flood control
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Reza Abdi ◽  
Ashley Rust ◽  
Jordyn M. Wolfand ◽  
Kristine Taniguchi-Quan ◽  
Katie Irving ◽  

Anthropogenic development has adversely affected river habitat and species diversity in urban rivers, and existing habitats are jeopardized by future uncertainties in water resources management and climate. The Los Angeles River (LAR), for example, is a highly modified system that has been mostly channelized for flood control purposes, has altered hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, and is thermally altered (warmed), which severely limits the habitat suitability for cold water fish species. Efforts are currently underway to provide suitable environmental flows and improve channel hydraulic conditions, such as depth and velocity, for adult fish migration from the Pacific Ocean to upstream spawning areas. However, the thermal responses of restoration alternatives for resident and migrating cold water fish have not been fully investigated. Using a mechanistic model, we simulated the LAR’s water temperature under baseline conditions and future alternative restoration scenarios for migration of the native, anadromous steelhead trout in Southern California and the historically resident Santa Ana sucker. We considered three scenarios: 1) increasing roughness of the low-flow channel, 2) increasing the depth and width of the low-flow channel, and 3) allowing subsurface inflow to the river at a soft bottom reach in the LA downtown area. Our analysis indicates that the maximum weekly average temperature (MaxWAT) in the baseline condition was 28.9°C, suggesting that the current river temperatures would act as a limiting factor during the steelhead migration season and habitat for Santa Ana sucker. The MaxWAT dropped about 3%–28°C after applying all the considered scenarios at the study site, which is 3°C higher than the determined steelhead survival threshold. Our simulations suggest that without consideration of thermal restoration, restoring hydraulic conditions may be insufficient to support cold water fish migration or year-round resident native fish populations, particularly with potential river temperature increases due to climate change.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 729
Shouta Harada ◽  
Tadaharu Ishikawa

Due to the recent increase in the intensity of rainstorms, the Japanese government has announced a new policy of flexible flood mitigation measures that presupposes the release of water volumes exceeding the river channel capacity onto floodplains. However, due to the limited amount of quantitative measurement data on excess runoff, it will take time to formulate planning standards for remodeling and newly constructing flood control facilities reasonable enough under current budgetary constraints. In this study, the capacity shortage of a flood detention pond was evaluated against the excess runoff from a severe 2019 flood event by combining the fragmentary measurement data with a numerical flow simulation. Although the numerical model was a rather simple one commonly used for rough estimation of inundation areas in Japan, the results were overall consistent with the observations. Next, in accordance with the new policy, an inexpensive remodeling of the detention basin, which was designed according to conventional standards, was simulated; the upstream side of the surrounding embankment was removed so that excess water flowed up onto the floodplain gradually. Numerical experiments using the simple model indicated that the proposed remodeling increased the effectiveness of flood control remarkably, even for floods greater than the 2019 flood, without much inundation damage to upstream villages.

Meili Feng ◽  
Yue Zhu ◽  
Jianfeng Ren ◽  
Shuyang Xu

Hydropeaking as the most prominent feature of flow alterations resulting from hydropower plants has received attention worldwide. Ramifications of hydropower on the downstream river systems mainly focus on hydrological regimes or long-term water quality changes. Exceptional knowledge is expected on the sub-daily changes of water qualities in the downstream river reach that is affected by the hydropeaking. In this study, we investigate the dynamics of hydropeaking and thermopeaking at the outlet of the Three Gorges Dam TGD using a high temporal resolution dataset, and inspect its association with water chemistry indices. Hourly measurements are analysed for the downstream station Yunchi , and compared with the upstream station Nanjinguan. The results show that along with water temperature, water quality indices such as dissolved oxygen, total Phosphorus, total nitrogen, PH, and electricity conductivity all show evident ‘peaking’ phenomenon in a short time. These divergent variations, however, are not valid for non-hydropeaking affected indicators including turbidity, permanganate index, and ammonia nitrogen. These hydropeaking-induced perturbations are mitigated by the flood control operation from July to September. This study demonstrates that water quality indices are sensitive to hydropeaking and thermopeaking with respect to the magnitude of change and the seasonal component during a year. The results provide additional evidence for the environmental impacts of hydropower regulation on the receiving river reach, and bridge the gap between hydropeaking studies and thermopeaking, and study water qualities variations that were seldom connected from the same temporal perspective in river research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Ishrat Jahan Dollan ◽  
Viviana Maggioni ◽  
Jeremy Johnston

