lifelong learners
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 611-615
Zainal Abidin ◽  
Muhamad Riyad ◽  
Budi Panca

The reality that is happening in the world globally today is experiencing turbulence, so the impact is that many things are changing rapidly (volatality), uncertainty (uncertainty), complex (complexity) and often confusing (ambiguity). Today we see the emergence of strange phenomena that we never imagined would be present before, namely changes that are visible and very significant affect the way of life and the mindset of humans as a whole. The current global education world is facing the so-called technology and information gap between digital immigrants (old teachers who learn technology) and digital natives (students who enjoy and use technology), while there are still teachers who are currently quite stuttering in dealing with students or students who speak technology. These old teachers often find it difficult to change the teaching and learning paradigm, find it difficult to adjust to the latest trends in teaching and digital-based learning media that are developing fast, feel threatened by technology, and feel confused to change. Ideally, teachers should be willing and able to change their mindset, they are old and will soon retire. Teachers must be willing to be open to changing times because teachers are real lifelong learners. Teachers are role models and agents of life change. Keywords: Globalization, Teacher, Volatality, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

2022 ◽  
Nicola Simmons ◽  
Julie Podrebarac

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-152
Zia-ur-Rehman Rao ◽  
Romel John ◽  
Haleema Tariq

Due to increased trend in job transitions, prospects of occupation these days are difficult to predict. Therefore, workers need to develop differentiated set of skills and competences to be able to adapt to a variety of available occupations. The volatility in employability due to ever changing technologies, business environments and models need to focus on becoming lifelong learners not only to maintain their employability but to create more opportunities for themselves. This situation has affected work like of people in a way that the careers no more belong to the organizations but to individual. According to the literature on boundaryless careers, there are three types of variables that can be used to predict career success. Combinations of these three variables are generally referred to as career competencies. Theoretical research reveals that 'understanding why, ‘whom,' and 'how' are the three most important indicators of career success. The findings demonstrate that proactive career behaviors are predicted by future work self and identity resolution. Future work self has a significant positive impact on employment status and, as a result, can lead to future employment success. The findings also revealed that future work self predicts career planning the most. Career consultation is the second most reliable indicator of future employment. Future work self can also forecast proactive skill improvement and proactive career consulting. The study showed results that identity resolution predicts career planning the most. Identity resolution also predicts proactive skill development, career consultation and proactive career networking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 10-11
Joann Montepare ◽  
Nina Silverstein

Abstract The Age-Friendly University (AFU) initiative endorsed by GSA’s Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) provides institutions of higher education with guiding principles for addressing the needs of aging populations. Benchmarks are now needed for assessing age-friendly academic, workplace, and physical campus environments, perceptions of campus constituents, and recommendations for advancing age inclusivity. This symposium will discuss what the AFU Inventory and Campus Climate Survey (ICCS) administered to a national sample of colleges and universities is revealing about the study of age-friendliness in higher education. The sample includes data from over 10,000 faculty, staff, students, and older learners surveyed in 2020-21. Whitbourne will introduce the conceptual model that served as the foundation for the ICCS, with special attention to the need to assess and compare “objective” age-friendly practices with “subjective” perceptions of these practices. Bowen will describe the utility of examining age-friendliness across institutional units with different functions: outreach-engagement, personnel, physical environment, research, services-resources, student affairs, and teaching-learning. Beaulieu will present data demonstrating the importance of assessing perceptions of specific constituent groups including faculty, staff, students, and lifelong learners. Montepare will discuss insights gained about the definition and manifestation of what it means to be ageist, age-friendly, and age-inclusive in higher education. Silverstein will describe strengths and challenges observed across campuses along with recommendations and promising new directions for advancing age inclusivity in higher education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 11-11
Celeste Beaulieu ◽  
Nina Silverstein ◽  
Lauren Bowen ◽  
Susan Whitbourne ◽  
Joann Montepare

Abstract College campuses are typically considered as environments for adults ages 18-24, even though campuses are comprised of faculty, staff, students, and lifelong learners of all ages. Each group may experience the campus environment differently due to their differing roles. Faculty, staff and students from 21 participating designated Age Friendly Universities across the country answered survey questions on age friendliness, AFU awareness, and on campus practice items. Crosstab analyses show that constituent groups are equally aware of their university as an AFU (6% of each group). Students perceived their university as more age friendly (M=3.47, SD=0.73) compared to faculty and staff, the latter having the lowest perceived friendliness (M=3.27, SD=0.63). Specific age friendly practices show that staff members had markedly different perceptions of the institution’s age friendly practices. AFUs need to consider higher education environments as workplaces as well as learning centers to make policies age friendly for all groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 292
Kiomi Matsumoto-Royo ◽  
Maria Soledad Ramírez-Montoya ◽  
Paulette Conget

