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Justify Gotami Shava

Background: Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria alternata) and Frog eye leaf spot (Cercospora nicotianae) are foliar diseases of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) which occur mainly in mature tobacco. Hence, the diseases are often associated with maturity of cured tobacco leaf at the tobacco sales floor in Zimbabwe. Where they occur, they can result in significant reductions in yield and quality of cured tobacco leaf. Methods: A study was carried out in Trewaney, Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe to investigate the response of newly developed ten flue cured tobacco varieties to the two foliar diseases Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria alternata) and frog eye leaf spot (Cercospora nicotianae). The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Standard agronomic practices in tobacco farming were followed and disease assessments were done 18 weeks after planting. Result: Significant differences (p less than 0.05) for resistance to alternaria leaf spot were observed with the experimental hybrid T60 showing the highest resistance to the disease with a disease score of 1.6 under a 0-6 disease scale that ranges from 0 (no disease) to 6 (severely affected). However, there were no significant (p greater than 0.05) differences among the varieties for frog eye leaf spot resistance, yield (kg/ha) and quality as measured by the grade index, however, K 326 showed the highest resistance to frog eye leaf spot. All the varieties, however, showed resistance to the two diseases. It was concluded that K 326 was the source of the resistance to frog eye leaf spot in all the experimental hybrids evaluated and that T60 had the highest Alternaria leaf spot resistance obtained from its parents which are both classified as resistant to the disease.

2021 ◽  
Andrea Ferrari ◽  
Maria Federica Iannó ◽  
Andrea Carenzo ◽  
Orazio Fortunato ◽  
Michela Casanova ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 32

Effect of organic (biogrcen) and inorganic fetilizers (ammonium sulphate and SP36) on the yield and quality of the temanggung tobacco in andosol soil was studied at Galapansari - Temanggung, from Februai to December 2001. The organic and inorganic fetilizers were formulated in 10 packages, namely : (1) 570 kg ammonium sulphate (AS) ♦ 100 kg SP36; (2) the recommended rate for temanggung tobacco (20 000 kg stable manure 500 kg AS + 100 kg SP36; (3) 5 000 kg organic fetilizer (OF); (4) 7 500 kg OF; (5) 8 500 kg OF; (6) 10 000 kg OF; (7) 12 500 kg OF; (8) 14 500 kg OF; (9) 7 500 kg OF + 3 500 kg sUble manure (SM); (10) 7 500 kg OF + 4 500 kg SM. All the rates of fetilizers were based on one hectare planted area (16 500 plants) The expeiment was designed as a randomized block in four replicates. Results showed that organic fertilizer waa more effective than stable manure in improving die growth, yield and quality of temanggung tobacco. A the rate of 5 000 kg was sufficient to produce high ( 6 313 kg fresh or 800 kg sliced died leaves), grade index (51.68) and crop index (55.31). Key words : Organic fetilizer, ammonium sulfate, SP36, temanggung tobacco, andisol

