi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Teguh Hari Santosa ◽  
Sri Widodo ◽  
Masyhuri Masyhuri ◽  
Irham Irham

Shifting of income source transmigrant farmer in the tidal swamp from rice and palawija to non-rice happened for along time in some resettlement location in Indonesia.This ferwmenon began in 1975, in Centre Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Jambi, South Sumatera and Riau. This problem related with constraints of low land productivity, limited labour and some problem about pests of crop. The effort of transmigrant farmer was: (1) to change some kinds of crops and cropping pattern; (2) out of tidal swamp area orientation (non farmadditional income).The objective. of this research is (1) to identify the shifting of income source of tidal swamp transmigrant farmer in Indragiri Hilir regency; (2) to analyze factors affecting the shift of the source of income in the tidal swamp.The research area is in the Indragiri Hilir regency where two districts were purposively taken and two villages from recorde data from various institution.The, Result is (1) there are shifting of income source of tidal swamp transmigrant farmer in Indragiri' Hilir, from food crop (95,63 % on 1975) to estate 'crop (53,96 % on 2002). The shifting began since 1993 and continued up to 2002; (2) Factors to influencing the source of income of estate crop is capital, farmer education, wife education, household labour, used fertilizer (TSP, KC1), lime, herbicide, pesticide and transmigrant group.Factors influencing the source of income of food crop is farmer education, household labour, used fertilizer (TSP, Ka) and pesticide.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Adi Setiyanto

<p><strong>English</strong></p><p>Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) is useful to estimate required investment according to targeted economic growth rate. This study aims to estimate ICOR of agriculture sector by regency/municipality in Indonesia. Secondary data used in this study come from institutions at the central, pr ovincial, and regency/municipality levels from 2008 to 2012. The ICORs range from 2.65 to 4. 97 with average food crop, horticulture, estate crop, and livestock subsectors are each of 3.22, 3.40, 3.20 and 3.23. Total regencies/municipalities classified as h igh and medium are 73.24 percent in food crop subsector, 81.09 percent in horticulture subsector, 80.89 percent in estate crop subsector, 81.49 percent in livestock subsector, and 70.63 percent for agricultural subsector. Implications of this study are: (i ) central and regional governments need to collaborate in order to determine focused investment and to improve regional investment; (ii) it is necessary to estimate investment by subsector in all regencies/municipalities based on each targeted economic gro wth rate; and (iii) related first echelons in the Ministry of Agriculture along with regency/municipality governments could collaborate to determine focused subsector to achieve targeted growth rates.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesia</strong></p><p>Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) dapat digunakan untuk menghitung besaran target kebutuhan investasi yang diperlukan berdasarkan target pertumbuhan ekonomi yang akan dicapai. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memperkirakan nilai ICOR sektor pertanian menurut kabupaten/kota seluruh Indonesia dan menghitung jumlah kabupaten/kota berdasarkan klasifikasi efisiensi tinggi, sedang, dan rendah dari nilai ICOR yang dimiliki. Kajian menggunakan data sekunder tahun 2008–2012 yang bersumber dari lembaga-lembaga terkait baik di pusat, provinsi, maupun kabupaten/kota. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kisaran nilai ICOR pada masing-masing kabupaten/kota adalah antara 2,65 hingga 4,97 dengan rata-rata nilai ICOR subsektor tanaman pangan, hortikultura, perkebunan, dan peternakan serta sektor pertanian secara berurutan adalah 3,22, 3,40, 3,20, dan 3,23. Jumlah kabupaten/kota yang berada pada kategori efisiensi relatif tinggi dan sedang mencapai 73,24 persen pada subsektor tanaman pangan, 81,09 persen pada subsektor hortikultura, 80,89 persen pada perkebunan, 81,49 persen pada subsektor peternakan, dan 70,63 persen untuk sektor pertanian. Hasil analisis ini berimplikasi di antaranya pada: (1) pemerintah pusat bersama pemerintah daerah berkoordinasi kebijakan untuk memberikan fokus investasi pada subsektor atau sektor pertanian dalam rangka meningkatkan investasi di daerah baik yang bersumber dari investasi pemerintah, swasta maupun masyarakat; (2) perlu dilakukan perhitungan kebutuhan investasi menurut subsektor dan masing-masing pelaku investasi pada seluruh kabupaten/kota setelah sasaran pertumbuhan ekonomi ditetapkan; dan (3) unit-unit eselon I terkait di Kementerian Pertanian dapat melakukan koordinasi penentuan fokus utama subsektor dan kabupaten/kota untuk menyandingkan perencanaan pusat, provinsi, dan kabupaten/kota sehingga pencapaian target pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemenuhan kebutuhan investasi dapat dilakukan bersama-sama. </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Undang Fadjar

<strong>English</strong><br />Development of estate crops sub-sector in Indonesia aims to achieve realistic growth and equality.  However, the policy is not easily implemented due to the latent problems of the gap between estate crop companies and smallholders. Integrating estate companies and smallholders is still debatable.  However, actual reality shows that synergy of both estate companies and smallholders are really needed to overcome structural constraints at global and local levels.  Partnership in estate crops between the companies and the smallholders has not been successfully overall gap, but empowering both smallholders and companies will lessen the gap. All parties need to conduct rational discussion to improve self correction and capital social. It is expected to enhance partnership structure, such as improved business opportunities in order to advance the smallholders.   <br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pembangunan sub-sektor perkebunan di Indonesia ditujukan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan dan pemerataan. Namun demikian, hal ini tidaklah mudah karena akan berhadapan dengan persoalan laten peninggalan masa kolonial, yaitu ketimpangan antara perkebunan besar dan perkebunan rakyat. Sampai saat ini masih terjadi perdebatan tentang upaya untuk mengintegrasikan usaha perkebunan besar dengan perkebunan rakyat. Akan tetapi, realitas di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sinergi antara keduanya semakin dibutuhkan, terutama untuk membangun kekuatan bersama dalam menghadapi hambatan struktural pada aras global serta untuk mengatasi kesenjangan pada aras lokal. Meskipun pelaksanaan program kemitraan usaha perkebunan belum dapat mengatasi ketimpangan secara maksimal, namun dengan memberdayakan petani mitra dan juga perusahaan mitra menjadi masyarakat perkebunan yang komunikatif; kelemahan tersebut dapat diperbaiki. Untuk itu, semua pihak perlu mengembangkan perbincangan yang rasional yang membawa pencerahan, refleksi diri, dan pengembangan modal sosial. Lebih lanjut hal ini dapat diharapkan akan membuahkan konsensus bersama di antara komponen yang bermitra untuk melakukan perbaikan struktur kemitraan. Dalam hal ini, struktur kemitraan yang diharapkan adalah sebuah struktur yang mampu memperbesar peluang dan manfaat usaha, sehingga dapat mendistribusikan peluang dan manfaat usaha serta aset produksi kepada petani kecil.

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