matching familiar figures test
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Nathasa Pramudita Irianti ◽  
Rio Febrianto Arifendi ◽  
Elita Mega Selvia Wijaya

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profil berpikir kritis peserta didik yang memiliki tipe kognitif reflektif dan impulsif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Untuk mendapatkan kelompok gaya kognitif dilakukan Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT), kemudian pada masing–masing kelompok dipilih 2 subjek dengan memperhatikan kemampuan komunikasi peserta didik saat mengeluarkan gagasan secara lisan maupun tertulis sesuai hasil wawancara dengan guru matematika. Keempat subjek diberikan soal pemecahan masalah untuk mengetahui profil masing- masing gaya kognitif. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik reflektif mampu memahami masalah, setiap keputusan disertai dengan alasan yang relevan, penarikan kesimpulan tepat, mampu menjelaskan kesimpulan yang dibuat dengan baik serta tidak melakukan overview. Sedangkan untuk peserta didik dengan gaya kognitif impulsif mampu memahami masalah, beberapa alasan yang dikemukakan tidak relevan sehingga penarikan kesimpulan yang dilakukan kurang tepat, dan melakukan overview pada soal yang dirasa mudah. Persamaan peserta didik reflektif dan impulsif terletak pada focus sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada reason, inference, situation, clarity, dan overview.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Arie Purwa Kusuma ◽  
S B Waluya ◽  
Rochmad Rochmad ◽  
S Mariani

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses mathematical statements to describe the relationship between various things. This study aims to describe the algebra problem solving abilities of students in the Linear Program course. There are differences in student problem solving, which are caused by students' cognitive styles. Reflective and impulsive cognitive styles based on the SOLO taxonomy. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. The research subjects consisted of 4 students, 2 students having a reflective cognitive style and 2 students having an impulsive style. Purposive sampling technique was used in taking the subjects.Data collection techniques used cognitive style test questions Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT), algebra problem solving test questions and interview guidelines. Data collection techniques used two techniques, namely written tests and interviews. Technical analysis of data by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. From the data processing, the results of the research were 2 students whose have flexible cognitive style also have good algebra problem solving abilities and based on SOLO taxonomy reached the Extended abstract level. Meanwhile, students who have an impulsive cognitive style in solving algebra problems based more on the SOLO taxonomy have Multistructural and Unistructural levels. So each cognitive style of students gives the different results in solving problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Yvana Mireya Carbajal LLanos

La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprobar la efectividad de la aplicación de un Programa de Intervención Educativa en el nivel de impulsividad-reflexividad en un grupo de estudiantes del 3° grado de educación Primaria. El enfoque utilizado fue cuantitativo, de tipo experimental, diseño cuasi experimental. La muestra de estudio fueron 40 estudiantes, que cursaban el 3° tercer grado del nivel primario; de los cuales 20 pertenecieron al grupo experimental y 20 al grupo control a quienes se les aplicó previamente el Test de Emparejamiento de Figuras Familiares Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) de Cairns y Cammock como criterio de apareamiento y el Programa PIAAR-R de Gargallo para la fase experimental. El análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos, permitió comprobar la efectividad del Programa de Intervención Educativa al decrementar el nivel de impulsividad, el tiempo de latencia se incrementa y se disminuye el número de errores en un grupo de estudiantes del 3° grado de Educación Primaria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 318
Dita Qondiyana ◽  
Riyadi Riyadi ◽  
Siswanto Siswanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa berdasarkan gaya kognitif reflektif siswa. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini meliputi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 20 Kota Jambi tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Teknik pengambilan subjek menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua siswa yang mewakili gaya kognitif reflektif dan sesuai dengan pertimbangan guru. Materi tes uraian untuk mengukur kemampuan koneksi matematis adalah materi yang telah dipelajari siswa yaitu materi persamaan linear dua variabel. Intrumen tes kemampuan koneksi matematis terdiri dari tiga butir soal yang mana setiap satu soal memuat satu indikator. Intrumen tes untuk mengukur gaya kognitif reflektif siswa menggunakan Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) yang dicetuskan oleh Jerome Kagan. Instrumen MFFT pada penelitian ini mengadopsi dari Warli (2010). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa ditinjau dari gaya kognitif reflektif siswa dalam kategori baik. Siswa telah memenuhi paling sedikit dua indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis dari pencapain tiga indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis yang harus dipenuhi yaitu siswa dapat menghubungkan konsep-konsep antar topik matematika lainnya dan menghubungkan konsep matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Kata kunci: Gaya kognitif reflektif; kemampuan koneksi matematis; matematika. Abstract This research aims to describe students' mathematical connection ability based on their reflective cognitive style. This is a qualitative descriptive research involved eighth graders of State Junior High School of 20 Jambi in the academic year of 2020/2021. The subject was two students determined using purposive sampling technique who represented reflective cognitive style and were in accordance with the teacher's considerations. The essay test material to measure the mathematical connection ability is those that students had learned which are the two-variable linear equation material.The mathematical connection ability test instrument consists of three items, each of which contains one indicator. The test instrument to measure students' reflective cognitive style was the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT) invented by Jerome Kagan. The MFFT instrument in this study was adopted from Warli (2010). The result showed that students’ mathematical connection ability viewed from students’ reflective cognitive style was in the good category.  Students have fulfilled at least two out of three mathematical connection ability indicators: students were able to connect certain topics and other topics. and connect mathematical concept into daily life.  Keywords: Mathematics; mathematical connective ability; reflective cognitive style.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 514-523
E.S. Shekhovtsova ◽  
V.G. Bulygina ◽  

