santa ana
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2022 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 103265
Francisco-Javier García-Vadillo ◽  
Antoni Canals-Salomó ◽  
Xosé-Pedro Rodríguez-Álvarez ◽  
Eudald Carbonell-Roura

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Reza Abdi ◽  
Ashley Rust ◽  
Jordyn M. Wolfand ◽  
Kristine Taniguchi-Quan ◽  
Katie Irving ◽  

Anthropogenic development has adversely affected river habitat and species diversity in urban rivers, and existing habitats are jeopardized by future uncertainties in water resources management and climate. The Los Angeles River (LAR), for example, is a highly modified system that has been mostly channelized for flood control purposes, has altered hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, and is thermally altered (warmed), which severely limits the habitat suitability for cold water fish species. Efforts are currently underway to provide suitable environmental flows and improve channel hydraulic conditions, such as depth and velocity, for adult fish migration from the Pacific Ocean to upstream spawning areas. However, the thermal responses of restoration alternatives for resident and migrating cold water fish have not been fully investigated. Using a mechanistic model, we simulated the LAR’s water temperature under baseline conditions and future alternative restoration scenarios for migration of the native, anadromous steelhead trout in Southern California and the historically resident Santa Ana sucker. We considered three scenarios: 1) increasing roughness of the low-flow channel, 2) increasing the depth and width of the low-flow channel, and 3) allowing subsurface inflow to the river at a soft bottom reach in the LA downtown area. Our analysis indicates that the maximum weekly average temperature (MaxWAT) in the baseline condition was 28.9°C, suggesting that the current river temperatures would act as a limiting factor during the steelhead migration season and habitat for Santa Ana sucker. The MaxWAT dropped about 3%–28°C after applying all the considered scenarios at the study site, which is 3°C higher than the determined steelhead survival threshold. Our simulations suggest that without consideration of thermal restoration, restoring hydraulic conditions may be insufficient to support cold water fish migration or year-round resident native fish populations, particularly with potential river temperature increases due to climate change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Alvaro Gregorio Bailon ◽  
Fernando Leonel Mendoza ◽  
Leonardo Solis ◽  
José Velasquez ◽  
Karime Montes ◽  

Abstract Maize (Zea mays L.), which is considered an important cereal everywhere, is widely cultivated in different agroecological conditions. Throughout their phenological stages, maize crops are attacked by pests and diseases, and in Ecuador these phytosanitary problems are usually counteracted with applications of pesticides. However, knowledge of beneficial entomofauna is fundamental to guide pest management programs. As part of this objective, the Coccinellidae species present in maize fields in localities (Santa Ana, Colon, and Danzarin) in Manabí province were identified. In each zone, maize plants were sampled from 2018–2019. A total of 2,654 specimens belonging to 14 taxa were collected in this study, of which Cheilomenes sexmaculata, Cycloneda sanguinea, Hippodamia convergens, Hyperaspis arida, and Psyllobora confluens were found in all the studied areas. Hyperaspis arida and Diomus apollonia are reported for the first time in Ecuador.

Agrotecnia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 38
María E. Castelán ◽  
Miriam Porta ◽  
Claudina M. Hack ◽  
Angela M. Burgos

La actividad ganadera tiene gran trascendencia para la Provincia de Corrientes dado que ocupa el 93% del total de la superficie agropecuaria. Las pequeñas unidades productivas familiares utilizan los animales para la venta, como fuerza de trabajo, autoconsumo y para generar ingresos a través de la elaboración de quesos denominados criollos Teniendo en consideración los materiales forrajeros regionales de alta disponibilidad y capaces de aportar nutrientes a la dieta animal a bajo costo, se optó por la metodología de Productor Demostrador, con el objetivo de difundir la experiencia y activar el proceso de adopción de la técnica propuesta. La caña de azúcar tradicionalmente se corta, pica y se entrega diariamente al animal. Sin embargo, en grandes cantidades, esta técnica se convierte en un obstáculo para el uso porque requiere de mano de obra diaria para los cortes, molienda y transporte. La caña de azúcar mezclada con cal (óxido de Calcio) es un método de conservación, que en esta experiencia permitió almacenar el alimento durante 7 días. Se trabajó con un productor demostrador de la localidad de Santa Ana, Corrientes, cuya apreciación de la experiencia fue sumamente positiva. El mismo se mostró satisfecho ya que no solo incrementó la producción de leche diaria sino que también pudo organizar mejor el tiempo dedicado a la alimentación de los animales. Por ello, podrá enseñarles a sus pares esta técnica que ha podido validar, con lo que se espera la difusión y transferencia tenga mayor impacto.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Yeraldin Serpa-Usta ◽  
Alvaro Alberto López-Lambraño ◽  
Dora-Luz Flores ◽  
Ena Gámez-Balmaceda ◽  
Luisa Martínez-Acosta ◽  

