Central Asian Journal of Water Research
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Published By Kazakh-German University


2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-46
Т. Адаев ◽  
Т. Баракбаев ◽  
С. Шарахметов ◽  

В статье рассматривается вопрос формирования рыбного населения и изучения современного состояния промысловых видов рыб в дельтовых озерах р. Сырдарья для последующего эффективного развития рыбоводства. В 2020 г. на озерах Акбилек, Тущы, Шомишколь, Караколь и Акшатау-Соргак Аральского района Кызылординской области были проведены научно-исследовательские работы. Для каждого водоема путем экспериментальных уловов была выявлена и изучена местная ихтиофауна, произведен отбор, обработка и биоанализ ихтиологического материала, определены физико-географические параметры озер и определен химический состав воды исследуемых водоемов. Экспериментальные и контрольные обловы рыб проводились с использованием ставных рыболовных сетей с ячеей от 18 до 60 мм. Для биологического анализа всего было отобрано 239 экз. рыб, в том числе: змееголов – 1 экз., сазан – 3 экз., карась – 9 экз., плотва – 102 экз., судак – 25 экз., щука – 26 экз., окунь – 35 экз., красноперка – 19 экз., чехонь – 1 экз., лещ – 11 экз., жерех – 7 экз. На основе научно-исследовательской работы (НИР), а также имеющихся литературных и архивных данных была определена пригодность всех исследуемых озер для дальнейшего использования в режиме озерно-товарного рыбоводства.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-96
Akbikesh Mukhtarova ◽  

Academic scholarship captures different land governance dimensions while focusing mainly on agrarian, legal, and economic aspects. However, little to no attention is paid to land governance consideration through public policy lenses. In particular, this holds for Central Asian (CA) countries where there is a noticeable lack of academic works on land governance effectiveness and anti-corruption strategies in the land sector. This review paper analyzes the question of how Central Asian countries are presented in land governance indices and assessment frameworks such as the World Bank’s Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF), Global Property Rights Index (Prindex), Global Land Governance Index (LANDex), and The Open Data Barometer. The paper uses the integrative review of academic works and the author’s empirical data on Central Asian performance in land governance indices and assessment programs. The findings revealed that while the Prindex results for the region are promising, the underperformance and lack of active engagement of Central Asian countries in the Open Data Barometer, LANDex, and LGAF are still visible. This fact could be explained by various reasons, including the lack of institutional and legal capacities in CA countries and the limitation in methodology and data collection techniques observed in present land indices. Considering that the subject is understudied, it is anticipated that this review paper will give both scholars and practitioners from the region and abroad the impetus to improve Central Asian performance in global land governance indices and assessment programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Angelos Alamanos ◽  

Urbanization and population growth increase the demand for freshwater abstraction, food production, rising thus the agricultural, economic, and productivity expectations. The need for improved water services, sustainable and resilient management under changing climate, are major drivers to set forth the redesigning of water planning. Water scarcity combined with the limited expansion of new infrastructure create competition among water uses and further stress the satisfactory coverage of the increasing needs. Integrated modeling is a way to simulate and address the above challenges, however, poor monitoring, incomplete databases, and complexity make its applications difficult. Questions such as what data to use, how to best exploit the (limited) available databases, what parameters to calculate, and how to satisfy both economic and environmental objectives, occur. This study presents a novel Decision Support System (DSS), combining hydrology, economics, engineering, and social aspects, aimed to participatory management, using simple concepts, and discussing assumptions for working with limited data, and useful parameters to estimate. Water availability and demand, water quality, profits, costs, and management scenario analysis, including nature-based solutions, are explored under climate change scenarios, and alternative policies are evaluated. The combination of the above and the useful modeling insights, under water- and data-scarcity conditions are novel elements, while the aim is to encourage integrated and sustainable water resources management through understandable and user-friendly DSSs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-73
Zvi Lerman ◽  

