state school
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Paulo Victor Da Silva Costa ◽  
Diórgenes Gonçalves dos Santos

Resumo: O presente estudo objetiva analisar as práticas pedagógicas dos educadores, bem como suas visões sobre a inclusão de estudantes com deficiência na Escola Estadual Euclides da Cunha, no município de Parnamirim-PE. Para isto foi aplicado questionários semiestruturados, onde professores que atendem a este público na sala multifuncional responderam sobre questões direcionadas a temática em estudo e a realidade vivenciada na unidade escolar em pesquisa. Os resultados alcançados mostram que a instituição busca trabalhar oferecendo o melhor a esses alunos, porém ainda existe a necessidade de melhorias, em aspectos como a formação dos professores não capacitados para lidar com os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que a escola dispõe de espaço físico adequado, material didático adaptado e mesmo diante de algumas dificuldades, esses alunos têm um bom relacionamento com os professores e demais colegas.Palavras-Chave:  Inclusão, Necessidades educacionais especiais, Práticas docentes Abstract:This study aims to analyze the pedagogical practices of educators, as well as their views on the inclusion of students with disabilities in the Euclides da Cunha State School, in the municipality of Parnamirim-PE. For this, semi-structured questionnaires were applied, where teachers who serve this audience in the multifunctional room answered questions directed at the theme under study and the reality experienced in the school unit under study. The results achieved show that the institution seeks to work by offering the best to these students, but there is still a need for improvements in aspects such as the training of teachers who are not qualified to deal with students with special educational needs. The analysis of the results allows us to conclude that the school has adequate physical space, adapted teaching material and even in the face of some difficulties, these students have a good relationship with the teachers and other colleagues. Keywords: Inclusion, Special educational needs, Teaching practices

2021 ◽  
John Chote

<p>This thesis outlines and examines the factors that account for the post-2009 growth in the adoption and use of the NCEA Religious Studies Achievement Standards by state secondary school teachers in New Zealand.  My specific focus is on identifying differences in philosophy, pedagogy and policy in RS use between the state schools and: 1. other subjects, 2. NZ faith schools and 3. developments in a selection of countries and explaining the significance of these differences.  The context for this development is set out in an historical outline that draws in factors that have led up to the seeming anomaly of a set of national RS assessments appearing in 2009. This outline pulls together relevant legal, curricular and societal developments since the late Nineteenth Century, that might help explain the state schools taking up this new opportunity.  The most substantial weight of the thesis comes from the field work involving in-depth questionnaires and interviews with a census of state school teachers using the RS assessments. This provides clear patterns of difference in philosophy, pedagogy and policy in the state schools’ adoption and use of the RS ASs compared to other subjects, faith schools and three comparison countries. It is the teachers’ voices that are heard strongly here. This analysis was backed up with my access to extensive NZQA data files of every student entry in RS ASs in New Zealand since 2009.  The state school teachers’ use of the RS assessments is then viewed against comparison schools and countries. A comparison with a cross-section selection of local New Zealand faith school teachers using the RS assessments (who also took part in the questionnaire and interview research) and a literature review of the issues and development of RS teaching in the UK, Canada and Australia, helped accentuate and explain the differences in this new development in state schools.</p>

2021 ◽  
John Chote

<p>This thesis outlines and examines the factors that account for the post-2009 growth in the adoption and use of the NCEA Religious Studies Achievement Standards by state secondary school teachers in New Zealand.  My specific focus is on identifying differences in philosophy, pedagogy and policy in RS use between the state schools and: 1. other subjects, 2. NZ faith schools and 3. developments in a selection of countries and explaining the significance of these differences.  The context for this development is set out in an historical outline that draws in factors that have led up to the seeming anomaly of a set of national RS assessments appearing in 2009. This outline pulls together relevant legal, curricular and societal developments since the late Nineteenth Century, that might help explain the state schools taking up this new opportunity.  The most substantial weight of the thesis comes from the field work involving in-depth questionnaires and interviews with a census of state school teachers using the RS assessments. This provides clear patterns of difference in philosophy, pedagogy and policy in the state schools’ adoption and use of the RS ASs compared to other subjects, faith schools and three comparison countries. It is the teachers’ voices that are heard strongly here. This analysis was backed up with my access to extensive NZQA data files of every student entry in RS ASs in New Zealand since 2009.  The state school teachers’ use of the RS assessments is then viewed against comparison schools and countries. A comparison with a cross-section selection of local New Zealand faith school teachers using the RS assessments (who also took part in the questionnaire and interview research) and a literature review of the issues and development of RS teaching in the UK, Canada and Australia, helped accentuate and explain the differences in this new development in state schools.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 482-487
Daniela de Moraes Batista ◽  
Manuel Carlos da Costa da Silva ◽  
Priscila Beleza Cruz ◽  
Carolyne Cristina da Silva Batista ◽  
Viviane Guedes de Oliveira ◽  