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 129

<p>Percobaan lapang telah dilakukan pada tanah vetisol di Kebun Percobaan Pekuwon, Bojonegoro, dimulai Mei sampai September 1996, untuk mempelajari pengaruh populasi tanaman tembakau terhadap sifat agronomis dan kadar Cl daun tanaman tembakau Virginia yang diolah dengan cara dirajang. Tinggi tempat dari lahan percobaan 13 m dpi, dan dengan tipe iklim D. Tanah bertekstur liat dengan 80% liat, 15% debu dan 5% pasir, 0.62% C-organik, 0.10% N, dan pH 8.20. Percobaan disusun dalam ancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari enam laraf populasi tanaman tembakau (12 000; 18 000; 24 000; 36 000; 48 000, dan 60 000 tanaman per ha atau setara dengan 144, 216, 288, 432, 576, dan 720 tanaman per petak). Ukuran petak 12 m x 10 m. Dalam percobaan ini akan dipelajari pula pengaruh bentuk hasil (rajangan dan krosok) terhadap kadar Cl daun. Sepuluh tanaman per petak diolah secara lue-cuing di dalam oven mini, untuk dianalisis kadar Cl daunnya. Varietas tembakau adalah DB 101. Hasil dan indeks tanaman masih terus meningkat sampai populasi tetinggi, sedangkan mutu dan rendemen tidak terpengaruh oleh peningkatan populasi. Peningkatan populasi sebaliknya menurunkan ukuran daun, bobot tiap daun, tinggi tanaman, lingkar batang, dan jumlah daun yang dapat dipanen. Berdasar hasil, mutu dan mudahnya pengelolaan di lapang populasi yang optimal adalah 24 000 tanaman per ha, untuk tembakau Virginia rajangan di Bojonegoro. Peningkatan populasi hanya berpengaruh pada kadar Cl daun atas saja. Sedangkan bentuk hasil tembakau ajangan dan krosok tidak berpengaruh pada kadar Cl daun.</p><p>Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau. tembakau Virginia rajangan, populasi tanaman, vertisols, sifat agronomis, kadar Cl, bentuk olahan</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p><p><strong>Effect of plant population on agronomic characteristics and leaf Cl content of sliced Virginia tobacco grown in vertisols of Bojonegoro</strong></p><p>The expeiment was conducted in vetisol soil of Bojonegoro in 1996 to study the effect of plant population on agronomic characteistics and Cl content of sliced tobacco leaves. The experiment was site located 13 m above sea level, with D climatic type. The soil characteristics were clay texture with 80% clay, 15% silt and 5% sand, 0.62% C-organic, 0.10 % N, and pH 8.2. The treatment consisted of six plant populations (12.000 up to 60.000 plants per ha equal with 144, 216, 288, 432, 576, and 720 plants per plot) was arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plot size was 12 m x 10 m. Plant population per plo( based on the six treatment levels. For Cl content analysis, 10 plants plot was also taken to be processed with lue-curing method in mini oven. Tobacco variety was DB 101. Yield and crop index increased steadily as plant population increased up to the highest plant population. However the increase in plant population decreased the size, weight, number of leaves, and plant height. While grade index, percentage of dry to fresh leaf yield and Cl content of lower and middle leaves were not affected by the increase in plant population. Base on yield, quality, and easier management, the recommended plant population was 24 000 plant per ha. The increase in plant population only affected the Cl content of upper leaves. The form of sliced and lue-cured tobacco leaves did not affect the Cl content of (he leaves.</p><p>Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, tobacco, sliced Virginia tobacco, plant population vetisols, agronomic characteristic, Cl contcnl, product form</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33

<p><strong>The effect of tobacco curl disease on the yield and quality of eight Virginia tobacco varieties</strong></p><p>Tobacco leaf curl disease is one of the important diseases on Virginia tobacco which especially occurs in dry condition. The use of resistant varieties is one of the most effective way to control the disease. This experiment was lo evaluate the effect of tobacco curl disease on tobacco varieties (DB 101, Coker 319, Coker 176, Coker 48, Coker 86, and Coker 371 Gold) and two promising lines (T.45/T.65 and T.45/T.69). The experiment was conducted in Pekuwon, Sumberrejo, Bojonegoro from April to October 1997. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design with three replications. The tobacco seedlings wee transplanted in 0.9 m x 0.6 m spacing and 9.0 m x 9.0 m plot size. The fertilizer dosage applied are 300 kg ZA + 108 kg SP-36 + 156 kg ZK per ha The parameters observed including percentage of diseased plant, productive leaves, as well as the yield and quality of leaves. The esults showed that Coker 371 Gold variety showed the lowest disease percentage (6.89%), decrease in productive leaves was high (71.86%), Whereas the two promising lines, were T.45/T.6S and T.45/T.69 showed that the percentage of diseased plants wee not significantly different compared with DB 101, Coker 319, and Coker 48, but the decrease in productive leaves was lower. The yield of these promising lines were 10.12-10.30 kg/81 m!, grade indexes 86.04-87.27, and crop indexes are 88.31-88.63. Coker 176 was the most susceptible variety. The percentage of diseased plant, flue- cured yield, grade index, and crop index on Coker 176 wee 42.67%, 7.77 kg/81 m!, 86.09, and 66.89, respectively.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 83

