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Published By Gujarat University


2021 ◽  
pp. 157-168
Mehal Pandya ◽  
Abhigna Dholakia

The purpose of this study is to systematically review the existing literature on Upselling and its major impacts on consumer behaviours. In addition, this study seeks to shed light on trends and dynamics in Service sector and Retail sector, so as to find the effectiveness of Upselling strategy. A systematic literature review of published peer-reviewed articles on Upselling was conducted. A comprehensive search strategy was applied on different databases, including Google Scholar, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Pro quest, Emerald, Academia and the likes and the renowned articles were then selected from leading journals published between 1995 and 2020.The research finding suggest that a company may get the profitability at times but not all the time using the upselling strategy. To get the profitability firm should focus on Customer loyalty and satisfaction of the consumer for that the results show that there is a need to replace the Upselling strategy with Up-buying strategy in studies focused on consumer behaviour analysis. The studies included in this review are extensively based on peer-reviewed 40 articles published in high-ranked marketing journals and articles within a span of 30 days which may be perceived as a limitation in the present study. The relationship between Upselling and the Customer satisfaction in many occasion prove to be negative hence there is a requirement of change in strategy so as to shift focus from salesforce centric strategy to customer centric strategy, of which the companies will have a considerable practical implication aiming to increase profit and simultaneously increase in Customer Lifetime value along with Customer Loyalty. The authors hereby expect the current review to significantly find the effectiveness of Upselling strategy in consumer behaviour. This review provides a strong contribution to Upselling literature by recommending the need to find the effectiveness of Upselling strategy in Services and Retail sector. No exclusive paper is available which evaluates effectiveness of UpSelling strategy which can be further studied for strategic purpose.

2021 ◽  
pp. 734-751
Abdul Mohammad Aziz ◽  
Mohammad Dawod Shirzad ◽  
Hitesh Solanki

Groundwater is the most important natural resource used for drinking by many people around the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in rural as well as in urban areas and over 94% of the drinking water demand is met by groundwater. The study was carried out to assess the ground water quality and its suitability for drinking purpose in Darulaman, Kabul Afghanistan. For this purpose, four water samples collected from bore wells of villages of study area were analyzed for different chemical parameters such as pH,total, magnesium hardness, sodium, chloride, nitrate, fluoride, cyanide. The results of analysis carried out showed the following concentration ranges: pH value in this research found from (7.423 to 7.45, calcium hardness from (96.19 to 192.3) mg/L. Magnesium hardness varied from (40.2 to 90.14) mg/L and chloride from (0.02 to 17) mg/L. Values of nitrate concentration varied from (0.5 to 3.5) mg/L and fluoride from (0.22 to 0.41) mg/L., cyanide from ranges (0.002 to 0.007. The study reveals that almost all parameters were exceeding the permissible limits. As per the desirable and maximum permissible limit for fluoride, nitrate, total dissolved solids and chloride in drinking water, determined by WHO standards, groundwater sources are unfit for drinking purposes respectively. After evaluating the data of this study, it is concluded that drinking water of Darul Aman is not potable and there is an instant need to take ameliorative steps in this region to prevent the population from adverse health effects.

2021 ◽  
pp. 399-410
Hitesh N. Jagani ◽  
Nasheman Bandookwala

Gender discrimination has been persistent across globe and it is more identified in terms of wage differential. Such discrimination is more striking in developing countries and further more among social groups. Though many countries have passed minimum wage laws and laws mandating equal treatment of women at workplace, gender wage differential remains a perennial feature of labor markets across globe. Among BRIC nation India depicts highest wage discrimination between sexes (Rema Nagarajan TNN March 2011). This fact was reveled also in the Global Gender Gap Report of 2010 as well. The recent survey by the World Economic Forum (WEF) points out the Indian situation, ranking India among the bottom 10 countries in the world in terms of women’s participation in the economy. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020 says Of the 153 countries studied in the report, India ranks 112th on the overall Global Gender Gap Index with the index value of (0.068). The overall gender gap as though has narrowed the pay gaps have widen and it will take 257 more years i.e by year 2257 pay equity will be established. India has shown disappointing performance in women work participation rate (WPR), pushing the country among the bottom 10 countries on the WEF list. The country ranks 149th among 153 countries in economic participation. Overall, in terms of gender equality India achieves a score of 59.4%, but in terms of economic participation and opportunity, it scores 39.8% which is dismal. The present study is an attempt to analyze the wage differential across selected states of India. The wages for agriculture and non agriculture workers for sexes is considered. The attempt has been made to evaluate wage differential across selected states of India and inequality therein has been calculated. The descriptive statistical tools like arithmetic mean and standard deviation has been used to ameliorate understanding. The pay parity Index has also been calculated The overall observation from the study widens understanding about pay pattern in India – and discriminating dimension therein. Across occupation unequal pay prevails in regards to sexes with males being paid more than women for the equal jobs. Disparity among agricultural Towards Excellence: An Indexed, Refereed & Peer Reviewed Journal of Higher Education / Dr. Hitesh Jagani & Dr. Nasheman Bandookwala / Page 399-410 March, 2021. VOL.13. ISSUE NO. 1 Page | 400 workers is highest at Kerala- female agricultural workers are paid 29% less than males. On other hand in Himachal Pradesh male agricultural worker is paid 5% less than females. For non agricultural workers Tamil Nadu exhibits high incidence of inequality with female workers being paid 32% less than males. Gujarat comparatively depicts a better scenario with average female payments being more in non agricultural sector as though in agriculture sector disparity prevails.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-40
Ashima Jain

