role models
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 611-615
Zainal Abidin ◽  
Muhamad Riyad ◽  
Budi Panca

The reality that is happening in the world globally today is experiencing turbulence, so the impact is that many things are changing rapidly (volatality), uncertainty (uncertainty), complex (complexity) and often confusing (ambiguity). Today we see the emergence of strange phenomena that we never imagined would be present before, namely changes that are visible and very significant affect the way of life and the mindset of humans as a whole. The current global education world is facing the so-called technology and information gap between digital immigrants (old teachers who learn technology) and digital natives (students who enjoy and use technology), while there are still teachers who are currently quite stuttering in dealing with students or students who speak technology. These old teachers often find it difficult to change the teaching and learning paradigm, find it difficult to adjust to the latest trends in teaching and digital-based learning media that are developing fast, feel threatened by technology, and feel confused to change. Ideally, teachers should be willing and able to change their mindset, they are old and will soon retire. Teachers must be willing to be open to changing times because teachers are real lifelong learners. Teachers are role models and agents of life change. Keywords: Globalization, Teacher, Volatality, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity

Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Paloma de las Cuevas ◽  
Maribel García-Arenas ◽  
Nuria Rico

The gender gap in STEM-related job positions is a fact, and it is closely related to the low percentage of women studying STEM degrees. This poses a problem because Europe, as well as the United States and the rest of the developed countries, keep demanding the best engineers and scientists to continue developing innovative products. This problem can thus be approached by answering, firstly, the following question: Why are women not studying STEM degrees? In this paper, we summarize the factors, found in literature, that influence students—both boys and girls—to not study STEM, particularly engineering, computer sciences and technology. We study these influence factors in a sample of N = 338 students from a secondary school placed in the south of Spain; we carry out a survey in order to find out if those students fill out the same answers other researchers have found and published in the related literature. Our main conclusions are as follows: The results confirm that the number of women in technical courses decreases when the level of the course increases; the lack of role models is not an impediment for girls to feel comfortable; unlike boys, girls will not choose engineering, even if their scoring in STEM is good; and we found that girls and women see themselves as not capable of studying an engineering degree more than boys and men do. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the situation regarding the gender gap in STEM fields in ages in which both girls and boys must choose their future studies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-9
Md Rafiqul Islam ◽  
RM Qazi ◽  
MT Aktar ◽  
FR Kabir ◽  
MK Hasan

This was a descriptive type of cross-sectional study conducted to identify the Characteristics /qualities of role model/ medical teachers as perceived by medical students and to identify the influence of role models in selecting subjects for their future career. This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted during July 2019 to June 2020. A semi-structured, self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. A total of 868 medical students of phase III and phase IV were the respondents of the study. All available students who were willing to participate in the study were selected and medical colleges were selected purposively. Study revealed that out of 868 respondents 741 (85.4%) had identified role models during the course of their studies and 127 (14.6%) respondents could not identify any role models. It was observed that 91% students opted for clinical subjects while 9% opted for preclinical and para-clinical subjects. With regards to their subjects of choice for future career 21.0% of the students preferred Medicine, followed by Surgery (20.0%), Gynecology (9.2%) and Orthopedics (3.8%).Two hundred and thirty-two (26.7%) of the students did not choose any subject for their future career. Regarding the influence of role models in selecting subjects for future career it was revealed that 334 (61%) respondents felt that role models had influence. Maintaining integrity and neutrality by role models was given the highest importance and general appearance of role model was considered least important by the respondents. (Not clear! is it Role Model Characteristics?).The academic institutes should make an effort to develop the role modeling of faculty by highlighting positive attributes of role models. Teachers should be made aware of the influence of role models on their future colleagues Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education Vol.13(1) January 2022: 3-9

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 610-620
Rutmauli Hutagaol ◽  
Devis Enjelia ◽  
Ira Kusumawati