A fractal analysis based on the time series of precipitation, temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and wind speed was performed for 16 weather stations located in the hydrographic basin of the Guadalupe River in Baja California, Mexico. Days on which the phenomenon known as Santa Ana winds occurs were identified based on the corresponding criteria of wind speed (≥4.5 m/s) and wind direction (between 0° and 90°). Subsequently, the time series was formed with data representing the days on which this phenomenon occurs in each of the analyzed weather stations. A time series was additionally formed from the days in which the Santa Ana winds condition does not occur. Hurst exponents and fractal dimension were estimated applying the rescaled range method to characterize the established time series in terms of characteristics of persistence, anti-persistence, or randomness along with the calculation of the climate predictability Index. This enabled the behavior and correlation analysis of the meteorological variables associated with Santa Ana winds occurrence. Finally, this type of research study is instrumental in understanding the regional dynamics of the climate in the basin, and allows us to establish a basis for developing models that can forecast the days of occurrence of the Santa Ana winds, in such a way that actions or measures can be taken to mitigate the negative consequences generated when said phenomenon occurs, such as fires and droughts.

2021 ◽  
Enrique Chacon-Cruz ◽  
Erika Zoe Lopatybsky-Reyes ◽  
Esbeydy Garcia ◽  
Jesus Gilberto Montaño-Duron

Abstract Background Based on several previous studies (regional and national), Tijuana, Baja-California, Mexico (across the border from San Diego, California, USA), has shown the highest rate of Meningococcal Meningitis (MeM) in the country, however, the reason for this has not yet been known. In the “African Meningitis Belt”, the Harmattan seasons are associated with MeM outbreaks. The Santa Ana winds seasons (SAWs) are hot and dry winds (similar to Harmattan seasons) that occur seasonally in southwestern California, USA, and North of Baja-California, Mexico. Objectives Our aim was to demonstrate, as a short communication, a potential association of SAWs with MeM in Tijuana, Baja-California, Mexico, which in turn, may partially explain the high rate of this disease in the region. Methods Based on own previously published data obtained from thirteen years of active surveillance of MeM, and a 65 years review showing the occurrence of SAWs, we estimated the risk ratio (RR) of total cases number by MeM vs. bacterial non-MeM (bacterial meningitis not caused by Neisseria meningitidis) during seasons with and without SAWs. Results We found an association of SAWs seasons with MeM, but not with bacterial non-MeM (RR = 2.06, p = 0.02 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.8), which may partially explain the high endemicity of this deadly disease in this part of the globe. Conclusion This study shows a new potential climatic association with MeM, and provides more information that justifies universal meningococcal vaccination in Tijuana, Mexico.

