Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale
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Published By Milano University Press


Paolo Moneta

1 - Papa Francesco interviene ancora una volta sull'attuazione della riforma dei processi matrimoniali disposta con il motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus, a quasi sei anni dalla sua entrata in vigore. E lo fa, ancora una volta, con modalità inusuali e imprevedibili, tali da suscitare sorpresa e sconcerto nei più diretti destinatari di tale intervento. Ci troviamo infatti di fronte a un motu proprio, emanato il 17 novembre 2021, che istituisce una “Commissione Pontificia di verifica e applicazione del m. p. Mitis Iudex nelle Chiese d'Italia” (segue). No peace for the Italian regional ecclesiastical courts ABSTRACT: Some critical remarks about a recent Pope Francesco’s motu proprio are presented, in which he calls for a more complete implementation of the reform of the matrimonial process which he has ordered with the appointment of a special pontifical commission to verify the application of the new provisions in the Italian Churches.

Angelo Licastro

SOMMARIO: 1. La giusta presa di distanza da paradigmi di approccio dello Stato verso l’esperienza religiosa estranei al nostro modello costituzionale di diritto ecclesiastico - 2. L’esclusione del carattere discriminatorio del provvedimento adottato dal dirigente scolastico - 3. Il principio di laicità e l’interpretazione conforme a Costituzione dell’art. 118 del r.d. 30 aprile 1924, n. 965 - 4. L’ipotesi di una “incompletezza” della norma regolamentare in rapporto alle diverse esperienze e convinzioni di fede ridefinite in una dimensione prettamente storico-culturale - 5. I residui profili di peculiare rilevanza del crocifisso rispetto agli altri simboli religiosi - 6. Le competenze degli organi di autonomia scolastica in tema di esposizione dei simboli religiosi e la composizione dei conflitti affidata agli “accomodamenti ragionevoli” - 7. Brevi notazioni conclusive. Crucifix “by Choice”. From Compulsory to Optional Display of Crucifixes in Italian Classrooms (Some Remarks on the Decision September 9th, 2021, no. 24414 of the United Sections of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation) ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the decision September 9th, 2021, no. 24414, of the United Sections of the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, concerning the display of the crucifix in the classrooms. The Court has ruled that the presence of the crucifix on the wall does not discriminate against anyone. However, not the government authorities, but the students during an Assembly and the Class council must decide if display the crucifix and if eventually place other religious symbols next to it, seeking “reasonable accommodation” between the different positions of people in the school community.

Salvatore Prisco

SOMMARIO: 1. Una vexata quaestio e l’andamento carsico del suo periodico riproporsi - 2. Premessa di metodo: guardare un paesaggio consueto con nuovi occhi per scoprire orizzonti prima inesplorati - 3. I meri fatti e il caso sub judice come modo di “leggerli” - 4. Le questioni di merito: a) del buon uso dei simboli pubblici, veicoli di messaggi “istituzionali” o espressione di sentimenti popolari condivisi - 5. b) L’antica saggezza del “ragionevole accomodamento” come bussola tratta dalle esperienze multiculturali per navigare oggi il mare tempestoso del mondo variegato - 6. Dal diario di bordo di un vecchio professore. Secularism as a critical dialogue respecting cultural differences ABSTRACT: The ruling decision pronounced by the United Sections of the Supreme Court of Cassation in Italy, which calls for a “reasonable accomodation” about the posting of the crucifix in the class-rooms, as a precious opportunity to promote at the public school - primary place of socialization beyond family - dialogical practices of intercultural and inter-religious encounter.

Domenico Francavilla

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. La logica dell’uniformazione - 3. Due significati di “complessità”. The complexity of personal laws and the debate on the Uniform Civil Code in India ABSTRACT: The promulgation of the Uniform Civil Code, envisaged in the Indian Constitution as a Directive Principle of State Policy, has been at the center of a debate on overcoming the application of personal laws in matters of family and succession that has always been present in the Indian context and has recently been revived. The contribution identifies as useful keys for analysis on the one hand the logic of uniformisation as choice and, on the other hand, complexity, understood both as the operational difficulty of managing a system of laws applied on a personal basis and as a basic feature of continuous interactions between different principles and rules in a highly pluralistic context.