The paper investigates individual psychological features of self-regulation in people with personality disorders and accentuated personality traits. Our goal is to specify the data on regulation disorders taking into account the nature of committed offences so as to substantiate the validity of expert conclusions, promote individualization in punishment, and build models for secondary psychological prevention. We survey 134 men including 94 individuals with personality disorders, 20 individuals with accentuated personality traits and 20 individuals without mental disorders. We use a set of methodological tools to assess the extent of self-control deficiency); the set includes J. Kagan’s Matching Familiar Figures Test, situation analysis, a new questionnaire for tolerance toward uncertainty, J. Stroop’s Color and Word Test, behavioral self-regulation style. We carry out statistical processing of the data with the help of descriptive statistics method, frequency analysis, an independent samples t-test, the Mann–Whitney U-test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare three independent samples. We have found out that regulation disorders in people with personality disorders who committed violent crimes are associated with the ability to predict the consequences adequately and find socially acceptable ways to resolve problem situations. We show that when an individual has to deal with information shortage,contradictory information, perceptual interference or increased emotional intensity of the situationthe probability of disorders in their conscious regulation of behavior increases significantly. Accordingly, to address the tasks of penal science and practice, we consider it expedient to use the indicators identified in the course of our present research, because they can be not only predictors of behavioral dysregulation and aggressive responses, but also targets for psychological therapy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 581-588
Elena S. Shekhovtsova ◽  
Vera G. Bulygina

The paper investigates individual psychological features of self-regulation in people with personality disorders and accentuated personality traits. Our goal is to specify the data on regulation disorders taking into account the nature of committed offences so as to substantiate the validity of expert conclusions, promote individualization in punishment, and build models for secondary psychological prevention. We survey 134 men including 94 individuals with personality disorders, 20 individuals with accentuated personality traits and 20 individuals without mental disorders. We use a set of methodological tools to assess the extent of self-control deficiency); the set includes J. Kagan’s Matching Familiar Figures Test, situation analysis, a new questionnaire for tolerance toward uncertainty, J. Stroop’s Color and Word Test, behavioral self-regulation style. We carry out statistical processing of the data with the help of descriptive statistics method, frequency analysis, an independent samples t-test, the Mann–Whitney U-test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare three independent samples. We have found out that regulation disorders in people with personality disorders who committed violent crimes are associated with the ability to predict the consequences adequately and find socially acceptable ways to resolve problem situations. We show that when an individual has to deal with information shortage, contradictory information, perceptual interference or increased emotional intensity of the situation the probability of disorders in their conscious regulation of behavior increases significantly. Accordingly, to address the tasks of penal science and practice, we consider it expedient to use the indicators identified in the course of our present research, because they can be not only predictors of behavioral dysregulation and aggressive responses, but also targets for psychological therapy. Key words: self-regulation, personality disorders, accentuated personality traits, situation analysis, type of offence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-69
Irina А. Kibal'chenko ◽  
Vladimir V. Podbereznyi ◽  
Alla I. Zabalueva

