The Academic Society Journal
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Published By The Academic Society


2021 ◽  
pp. 45-55
ALO Oliveira ◽  
FPL Leite ◽  
CSS Santineli ◽  
Adriana Del Monaco ◽  
Evandro Drigo

The research analyzes issues related to events that originate the behavior of a pacemaker battery in certain electro-electronic variations. Based on idea that pacemaker has the purpose of supporting the heart rate with electrical stimuli, the existence of errors in equipment's battery can lead to reduced autonomy and restricted failures that cause it to malfunction. The research process is based on bibliographic reviews and objective is to investigate cause of failure and explain in a technical way how this error can be minimized in order to reduce likelihood of these undesirable events in the equipment's operation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-28
Eduardo P Falcetti ◽  
Álvaro Gardenghi ◽  
Alvaro B Dietrich ◽  
Luben Cabezas-Gómez

It is presented a hermetic compressor startup simulation procedure considering a simplified approach to obtain the transient data of different compressor parameters. The main numerical technique is a four order Runge-Kutta procedure to numerically integrate the systems of ordinary differential equations, which describe the variables’ variation with time in each part of the compressor. The simulations were performed in the Windali software. The results show how the oil viscosity influences the electrical motor torque, the compressor load and crankshaft angular velocity with time for two electric motor input voltage values. The increase of oil viscosity by a factor of 2, retards the compressor startup for more than one second. The presented simple model could be valuable for studying the geometrical and operational influence on compressor startup.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Eduardo Bock

More than simply being a review paper and telling the story of the development of a ventricular assist device, this paper aims to critically review changes in technical nomenclature and scientific positioning, taxonomy and its applications, therapeutic indications and the results of its application in patients. After 15 years of the first Brazilian Centrifugal Ventricular Assist Device, many things have changed for the better. Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support is a therapy consolidated as a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of congestive heart failure, as well as heart transplantation and other drug therapies. It is still seen as science fiction in several countries or media, but that is a cruel reality in our post-truth and fake news times. In reality, it should receive more funding resources especially in developing countries and emerging economies with strong hospital industry of the cardiovascular field that may have surprising results with all the technology already established.

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-65
Vitória Pivato ◽  
Adriana Del Monaco

Medical technology plays a fundamental role in supporting medical practices, from diagnosis to the patient's rehabilitation phase, but the iatrogenic potential of the equipment must also be admitted. Resumption of iatrogenesis in a damage, material or psychic that is emitted to the patient during medical treatment and opposite to medical error, this term is related to a necessary procedure for the improvement of the patient, being considered an inevitable fact, an investigation of the iatrogenic consequences generated equipment by doctors was indispensable to verify which factors can motivate this type of complication. The lack of basic infrastructure for the adaptation of devices in hospitals affected not only patients but also employees, the lack of training and investigation of technical problems are factors that directly influence this occurrence. This study addresses the subject in order to investigate the factors that are capable of causing iatrogenic consequences generated by medical equipment, it also points out problems that need to be investigated for improvement during use by health professionals, developing an analysis that makes it possible to assist in this problem in the hospital environment. Therefore, in order to carry out the study, the applied methodology was a bibliographic review, analyzing and collecting data on the risks caused by medical technology in the hospital environment, following the method, the search resulted in a few articles that included and emphasized the use of technologies medical, but after obtaining the data it was possible to develop two graphs that analyze the incidents that occurred and the impact of medical technologies on these incidents. In view of this, the present recommends the study through a hospital management the application of resources focused on medical technologies, with a specialist to identify problems. It is important to emphasize that an analysis of this theme is beneficial for the performance of managers, relating medical equipment to iatrogenic consequences.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-44
Rafael Fernando Petri ◽  
Gabriela Maestri ◽  
Gisele Cristina Bessa ◽  
Fernanda Steffens ◽  
Fernando R Oliveira ◽  

A indústria têxtil e confecção tem se caracterizado como intensivas em mão de obra, entretanto os processos de automação vêm ganhando espaço nestes ambientes industriais. Um processo como o de etiquetagem no setor de embalagem industrial, quando realizado manualmente, está sujeito a erros e desperdícios indesejáveis, porém, este processo manual ainda é realidade em muitas indústrias têxteis e de confecção no Brasil. Neste trabalho é apresentado um modelo de automação para o processo de etiquetagem no setor de embalagem da indústria têxtil e confecção, sustentado por princípios da teoria de mecanismos, sistemas de automação, gerenciamento de pessoas, tempo de ciclo de operação e análise financeira. Os resultados teóricos previstos, após a implementação do modelo de automação, indicam uma redução no tempo de ciclo do processo de aproximadamente 14,3%, com investimento que se pagará em cerca de 5,8 anos. A implementação de mecanismos de automação possibilita, neste caso, a otimização e melhoria dos processos na indústria têxtil e confecção em termos de agilidade, precisão e redução de custo.