Introduction: Nurses must have knowledge and awareness concerning professional values as standards to provide safe and high-quality care. Objective: The study aimed to explore the professional’s value in directing nurses’ behavior. Method: A qualitative study design with a phenomenology approach was applied in this study. We involved ten nurses with ten years of working experience and acting as role models in nurse managers. The data analysis used the Colaizzi method. We found the professional nursing values among nurses, including human dignity, integrity, professional practice, altruism, and compassion. Dimensions that underlying the professional values are knowledge, skill, and attitude. Results: The following four themes reflected how to apply nurses value: 1) Competence in facing challenges; 2 Nurses provided services based on knowledge and skills, a sense of help and compassion for love as a form of worship and commitment to the profession; 3) feeling satisfied in undergoing the nurse profession; 4) expectations of professional development. Professional nurses have a positive attitude and a hope for professional development. Conclusion: The hospital could improve nursing education and research by providing evidence-based practices for self-development. Recommendation: Nurse managers also can provide services based on science, skills, and attitudes as a form of worship and commitment to the profession, becoming a role model for the nurse-led

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Mubarak Al-Mansour ◽  
Sabina Nisar Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Anwar Khan ◽  
Pedrito Nolasco Martin ◽  
Syed Sameer Aga

Background. Medical education is an unusual field whereby a teacher does not receive formal training to become a teacher and is usually marred by quality and effectiveness in imparting the curriculum. To add to the insult, the additive burden of administrating the implementation of the courses does affect the teaching capabilities of a particular teacher. At the College of Medicine (COM), a rigorous procedure for selecting suitable “course coordinators” is followed as they not only serve as administrators for the curriculum implementation but also serve as the role models for the students and their peers as well. Each course coordinator is an important cogwheel in the curriculum as each one can have a positive impact on the overall quality and success of the program. At COM, twenty-one courses are taught in the curriculum, and the execution of each course is led by the duo of coordinator and co-coordinator. The course coordinator is the one primarily involved in the execution, selection of faculty, ensuring smooth flow and delivery of objectives, finalizing and execution of the exam, and responding to students and faculty’s needs during and after the course execution and is the primary person to suggest an effective action plan based on needs to improve the course for the upcoming academic year. Aim. The aim of our study was to assess whether a good teacher can be an effective course coordinator and what the impact of a good teacher/course coordinator is on student satisfaction levels. Methods. This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out for five academic years from 2013-14 till 2017-18. The sample included both male and female sections of the medical program, and the courses for the study were selected as consecutive sampling techniques. The data was retrieved from the evaluation units’ records for the period of 2013–18. SPSS version 20.0 was used for data analysis. Results. Our data reflects a strong positive correlation between course coordinator, course coordinator as a faculty, overall evaluation of the course, and mean faculty rating. Additionally, a strong positive correlation between the mean evaluation of all domains and overall course evaluation for both preclinical and clinical years of the medicine program was also found. Conclusions. Carefully selected effective teachers as course coordinators do have a positive impact on two domains of the course quality, that is, overall satisfaction and faculty ratings by medical students.

Buildings ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Anamaria Andreea Anghel ◽  
Diana Giurea ◽  
Irina Mohora ◽  
Alma-Dia Hapenciuc ◽  
Octavian Camil Milincu ◽  

Nature-based design process with its embedded concept of form that follows function can be materialized as products capable of incorporating aesthetics and functionality similar to the characteristics of its natural role models. The paper addresses the topic of green installations created through a design process that simulates nature’s smart developmental mechanisms. The aim is to create an interactive installation capable of receiving and interpreting external factors that would determine the ensemble’s behavior and influence its future development and evolution. The main challenge lies in the fact that the smart feature is often achieved by intensive use of technology, which often overshadows inventive ways in which the behavioral and aesthetic properties of the material can be reinterpreted. The interactive green installation “Modgrew” investigates the possibilities of obtaining smart features through the experimental testing of two main types of configurations. The results underline the fact that, by applying the principles of biomimetic design, technologies from different fields can be combined towards obtaining a smart product. The conclusions highlight the need for future studies cover subjects such as the efficiency of automation, the possible reconfiguration of modules, behavioral optimization over time, the identification of minimal tech alternatives and the reduction of maintenance necessities.

