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2021 ◽  
pp. 19-40
Cecilia Sayad

This chapter examines the use of audiovisual and other indexical technology to capture evidence of supernatural phenomena in ghost-hunting reality television shows like Most Haunted, Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal State, among many others. It explores these programs’ connections with early practices such as spirit photography and phantasmagoria. The chapter also examines the ways in which the shows invite interaction with viewers through web forum discussions and live broadcasts. At the basis of this investigation is the question of how photography and film are seen to reveal hidden aspects of the material world and our expectations about the evidential power of images.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 918-925
M. Rifky Naratama Susanto ◽  
Annisa Adytia Putri ◽  
Muh. Andriansya Azhari ◽  
Lutfi Rahmatuti Maghfiroh

Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL) Politeknik Statistika STIS angkatan 60, khususnya divisi Sistem Komunikasi dan Kolaborasi (Sikoko) merancang sebuah forum diskusi daring berbasis web untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kegiatan, yaitu wadah diskusi saat pelaksanaan kegiatan PKL sedang berlangsung. Hal tersebut menimbulkan suatu permasalahan tentang tampilan web yang harus dibuat menyesuaikan pengguna, yaitu mahasiswa. Apabila tampilannya tidak ramah pengguna, tentu akan menghambat pengguna untuk menggunakan forum tersebut. Penelitian mengenai desain antarmuka pengguna dari web Forum PKL dilakukan dengan menggunakan salah satu metode analisis usability, yaitu Cognitive Walkthrough (CW). Hasil usability testing dengan metode Cognitive Walkthrough pada Web Forum PKL 60 diujikan dengan menjalankan skenario tugas-tugas utama yang dilakukan pada forum, seperti membuat thread, membalas thread, dan melakukan pencarian thread tertentu. Hasilnya menunjukkan penurunan tingkat kesalahan dan peningkatan tingkat penyelesaian yang dilakukan responden setelah dilakukan pengujian dan perbaikan terhadap tampilan web.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Heru Wijayanto Aripradono ◽  
Kelvin Kelvin

Perkembangan teknologi informasi, khususnya internet saat ini, sudah masuk dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia, diantaranya dalam dunia pendidikan tinggi terutama untuk membangun kolaborasi antar pengguna dalam dunia digital. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah website forum alumni yang merupakan platform bagi pihak universitas dan alumni untuk dapat membagi informasi dan komuniasi. Dalam web forum alumni tersebut tersebut akan ada fitur seperti Chatroom, discussion, list alumni dan Map. Pada proses perancangan proyek ini bahasa pemograman PHP dengan framework Laravel, kemudian menggunakan HTML dan BootStrap yang digunakan dalam perancangan tampilan website tersebut. Adapun database yang digunakan adalah MySQL. Penggunaan Forum Alumni di Universitas International Batam sangatlah membantu pihak universitas maupun alumni dimana mereka dapat saling membagi informasi dan menjalin komunikasi. Kata kunci: Web, Forum Alumni, Universitas, Platform

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Atif Khan ◽  
Muhammad Adnan Gul ◽  
Abdullah Alharbi ◽  
M. Irfan Uddin ◽  
Shaukat Ali ◽  

Online forums have become the main source of knowledge over the Internet as data are constantly flooded into them. In most cases, a question in a web forum receives several responses, making it impossible for the question poster to obtain the most suitable answer. Thus, an important problem is how to automatically extract the most appropriate and high-quality answers in a thread. Prior studies have used different combinations of both lexical and nonlexical features to retrieve the most relevant answers from discussion forums, and hence, there is no standard/general set of features that could be effectively used for relevant answer/reply post classification. However, this study proposed an answer detection model that is exclusively relying on lexical features and employs a random forest classifier for classification of answers in discussion boards. Experimental results showed that the proposed answer detection model outperformed the baseline technique and other state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms in terms of classification accuracy on benchmark forum datasets.

Dušan Fister ◽  
Iztok Fister ◽  
Iztok Fister Jr.

In recent years, some sport clubs have adopted web forums for online discussions about planning training sessions, races, club problems, sponsors and supporters, equipment and so on. Mostly, these forums are closed, because some discussions about critical information must be permitted only to registered club members. Indeed, various members are connected into a network representing a forum community that participates in forming the internal structure of a club and has taken an increasingly important role in solving the club affairs. This has influenced the classic way of doing business with meetings or calls and has allowed the community to participate in forming plans. This article deals with the deep analytics of data acquired from a web forum of a small cycling club located in Slovenia for a period of five years. The purpose of these analyses is to identify various members of the forum's community, track the dynamics of events as found in this forum, and search for hidden relationships.

Irina S. Nikolaenko ◽  
Anna A. Pribytkova ◽  
Tatiana A. Pustovalova

Digital technologies quickly and organically entered the life of a modern person. Moreover, the informatization of society has influenced the digitalization of education. Over the past 10–15 years, a solid body of scientific methodic works has appeared on the use of modern digital technologies in the development of foreign language speech skills and the development of students’ language skills, the development of their socio-cultural, intercultural, pragmatic and other types of competencies. Despite the linguodidactic potential and innovativeness of new methods of language teaching based on digital technologies, until 2019 the volume of use of information and communication technologies in the educational process was small. The 2019 coronavirus pandemic forced scientists and practicing teachers in extreme conditions to realistically assess the richness of the choice of digital technologies and rethink the need for each specific technology to solve specific educational problems. This is how the process of “withering away” of some technologies or “absorption” of some technologies by others began. A review of methodic works on the development of methods of foreign language teaching based on e-mail, web forum, blog technology, social service “Twitter”, wiki technology, podcasts and electronic text corpus is carried out. As a result, a conclusion is made about the relevance of four digital technologies that are integrated into modern university educational platforms. These include: blog technology, wiki technology, podcasts, and electronic corpus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (64) ◽  
Т. В. Холявкіна ◽  
Я. О. Резаєв ◽  
О. О. Харченко

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