2020 ◽  
pp. 181-182
Sergio Y Araki ◽  
Isac K Fujita ◽  
Eduardo G P Bock

Quando nos propuseram escrever este editorial para a quarta edição da revista TASJ, ficamos diante de um desafio. Desde setembro de 2019, as expectativas estavam grandes para a realização do 5º MECF sob a presidência de uma mulher e com aspectos de internacionalização que o congresso, desde sua concepção, sonhou. Isso tudo iria se realizar em tão pouco tempo, apenas na quinta edição. Dentro destas expectativas, estavam as inscrições de um maior número de trabalhos segundo as prospecções de época. Entretanto, a pandemia global de Covid19 levou-nos rapidamente a uma reorganização em todos os aspectos. Por exemplo, no lugar da busca de garantias de espaços para a realização das sessões, nossa busca foi por garantir que o evento acontecesse de alguma forma. Neste sentido houve iniciativas muito interessantes e proveitosas como o Encontro Virtual de Iniciação Científica (EVIC) promovido pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – campus São Paulo (IFSP) e o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná – campus Foz do Iguaçu (IFPR) em junho de 2020. Mas o 5° MEC3F 2020, com todas as sonhadas melhorias, não aconteceu. Em um ano em que a ciência foi o assunto mais comentado, valorizado e divulgado de diferentes modos, as distâncias foram vencidas com a utilização de formatos remotos ou virtuais, podemos dizer que, de alguma forma, saímos fortalecidos nas relações humanas. Há que se destacar, também, que neste ano, um dos fundadores do congresso MEC3F está se aposentando (Prof. Sergio Yoshinobu Araki). Um homem inspirador que sempre foi e será impulsionador de ideias, honrado e apoiador de inciativas científicas ousadas e com um valor humano inconfundível. Sem ele, não alcançaríamos as metas do MEC3F com tanta rapidez. É um amigo inseparável! A seguir, apresentamos um breve relato pessoal do Prof. Araki: “Poxa, 42 anos dedicados ao ensino, não é pouco tempo, mas, foram muito bem vividos e aproveitados. O início de tudo, aos 21 anos, quando consegui um estágio em janeiro de 1978 na COFAP, para preparar material de apoio para treinamento dos funcionários, 30 dias após, por sorte, uma vaga apareceu e fui efetivado como instrutor de treinamento. A paixão pelo ensino foi imediata. Um ano após, por processo seletivo, já formado, mas no início da carreira em escola técnica, no Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo, era janeiro de 1979, lecionando por 13 anos, com muitas saudades dos alunos e colegas professores, das gincanas organizadas por nossas orientadoras, ainda hoje mantenho contato com alunos formandos desta época. No mesmo período, início de 1983, tem o início das minhas atividades de professor na ETE Getúlio Vargas, lecionando também na ETE Lauro Gomes e ETE Jorge Street, onde conheci vários colegas professores que também lecionavam na Escola Técnica Federal, onde trabalhei por 18 anos. Em 1989, prestei o concurso da “federal” e acabei assumindo o cargo no final do mesmo ano, ficando por 30 anos e 8 meses como professor, nos cursos de Ensino Técnico Mecânica, Ensino Técnico Subsequente, Ensino Tecnológico e Engenharias, entrei no Regime de Dedicação Exclusiva e minha dedicação à escola foi completa, participei de vários projetos e comissões, fui coordenador de área, orientei vários alunos em projeto de IC, várias orientações de TCC, por muito tempo fui orientador de estágio. ...ahh não esquecendo das muitas viagens técnicas com os alunos de todos os cursos da nossa área, importante na minha vida e na vida dos alunos, sendo uma experiência de vida para todos, tendo sempre a companhia de colegas parceiros irmãos por um tempo precioso de pelo menos 10 anos, os Professores Eduardo Bock e Isac Fujita fiz várias amizades com alunos na qual mantenho contato, minha vida de docente foi muito feliz e prazerosa, alguns entraves, mas nada que me tirasse do rumo como professor. Agradeço a todos que, direta ou indiretamente, participaram da minha vida de docência, e espero estar presente na vida de alguns colegas e ex-alunos nesta nova etapa da minha vida. Estou e estarei sempre presente na vida de vocês que ainda de algum modo necessitarem da minha ajuda ou conversa em qualquer momento na vida de vocês”. Novos desafios, novas habilidades, novas fronteiras onde o homem jamais esteve! Juntos encontraremos respostas para o bem comum, através da ciência.

2020 ◽  
pp. 158-166
Rodrigo Aristóteles ◽  
Tarcisio Leão

Most industrial processes have computers responsible for managing the production stages, which are the workstations. They monitor and control equipment (frequency inverters, screwdrivers and others) by sending commands via the network. This article shows a communication system between a robotic manipulator and a workstation, Modbus TCP and Advanced Control Language (ACL) protocols, respectively. The devices mentioned do not communicate directly, as the communication protocols are different. Therefore, it is not possible to perform this integration between the equipment, causing a sector of the industrial plant to be inoperative. There are several similar problems in automation systems, so there is the use of the gateway in various processes. It is a technology used in the conversion between protocols, thus being the object of study. The methodology starts with configuring the gateway according to the parameters of the workstation and the robotic manipulator, and then employs the use of the Wireshark® network monitor in order to verify that data sent and received follow the requested specifications.