Manglar ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 397-402
Andrea F ranco Ruiz ◽  
Kimberly Veliz Prado ◽  
Leonardo Solís Bowen ◽  
Adriana Celi Soto

2021 ◽  
Yingxin Su ◽  
Peter B. Moyle ◽  
Matthew A. Campbell ◽  
Amanda J. Finger ◽  
Sean M. O’Rourke ◽  

The speckled dace ( Rhinichthys osculus ) is small cyprinid fish that is widespread in the Western USA. Currently treated as a single species, speckled dace consists of multiple evolutionary lineages that can be recognized as species and subspecies throughout its range. Recognition of taxonomic distinctiveness of speckled dace populations is important for developing conservation strategies. In this study, we collected samples of speckled dace from 38 locations in the American West, with a focus on California. We used RAD sequencing to extract thousands of SNPs across the genome from samples to identify genetic differences among seven California populations informally recognized as speckled dace subspecies: Amargosa, Owens, Long Valley, Lahontan, Klamath, Sacramento, and Santa Ana speckled dace. We performed principal component analysis, admixture analysis, estimated pairwise Fst, and constructed a phylogeny to explore taxonomic relationships among these groups and test if these subspecies warrant formal recognition. Our analyses show that the seven subspecies fit into three major lineages equivalent to species: western (Sacramento-Klamath), Santa Ana, and Lahontan speckled dace. Death Valley speckled dace were determined to be two lineages (Amargosa and Long Valley) within Lahontan speckled dace. Western and Lahontan speckled dace lineages had branches that can be designated as subspecies. These designations fit well with the geologic history of the region which has promoted long isolation of populations. This study highlights the importance of genetic analysis for conservation and management of freshwater fishes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. 439-468
José Miguel Herrera Reviriego

La noche del 12 de marzo de 1670, un grupo de marineros que se dirigían al galeón de Manila San Diego asaltaron el barangay o poblado filipino de Santa Ana en busca de comida. Este hecho, aunque aislado y a simple vista sin gran transcendencia, nos permite vislumbrar ciertos aspectos de la vida del medio agrícola filipino. A partir de este caso, se aprecia cómo este pequeño poblado no era una pieza aislada del resto de globo, sino que se encontraba interconectado con diversas redes comerciales y culturales, siendo participe de la conocida como «primera globalización».

2021 ◽  
Christoph Laufenböck

Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Die Thermo-Pulsation (LipiFlow®, Johnson & Johnson, Santa Ana, CA, USA) wurde zur Behandlung der Meibom-Drüsen-Dysfunktion (MDD) empfohlen und in mehreren Studien für nützlich befunden. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Wirksamkeit der Methode an sich und im Vergleich zur täglichen Lidrandmassage in einer nichtuniversitären Einrichtung darzustellen. Methoden Eine nicht verblindete, Single-center-Interventionsstudie, die die Thermo-Pulsation mit einer Lidrandmassage zur Behandlung von MDD vergleicht: 30 Patienten wurden im Zuge der täglichen Sprechstunde rekrutiert. Die Symptome (OSDI) und die Augenoberfläche (NIK-BUT, Farnkraut-Test, Tränenmeniskus, LIPKO-Falten, Meibographie, Meibomian-Gland-Evaluator) wurden vor der Behandlung untersucht.; 15 Patienten (9 Frauen) unterzogen sich der Thermo-Pulsation (einmalige Sitzung), während 15 Patienten (8 Frauen) 3 Monate lang eine Lidrandmassage (1-mal täglich) nach Anweisung für 3 Monate durchführten. Ergebnisse Vor den beiden Behandlungsmethoden bestanden keine Unterschiede in oben genannten Parametern, ebenfalls waren Geschlecht und Alter normverteilt. Nach der Behandlung verbesserten sich zwar in beiden Gruppen die subjektiven als auch die objektiven Kriterien, allerdings im Thermo-Pulsation-Arm signifikant stärker. Insbesondere ist die eingeschränkte Compliance von 30 % im Lidrandmassagearm zu beachten. Sicherheitsparameter wie Visus und IOD blieben bei allen Patienten unauffällig. Schlussfolgerungen Eine einzige Sitzung der Thermo-Pulsation führte in ihrer Wirksamkeit und ihrem Sicherheitsprofil nach 3 Monaten im Vergleich zu einer 1‑mal täglichen Lidrandmassage zu signifikant besseren Ergebnissen. Zu beachten sind allerdings die hohen Kosten für die Patienten, da die zu applizierenden Aktivatoren als Einmalprodukte zu behandeln sind.

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