Freedom of Religion guaranteed under the Indian Constitution from Article 25-30. The concept of Secularism is implicit in Preamble which secures to its citizen's liberty of thought, expression, faith and worship. And then after 42 amendment1976, the word secular was specifically being added in the constitution. The article digs deeper into recent developments in the matter of religious faiths and what judiciary has interpreted to maintain an egalitarian society. The judiciary issues guidelines and one such issue in which detailed guidelines have been issued is Mob Lynching. In this paper there is discussion on the concept of religious conflicts and reasons behind it and solutions to bring unity in the country.

2021 ◽  
pp. 770-791
yogesh Vansiya ◽  
Gulshan M. Vhora

̆ƨȱતુ સશં ોધન અƟયાસનો ȺƉુય ̆ĕ ઉકાઈ બધં યોજનાથી અસર˴ƨત તાપી ĥƣલાના િવƨથાિપત સȺદુ ાયની આિથક પˆરŠƨથિતના અƟયાસનો છે. બધં યોજના અનેિવƨથાપનની અસરોનો અƟયાસ દશા½વેછેક°, અસર˴ƨત િવƨથાિપતોના િવƨથાપન પહલાના ° Ⱥળૂ ગામ અનેિવƨથાપન બાદના ȶનુ :વસનના ગામની આિથક પˆરŠƨથિત અને ĥવનધોરણની Šƨથિતમાં Ʌધુ ારો થયલે ો જોવા મƤયો છે. િવƨથાિપતોના મતે તેમની આવક, બચતɂિૃĂ, ખચɂ½ િૃĂ વગેર° સદં ભમ½ ાં Ʌધુ ારો થયો છે. િશëણ ƨતરની હકારાƗમક અસર આવક, બચત, દ°વા અને િશëણ પાછળના ખચ½ પર થયલે ી જોવા મળેછે. પાયાની જĮˆરયાત પાછળની ખચ½ɂિૃĂમાં િમ̒ ̆િતસાદ જોવા મƤયો છે. સમય અને િવકાસની ̆ˆ˲યા સદં ભ½માં આ િવકાસ સામાƛયત: જોવા મળે એ ƨવાભાિવક છે. એક તરફ રોડથી નĥક આવેલા હાઈવેપરના ગામના લોકો મͰદӔશે પોતાની િવƨથાપન બાદની ĥવનŠƨથિતથી સ ંȱƧુટ જોવા મƤયા છે, જયાર° હાઈવે-રોડથી Ӕદરના Ӕતˆરયાળ ગામો િવƨથાપન બાદની પોતાની ĥવન Šƨથિતથી સ ંȱƧુટ નથી, Ȑ દશા½વે છે ક° ઉƍચ, ƥયવસાયલëી િશëણની તકો, યોƊય અને ȶરૂતી આરોƊયની સવલતો તમે જ વકૈ‹ƣપક રોજગારŽની તકોની ̆ા‹Ɯત તેમજ ખેતી માટ°ની સહાયક સવલતો Ȑ િવƨતારમાં ઉપલƞધ નથી Ɨયાં ȶરૂŽ પાડવામાં આવેતો િવƨતારમાં ̆ાદ°િશક અસમાનતા ȳૂર કરŽ શકાય, Ȑ અથ½ત ં́ના સમતોલ િવકાસના ƚયેયનેસાકાર કરવામાં પણ મદદĮપ બની શક°.