Resumo As feiras de Ciências são ferramentas muito relevantes no processo de ensino-aprendizagem para o aluno, pois possibilitam a compreensão de conceitos estudados, em sala de aula, por meio de demonstrações experimentais. Desse modo, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo demonstrar experimentos químicos envolvendo a contextualização e a interdisciplinaridade da feira de Ciências na Escola Estadual Plínio Ramos Coelho. Para atender ao objetivo do trabalho foi realizada a feira de ciências no evento intitulado “III Mostra do Saber”, quatro bolsistas do PIBID ficaram responsáveis por confeccionar e executar seus experimentos demonstrativos, sendo todos na área da Química, com intuito de contribuir no processo ensino -aprendizagem dos alunos e sociedade presente no evento, além de envolver a contextualização da cientificidade com o cotidiano também abrange a interação comunidade/escola e professor/aluno. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, pois os bolsistas do PIBID, alunos da escola e comunidade, em geral, trocaram experiências por meio dos experimentos realizados na Feira de Ciências, proporcionando assim mais conhecimento para todos os participantes. Por fim, conclui-se que por meio do projeto realizado é possível relacionar e compreender conteúdos vistos anteriormente, em sala de aula, por meio de demonstrações químicas, reforçando interações entre comunidade e escola e aproximando mais professor e aluno.Palavras-chave: Experimentos Científicos. PIBID. Química. Abstract Science fairs are relevant tools in the student's teaching-learning process, as they enable the understanding of concepts studied in the classroom through experimental demonstrations. Thus, this project aimed to demonstrate chemical experiments involving the contextualization and interdisciplinarity of the science fair at the Plínio Ramos Coelho State School. To meet the project objective, the science fair was held at the event entitled “III Mostra do Saber”, four PIBID scholarship holders were responsible for making and executing their demonstration experiments, all of them in the chemistry area, in order to contribute to the teaching-learning process of students and society present at the event, in addition to involving the scientificity contextualization with everyday life, it also encompasses the interaction with community / school and teacher / student. The results obtained were satisfactory, since the PIBID scholarship holders, students from the school and the community in general exchanged experiences through the experiments carried out at the science fair, thus providing more knowledge for all the participants. Finally, it is concluded that through the project carried out it is possible to relate and understand content previously seen in the classroom through chemical demonstrations, reinforcing interactions between community and school and bringing the teacher and student closer. Keywords: Scientific Experiments. PIBID. Chemistry.

Paolo Cavana

SOMMARIO - 1. Il crocifisso in classe davanti alle Sezioni Unite - 2. Laicità dello Stato e autonomia scolastica - 3. Conflitto tra diritti e reasonable accommodation - 4. La regola della reasonable accommodation nella giurisprudenza straniera e italiana - 5. Il crocifisso come simbolo “essenzialmente passivo” nella giurisprudenza europea - 6. Reasonable accommodation in assenza di una lesione di diritti: rilievi critici - 7. Bilanciamento dei diritti e legislazione scolastica - 8. Il rapporto asimmetrico tra docente e alunni nella scuola: un dato del tutto omesso - 9. La rimozione del crocifisso da parte del docente: un atto lecito? Osservazioni conclusive. The Supreme Court’s United Sections on the Crucifix controversy in schools: searching for a difficult balance between laicism and European case-law ABSTRACT: This paper examines critically, in the light of the Italian and European case-law, the contents and the juridical arguments of a recent decision issued by the United Sections of the Italian Court of Cassation concerning the Crucifix controversy arisen in a State school. The judges established, on one hand, that the crucifix may be hung in a classroom upon demand of the students as it does not infringe the dissenting teacher’s freedom of conscience or of teaching, according to Lautsi ECHR decision (2011); on the other hand, the clash of values involved would need a reasonable accommodation which could require other religious symbols alongside the crucifix or its removal during the lessons of the dissenting teacher. Such a decision, according to the author, appears to be somewhat contradictory and ambiguous, and it does not resolve the case in a well-balanced way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-74
Maria da Conceição de Menezes Torres

