dissolved load
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2021 ◽  
Mae Kate Campbell ◽  
Paul R. Bierman ◽  
Amanda H. Schmidt ◽  
Rita Sibello Hernández ◽  
Alejandro García-Moya ◽  

Abstract. We consider measurements of both in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides and dissolved load flux to characterize the processes and pace of landscape change in central Cuba. The tropical landscape of Cuba is losing mass in multiple ways, making it difficult to quantify total denudation rates and thus to assess the impact of agricultural practices on rates of contemporary landscape change. Long-term sediment generation rates inferred from 26Al and 10Be concentrations in quartz extracted from central Cuban river sand range from 3.7–182 tons km−2 yr−1 (mean = 62, median = 57). Rock dissolution rates (24–154 tons km−2 yr−1; mean = 84, median = 78) inferred from stream solute loads exceed measured cosmogenic nuclide-derived sediment generation rates in 15 of 22 basins, indicating significant landscape-scale mass loss not reflected in the cosmogenic nuclide measurements. 26Al / 10Be ratios lower than that of surface production are consistent with the presence of a deep, mixed, regolith layer in the five basins that have the greatest disagreement between rock dissolution rates (high) and sediment generation rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclide concentrations (low). Our data show that accounting for the contribution of mineral dissolution at depth in calculations of total denudation is particularly important in the humid tropics, where dissolved load fluxes are high, and where mineral dissolution can occur many meters below the surface, beyond the penetration depth of most cosmic rays and thus the production of most cosmogenic nuclides. Relying on cosmogenic nuclide data or stream solute fluxes alone would both lead to underestimates of total landscape denudation in the central Cuba, emphasizing the importance of combining these approaches to fully capture mass loss in tropical landscapes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Alireza Sepahvand ◽  
Mitja Prelovsek ◽  
Ali Akbar Nazari Samani ◽  
Robert Wasson

We conducted a one-year-long study of solute load measured three times per month in three neighboring subwatersheds (Alashtar, Khorram Abad, and Biranshahr) located in the Karkheh River basin in the Zagros region of southwestern Iran. Research was focused on the chemical composition of water (solute load), karst denudation rate, spatial and temporal variability, as well as comparison of solute load with suspended load. Results show that Ca-Mg-HCO3 is the dominant water type that reflects the lithological characteristics of the catchment areas. Lack of seasonal fluctuation of solute load and absence of dilution during high water levels but evident seasonal course of discharge defines the highest solute flux during the annual maximum of discharge in spring months. The highest solute flux is related to flood events. High annual variation of Na1 concentration compared to conservative Cl2 as well as Chloro-Alkali indexes (CAI and CAI2) suggests that Na1 adsorption and desorption during ion-exchange reactions occur in the regolith. This Na+ variability, to some extent, explains weak Ca21 and Mg21 dilution effect during high water levels. During the measurement period (2014-2015), solute flux calculated per catchment area amounted to 49-69 t km-2 a-1 (tons per km per year). The chemical composition of water and discharge shows by far the highest chemical denudation of limestones and dolomites (87−89 %), while dissolution of gypsum is of minor importance (11−13 %). As a result, the carbonate karst solutional denudation rate is between 0.010 and 0.040 mm a21 , where the higher values are more probable for longer periods due to the relatively low discharge during the spring of 2015. Comparison of dissolved and suspended loads indicates that the transport of suspended load is an order of magnitude less than transport of the dissolved load; the only exception is one flash flood event when suspended load exceeded the dissolved load. Besides a small decrease in solute flux as well as carbonate karst dissolution rates from NW to SE, no large hydrochemical differences between the three subwatersheds were detected.