<p>Hubungan sifat-sifat agronomis terhadap indeks tanaman dan kadar nikotin telah dicari dengan analisis lintas. Tujuan dari analisis adalah untuk mengetahui pcubah bebas yang sangat mempengaruhi peubah yang tidak bebas, indeks mutu dan kadar nikotin daun, sehingga dapat mengurangi banyaknya pengamatan yang dilakukan. Data pengamatan agronomis yang meliputi : jumlah daun/pohon, luas daun ke-7, luas daun ke-15, bobot rajangan kering/ha, indeks mutu dan indeks tanaman diperoleh dari percobaan pemupukan tiga galur harapan tembakau Virginia di kebun percobaan Pekuwon Bojonegoro dari bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2002. Hasil analisis lintas antara indeks tanaman dengan peubah bebas di atas menunjukkan bahwa indeks tanaman sangat ditentukan oleh bobot rajangan kering dengan koefisien lintas pm-1.03367 dan koefisien dcterminasi parsial 102%. Hubungan lintas bcrantai melalui pcubah rajangan kering dan indeks mutu menunjukkan bahwa luas daun kc-7 sangat mempengaruhi rajangan kering dengan koefisien lintas (p„i)- 0.85257 dan rajangan kering sangat mempengaruhi indeks tanaman dengan koefisien lintas (p,x,)= 0.95639, indeks mutu pengaruhnya terhadap indeks lanaman sangat kecil dengan koefisien lintas p,M = 0.12316. Analisis lintas antara kadar nikotin daun dengan ke lima peubah tidak baik (unfit) dengan koefisien sisa p„,= 0.6827 melebihi koefisien lintas yang lainnya. Dengan pentingnya peubah rajangan kering ini maka penjualan daun segar yang dilakukan oleh petani tidak dianjurkan.<br /><br />Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum, tembakau Virginia, analisis lintas, jumlah daun, luas daun, indeks tanaman, indeks mutu, kadar nikotin, bobot rajangan ABSTRACT Path analysis of agronomical characteristics on crops index and nicotine content of Virginia tobacco Bojonegoro The relationship between agronomical characteristics and crops index or leaf nicotine content has been studied by using path analysis. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the independent variables which most affected the dependent ones as crops index and leaf nicotine contain, so that it could reduce the number of independent variables. The agronomical characteristics consist of leaf number/plant, seventh and fiteenth leaf area, dried slice leaf/ha, grade index and crop index obtained from fetilizer experiment on three Virginia tobacco lines at Pekuwon Experimental Garden Bojonegoro, from May to October 2002. The results of this path analysis showed that crop index was strongly affected by dried slice leaf with path coeficient poi = 1.03367 and patial determination coefficient 102%. It was indicated that dried slice leaf was strongly affected by seventh leaf area with path coefficient p,n- 0.85257 and dried slice leaf strongly variable affected the crop index with path coeficient poi= 0.95639, while the grade index had little effect on crop index with path coefficient poi= 0.12316. The path analysis between leaf nicotine content and ive variables above was unfit with residual path coeficient pou= 0.6827, it was higher than each path coefficient of the orther variables. The dried slice leaf was the main independent variable affecting the crops index, so that selling of fresh tobacco leaves by farmers is not recomended.</p><p>Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, Virginia tobacco, path analysis, leaf number, leaf area, crop index, grade index, nicotine content, dried slice leaf</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 20

This expeiment was caried out at Palalang Village, Sub Pakong Distict, Pamekasan District, rom April to October 2000. There were 137 treatments, consisted of 100 FS lines [number 1 to 50 were progeny of Prancak-95 x IW (oriental), number 51 to 100 were progeny of Prancak-95 x IS (oiental)], 36 lines were selected from local cultivar, and Prancak-95 as a check variety. This experiment was arranged in randomized block design, two replications. The objective of this research was to select the promising lines based on crop index and nicotine content. Each lines were morphologically homogen, the potency of yield and quality among lines were significantly different. Foty-four lines were selected. They were resemble to Prancak-95, their nicotine content varied from 1.84% to 4.09%. Genotype and phenotype correlation between nicotine content and yield and grade index were not significantly different. There were 11 selected lines out of the 44 with crop index higher than that of Prancak-95, and their nicotine content vaied from 1.90 -3.96%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 57