Hannah Malone

Abstract This article aims to dissect the nature of exemplarity in Italian Fascism. The social and political structures that emerged in Fascist Italy were highly reliant on a sense of morality, largely because of the degree of violence inherent in those structures. Under Fascism, morality was founded on concrete examples rather than on abstract principles. Exemplars were idealized sources of moral strength, and figures with the capacity to inspire or persuade. In particular, the fallen soldier and those who died for the nation constituted a major category of Fascist exemplars. Thus, soldiers who fell in the First World War were awarded exemplary status in order to encourage behaviors favorable to the regime. With the goal to demonstrate the importance awarded to exemplars, this paper focuses on a group of ossuaries, or bone depositaries, that were built under Mussolini’s dictatorship, and within which the regime reburied the remains of soldiers who fell in the First World War. The main purpose of the ossuaries was to present the dead as role models that might boost support for a program of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism. Thus, while their creation drew on factors such as Romantic literature and Italy’s religious and political traditions, the ossuaries represent an ideal case study of how Fascist morality was aided by and expressed through the use of exemplars.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Alfred Moyo ◽  
Lilian Sankhulani ◽  
Stella Namalima

Most students in community technical colleges dropout before completion of their training course, particularly female students, which is counterproductive with regard to women empowerment. This paper therefore, reports on a study that was conducted at Milonga and Naminjiwa community technical colleges in Thyolo and Phalombe districts respectively. Thus, the study sought to establish probable socio-economic factors that influence dropout of female students from the two colleges, with a view of finding solutions to the problem. The two colleges were earmarked for the study because of their proximity to tea estates where manpower is the main source of labour for the tea industry. In addition, people in the two districts have similar cultural beliefs and economic status. Population of the study covered both female and male students including principals and instructors of the two technical colleges. In addition, identified parents of female students who dropped out of school were also part of the study. Thus, the study was conducted through qualitative research method so as to have an in-depth understanding of people views. Data was collected with reference to objectives of the study and then thematically analyzed. The study revealed several socio-economic factors that contribute to dropout of female students from the two colleges such as: cost of training and poverty, domestic chores and parents’ characteristics, cultural factors, early marriages and gender difference including training environment. However, the relationship among students and instructors showed that it had no effect on dropout as it was cordial and amicable. Recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders were proposed as follows: Government and Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should have a national policy to provide bursaries and loans to needy students. The government should construct hostels at the two colleges to have conducive training environment. Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should organize awareness campaign programmes to sensitize the community surrounding the two colleges on the importance of TVET. Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should recruit more female instructors to act as role models to other female students.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sanna Joensuu-Salo ◽  
Anmari Viljamaa ◽  
Elina Varamäki

PurposeThe European Commission has published a general framework of entrepreneurship competence (EC), EntreComp, to create a shared definition and support its development. This study proposes and tests a scale to measure EC based on the EntreComp framework and examines its relation to start-up behaviour using data from seven European countries.Design/methodology/approachThe data were gathered from seven European countries and consist of 1,128 answers from both secondary and higher education level students. The authors use explorative factor analysis (EFA), analysis of variance and logistic regression analysis as data analysis methods.FindingsThe results show that EC is related to start-up behaviour and sensitive to role models and prior experience of entrepreneurship but is not sensitive to gender or level of education. The results also show that although the framework proposes three distinct areas, EC is unidimensional.Originality/valueThe study tests the EntreComp framework and introduces a scale for measuring EC based on the framework. The results show that EC can be addressed as unidimensional construct and that it explains start-up behaviour and develops through enterprising activities. The study also shows the impact of role models on EC. No difference in EC between genders is observed, suggesting the gender differences in entrepreneurship arise from factors other than competence.

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