2021 ◽  

<p>The aim of this paper is to estimate the amount of aeolian dust, deposited by dry and wet processes, that is deposited to the eleven marine regions of the Mediterranean-Black Sea Marine System (MBMS) and to compare it to the riverine influxes (i.e. suspended and dissolved sediment loads). This research is based on information for aeolian dust deposition at several coastal stations, around the MBMS, following an extended research of the available literature. For data elaboration, processing, and visualization a G.I.S. environment was utilized. The total annual amount of dust input for the whole system has been estimated to 59.9 × 106 tonnes, of which 57.2 × 106 tonnes are deposited in the Mediterranean Sea and only 2.7 ×106 tonnes in the Black Sea. The contribution of dust input (load), corresponding to 6.2% and 0.8% of the total amount of suspended and dissolved load, for the Mediterranean and Black Sea respectively, reveals the significant role of the aeolian dust inputs to the MBMS marine environment, in particular, at its southern Mediterranean domain.</p>

Resources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 70
Dawid Szatten ◽  
Michał Habel ◽  
Zygmunt Babiński

Hydrologic alternation of river systems is an essential factor of human activity. Cascade-dammed waters are characterized by the disturbed outflow of material from the catchment. Changes in sediment, dissolved load and nutrient balance are among the base indicators of water resource monitoring. This research was based on the use of hydrological and water quality data (1984–2017) and the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) method to determine the influence of river regime changes on downstream transfer continuity of sediments and nutrients in the example of the Lower Brda river cascade dams (Poland). Two types of regimes were used: hydropeaking (1984–2000) and run–of–river (2001–2017). Using the IHA method and water quality data, a qualitative and quantitative relationship were demonstrated between changes of regime operation and sediment and nutrient balance. The use of sites above and below the cascade made it possible to determine sediment, dissolved load, and nutrient trapping and removing processes. Studies have shown that changes in operation regime influenced the supply chain and continuity of sediment and nutrient transport in cascade-dammed rivers. The conducted research showed that sustainable management of sediment and nutrient in the alternated catchment helps achieve good ecological status of the water.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 1818
Francesco Ulloa-Cedamanos ◽  
Anne Probst ◽  
Vanessa Dos-Santos ◽  
Thierry Camboulive ◽  
Franck Granouillac ◽  

Hydrological variations hold a significant influence over the water chemistry in the karstic critical zone. In this context, the karstic Baget Catchment (BC) has been monitored at a high resolution over two years at the outlet in order to set up a typology of the flood events. The objective was to assess the multiple streamwater physico-chemical patterns in response to hydrological variations, streamflow component (quick-response, subsurface, and baseflow) and lithological contributions, and biogeochemical processes. The karstic catchment exhibited an impulsive response to flood events in relation to the typical structural and morphological characteristics of the karst. In addition, this response was constrained by the magnitude of the rainfall and the preceding hydroclimatic conditions. The variability of the dissolved load in streamflow was closely associated with the characteristics of the weathered rocks and the hydrological conditions throughout the year. Two simple indicators allow to characterize the concentration–discharge relationships with different hysteresis patterns on a set of floods with various intensities and shapes of the hydrograph and under different hydrological conditions before the flood. Almost all elements exhibited either clockwise loops or more complex behaviors, suggesting a higher overall concentration when the major water contribution comes from the quick-response flow (karst and surface runoff fraction). Besides, the epikarst flushing under dry conditions led counterclockwise hysteresis patterns for calcium (Ca2+) and bicarbonate (HCO3−) which revealed an overall chemostatic behavior as a result of carbonate dissolution in the karst. On the contrary, sulfate (SO42−) exhibited the widest relative variation during flooding and showed a significant sensitivity to the dilution process with increasing discharge. For medium flood episodes (Qmax < 4.4 m3·s−1), an overall concentration increase or chemostatic behavior could be observed during the rising limb of the hydrograph. On the opposite, under extreme flood episodes (Qmax > 8.3 m3·s−1) occurring after several rain events, a dilution pattern was noted for all elements originating from rock weathering. Finally, high-frequency sampling during storm events improved the understanding of the factors controlling the hydrochemical dynamic in karstic catchments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Jean-Sébastien Moquet ◽  
Julien Bouchez ◽  
Jean-Jacques Braun ◽  
Sakaros Bogning ◽  
Auguste Paulin Mbonda ◽  

