agronomic practices
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (43) ◽  
pp. 73
Mahamane Moctar Rabe ◽  
Ibrahim Baoua ◽  
Rabo Issaka Salissou

Cette étude conduite dans le département de Mayahi, au Niger oriental, a pour objectif, d’identifier les facteurs influençant l’adoption des pratiques culturales de production du mil et du niébé et aussi celle de l’utilisation du bloc multi-nutritionnel. Ainsi, cent-vingt (120) chefs d’exploitation choisis aléatoirement ont été enquêtés sur l’utilisation des technologies de production diffusées au cours des trois dernières années. La régression logistique a permis de déterminer les corrélations entre les contextes et l’adoption des technologies. Ainsi, l’implication des producteurs dans les démonstrations a influencé positivement sur l’adoption des techniques d’application du compost (P<0,001), l’utilisation des variétés améliorées de mil et de niébé (P<0,05), des extraits aqueux des graines de Neem (P<0,001) et de la technologie de stockage hermétique des récoltes (P<0,001). Cependant, la proximité des villages du marché hebdomadaire a eu une corrélation négative avec l’utilisation du compost (P<0,05) ; alors que la proximité du village aux zones urbaines a influencé positivement l’achat des blocs multi nutritionnels densifiés et la pratique du défrichement amélioré (P<0,001). Par ailleurs, l’accès au crédit a influencé positivement sur l’achat des blocs multi nutritionnels densifiés (P<0,05) ; le contact avec les services de vulgarisation agricole public a été corrélé par l’utilisation de la technologie de lutte contre la chenille mineuse de l’épi du mil (P<0,05). Ces résultats peuvent contribuer à orienter les acteurs de développement rural à mieux planifier les activités de diffusion et de promotion des nouvelles pratiques agronomiques. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants of production technology’s adoption of millet and cowpea as well as the densified multi-nutritional block in the department of Mayahi. One hundred and twenty (120) randomly selected farm managers were surveyed on the use of production technologies released over the past three years. Logistic regression was used to determine that were between contexts and technology adoption. Results showed that producers’ participation in the demonstration, the adoption of compost application techniques, the use of improved varieties of millet and cowpea, aqueous extracts and neem seeds, and hermetic crop storage technology positively influenced. Similarly, results reveal that the proximity of villages to the weekly market had a negative correlation with the use of compost and the location of the village next to urban areas positively influenced the purchase of densified multi-nutritional blocks. R ults also indicate that the practice of improved land clearing and access to credit positively influenced the purchase of densifieal blocks; while contact with public agricultural extension services was correlated with the use of millet ear leaf miner control technology. These findings could help to guide rural development agents to better plan activities for the dissemination and promotion of new agronomic practices

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
H.P. DAS ◽  

An attempt has been made to examine distribution and dispersion in rainfall variability in Madhya Pradesh by applying Gamma distribution probability model, The spatial and regional distribution of shape and scale parameters of the Gamma distribution have been examined, Periods of water surpluses and deficiencies have been identified by comparing the probability rainfall with the water requirement. Regression equations have been developed to find probabilitistic rainfall from the mean rainfall. Agronomic practices have been evaluated for efficient utilization of water resources for crop planning.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 715-726
Judith K. Wafula ◽  
Jeremiah O. Mosioma ◽  
Charles A. N. Onyari ◽  
Paul N. Nthakanio ◽  
Fredrick M. Njoka

Chickpea is a major source of proteins especially in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. However, its average yield per hectare is low when compared to neighbouring countries. This research was carried out to determine the levels of hybrid vigour on yield in the F1 generation. To obtain the F1s, reciprocal crossing between Mwanza 2 and Chaina I was carried out with controls being the parental lines. The experimental layout was a randomized block design replicated thrice for three seasons. A spacing of 50x20cm was used in plants, while all other agronomic practices were maintained constant. Data on grain yield and biomass per plant was obtained by measuring the weight, then subjecting it to a one-way ANOVA in SAS 9.4 software. Mwanza 2 expressed the highest biomass (2.56g), while both parents attained a maximum grain yield of 1.69g per plant. Chaina I x Mwanza 2 hybrid expressed maximum means of F1s for biomass (2.31g) and grain yield (1.4g) per plant. Chaina I x Mwanza 2 hybrid recorded the highest biomass and grain yield in better parent heterosis with 14.36% and 330% respectively. Mid-parent heterosis means were also highest at 24.53% and 405.88% for biomass and grain yield respectively. Further, the heritability was maximum for biomass under Mwanza 2 x Chaina I, varying from 93.1% to 100%, while Chaina I x Mwanza 2, expressed maximum grain yield and harvest index. Better parent heterosis and mid-parent heterosis was highest in Chaina I x Mwanza 2 than its reciprocal, Mwanza 2 x Chaina I.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nicole Dron ◽  
Steven Simpfendorfer ◽  
Tim Sutton ◽  
Georgina Pengilley ◽  
Kristy Hobson