ABSTRAK<br />Masalah  utama  tembakau  Temanggung  adalah  rendahnya<br />produktivitas yang disebabkan oleh mundurnya daya dukung lahan karena<br />erosi dan endemi penyakit lincat (kompleks nematoda Meloidogyne spp,<br />bakteri Ralstonia solanacearum, dan cendawan Phytophthora nicotianae).<br />Saat ini telah diperoleh enam galur hasil persilangan dari varietas Sindoro<br />1 (moderat tahan terhadap Ralstonia solanacearum tetapi rentan terhadap<br />Meloidogyne spp. dan sangat rentan terhadap Phytophthora nicotianae)<br />dengan tembakau virginia yang tahan terhadap ketiga patogen tersebut.<br />Evaluasi terhadap hasil, indeks mutu, indeks tanaman dan ketahanan<br />terhadap ketiga patogen telah dilakukan di 3 lokasi selama tiga tahun<br />dengan rancangan acak kelompok tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian<br />menunjukkan bahwa ada dua galur harapan yaitu (1) Galur A dengan rata-<br />rata produktivitas : 0,880 ton rajangan kering per ha dan indeks mutu<br />40,28 indeks tanaman 35,47 dan kadar nikotin 5,52%. Produktivitas galur<br />A meningkat 48,08%, indeks mutu meningkat 4,87% dan indeks tanaman<br />meningkat 53,73% serta kadar nikotin menurun 15,06% dibanding varietas<br />standar. Galur A memiliki sifat moderat tahan terhadap bakteri Ralstonia<br />solanacearum dan toleran terhadap nematoda Meloidogyne spp. (2) Galur<br />E dengan rata-rata produktivitas : 0,869 ton rajangan kering per ha, indeks<br />mutu 36,01 indeks tanaman 31,87 dan kadar nikotin 6,00%. Produktivitas<br />galur E meningkat 46,23%, indeks mutu menurun 6,25% dan indeks<br />tanaman meningkat 38,12% serta kadar nikotin menurun 2,56% dibanding<br />varietas standar. Galur E memiliki sifat moderat tahan terhadap bakteri<br />Ralstonia solanacearum dan toleran terhadap nematoda Meloidogyne spp.<br />Kata kunci : Tembakau,  Nicotiana  tabacum,  Temanggung, galur<br />harapan, Ralstonia solanacearum, Meloidogyne spp,<br />Phytophthora nicotianae, lahan lincat, Jawa Timur<br />ABSTRACT<br />Temanggung tobacco promising lines with high producti-<br />vity and resistant to lincat diseased<br />The main problem in Temanggung tobacco cultivation is low<br />productivity which is caused by increasing land erosion and invasion of<br />endemic disease called ‘lincat’. Lincat is a disease caused by a complex<br />invasion of three pathogens i.e. Meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematode),<br />Ralstonia solanacearum (bacteria) and Phytophthora nicotianae (fungus).<br />Hybridization between variety Sindoro 1 (moderately resistant to R.<br />solanacearum but susceptible to Meloidogyne spp. and highly susceptible<br />to P. nicotianae) and virginia tobacco (resistant to these three pathogens)<br />has resulted in six lines. These lines were planted in three locations for 3<br />years and were evaluated for their yield, grade index, crop index, and<br />resistance intensity to these three pathogens, using randomized block<br />design with 3 replications. Two promising lines were resulted from this<br />evaluation i.e. (1) Line A, that has productivity of tobacco sliced : 0.880<br />ton per hectare, grade index: 40.28 crop index: 35.47 and nicotine content:<br />5.52%. In comparison to standard variety, the productivity, grade index,<br />and crop index of this line increased of 48.08%, 4.87%, and 53.73%,<br />respectively, and nicotine content decreased of 15.06%. Moreover, this<br />line is moderately resistant to R. solanacearum and tolerant to<br />Meloidogyne spp. (2) Line E, that has productivity of tobacco sliced:<br />0.869 ton per hectare, grade index: 36.01 crop index: 31.87 and nicotine<br />content: 6.00%. This line also has increase productivity, and crop index of<br />46.23% 38.12%, respectively, and has decrease grade index and nicotine<br />content of 6.25% and 2.56%, respectively compared to standard variety.<br />This line is moderately resistant to R. solanacearum and tolerant to<br />Meloidogyne spp.<br />Key words : Tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, Temanggung, promising line,<br />Ralstonia solanacearum, Meloidogyne spp., Phytophthora<br />nicotianae, lincat land, East Jav