Arturo Maniaci

SOMMARIO: 1. L’epidemia nel Codice civile italiano - 2. “Una brutta notizia, avvolta in una proteina” - 3. Le misure di contenimento dell’epidemia da Covid-19 adottate e l’esordio di vaccini anti-Covid-19 - 4. La vaccinazione obbligatoria: precedenti storici italiani - 5. La vaccinazione obbligatoria contro il Covid-19, oggi: una mappa mondiale - 6. La vaccinazione contro il Covid-19 in Italia: obbligo, diritto od onere? 7. Il problema della compatibilità dell’obbligo vaccinale con il quadro normativo costituzionale ed europeo - 8. Conclusioni. The introduction of a compulsory vaccination in Italy: critical profiles ABSTRACT: The multiple Covid-19 vaccines developed until now are typically thought of as the only means to meet the challenges posed by the current pandemic. The Italian legal system offers a composite framework for the regulation of vaccinations against Covid-19 and more precisely provides for the burden of vaccination for many categories of people (including healthcare workers). The purpose of this paper is to verify the legitimacy of a compulsory vaccination in the light of Italian and European sources of law. In this perspective, the Author argues that a compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 could be considered not consistent with both the Italian Constitution and the European legislation. Furthermore, the Author focuses on the phenomenon of vaccine esitancy, questioning whether a policy of mandatory vaccination is the proper tool for supporting the effective implementation of vaccination strategies.

Piero Amenta

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Introduzione - 3. Il processo ordinario di appello nel M.P. Mitis Iudex - 4. L’appello nel processo abbreviato - 5. I limiti della prova in fase di appello. ABSTRACT: The article is the resumé of a speech originally delivered to the members of the Arcisodalizio della Curia Romana. It examines the canonical discipline in matrimonial case as it is contained in m.p. Mitis Iudex, by pope Francis, with whom the Pontiff has reformed the discipline of the canonical process in matrimonial cases. The author explaines the new discipline, compares it with the old one replaced, and discuss the points that seem to be problematic, proposing possible solutions in the light of the Roman Rota Jurisprudence of recent times.

Alessandro Cupri

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa: l’Islam tra religione ed economia - 2. Dalla finanza al contratto islamico, tra vincolo e libertà: alla ricerca di una teoria generale dei contratti - 3. L’etica islamica dei contratti: divieto di ribà e divieto di ghàrar - 4. Operatività delle attività della banca islamica e contrattualistica commerciale Shari’ah Compliant - 5. I contratti di tipo partecipativo: “mudàraba” e “mushàraka” - 6. (segue) Tipologie di mudàraba - 7. Cenni conclusivi e prospettive future. The Prophet's Economy: Islamic Finance and the Religious Foundations of Islamic Law of Shari'ah Compliant Contracts ABSTRACT: The growing presence of Muslim believers in Europe has increasingly led to heated debates also at the doctrinal level. Legal and economic literature, particularly, has recently emphasised the importance that inclusive, effective and efficient financial regulation can have on the degree of integration of the Islamic communities present in non-Muslim contexts. Since the Shari'ah dictates a series of behavioural rules in different sectors of the believer’s life, the Koran and the narratives of the Prophet (hadith) offer a series of prescriptions also in economic matters. With the aim of outlining the religious and juridical reasoning of the so-called halal economic dimension, this paper first examines the economic principles of Islamic finance: the prohibition of ribà (interest), the prohibition of ghàrar (uncertainty) and that of maysìr (speculation). It then provides a recognition aimed at finding a general theory of Islamic contracts. Finally, it reconstructs the discipline of the mudàraba and musharàka participatory contracts. These two forms of contracts represent a product of Islamic finance widely used in banking-financial practice and considered by Islamic legal schools to be totally in conformity with the Word of Allah. They are therefore instruments of comparison particularly interesting as well as useful for the Italian legal system. They can represent a flywheel for the integration of Muslims in the social fabric, and at the same time, an antidote to the unstable European economic panorama.