Despite the absence of tectonic activity, cratonic environments are characterized by strongly variable, and in places significant, rock weathering rates. This is shown here through an exploration of the weathering rates in two inter-tropical river basins from the Atlantic Central Africa: the Ogooué and Mbei River basins, Gabon. We analyzed the elemental and strontium isotope composition of 24 water samples collected throughout these basins. Based on the determination of the major element sources we estimate that the Ogooué and Mbei rivers total dissolved solids (TDS) mainly derive from silicate chemical weathering. The chemical composition of the dissolved load and the area-normalized solute fluxes at the outlet of the Ogooué are similar to those of other West African rivers (e.g., Niger, Nyong, or Congo). However, chemical weathering rates (TZsil+ rate expressed as the release rate of the sum of cations by silicate chemical weathering) span the entire range of chemical weathering intensities hitherto recorded in worldwide cratonic environments. In the Ogooué-Mbei systems, three regions can be distinguished: (i) the Eastern sub-basins draining the Plateaux Batéké underlain by quartz-rich sandstones exhibit the lowest TZsil+ rates, (ii) the Northern sub-basins and the Mbei sub-basins, which drain the southern edge of the tectonically quiescent South Cameroon Plateau, show intermediate TZsil+ rates and (iii) the Southern sub-basins characterized by steeper slopes record the highest TZsil+ rates. In region (ii), higher DOC concentrations are associated with enrichment of elements expected to form insoluble hydrolysates in natural waters (e.g., Fe, Al, Th, REEs) suggesting enhanced transport of these elements in the colloidal phase. In region (iii), we suggest that a combination of mantle-induced dynamic uplift and lithospheric destabilization affecting the rim of the Congo Cuvette induces slow base level lowering thereby enhancing soil erosion, exhumation of fresh primary minerals, and thus weathering rates. The study points out that erosion of lateritic covers in cratonic areas can significantly enhance chemical weathering rates by bringing fresh minerals in contact with meteoric water. The heterogeneity of weathering rates amongst cratonic regions thus need to be considered for reconstructing the global, long-term carbon cycle and its control on Earth climate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (23) ◽  
pp. 5989-6015
Quentin Charbonnier ◽  
Julien Bouchez ◽  
Jérôme Gaillardet ◽  
Éric Gayer

Abstract. The biological cycle of rock-derived nutrients on the continents is a major component of element transfer between the Earth's surface compartments, but its magnitude currently remains elusive. The use of the stable isotope composition of rock-derived nutrients, which can be fractionated during biological uptake, provides a promising path forward with respect to quantifying biological cycling and its overall contribution to global element cycling. In this paper, we rely on the nutrient-like behaviour of the trace element barium (Ba) and use its elemental and stable isotope compositions in dissolved and sediment load river samples to investigate biological cycling in the Amazon Basin. From these measurements, we show that dissolved Ba mainly derives from silicate rocks, and a correlation between dissolved Ba and K abundances suggests that biological cycling plays a role in the Ba river budget. Furthermore, the isotope composition of Ba (δ138Ba) in the dissolved load was found to be significantly different from that of the parent silicate rocks, implying that dissolved Ba isotopic signatures are affected by (i) the precipitation of soil-forming secondary phases as well as (ii) biological uptake and release from dead organic matter. Results from an isotope mass balance method applied to the river dissolved load data indicate that, after its release to solution by rock weathering, Ba is partitioned between the river dissolved load, secondary weathering products (such as those found in soils and river sediments), and the biota. In most sub-catchments of the Amazon, river Ba abundances and isotope compositions are significantly affected by biological cycling. Relationships between estimates of Ba cycled through biota and independent metrics of ecosystem dynamics (such as gross primary production and terrestrial ecosystem respiration) allow us to discuss the role of environmental parameters such as climate or erosion rates on the biological cycling of Ba and, by extension, the role of major rock-derived nutrients. In addition, catchment-scale mass and isotope budgets of Ba show that the measured riverine export of Ba is lower than the estimated delivery of Ba to the Earth surface through rock alteration. This indicates the existence of a missing Ba component, which we attribute to the formation of Ba-bearing particulate organics (possibly accumulating as soil organic matter or currently growing biomass within the catchments) and to organic-bound Ba exported as “unsampled” river particulate organic matter. Given our findings on the trace element Ba, we explore whether the river fluxes of most major rock-derived nutrients (K, Mg, Ca) might also be significantly affected by biological uptake or release. A first-order correction of river-derived silicate weathering fluxes from biological cycling shows that the carbon dioxide (CO2) consumption by silicate weathering at the mouth of the Amazon could be several times higher than the previously reported value of 13 × 109 mol CO2 yr−1 (Gaillardet et al., 1997). Overall, our study clearly shows that the chemical and isotope compositions of rivers in the Amazon – and most likely in other large river basins – bear a biological imprint, thereby challenging common assumptions made in weathering studies.