A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo elaborar e aplicar uma proposta didática para abordar os conceitos de reação de saponificação, tendo como base o tema gerador “descarte consciente de óleo vegetal”. A proposta didática teve um enfoque Ciência, Tecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente (CTSA), visto que buscou-se abordar um tema voltado para poluição do meio ambiente provocado pelo descarte inadequado de óleo vegetal de frituras. A pesquisa realizada foi um estudo de caso realizado em uma Escola estadual de Campina Grande – PB. O público-alvo foram estudantes do ciclo VI da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). A proposta didática foi dividida em etapas, que consistiu na avaliação do perfil da turma, problematização inicial, organização do conhecimento e experimentação. O instrumento de coleta de dados foram três questionários, para avaliar o perfil da turma, uma sondagem a respeito dos conhecimentos prévios dos alunos e verificação da proposta didática aplicada. Como resultado foi possível analisar uma turma composta igualitariamente por jovens e adultos, que na sua maioria tem afinidade pela Química. Porém, esses alunos apresentaram pouco conhecimento acerca do conteúdo abordado devido as limitações de conteúdos vistos anteriormente. Contudo, ao decorrer das etapas foi possível observar o desenvolvimento dos mesmos a partir do envolvimento durante as aulas teórica e experimental. Os questionários aplicados no início e no fim das etapas foram analisados e concluiu-se que a grande maioria conseguiu aprimorar seus conhecimentos satisfatoriamente.   The present research aimed to develop and apply a didactic proposal to address the concepts of saponification reaction, based on the generating theme "conscious disposal of vegetable oil". The didactic proposal had a Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STEM) approach, since it aimed to address an issue related to environmental pollution caused by improper disposal of vegetable frying oil. The research was a case study carried out in a state school in Campina Grande - PB. The target audience were students from cycle VI of the Young and Adult Education (EJA). The didactic proposal was divided into stages, which consisted of the evaluation of the class profile, initial problematization, knowledge organization and experimentation. The data collection instrument was three questionnaires, to evaluate the class profile, a survey of the students' previous knowledge, and verification of the didactic proposal applied. As a result, it was possible to analyze a class composed equally of young people and adults, most of whom have an affinity for chemistry. However, these students had little knowledge about the content addressed due to limitations of content previously seen. However, during the stages it was possible to observe their development from their involvement during the theoretical and experimental classes. The questionnaires applied at the beginning and at the end of the stages were analyzed and it was concluded that most of them managed to improve their knowledge satisfactorily.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16085
Valdirene Eliane Bailon de Souza ◽  
Rita Márcia Andrade Vaz de Mello ◽  
Maria de Lourdes Mattos Barreto

In this study, we analyzed the relationship between the management team of a State School in Minas Gerais and the families of the students, identifying perceptions about their own performance and the participation of families in the institutional scope. To this end, the theoretical-methodological axis is characterized by a case study, with a descriptive approach and a qualitative approach, based on a corpus consisting of information from seven Basic Education Specialists (BSE). Thus, we found that the management team, in general, admits the essentiality of family participation at the institutional level. However, according to the findings of this research, conflicting situations are evidenced between school members and family members/guardians of students, which demonstrates the constant need for school debates on interpersonal relationships, even with the possibility of stirring up controversies and causing confrontations of ideas, given the need to put democratic guiding principles into practice, through communicability.

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