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 95

ABSTRAK<br />Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk majemuk terhadap hasil dan<br />mutu tembakau virginia yang ditanam di tanah ringan, telah dilakukan<br />penelitian di Desa Pengarang, Kecamatan Pujer, Kabupaten Bondowoso<br />mulai bulan April sampai Nopember 2001. Penelitian ini menggunakan<br />rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga kali ulangan untuk menyusun<br />perlakuan. Perlakuan yang dicoba adalah pupuk majemuk (PM) dengan<br />dosis 5, 6, 7, 8 dan 9 butir pertanaman dibandingkan dengan PM (dosis<br />masing-masing) dicampur dengan biokonsentrat. Sebagai perlakuan<br />pembanding adalah paket pupuk rekomendasi, yaitu 200 ZA + 200 PN +<br />100 SP36 + 100 ZK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian PM<br />sebanyak 6 butir per tanaman (setara dengan 185 kg/ha atau 40 kg N/ha)<br />menghasilkan daun basah tembakau sebanyak 11,34 ton/ha. Hasil daun<br />basah tersebut tidak berbeda dengan hasil daun basah tertinggi (12,42<br />ton/ha) yang dihasilkan tanaman tembakau dengan paket dosis<br />rekomendasi. Dosis pupuk majemuk juga memberikan nilai indeks mutu<br />tertinggi (55,90) tidak berbeda pengaruhnya dengan pupuk rekomendasi.<br />Pemberian pupuk rekomendasi menghasilkan tanaman tembakau yang<br />berkadar N dan P jaringan tanaman tertinggi pada pengamatan umur<br />tanaman 75 hari setelah tanam dan pada saat akhir panen.<br />Kata kunci: Tembakau virginia, tanah ringan, pupuk, Kabupaten<br />Bondowoso, Jawa Timur<br />ABSTRACT<br />Effect of compound fertilizer on yield and quality of<br />virginia tobacco in light soil, Bondowoso, East Java<br />Study to determine the effect of compound fertilizer on yield and<br />quality of virginia tobacco was conducted in Pengarang, Pujer, Bondo-<br />woso District, from April to November 2001. Factorial in randomized<br />block design with three replicates was arranged to set the treatment<br />consisting of two factors. The first factor of treatment consists of two<br />variables, i.e. compound fertilizer (PK) and PK +bio-concentrate. The<br />second factor was the rates of PK, i.e 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 tablets per plant or<br />equivalent to 185, 221, 258, 294 and 331 kg/ha. All the treatments were<br />compared to recommended fertilizer to farmers (200 ZA + 200 PN + 100<br />SP36 + 100 ZK kg/ha). The results showed that 185 kg/ha PK gave the<br />fresh tobacco yield of 11.34 tones/ha which was not significantly different<br />with the highest fresh tobacco leave (12.42 tones/ha) produced by<br />recommended fertilizer. Grade index value of tobacco produce by PK and<br />recommended fertilizer was not significantly different. However, virginia<br />tobacco with recommended fertilizer had the highest content of N and P in<br />plant tissues which were observed at 75 days after planting and until the<br />end of harvesting.<br />Key words: Virginia tobacco, light soil, fertilizer, Bondowoso District,<br />East Java

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