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Published By Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University Of Indonesia)


Khazanah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Kemal Suryoadji ◽  
Darrin Nugraha ◽  

Aktivitas fisik merupakan komponen esensial bagi kesehatan. Sejak awal tahun 2020, infeksi COVID-19 telah dinyatakan sebagai pandemi sehingga aktivitas fisik masyarakat, termasuk anak dan remaja, menjadi terbatas. Pada tinjauan sistematis ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri pengaruh pandemi COVID-19 terhadap penurunan aktivitas fisik pada anak dan remaja. Dilakukan pencarian literatur pada pada PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane library, and Google Scholar. Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah “physical activity AND children AND COVID-19”. Strategi pencarian literatur disajikan dalam bentuk diagram alir. Terdapat 8 studi yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Hasil systematic review disajikan dalam format tabular. Hasil pencarian literatur menunjukkan penurunan aktivitas fisik serta peningkatan kebiasaan hidup sedenter pada populasi anak dan remaja. Dibutuhkan intervensi pada keluarga serta pembuatan kebijakan yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan aktivitas fisik pada anak dan remaja.

Khazanah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Adnan ◽  

Latar belakang: Peningkatan insidensi sindrom metabolik sering disertai dengan dislipidemia. Kefir merupakan minuman fermentasi yang telah banyak diteliti manfaat kesehatannya. Tujuan: Tujuan dari tinjauan ini adalah untuk membahas pengrauh minuman kefir terhadap dislipidemia Metode: Pencarian literatur dilakuakn dengan menggunakan kata kunci “kefir”, “dislipidemia”, dan “sindrom metabolik” dengan mesin pencari PubMed dan Google Scholar. Hasil: Dislipidemia dapat dipengaruhi dari obesitas dan resistensi insulin. Kefir memiliki efek anti-obesitas dan antiinflamasi dengan memodulasi perbaikan metabolisme lipid. Kesimpulan: Konsumsi kefir memiliki efek antidislipidemia pada sindrom metabolik

Khazanah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Fa'iq Syach ◽  

Badan Usaha Milik Negara ("BUMN") di Indonesia merupakan salah satu penopang perekonomian negara. Penting bagi pemerintah untuk selalu mengoptimalkan kinerja BUMN di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan perekonomian negara, salah satunya melalui restrukturisasi BUMN dengan membentuk holding company. Di penghujung tahun 2020, pemerintah melalui Menteri BUMN menunjukkan antusiasnya dengan memaparkan rencana holding BUMN di bidang keuangan antara PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, PT Pegadaian (Persero), dan PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero). Tujuan utama dari rencana holding company adalah untuk membangun ekosistem bagi bisnis ultra-mikro sehingga layanan keuangan formal dapat tercapai. Mengingat pentingnya keberadaan UMK-M di Indonesia untuk menunjang perekonomian negara, maka perlu dikaji secara mendalam pengaruh rencana perusahaan holding company BUMN di bidang keuangan terhadap pemberdayaan UMK-M.

Khazanah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Pashya ◽  
Nurul Faqiriah ◽  
Nani Septianie ◽  
Gufron Gozali ◽  

Latar Belakang: Setelah mengalahkan kapitalisme di era Chiang Kai-Shek, Mao Zedong mengambil Tiongkok daratan dengan menerapkan ideologi komunis. Ideologi tersebut sangat kuat dan terikat dengan masyarakat yang ada di Tiongkok. Revolusi budaya Mao pada tahun 1960an, menjadi fakta nyata adanya mulainya proses doktrin komunis melalui buku merah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji peran model althusserian sebagai bentuk proses doktrin ideologi komunis kepada masyarakat Tiongkok di era Xi Jinping Metode: Adapun untuk mendukung penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengedepankan data sekunder seperti dari buku, jurnal, artikel, hingga laporan yang sudah kredibilitas. Hasil: Kebijakan Mao dilanjutkan hingga generasi kelima yaitu Xi Jinping. Berbeda dengan Mao Zedong, Xi mencoba untuk memanfaatkan era digital untuk menyebarkan ide komunis. Maka daripada itu, konsep yang sudah berada di era Mao sudah diperbarui oleh Xi untuk mengatur masyarakat sehingga tidak terpengaruhi oleh pihak Barat. Melalui media, Xi mencoba untuk menerapkan beberapa kebijakan dengan mengontrol langsung media untuk pro terhadap PKC. Misalnya, dan CGTN. Dari aspek agama, Xi menggunakan prinsip sinisasi agama. Terakhir, Xi juga menggunakan aspek pendidikan sebagai bentuk proses doktrin. Menurutnya, komunisme seharusnya sudah ada di dalam sektor pendidikan untuk nantinya dapat berkembang ke masyarakat. Pada intinya, sebagai titik kulminasi, Xi menginginkan adanya sikap patriotisme dan nasionalisme dari masyarakatnya kepada negara dan PKC. Kesimpulan: Model althusserian sudah selaras dengan kebijakan pemerintah Tiongkok dalam mengontrol masyarakatnya. Di era Xi, perkembangan dalam indoktrinasi masyarakat berkembang melalui media, agama, dan pendidikan.