Введение. Статья посвящена теоретическому и эмпирическому изучению структурных особенностей творческих способностей студентов, отличающихся когнитивными стилями. Авторами доказывается актуальность изучения когнитивного стиля студентов по критерию «рефлективность/импульсивность» как предиктора творческих способностей и академической успеваемости студентов. Делается акцент на том, что когнитивный стиль представляет собой сложный личностный конструкт, который рассматривается как совокупность индивидуально специфических и устойчивых особенностей и склонностей к определенным способам переработки информации и принятия решений. Выдвинуто предположение о том, что рефлективный и импульсивный когнитивные стили студентов обладают предикторным потенциалом творческих способностей и академической успеваемости студентов. Материалы и методы. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, полученные на выборке студентов вуза (юношей и девушек, средний возраст – 20 лет) в количестве 136 человек. Использованы методы обработки и анализа данных, тест «Сравнение похожих рисунков» Дж. Кагана (The Matching Familiar Figures Test, MFFT), краткий тест творческого мышления «Фигурная форма» Э. П. Торренса, тест Х. Зиверта «Определение творческих способностей». Результаты. На основе критериев U Манна – Уитни и углового преобразования Фишера выявлены значимые различия на уровне р < 0,05 и р < 0,01 в показателях творческих способностей (оригинальность, беглость, гибкость, разработанность) в группах студентов с рефлективным, импульсивным, быстрым точным, медленным неточным когнитивными стилями. В процессе факторизации и вращения по методу Varimax диагностических результатов определены структурные особенности творческих способностей студентов вуза. Обсуждение результатов. Подтверждено предположение о том, что характеристики творческих способностей студентов с такими когнитивными стилями, как рефлективный, импульсивный, быстрый точный, медленный неточный, создают структуру, характер взаимосвязей которой обусловлен склонностями к определенным способам переработки информации. Получены новые результаты, которые позволяют сделать вывод о том, что рефлективный, импульсивный и производные от них когнитивные стили студентов обладают предикторным потенциалом творческих способностей и академической успеваемости. Определены перспективы исследования ресурса творческо-стилевых структур студентов как будущих профессионалов.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 13

In the curriculum of 2013 critical thinking ability is a demand that must be implemented, but in reality the process of learning in the class has not been empowering students' critical thinking skills. Then besides critical thinking another aspect to note is the aspect of cognitive style. This study aims to determine the ability of critical thinking students’ cognitive reflective and impulsive style. The subjects of this study are the students of class VII A SMP Negeri 4 Tuban as many as 23 students, with 13 students with reflective cognitive style, and 10 students with cognitive impulsive style. Data collection technique in this research is MFFT (Matching Familiar Figures Test) developed by warli (2010) to know cognitive style and critical thinking test based on Ennis indicator (2011), then data about critical thinking of cognitive-style students Reflective and impulsive, was analyzed using nonparametric statistics through the Mann-Whitney test. The results in this study show the similarities between students who are reflective cognitive style with students who have cognitive impulsive style in students' critical thinking ability, because the result of the students in the same reflective style with impulsive students is because this subject is taken from the sample Class VII A where the class is the preferred class (superior). Thus it can be concluded that students' critical thinking ability with reflective cognitive style does not differ with cognitive impulsive students in Biology learning through SQ3R model (Survay, Question, Read, Recite, And Review) with pictorial card media.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-160 ◽  
Glenda A. Gunter ◽  
Robert F. Kenny

Attempts to increase motivation in reluctant readers have been the focus of many local, state and federal reading research initiatives. Only recently have researchers and educators come to understand that many of these same issues also face teachers of gifted and talented learners. Frequently, students who are bright and talented but do not perform to their academic ability are categorized as being underachievers or unmotivated. In this article, the authors explore some reasons why gifted students struggle with reading and why they, like those in regular classrooms, are reluctant to read and write. This study uses a computerized version of the Matching Familiar Figures Test as an identifier and predictor of student performance. An instructional intervention (UB the Director Model) is also utilized to determine if these instructional practices help to overcome these students’ reluctance and lack of motivation.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 511-520 ◽  
Florence Rosey ◽  
Jean Keller ◽  
Eveline Golomer

The present study aims to examine whether the inhibitory processes and impulsive-cognitive style can influence the emergence of coordination level among 61 children aged 3 to 5 years. Luria’s tapping tasks, Day—Night tasks, Hand—Candle tasks, Go—NoGo tasks and the Trail Making Tests of Reitan, all involving inhibitory processes, were conducted. The reflective attitude of children was determined with Kagan’s Matching Familiar Figures Test. The performances of unipedal stance, overarm throw and hopping were recorded for each child. The results showed that the inhibition task performances were correlated with coordination level for the three motor skills for the 3—4-year-olds children only. More specifically, the non-verbal inhibition was more a coordination level predictor than the verbal or delayed inhibition.

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