Chickpea production in Australia is constrained by both waterlogging and the root disease Phytophthora root rot (PRR). Soil saturation is an important pre-condition for significant disease development for many soil-borne Phytophthora spp. In wet years, water can pool in low lying areas within a field, resulting in waterlogging, which, in the presence of PRR, can result in a significant yield loss for Australian chickpea varieties. In these circumstances, the specific cause of death is often difficult to discern, as the damage is rapid and the spread of PRR can be explosive in nature. The present study describes the impact of soil waterlogging on oxygen availability and the ability of P. medicaginis to infect chickpea plants. Late waterlogging in combination with PRR reduced the total plant biomass by an average of 94%; however, waterlogging alone accounted for 88% of this loss across three reference genotypes. Additional experiments found that under hypoxic conditions associated with waterlogging, P. medicaganis did not proliferate as determined by zoospore counts and DNA detection using qPCR. Consequently, minimizing waterlogging damage through breeding and agronomic practices should be a key priority for integrated disease management, as waterlogging alone results in plant stunting, yield loss and a reduced resistance to PRR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Alberto Sassu ◽  
Luca Ghiani ◽  
Luca Salvati ◽  
Luca Mercenaro ◽  
Alessandro Deidda ◽  

The present study illustrates an operational approach estimating individual and aggregate vineyards’ canopy volume estimation through three years Tree-Row-Volume (TRV) measurements and remotely sensed imagery acquired with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Red-Green-Blue (RGB) digital camera, processed with MATLAB scripts, and validated through ArcGIS tools. The TRV methodology was applied by sampling a different number of rows and plants (per row) each year with the aim of evaluating reliability and accuracy of this technique compared with a remote approach. The empirical results indicate that the estimated tree-row-volumes derived from a UAV Canopy Height Model (CHM) are up to 50% different from those measured on the field using the routinary technique of TRV in 2019. The difference is even much higher in the two 2016 dates. These empirical findings outline the importance of data integration among techniques that mix proximal and remote sensing in routine vineyards’ agronomic practices, helping to reduce management costs and increase the environmental sustainability of traditional cultivation systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
pp. e1009727
Marta Zaffaroni ◽  
Loup Rimbaud ◽  
Ludovic Mailleret ◽  
Nik J. Cunniffe ◽  
Daniele Bevacqua

Aphids are the primary vector of plant viruses. Transient aphids, which probe several plants per day, are considered to be the principal vectors of non-persistently transmitted (NPT) viruses. However, resident aphids, which can complete their life cycle on a single host and are affected by agronomic practices, can transmit NPT viruses as well. Moreover, they can interfere both directly and indirectly with transient aphids, eventually shaping plant disease dynamics. By mean of an epidemiological model, originally accounting for ecological principles and agronomic practices, we explore the consequences of fertilization and irrigation, pesticide deployment and roguing of infected plants on the spread of viral diseases in crops. Our results indicate that the spread of NPT viruses can be i) both reduced or increased by fertilization and irrigation, depending on whether the interference is direct or indirect; ii) counter-intuitively increased by pesticide application and iii) reduced by roguing infected plants. We show that a better understanding of vectors’ interactions would enhance our understanding of disease transmission, supporting the development of disease management strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 6
D. P. P. Liyanage ◽  
L. M. Abeywikrama ◽  
S. D. Wanniarachchi

