mobile commerce
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2023 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sheida Shirian ◽  
Taghi Javdani Gandomani ◽  
Hadi Khosravi

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 2-9
Mária Oleárová ◽  
Radovan Bačík ◽  
Richard Fedorko

The ever-increasing global interest in mobile commerce signals the urgent need to deepen knowledge on consumer behavior and preferences. A better understanding of the interests and values of the mobile user is crucial for the successful management and development of mobile shopping channels. Using the secondary data collected from reports of research companies and statistical portals, the paper aims at describe the state of mobile commerce and its development trends around the world. Following the analysis of secondary data, the paper we deal with the possibilities of optimizing business strategies in the field of m-commerce.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1033-1062
Mihai Andronie ◽  
George Lăzăroiu ◽  
Roxana Ștefănescu ◽  
Luminița Ionescu ◽  
Mădălina Cocoșatu

Research background: With growing evidence of consumer adoption of mobile shopping apps, there is a pivotal need for comprehending Internet-enabled consumer devices in mobile shopping behavior. Mobile shopping platform features and user technological readiness configure consumers? expectations and demands as regards mobile retailing adoption, leading to acceptance of mobile shopping apps and payment services. Purpose of the article: In this research, prior findings have been cumulated indicating that mobile social apps extend throughout consumer attitudes and behaviors by the widespread adoption of smartphones. We contribute to the literature by showing that cutting-edge technological developments associated with customer behavior in relation to mobile commerce apps have resulted in the rise of data-driven systems. Consumer behavioral intention and adoption intention in relation to mobile shopping apps/websites are developed on perceived risk and trust consequences. Methods: Throughout February and March 2021, a quantitative literature review of the Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest databases was carried out, with search terms comprising ?mobile shopping app?, ?mobile commerce platform?, ?mobile payment service?, ?Internet-enabled consumer device?, ?consumer technological adoption?, and ?mobile shopping behavior?. As research published between 2018 and 2021 was analyzed, only 330 sources met the suitability criteria. By removing questionable or indeterminate findings (insubstantial/inconsequent data), results unconfirmed by replication, too imprecise content, or having quite similar titles, 66, chiefly empirical, sources were selected. A systematic review of recently published literature was carried out on technological adoption of mobile commerce apps by employing Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. The Systematic Review Data Repository was used, a software program for the gathering, handling, and analysis of data for the systematic review. The quality of the academic articles was determined by harnessing the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool. Findings & value added: The consumer purchase decision?making process in mobile app-based marketing involves consumer engagement and willingness to adopt mobile commerce apps. Further advancements should clarify how technological-based consumer adoption of mobile shopping throughout social commerce can improve the payment for products and services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Unang Rio ◽  
Wirta Agustin ◽  
Bakaruddin Bakaruddin ◽  
Rometdo Muzawi

Abstrak: Kabupaten Kampar merupakan bagian wilayah Provinsi Riau yang memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan komoditas nenas. Sentra produksi tanaman nenas Kabupaten Kampar berada di Kecamatan Tambang yaitu di Desa Kualu Nenas dan Desa Rimbo Panjang dengan rata-rata produksi masing-masingnya sebesar 875 ton/hektar dan 1,6 ton/hektar (Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Kampar, 2012). Keripik nenas merupakan produk olahan yang paling banyak dikembangkan oleh pengrajin keripik nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas. Agroindustri keripik nenas di Kabupaten Kampar sebenarnya menghadapi berbagai permasalahan, seperti juga yang dialami oleh Pengusaha Keripik “Usaha Baru Ibu”. Permasalahan yang dihadapi pengusaha keripik nenas “Usaha Baru Ibu”  belum adanya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk promosi sehingga pemasaran produk usaha keripik dari “Usaha Baru Ibu” belum bisa menjangkau masyarakat luas, oleh sebab itu hal ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap perolehan pendapatan yang kurang optimal dan tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, Untuk pemasarannya dominan dilakukan di sekitar Kampar dan pekanbaru. Melalui program kemitraan masyarakat ini, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan membangun dan menerapkan aplikasi e-commerce baik dalam bentuk website ataupun mobile commerce penjualan Keripik Nenas Kabupaten Kampar dalam meningkatkan pendapatan “Usaha Baru Ibu”. Metode pelaksanaan dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat yang digunakan adalah : 1. Focus Group Discussion, 2. Partisipatory Research Action  3. Metode pelatihan dan pendampingan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 1653-1659
Jiseob Park ◽  
Hyeob Kim ◽  
Hyuk-Jun Kwon

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