Khazanah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Nabila Ganessa ◽  
Sheilta Alphenia ◽  
Aisya Zanuarizqi ◽  
Edy Widodo ◽  

Ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara ialah Indonesia, karena memiliki sejumlah karakteristik yang menempatkan negara di dalam posisi bagus untuk mengalami perkembangan ekonomi. Pertumbuhan yang cukup tinggi salah satunya didukung oleh sektor keuangan. Di Indonesia terdapat Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK), perkembangan IHK dapat memperlihatkan tingkat harga suatu barang dan jasa yang dibeli masyarakat. IHK bermanfaat untuk mengetahui tingkat kenaikan pendapatan, harga, juga dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator ekonomi dan tolak ukur besarnya biaya produksi. IHK di Indonesia tidak bernilai konstan sehingga sering terjadi fluktuasi. Terjadinya fluktuasi pada IHK dapat dipengaruhi berbagai faktor. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode regresi berganda dan cochrun orcutt untuk melihat faktor tersebut. Model yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan residual standard error sebesar 6.238 dan R Squared 0.192. Artinya sebesar 19.2% variabel bebas dapat menjelaskan varians dari variabel terikat. Intepretasi dari model tersebut adalah apabila Suku bunga naik satu satuan maka nilai IHK akan bertambah sebesar 11.6649 satuan.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Nikodemus Cahyo Saputro ◽  
Krisdianto Hadi Prasetyo ◽  
Andhika Ayu Wulandari ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine how the students' mathematical reasoning abilities towards the matrix material. The data in this study were obtained from the results of filling out questionnaires and also interviews. Sources of data in this study were the subjects from which the data were obtained, namely students of class XI-MIPA 3 SMA N 1 Tawangsari. The data analysis technique used was data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the data analysis from the questionnaire showed that the average percentage of student responses to mathematical reasoning abilities on the matrix material was 60.75% and was in the medium category. With the percentage on each indicator, namely on indicator 1 (students do calculations with the applicable mathematical formula / rules) of 55.63% so that it is included in the moderate category, students with the moderate category have aspects of the ability to understand question commands and are only weak at calculation operations. In indicator 2 (students draw general conclusions based on mathematical processes / concepts) the percentage is 61.25% so it is included in the medium category. In indicator 3 (students make estimates) the percentage is 81.25% so that it is included in the high category, students with high categories have aspects of the ability to understand question commands, question logic and can complete counting operations. While the percentage on indicator 4 (students draw conclusions based on the similarity of mathematical processes / concepts that are seen) is 54.5% so it is included in the low category, students with low categories have aspects of the question's melogical ability and are only weak in counting operations. The average percentage of the four indicators is 63.16% so that student responses can be said to be in the medium category. In this study, checking the validity of the data used triangulation techniques, namely by comparing the results of the study with the results of interviews. From the comparison of data analysis with questionnaires and interviews, it can be concluded that students with mathematical reasoning on the matrix material are in the medium category.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Wahluf Abidian ◽  