The article reviews the latest available statistical information on gender inequalities in labor markets and in access to financial institutions, social services, and education. After a general review of agricultural development, household food security and rural poverty, population structure, and labor outmigration in Central Asia, the article examines the women’s role in the labor market, including both formal and informal female employment, the feminization of agriculture in the region, gender gaps in education and wages, and constraints on women’s access to extension services and land ownership. It is observed that women’s asset ownership rights and their access to supply and product markets are constrained by social norms. The article concludes with some conclusions and policy recommendations. This reassessment is designed to strengthen the qualitative approaches of the gender literature with some quantitative approaches from agricultural and development economics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-176
S. Е. Sharakhmetov ◽  
T. R. Barakbayev ◽  
T. O. Adayev ◽  

The study aimed to assess the efficiency of the pilot hydro-acoustic (sonar) fish protection device (SFPD) installed at the Kokaral Dam of the Small Aral Sea. For this purpose, between August 27 and September 5, 2020 experimental and control fish catching was carried out using fixed fishing nets (30×60 mm mesh). The SFPD’s effectiveness was assessed based on the amount and species diversity of the caught fish with and without the SFPD operating. Fish behavior and distribution were monitored using an echo sounder. In terms of quantity, 173 fish were caught with the SFPD off, and 94 with the SFPD on. In terms of biomass, the values were 37.5 kg and 27.6 kg, respectively. With the SFPD off, the ichthyofauna composition was represented by 12 fish species: carp, crucian carp, roach, ide, bream, common rudd, saber carp, snakehead, pike perch, perch, pike, and asp. With the SFPD on, roach and ide were absent in the catch, and the quantity of common rudd significantly decreased. In both catches, the quantity of carp and crucian carp was similar; bream and saber carp specimen were sporadic. The number of predatory fish (pike, perch, snakeheads, and pike perch) in the catches increased. Asp was absent in the net catches also; however, this fish species represents the main object of amateur hook and line fishing. Based on the catch-per-effort unit, it can be concluded that whereas the SFPD observed efficiency for small non-predatory fish like ide, roach, and common rudd was 95%, it was 0% for large non-predatory fish (carp and crucian carp); and negative for predatory fish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-127
С. Шарахметов1 ◽  
Т. Баракбаев ◽  
Т. Адаев ◽  

Целью данной статьи является исследование эффективности работы гидроакустического рыбозащитного устройства (РЗУ), экспериментально установленного у Кокаральской плотины Малого Аральского моря. В период с 27 августа по 5 сентября 2020 г. для определения эффективности произведен экспериментальный и контрольный отлов рыб с использованием ставных рыболовных сетей с ячеями от 30 до 60 мм. Эффективность гидроакустического РЗУ оценивалась по результатам попадания рыб и численности по видам на установленных сетях при выключенном и включенном состоянии РЗУ. Наблюдение за поведением и распределением рыб выполнялось с использованием эхолота. По численному соотношению разница вылова составила: при выключенном состоянии РЗУ – 173 экз., при включенном РЗУ – 94 экз., по биомассе это соотношение показало 37,5 кг и 27,6 кг соответственно. При выключенном РЗУ состав ихтиофауны был представлен 12 видами рыб: сазан, карась, плотва, язь, лещ, красноперка, чехонь, змееголов, судак, окунь, щука и жерех. При включенном РЗУ такие виды, как плотва и язь, отсутствовали в сетном улове. Количество красноперки существенно сократилось. В обоих уловах численность сазана и карася была схожей; лещ и чехонь попадались единично. Численность хищной рыбы в уловах (щука, окунь, змееголов и судак) выросла. Жерех в сетных уловах не встречался, однако он является основным объектом любительского рыболовства на крючковые снасти. На основании улова на усилие можно сделать вывод, что эффективность работы данного РЗУ для мелкой мирной рыбы, такой как язь, плотва и красноперка составляет 95 %, на крупную мирную рыбу (сазана и карася) воздействие не обнаружено, а в отношении хищной рыбы результат оказался отрицательным.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-101
Angelos Alamanos ◽  
Qingming Zeng ◽  