Paolo Cavana

SOMMARIO - 1. Il crocifisso in classe davanti alle Sezioni Unite - 2. Laicità dello Stato e autonomia scolastica - 3. Conflitto tra diritti e reasonable accommodation - 4. La regola della reasonable accommodation nella giurisprudenza straniera e italiana - 5. Il crocifisso come simbolo “essenzialmente passivo” nella giurisprudenza europea - 6. Reasonable accommodation in assenza di una lesione di diritti: rilievi critici - 7. Bilanciamento dei diritti e legislazione scolastica - 8. Il rapporto asimmetrico tra docente e alunni nella scuola: un dato del tutto omesso - 9. La rimozione del crocifisso da parte del docente: un atto lecito? Osservazioni conclusive. The Supreme Court’s United Sections on the Crucifix controversy in schools: searching for a difficult balance between laicism and European case-law ABSTRACT: This paper examines critically, in the light of the Italian and European case-law, the contents and the juridical arguments of a recent decision issued by the United Sections of the Italian Court of Cassation concerning the Crucifix controversy arisen in a State school. The judges established, on one hand, that the crucifix may be hung in a classroom upon demand of the students as it does not infringe the dissenting teacher’s freedom of conscience or of teaching, according to Lautsi ECHR decision (2011); on the other hand, the clash of values involved would need a reasonable accommodation which could require other religious symbols alongside the crucifix or its removal during the lessons of the dissenting teacher. Such a decision, according to the author, appears to be somewhat contradictory and ambiguous, and it does not resolve the case in a well-balanced way.

Giuseppe D'Angelo ◽  
Jlia Pasquali Cerioli

SOMMARIO: 1. Una collocazione non casuale - 2. Mutazioni, crisi, emergenze. Valori-fini dell’ordinamento e rilettura in continuità del “microsistema costituzionale” del diritto ecclesiastico - 3. Il duplice significato della dimensione pubblica del fenomeno religioso. Ambiguità e contraddizioni nel diritto ecclesiastico pre-pandemico - 4. Le conferme della pandemia. I limiti della libertà religiosa (e gli spunti per la valorizzazione del suo apporto costruttivo) - 5. Il rafforzamento e l’estensione del paradigma collaborativo - 6. La nuova fase della ripartenza e il binomio collaborazione-sussidiarietà - 7. Riepilogo e rilancio - 8. Note di discussione: i pregi (prospettici) - 9. (segue) i difetti (potenziali). The pandemic emergency and the ecclesiastical law of the State: advantages (in perspective) and (potential) defects in considering the public dimension of religion. ABSTRACT: Despite the pandemic emergency, religion is still placed among the elements that contribute to the material and spiritual progress of society. Particularly, the perception of the role of religion is assuming a greater consideration by State institutions and politics as well among the scholars. In this sense, the emergency law is an opportunity to reflect on the public dimension of the religious factor and a good chance to test its merits (in perspective) and (potential) defects.

Francesco Ferrara

SOMMARIO: 1. Il “pomo della discordia”: Concilio Vaticano II - 2. L’ermeneutica della riforma nella continuità - 3. Unità nella unicità? - 4. Esempi di non trascurabile fedeltà. Lex orandi, lex credendi? The Roman Missal and its symbolic value between Summorum Pontificum and Traditionis Custodes ABSTRACT: This essay aims to examine the symbolic value acquired by the Roman Missal of 1962 by the Second Vatican Council today, especially through the comparison of two recent statutes, Summorum Pontificum and Traditionis Custodes. They can represent an effective synthesis of the approaches used by the Catholic Church to relate to a liturgical question that is still very controversial.

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