offset effect
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2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 431-437
Ahmed Redha Latrous ◽  
Ramdane Mahamdi ◽  
Naima Touafek ◽  
Marcel Pasquinelli

Among the causes of the degradation of the performance of kesterite-based solar cells is the wrong choice of the n-type buffer layer which has direct repercussions on the unfavorable band alignment, the conduction band offset (CBO) at the interface of the absorber/buffer junction which is one of the major causes of lower VOC. In this work, the effect of CBO at the interface of the junction (CZTS/Cd(1-x)ZnxS) as a function of the x composition of Zn with respect to (Zn+Cd) is studied using the SCAPS-1D simulator package. The obtained results show that the performance of the solar cells reaches a maximum values (Jsc = 13.9 mA/cm2, Voc = 0.757 V, FF = 65.6%, ɳ = 6.9%) for an optimal value of CBO = -0.2 eV and Zn proportion of the buffer x = 0.4 (Cd0.6Zn0.4S). The CZTS solar cells parameters are affected by the thickness and the concentration of acceptor carriers. The best performances are obtained for CZTS absorber layer, thichness (d = 2.5 µm) and (ND = 1016 cm-3). The obtained results of optimizing the electron work function of the back metal contact exhibited an optimum value at 5.7 eV with power conversion efficiency of 13.1%, Voc of 0.961 mV, FF of 67.3% and Jsc of 20.2 mA/cm2.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261295
Florian Langner ◽  
Julie G. Arenberg ◽  
Andreas Büchner ◽  
Waldo Nogueira

Objectives The relationship between electrode-nerve interface (ENI) estimates and inter-subject differences in speech performance with sequential and simultaneous channel stimulation in adult cochlear implant listeners were explored. We investigated the hypothesis that individuals with good ENIs would perform better with simultaneous compared to sequential channel stimulation speech processing strategies than those estimated to have poor ENIs. Methods Fourteen postlingually deaf implanted cochlear implant users participated in the study. Speech understanding was assessed with a sentence test at signal-to-noise ratios that resulted in 50% performance for each user with the baseline strategy F120 Sequential. Two simultaneous stimulation strategies with either two (Paired) or three sets of virtual channels (Triplet) were tested at the same signal-to-noise ratio. ENI measures were estimated through: (I) voltage spread with electrical field imaging, (II) behavioral detection thresholds with focused stimulation, and (III) slope (IPG slope effect) and 50%-point differences (dB offset effect) of amplitude growth functions from electrically evoked compound action potentials with two interphase gaps. Results A significant effect of strategy on speech understanding performance was found, with Triplets showing a trend towards worse speech understanding performance than sequential stimulation. Focused thresholds correlated positively with the difference required to reach most comfortable level (MCL) between Sequential and Triplet strategies, an indirect measure of channel interaction. A significant offset effect (difference in dB between 50%-point for higher eCAP growth function slopes with two IPGs) was observed. No significant correlation was observed between the slopes for the two IPGs tested. None of the measures used in this study correlated with the differences in speech understanding scores between strategies. Conclusions The ENI measure based on behavioral focused thresholds could explain some of the difference in MCLs, but none of the ENI measures could explain the decrease in speech understanding with increasing pairs of simultaneously stimulated electrodes in processing strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Mikio Fukuhara ◽  
Tomoyuki Kuroda ◽  
Fumihiko Hasegawa ◽  
Toshiyuki Hashida ◽  
Mitsuhiro Takeda ◽  

AbstractDespite the intense interest in cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) for biomedical and engineering applications, no research findings about the electrical energy storage of CNF have been reported yet. Here, we present the first electroadsorption effects of an amorphous cellulose nanofiber (ACF) supercapacitor, which can store a large amount of electricity (221 mJm−2, 13.1 Wkg−1). The electric storage can be attributed to the entirely enhanced electroadsorption owing to a quantum-size effect by convexity of 17.9 nm, an offset effect caused by positive polar C6=O6 radicles, and an electrostatic effect by appearance of the localised electrons near the Na ions. The supercapacitor also captures both positive and negative electricity from the atmosphere and in vacuum. The supercapacitor could illuminate a red LED for 1 s after charging it with 2 mA at 10 V. Further gains might be attained by integrating CNF specimens with a nano-electromechanical system (NEMS).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 898-898
Penny Brennan