Covering increasing water demand for competitive uses with limited resources is becoming one of the most challenging water management issues. The effects are more evident in arid areas, where conflicts are more likely to occur. Such an example is Urumqi County, China; Urumqi River is the main water supply source, and in order to balance the upstream agricultural water demand and the downstream urban water demand, the government imposed fallow measures. The region is traditionally a rural area with high production expectations, however, urban water demand is continuously increasing over the last decades, following the population and urbanization trends. Irrigation needs are covered from the river, during the summer period, creating seasonal demand peaks. The fallow measures aim to sustain agriculture and the government defines which farmers will fallow each year. This study uses a questionnaire survey to examine the farmers’ willingness to continue fallow, and the fallow period preference; both examined for the first time so far. The driving factors are used as variables to analyze and describe the preferences through regression models. A non-negligible portion of farmers highly depend on agriculture and want to cultivate. The feasibility of satisfying their needs through better water management is examined through a coupled WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) model. Combining econometric and hydrological tools is a novel element. The results are encouraging, with significant insights on the current water management policy, the potential of diversified fallow systems, and the achievement of sustainable and socially acceptable planning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-69
Aliya Assubayeva ◽  

Water security in Central Asia has been discussed by researchers and international organizations using hydrological, engineering, and modeling approaches. Various frameworks conceptualize water security through technical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects. This study attempts to identify the current trends of perceptions of experts about water security in Central Asian countries and Afghanistan as assessed through different regional and international experts with relevant knowledge and experience. The experts originate from diverse professional backgrounds like ministries, NGOs, international organizations, research, and academic institutes. The analysis was conducted through the Delphi approach, which has been widely used to identify experts' views by reaching a consensus on various subjects. The Delphi method assisted in the elicitation of experts' opinions about different water security dimensions in the overall region and each Central Asia country that have been suggested from the relevant literature. The two-round questionnaire was developed to infer the experts' views (round 1) on water security in Central Asia and then identify the agreement's rate with the initial findings (round 2). The results have shown that, while the relevant scientific literature gives priority to environmental factors, the experts emphasize water security's economic aspects. Experts suggested including transboundary challenges, legislative and institutional weaknesses in assessing water security in Central Asia and Afghanistan. Respondents highlighted the low effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the current institutions and mechanisms that dealt with water security-related issues in Central Asia and suggested strengthening water governance in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Bahman Masoomi ◽  
Neamatollah Jaafarzadeh ◽  
Tayebeh Tabatabaie ◽  
Sahand Jorfi ◽  

The study investigated the effects of pre-ozonation on the parameters such as turbidity, color, chlorophyll a and TOC on a pilot scale. The investigation results indicate that the amount of required ozone to remove TOC, color and turbidity depends on the quality of inlet water, and the efficiency of water ozonation depends on the process factors such as ozone dose, temperature, pH and ozone-water contact time. The study likewise shows that the lower amount of turbidity, TOC, temperature and higher alkaline pH of sample water boost the ozonation effect on removing the variables in question. The results also demonstrate a direct relationship between pH, ozone dosage and contact time, as well as an indirect relationship between temprerature and the removal of parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-51
Ричард Кайл Пейсли ◽  

Международные водотоки являются очень важной частью фонда водных ресурсов Центральной Азии (ЦА), где «связь вода-энергия-сельское хозяйство» долгое время была серьезной проблемой. Суть проблемы - конфликт между национальными государствами у верхнего бьефа, желающими производить попуск воды зимой для выработки гидроэлектроэнергии, и государствами у нижнего бьефа, желающими производить попуск воды летом главным образом для сельскохозяйственных целей у нижнего бьефа. Два государства ЦА (Кыргызстан и Таджикистан) имеют относительный избыток воды.1 Четыре других государства ЦА (Узбекистан, Казахстан, Туркменистан и Афганистан) говорят, что не получают своей справедливой доли от великих рек региона - Сырдарьи и Амударьи, которые протекают через ЦА от гор Тянь-Шаня/Памира и Гиндукуша к остаткам Аральского моря. В этом документе критически рассматривается вопрос о происхождении сложной проблемы связи между водой, энергией и сельским хозяйством ЦА, роли международного права в возможном разрешении проблемы и возможном пути продвижения вперед. Этот путь вперед включает удвоение усилий всех государств ЦА, включая Афганистан, по разработке одного или нескольких юридически обязывающих международных соглашений ЦА в отношении международных общих водных и связанных с ними ресурсов вместе с посредничеством на высоком уровне для отражения возможных возражений у нижнего бьефа в новых проектах развития гидроэнергетики.

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