At the moment, office work has a pretty strict protocol. Restrictions were made to prevent the spread of the corona virus. One is the activity on the Universitas Islam Indonesia integrated campus. On the Universitas Islam Indonesia integrated campus are local servers that must be secured daily. Of course, every server needs security, both resource and security. Looking at security, all this time security checks are done by checking directly for traffic on computers that access the server. It's not nearly flexible, of course, considering when this pandemic is a controlled activity. Therefore it required a system capable of giving notification to the Universitas Islam Indonesia network administrator in order to monitor conditions in real time. The conditions read are usually The Times when network traffic is in danger. The danger is always present in a system alert. In research this time, I have a design solution that will finally get use of tools from the security information and event management: Splunk, who will be used as a tool to implement the alert system by using both telegrams as his information medium. Research restrictions conducted with specimen data testing on the firewall logs with traffic from Board of Information System, Universitas Islam Indonesia. It is hoped that this research will find a novel solution to help administrators receive real-time information /alert from Universitas Islam Indonesia network traffic.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Faris ◽  

Breast cancer is 2nd leading cause of death in developing countries, including Indonesia. Incidence of breast cancer continues to increase in worldwide and the mortality is increasing in developing countries too. This disease has heterogeneous and multifactorial character so the treatment is the key to reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy. Current treatment using chemotherapy turned to be toxic for a long time and had unwanted effects. Cloves are native to Maluku, Indonesia, which are widely used for medical purposes because its contain antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anesthetic compounds. Research in 2018 showed that clove extract was also able to reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells, especially breast cancer. The ease of making clove extract is an advantage that should not be wasted considering its potential. This study uses scooping review method to search various journals in English and Indonesian through Pubmed, Google Scholar and Scopus database in 2010-2019. The keyword used were “breast cancer” AND “eugenol” OR “breast cancer” AND “clove”.The studies showed that eugenol contained in cloves was able to inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells in 4µM and 8µM with average inhibition is 76,4 % and doses of 5µM and 10µM with average inhibition is 68,1%. Eugenol capable to reduce matrix metalloprotein (MMP-2 and MMP-9) which play role in metastatic process and increase apoptosis genes Caspase-3, Caspase-7, and Caspase-9.Clove extract has potential to reduce breast cancer cells through anti-metastatic and anti-proliferative effect.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Jefri nainggolan ◽  
Muhammad Fajar ◽  

Research has been carried out to determine subsurface conditions. The research objective was to determine the physical properties of the soil in order to evaluate and provide recommendations for solving foundation problems. The methods are the resistivity geoelectric and IP geoelectric method (induced polarization) with ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography), SPT (Standard Penetration Test) and laboratory test results. The results of the resistivity values obtained varied in the range from 17.0 - 172.0 ohm m with a depth of 0 m - 2.87 m, most of which were interpreted as alluvium soil, namely sandy loam. This is reinforced by the results of the IP method where the low chargebility value is around 0.130 - 4.70 msec. In addition, it was found that from the SPT test, it was obtained that the variation of blows from 14 to 21 N at a depth of 0 - 5.50 meters and >60 N from a depth of 5.50 - 20 m which stated that most of them consisted of clay and sandstones. Then based on laboratory tests, it was found that at a depth of 3 - 3.5 meters it consisted of 86.47% clay with a plastic limit of 37.07% and the water content was 39.41%, while at a depth of 9 -9.5 meters it consisted of sandstones which the characteristic is non- plastic with a water content of up to 72.04%. It is concluded that the surface soil is conductive, it is necessary to hold special treatment for this type of soil in order to avoid erosion when it is saturated with water and it is hoped that the stability of the soil will be better. One of two ways is by mixing high density soil and making a "chicken claw" foundation to strengthen the foundation with a depth of more than 5.0 meters. Keywords: Geoelectric, Standard Penetration Test, Resistivity, Chargebility, Foundation.

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dian Pratama ◽  
Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life. One of the things that has been affected is the achievement of the SDGs which has been hampered by this pandemic. The condition that has been deteriorated due to the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to achieve the SDGs, in this case the role of youth is very important to achieve SDGs, especially in the post-pandemic period. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data used are primary and secondary data that have been collected, processed, made conclusions, and then interpreted. This study aims to design a character education system for the younger generation in their role in achieving the SDGs. The results of the interpretation of data that have been collected and then processed in the research process, make a proposal for "FAST Generation". These concepts are some of the main characteristics that youth must have in their role in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. FAST Generation is a character that must be possessed by youth in achieving the SDGs. Youth with character will make the world safer, more prosperous, and more focused, so that the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs will be easier.

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