Education 4.0 prepares new generations to develop the skills required to perform in a technological, dynamic, and unpredictable world. The main barrier to implementing Education 4.0 in schools is that teachers have not been trained for it. Given the advances and new resources of the technological field, teacher preparation will be insufficient if it focuses on technological skills but does not incorporate the necessary dispositions for lifelong learning. Universities have the ethical imperative to update teacher education so teachers can become lifelong learners. The objective of this study was to understand whether practice-based curricula offer opportunities to promote lifelong learning tendencies. We used a sequential explanatory method. Quantitative and qualitative instruments were applied to pre-service teachers (survey: n = 231, semi-structured interviews: n = 8), and causal and descriptive approaches were supported by a structural equation model and constant comparative method, respectively. Data triangulation confirmed and added depth to the relationship found. Practice opportunities provided by teacher educators in learning activities and assessment tasks promote curiosity, motivation, perseverance, and self-learning regulation, when they are (i) systematic; (ii) relevant to the classroom work; (iii) presented with clear instructions and effective rubrics; (iv) accompanied with feedback focused on the task, soliciting reflection, and performed by peers and teacher educators in a trustworthy environment. This research may be of value to universities looking to renew their Education 4.0 programs because it shows that practice-based curricula not only transform pre-service teachers into teaching experts but also into lifelong learners.

2021 ◽  
Bronwyn Elisabeth Wood

<p>Developing more active citizens has been a feature of policies in many nations in recent years. Educational curricula in particular have been viewed as an important way to deliver this goal. The revised New Zealand Curriculum (2007) is an example of this, with a vision to develop young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners (p. 8) who will themselves “participate and take action as critical, informed, and responsible citizens” (p. 17). In this thesis, I explore how New Zealand young people are currently participating as citizens by examining their conceptions and practices of social action alongside those of their teachers. My approach draws attention to spatial and relational aspects of young people’s everyday, place-based perspectives on participation in society. The conceptual and theoretical framework underpinning this research is developed through Bourdieu’s analytical concepts of habitus, field and capital, and Mills’ (1959) “sociological imagination”. Participants in this research included 122 social studies students (n=122) aged between 14 and 18 years old, and their teachers (n=27) from four diverse secondary schools in New Zealand. Data collection included café-style focus groups with young people, as well as visual data generated by participation in Photovoice research. More traditional focus groups were also undertaken with social studies teachers at each of the four schools. Taking an everyday, place-based approach to youth participation opened up new and relatively unexplored landscapes of participation. Young people provided many examples of how they were “taking action” through formal opportunities (provided by their teachers, schools and communities), as well as informal ways, such as standing up against a bully, or reducing water usage. Through their identification of social issues that needed addressing, it was possible to see their citizenship imaginations at play. Social studies teachers played a significant role in shaping young people’s awareness of social issues as well as providing them with opportunities to take action on these issues. The findings revealed the enduring importance of young people’s everyday experiences of inclusion/exclusion within places, as well as the contribution of the participatory capital of their teachers, families and communities, in shaping their citizenship perceptions, imaginations and actions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Bronwyn Elisabeth Wood

<p>Developing more active citizens has been a feature of policies in many nations in recent years. Educational curricula in particular have been viewed as an important way to deliver this goal. The revised New Zealand Curriculum (2007) is an example of this, with a vision to develop young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners (p. 8) who will themselves “participate and take action as critical, informed, and responsible citizens” (p. 17). In this thesis, I explore how New Zealand young people are currently participating as citizens by examining their conceptions and practices of social action alongside those of their teachers. My approach draws attention to spatial and relational aspects of young people’s everyday, place-based perspectives on participation in society. The conceptual and theoretical framework underpinning this research is developed through Bourdieu’s analytical concepts of habitus, field and capital, and Mills’ (1959) “sociological imagination”. Participants in this research included 122 social studies students (n=122) aged between 14 and 18 years old, and their teachers (n=27) from four diverse secondary schools in New Zealand. Data collection included café-style focus groups with young people, as well as visual data generated by participation in Photovoice research. More traditional focus groups were also undertaken with social studies teachers at each of the four schools. Taking an everyday, place-based approach to youth participation opened up new and relatively unexplored landscapes of participation. Young people provided many examples of how they were “taking action” through formal opportunities (provided by their teachers, schools and communities), as well as informal ways, such as standing up against a bully, or reducing water usage. Through their identification of social issues that needed addressing, it was possible to see their citizenship imaginations at play. Social studies teachers played a significant role in shaping young people’s awareness of social issues as well as providing them with opportunities to take action on these issues. The findings revealed the enduring importance of young people’s everyday experiences of inclusion/exclusion within places, as well as the contribution of the participatory capital of their teachers, families and communities, in shaping their citizenship perceptions, imaginations and actions.</p>

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