Abstract Research on the prospective relationship between older adults’ alcohol consumption and their subsequent risk of dementia and cognitive impairment, no dementia (CIND) has been limited by inconsistent definitions of “moderate” drinking, use of short follow-ups, and an exclusive focus on either amounts of alcohol, or history of drinking problems, as predictors. To overcome these limitations we analyzed a longitudinal, 18-year Health and Retirement Study cohort (n=4,421) to determine how older adults’ baseline membership in one of six drinking categories (Non-Drinker, Without and With a History of Drinking Problems (HDP); Within-Guideline Drinker, Without and With a HDP; and Outside-Guideline Drinker, Without and With a HDP) predicted dementia and CIND 18 years later. Among participants with No HDP, 12.6% of Non-Drinkers, 5.2% of Within-Guideline Drinkers, and 8.8% of Outside-Guideline Drinkers were classified as having dementia at the 18-year follow-up; among participants With HDP, 14.1% of Non-Drinkers, 8.9 % of Within-Guideline Drinkers, and 6.9% of Outside-Guideline Drinkers were classified with dementia. Being a baseline Within-Guideline Drinker with No HDP reduced the likelihood of dementia 18 years later by 45%, independent of baseline demographic and health characteristics; being a baseline Within-Guideline Drinker With a HDP reduced the likelihood of dementia by only 13% (n.s.). Similar patterns obtained for the effects of baseline drinking group membership on likelihood of CIND at follow-up. These findings suggest that consuming alcohol at levels within validated guidelines for low-risk drinking may protect against dementia and CIND, but only among older adults who have no history of drinking problems.

Fatima Brik ◽  
S. Harize ◽  
A. Fares ◽  
K. Saouchi

The S-Bend structures are heavily exploited to join optical components. Reducing the power loss caused by the curve is the main objective in the design step of these components. However integrated optical circuits require S-Bend waveguide to be low loss and compact sized. In this paper, we present a contribution to link the curved structure to the straight waveguide by using the simulated bend function available in the Beam propagation tool of the Rsoft commercial software package. Simulation results confirm that this approach allows a reduction of the size of the curved structure with offset with relatively minimum of losses for photonic field.

Elias M Klemperer ◽  
John R Hughes ◽  
Catherine E Peasley-Miklus ◽  
Peter W Callas ◽  
Jessica W Cook ◽  

Abstract Introduction Most descriptions of tobacco withdrawal have not changed in >30 years despite new research. This meta-analysis tested whether abstinence leads to decreased positive affect (PA) because abstinence-induced symptom changes are a core feature of the tobacco withdrawal syndrome. In addition, we examined whether reduced PA was due to withdrawal (ie, temporary decrease in a “U-shaped” curve) or offset (ie, return to baseline) effect. Methods Our main inclusion criterion was a prospective within-participant test of change in PA during abstinence conditions among people who smoke cigarettes daily who were not using a cessation medication. Our search of PubMed, PsycINFO, and personal libraries yielded a total of 32 tests with 2054 participants. Results There was a medium effect size indicating an overall decrease in PA following abstinence from cigarettes (Cohen’s d = −0.40, 95% CI = −0.30 to −0.49). There was large heterogeneity (I2 = 70.7%). Most (79%) of the 24 trials that conducted significance tests reported that reduction in PA was significant. Seven tests were adequately designed to detect a withdrawal versus offset effect. Over half (57%) displayed a U-shaped curve for abstinence-induced change in PA indicative of a withdrawal symptom rather than offset effect. Conclusions Abstinence from cigarettes is associated with a decrease in PA. Whether low PA should be added to withdrawal measures and diagnostic criteria requires replication of the time-course of change in PA and tests of whether abstinence-induced changes in PA and negative affect occur independently. Implications Though there was substantial heterogeneity among trials, our findings suggest that (1) abstinence from cigarettes decreases positive affect and (2) this decrease may represent a withdrawal effect (vs. an offset effect). However, it is unclear whether abstinence-induced losses in positive affect are independent from increased negative affect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 201 ◽  
pp. 110070 ◽  
Yazi Wang ◽  
Toya Muryobayashi ◽  
Kazuyoshi Nakada ◽  
Zhengcao Li ◽  
Akira Yamada

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