2020 ◽  
pp. 144-145
Eduardo Bock ◽  
Daniel Ponce ◽  
Daniel Martins

In this edition, we are pleased to present the last advances of The Academic Society Journal in terms of relevance and diffusion. Due to our continuous effort for improvement, we now have ISSN, DOI in publications, a peer review policy and editorial board of renowned professionals. In this context, our editorial board is integrating professor Daniel Martins, who is coordinator of the Robotics Laboratory (LAR) at UFSC. In addition to him, other LAR members were invited to join the team of reviewers. The UFSC – IFSP partnership started at 2014, with the approval of CAPES Public Call in Assistive Technology in Brazil and Studies on Disability (PGPTA) No.59/2014 with the project “Reconfigurable Platform for Assistive Technology for Bedridden Patients”. The funds from this project helped to finance scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students from both universities involved. From that moment, UFSC has been participating annually in the MEC3F Congress of Engineering and Applied Sciences in the three Borders, an event that undoubtedly promoted the exchange between these universities. This event is deeply connected with our Society and TAS Journal. During the 6th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics MuSMe 2017, organized by the Commission for Mechatronics and Technical Committees for Multibody Dynamics, Robotics and Mechatronics in UFSC, in Florianópolis, it became evident the importance of creating research centers of excellence in Latin America to increase our international competitiveness, a fact that we can evidence now with the recent participation of Prof. Silvina Ramos group. In September 2018, the 4th WMRD - Fourth Workshop on Mechanism and Robot Design, of Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC was gathered in Blumenau and the participants had the opportunity to discuss new forms of scientific cooperation between the institutions. Today, we have completed our partnership with the participation of professors and students from the Robotics Laboratory – LAR from UFSC. We hope our work and partnership will allow us to further elevate the concept of the TASJ journal, generating a greater impact factor, number of publications and will support scientific and technological knowledge. Interestingly, what started with assistive technology and accessibility projects can then increase accessibility to scientific publication, open access and free of charges.

2020 ◽  
pp. 146-157
Eduardo Sosa ◽  
Diego Godoy

A unified architecture for indoor and outdoor location determination in the IoT domain is presented in this work. Two empirical scenarios (indoor and outdoor) with their associated techniques have been proposed and successfully deployed. The selected physical location for interior experience has been a classroom of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales (FCEQyN) from Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNaM). The network has been set by deploying a set of Decawave DWM1001 nodes, a new radio frequency communications product from the Decawave ScenSor family that accomplish with communication methods as Ultrawideband (UWB) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). For the outdoor scenario, a livestock production farm of 234 ha (2,34.106 m2) near the city of Posadas has been selected. In this physical facility, devices based on 2.4 GHz XBee Pro S2, compatible with ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4, have been deployed. For the location process of the nodes, the trilateration method has been used. While in indoors essays an approximate bias of 7.10-2 m has been achieved, outdoors trilateration outcomes expose indeterminacy between 35 m and 98 m.

2020 ◽  
pp. 167-180
José Viana ◽  
Rosa Sá ◽  
Tamires Araujo ◽  
Rafael Ribeiro ◽  
Elidiane Rangel ◽  

Alumina, or aluminum oxide, has several applications as Biomaterial in addition to being used in machining tools, grinding, thermal insulation, shielding, refractory for heating furnaces, electrical insulators, electronic components due to its high resistance to high temperatures, hardness, mechanical resistance and chemical resistance. Its achievement is due to intermediate processes in the manufacture of primary aluminum, as well as physical and chemical deposition processes. This work aims to obtain thin films of alumina through the Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation process, using the 5052 aluminum alloy as a substrate. This study serves as a basis for applications of thin films of alumina in Implantable Centrifugal Blood Pump rotors used as Ventricular Assist Devices developed by the Laboratory of Bioengineering and Biomaterials in the Federal Institute of São Paulo. The samples were prepared with same surface area of the rotor, in order to simulate the same behavior of the rotor film deposition, thus being able to observe the morphology at different oxidation times and energies, and how the influence of time and energy on the generation of plasma micro-arcs act in the formation of the alumina film. The film was characterized with Scanning Electron Microscopy, Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction. The ceramic films in the PEO are created by the reaction of the electrolytic solution with the electrical discharges produced by a source, being deposited on the surface of the samples through micro arcs. In the future, the films will be tested for cell viability, and will also be evaluated as an internal coating of Implantable Centrifugal Blood Pump for use as Ventricular Assist Device.

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