2020 ◽  
Quentin Charbonnier ◽  
Julien Bouchez ◽  
Jérôme Gaillardet ◽  
Éric Gayer

Abstract. Although biological cycling of rock-derived nutrients is a major operator of element cycles at the Earth surface, its magnitude still remains elusive. The isotope composition of rock-derived nutrients, which can be fractionated during biological uptake, is a powerful tool to quantify biological cycling. In this paper we use the elemental and isotopic composition of such a rock-derived nutrient, the trace element barium (Ba), measured in river dissolved and sediment load samples collected across the Amazon Basin. We show that dissolved Ba derives mainly from silicate rocks, while a correlation between dissolved Ba and K abundances suggests a strong role of biological cycling on the Ba river budget. The isotope composition of Ba (δ138Ba) of the dissolved load is significantly different from that of silicate rocks and is affected by i) formation of secondary phases and ii) biological uptake and release from dead organic matter. Results from an isotope mass balance model applied to the river dissolved load data indicate that after its release to solution by rock weathering, Ba is partitioned between the dissolved load, the secondary weathering products such as those found in soils and river sediments, and the biota. In most sub-catchments of the Amazon, river dissolved Ba abundance and isotope composition are significantly affected by biological cycling. Relationships between estimates of Ba cycling and independent metrics of ecosystem dynamics (such as Gross Primary Production and Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration) allows us to discuss the role of erosion rates on the cycling of rock-derived nutrients. In addition, river catchment-scale mass and isotope budgets of Ba show that the measured riverine export of Ba is lower than the estimated delivery of Ba to the Earth surface through rock alteration. This indicates the existence of a missing Ba component, that we attribute to the formation of a Ba-bearing particulate organic component, possibly accumulating as soil organic matter or currently growing biomass within the catchments; and to organic-bound exported as unsampled river particulate organic matter. Given our findings on the minor nutrient Ba, we explore whether the river fluxes of most major rock-derived nutrients (K, Mg, Ca) might also be significantly affected by biological uptake or release. A first-order correction of river-derived silicate weathering fluxes from biological cycling shows that, at the Amazon at mouth, the CO2 consumption by silicate weathering should be 20 % higher than the yet-reported value. Overall, our study clearly shows that the chemical and isotope composition of the Amazon (and most likely of most rivers) bears a biological imprint.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (18) ◽  
pp. 8740-8745 ◽  
Shilei Li ◽  
Weiqiang Li ◽  
Brian L. Beard ◽  
Maureen E. Raymo ◽  
Xiaomin Wang ◽  

The causal effects among uplift, climate, and continental weathering cannot be fully addressed using presently available geochemical proxies. However, stable potassium (K) isotopes can potentially overcome the limitations of existing isotopic proxies. Here we report on a systematic investigation of K isotopes in dissolved load and sediments from major rivers and their tributaries in China, which have drainage basins with varied climate, lithology, and topography. Our results show that during silicate weathering, heavy K isotopes are preferentially partitioned into aqueous solutions. Moreover, δ41K values of riverine dissolved load vary remarkably and correlate negatively with the chemical weathering intensity of the drainage basin. This correlation allows an estimate of the average K isotope composition of global riverine runoff (δ41K = −0.22‰), as well as modeling of the global K cycle based on mass balance calculations. Modeling incorporating K isotope mass balance better constrains estimated K fluxes for modern global K cycling, and the results show that the δ41K value of seawater is sensitive to continental weathering intensity changes. Thus, it is possible to use the δ41K record of paleo-seawater to infer continental weathering intensity through Earth’s history.

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