The investigation of regional vulnerability to extreme hydroclimatic events (e.g., floods and hurricanes) is quite challenging due to its dependence on reliable precipitation estimates. Better understanding of past precipitation trends is crucial to examine changing precipitation extremes, optimize future water demands, stormwater infrastructure, extreme event measures, irrigation management, etc., especially if combined with future climate and population projections. The objective of the study is to investigate the spatial-temporal variability of average and extreme precipitation at a sub-regional scale, specifically in the Southern Mid-Atlantic United States, a region characterized by diverse topography and is among the fastest-growing areas in North America. Particularly, this work investigates past precipitation trends and patterns using the North American Land Data Assimilation System, Version 2 (NLDAS-2, 12 km/1 h resolution) reanalysis dataset during 1980–2018. Both parametric (linear regression) and non-parametric (e.g., Theil-Sen) robust statistical tools are employed in the study to analyze trend magnitudes, which are tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Kendall test. Standard precipitation indices from ETCCDI are also used to characterize trends in the relative contribution of extreme events to precipitation in the area. In the region an increasing trend (4.3 mm/year) is identified in annual average precipitation with ~34% of the domain showing a significant increase (at the 0.1 significance level) of +3 to +5 mm/year. Seasonal and sub-regional trends are also investigated, with the most pronounced increasing trends identified during summers along the Virginia and Maryland border. The study also finds a statistically significant positive trend (at a 0.05 significance level) in the annual maximum precipitation. Furthermore, the number of daily extremes (daily total precipitation higher than the 95th and 99th percentiles) also depicts statistically significant increases, indicating the increased frequency of extreme precipitation events. Investigations into the proportion of annual precipitation occurring on wet days and extremely wet days (95th and 99th percentile) also indicate a significant increase in their relative contribution. The findings of this study have the potential to improve local-scale decision-making in terms of river basin management, flood control, irrigation scheme scheduling, and stormwater infrastructure planning to address urban resilience to hydrometeorological hazards.

Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica ◽  
Asvira Ditya Siswanto

Engineering modeling is becoming a trend and important because it can simulate a variety of decision scenarios to be applied in the field. With limited facilities and technology, 1-D modeling in hydraulics for flood mitigation is still a trend today. What are the weaknesses of this model and how is the prediction of future modeling trends? This study analyzes the flood modeling of the Tuntang River with the 1-D model using HEC-RAS to analyze the condition of the existing water level profile and flood mitigation scenarios with normalization. The results of the analysis show that the 1-D model can describe conditions in the field and scenarios clearly. However, the 1-D model has limitations because it cannot carry out simulations that consider aspects of construction costs, time, and budget allocation of stakeholders to determine the priority scale of disaster-affected areas. It requires a vulnerability analysis with field observations, 2-D or 3-D modeling, and the application of value engineering to optimize flood control strategies. With the advancement of technology, this trend is predicted to be something that will be done in the future.

Segel Ginting

The application of the polder system for flood control in DKI Jakarta has become a must for coastal areas, especially with the construction of sea dikes along the coast of Jakarta as a solution to anticipate tidal flooding. One thing to consider when using a polder system in flood control is how much pump capacity and reservoir are needed. To answer this quetions, a hydrological analysis has been carried out with several method approaches, starting from determining the rainfall design in the form of a depth duration frequency curve in 1 hour to 48 hours, and then applied area reduction factor (ARF) to corrected rainfall design. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) method are uses to calculated runoff or effective rainfall and then with the unit hydrograph by time area method to produce a runoff hydrograph. Based on this approach, the Sentiong Polder plan has been carried out with the result that the required pump capacity for a 25-year return period is 32 m3/s and 50 m3/s for a 100-year return period with a storage capacity used of 1,507,500 m3. If you want to reduce the pump capacity, it is necessary to increase the storage capacity.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Bo Meng ◽  
Mingjie Li ◽  
Xinqiang Du ◽  
Xueyan Ye

Sponge City is an integrated urban stormwater management approach and practice to tackle waterlogging, flooding, water scarcity, and their related problems. Despite many positive effects of Sponge City on flood control that have been investigated and revealed, the effect on aquifer recharge is still less known. Considering maximizing the function of natural elements such as surface water bodies and subsurface storage space, to minimize the use of a gray drainage system, a Sponge City design was proposed to substitute the planning development scheme in the study area. The stormwater management model of SWMM (storm water management model) and the groundwater flow model of MODFlow (Modular Three-dimensional Finite-difference Groundwater Flow Model) were adopted to evaluate the flood-control effect and aquifer-recharge effect, respectively. Compared with the traditional planning scenario, the peak runoff is approximately 92% less than that under the traditional planning scenario under the condition of a 5-year return period. Due to the increase in impervious areas of urban construction, the total aquifer recharge from precipitation and surface water bodies was decreased both in the present planning scenario and the Sponge City design scenario. However, the Sponge City design has a positive impact on maintaining groundwater level stabilization and even raises the groundwater level in some specific areas where stormwater seepage infrastructure is located.

2022 ◽  
pp. 42-73
Nada Dragović ◽  
Tijana Vulević ◽  
Muhamed Bajrić ◽  
Johannes Huebl ◽  
Paolo Porto ◽  

The EU countries are obliged to harmonize their legislation in the field of flood protection, and thus torrential floods, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) which was adopted in 2000. Two EU countries, Austria and Italy, and three Western Balkan countries were selected for the strategic and legal framework of torrential flood control: Serbia, North Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the legal framework of torrential flood control in EU countries, policies and strategies related to this area were studied for comparative analysis with non-EU countries. The strategic framework for the protection of water resources, and in particular torrential flood protection, is lacking in all Western Balkan countries. The aim of this chapter is to determine the directions of future strategic directions and torrential flood control policies in the Western Balkans based on the experiences of EU countries, advantages and disadvantages of the existing strategic, and legal frameworks.

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