Irriga ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 517-529

EVAPOTRANSPIRAÇÃO, COEFICIENTE DE CULTURA E CRESCIMENTO DE CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR PLANTADA POR MUDAS PRÉ-BROTADAS E POR TOLETES   MARIA EDUARDA NAJM SANDRINI1, ALEXANDRE BARCELLOS DALRI1, ANDERSON PRATES COELHO1, ROGÉRIO TEIXEIRA DE FARIA1, LUIZ FABIANO PALARETTI1   1Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Exatas, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]   1 RESUMO   Atualmente, a cana-de-açúcar apresenta diversos modos de plantio, destacando-se o plantio por mudas pré-brotadas. Esse sistema necessita de novos estudos para a recomendação adequada das práticas agronômicas, como a irrigação. Objetivou-se nesse trabalho avaliar e comparar o consumo hídrico, o coeficiente de cultura e o crescimento inicial da cana-de-açúcar plantada por mudas pré-brotadas (MPB) e por toletes. Foram definidos quatro tratamentos: cana-de-açúcar plantada por MPB e por toletes, plantio de grama batatais e solo nu, todos mantidos em lisímetros de pesagem. A evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) foi medida em lisímetros com a cultura de referência (grama). A evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc) da cana-de-açúcar plantada por MPB e toletes foi estimada por meio do balanço hídrico do solo. A estimativa dos coeficientes de cultura (Kc) foi obtida pela razão entre a ETc dos lisímetros com cana e a ETo. A comparação das variáveis entre a cana-de-açúcar plantada por MPB e por toletes foi realizada por análise de regressão. O Kc da cana-de-açúcar plantada por toletes variou de 0,86 a 2,88 e do plantio por MPB de 1,12 a 3,10. A cana-de-açúcar plantada por MPB apresenta maior consumo hídrico, coeficiente de cultura e crescimento inicial do que quando plantada por toletes.   Palavras-chave: arduino, consumo hídrico, irrigação, Kc, lisímetro de pesagem.     SANDRINI, M.E.N; DALRI, A.B.; COELHO, A.P.; FARIA, R.T. de, PALARETTI, L.F. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION, CROP COEFFICIENT AND SUGARCANE GROWTH PLANTED BY PRE-SPROUTED SEEDLINGS AND STALKS     2 ABSTRACT   Currently, the sugarcane presents several types of planting, especially the planting by pre-sprouted seedlings. This system needs new studies for the adequate recommendation of agronomic practices, such as irrigation. We aimed in this work to evaluate and compare the water consumption, crop coefficient and initial growth of sugarcane planted by pre-sprouted seedlings (PSS) and stalks. Four treatments were defined, being sugarcane planted by PSS and by stalks, bahiagrass grass and bare soil, all kept in weighing lysimeters. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was measured in the grass lysimeters. The crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of sugarcane planted by PSS and stalks was estimated by the water balance in the soil. The estimation of the crop coefficients (Kc) was obtained from the ratio between ETc of lysimeters with sugarcane and ETo. Comparison of the variables between planted sugarcane by PSS and by stalks was performed by regression analysis. The Kc of the sugarcane planted by stalks ranged between 0.86 to 2.88 and planting by PSS from 1.12 to 3.10. The sugarcane planted by PSS presents higher water consumption, crop coefficient and initial growth than when planted by stalks.   Keywords: arduino, water consumption, irrigation, Kc, weighing lysimeter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 79-85
F. Agayev

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are the fourth largest crop in the world after rice and corn. In Azerbaijan, the yield of potatoes per unit area is very low compared to other countries of the world. There are many factors that reduce crop productivity, among which diseases such as late blight of potato (Phytophthora infestans) play an important role. Therefore, the fight against this disease is very important. Late blight of potato can be controlled by the following control strategies: use of biological control agents, use of resistant varieties, crossbreeding, use of certified disease-free seeds, use of selective fungicides and agronomic practices such as destruction of cull heaps by freezing or deep burial, destruction sprouting voluntary potato plants in nearby fields during the season, killing infested plants to avoid spreading, shortening periods of leaf wetness and high canopy moisture through proper irrigation times, applying the recommended fungicide spraying program (program must be started before pathogen is detected).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
George Oduro Nkansah ◽  
Christiana Amoatey ◽  
Michael Kwaku Zogli ◽  
Stella Owusu-Nketia ◽  
Peter Amoako Ofori ◽  

Tomato is an important vegetable in Ghanaian diet and contributes enormously in livelihood improvement. Tomato production is threatened by a high prevalence of biotic and abiotic stresses as well as increased postharvest losses and poor agronomic practices, thereby resulting in massive importation of tomato and its products to meet the local demands. The recent introduction of greenhouse vegetable cultivation technology in Ghana is a sustainable attempt in addressing and ensuring year-round production of vegetables including tomato. However, research on agronomic practices targeted to improving yield and fruit quality under greenhouse conditions in Ghana is scarcely available. Therefore, this study seeks to evaluate the effect of plant spacing and topping on tomato yield and fruit quality under greenhouse conditions. A 3 ×3 factorial treatment arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications was used. Two factors, plant spacing and topping with each having three levels, were used. Thus, the levels for plant spacing were 0.15 m × 1.3 m, 0.2 m × 1.3 m, and 0.3 m × 1.3 m while topping treatments at trusses 2, 3, and 4 (control) were done. The results showed that yield was significantly influenced by plant spacing in both experiments. The interaction effect of 0.2 m × 1.3 m plant spacing and topping at truss 2 showed significantly higher yields. Furthermore, juice volume was significantly increased by plant spacing. Again, 0.2 m × 1.3 m plant spacing by truss 2 topping interaction produced the highest juice volume. Therefore, these agronomic practices could be an essential and effective approach in achieving higher tomato production with improved fruit quality under greenhouse cultivation to ensure sustainable food security.

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