2021 ◽  
pp. 686-691
Naresh M. Solanki

It was time of nineteenth century when women writers used to have male pennames for publication. Theme of marriage and society were prevalent in both American and British society. It was a microcosm of its own as women readers used to write about their life through the eyes of women writers. This phenomenon is historical as it stands between Mary Wollstonecraft, arguably the first feminist thinker and Virginia Woolf, arguably the most famous one. Changing times in the second half of nineteenth century was affecting the sensibility and religious clutches on society. It was also affecting notions of patriarchy. Writings of the time ought to reflect that. However, author also presumes a gender of her or his own before writing. That makes her or his gendering of character political and biased. But honest portrayals are important for examining depictions of women in a particular time. This paper aims to analyse two popular writers of the age, a female and a male, to understand the changing notions regarding patriarchy. American novelist Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) have been written important social novels like novel Little Women (1868) and its sequels Little Men (1871) and Jo's Boys (1886). Her novels features cast of female characters from the contemporary times. Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, was a British writer writing detective fiction who used to portray his contemporary society. He also uses female characters in her stories. This paper aims to study works of both novelist employing methodologies of close reading and comparative literature to see how depiction of women in nineteenth century America and British fiction changes and what are the reasons for it.

2021 ◽  
pp. 556-566
Riteshbhai Patel

The objective is to examine the risk-return tradeoff in the Indian stock market. The sample period of study is from January 4, 2000 to December 31, 2020. The empirical results shows existence of risk-return tradeoff in the BSE. A positive risk-return tradeoff is found for monthly & annual return series. The market has weak risk-return relationship in daily return series. The CGARCH (1,1) captures the asymmetric volatility effect for all the different frequency based returns. The study has implications for the investors. The riskreturn relationship is stronger and significant in longer duration of investment. The market gives higher return when there is a high risk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 468-481
Mona Mehta ◽  
Rakhi Dasgupta ◽  
Rutu Modi

Emotional Intelligence Competencies amongst undergraduate university youth at a Higher Education Institution is one of the areas less ventured upon. Gardner (1983; 1991) reported that business-related graduate programmes focused primarily on indicators of individual competence such as logical and linguistic intelligence, with less attention being given to spatial, interpersonal and naturalist forms of intelligence. Later research reported increased calls from industry to make curricula more relevant to `today's global workplace' through improved instruction in communication, leadership, as well as intrapersonal and interpersonal skills (Cherniss 1999; Doria, Rozanski and Cohen, 2003; Jaeger 2003; Myers and Tucker 2005). Lately, Daniel Goleman's research on emotional intelligence as a predictor of work performance has emerged (Goleman 1998, 2000; Weisinger, 1998) and continues to be highly influential. The traditional approach by educationists, however, has been to focus on logical and linguistic intelligence. This view have been challenged by many studies recently where researchers are beginning to argue that interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) may be more important for success. Educational institutions have traditionally focussed primarily on logical and linguistic intelligence, with less attention given to other types of intelligence. Yet many researchers are beginning to argue that intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies, or emotional intelligence, may be more important for success in life than logical or linguistic intelligence (Tucker, Sojka, Barone & McCarthy, 2000). Though the concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced in organizations, its relevance made the concept an inevitable concept of consideration in the educational sector too. Developing emotional intelligence skills amongst youth is very important because it can positively affect academic achievement not only during the session they are taught, but in subsequent years as well (Elias, Brune, Butler, Blum & Schumler, 1997). According to Caruso, Mayer and Salovey (2002), emotional intelligence skills and knowledge can be developed and learned and it matters most in times of change. Emotional intelligence is an ability to recognize one„s own feeling and those of others, for motivating self as well as one„s relationship with others. Studies (e.g. Ediger, 1997; Parker, Summerfeldt, Hogan & Majeski 2004)) have shown that the acquisition of emotional intelligence skills can significantly contribute to positive thinking in students and increase their ability to concentrate for a long time. The present research was thereby undertaken with the main aim of investigating the emotional intelligence competencies by the youth. Descriptive research design was taken up with questionnaire as a tool for the present

2021 ◽  
pp. 544-555
Hitesh D Raviya ◽  
Deepali Dinesh Shahdadpuri

In the earlier days, syllabi were designed by some experienced teachers or experts who got specialization in particular areas in all the education institutions. The students were graded on the marks scored in the assessment in which some students might score high and some might not be. This type of previous curriculum did not ensure what students need to learn or what they are learning in their classrooms. University Grant Commission (UGC) under MHRD, Government of India, has already submitted the final draft under “Quality Improvement Programme, 2018” aim at the development of “Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)” at UG and PG Levels. The learning outcomes are designed to help students understand the objectives of the course provided to them. It is a framework based on the expected learning outcomes (such as disciplinary knowledge, communication skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical reasoning, research-related skills, etc.) that are expected to be attained by the students at the completion of their graduation. In this research paper, the researcher attempts to elaborate about Curriculum designing based on the approaches provided by J.C. Richards and Learning-Outcomes based Curriculum Framework. This research paper also has taken into consideration the analysis of curriculum development for the subject offered by Department of English in Faculty of Commerce at first year undergraduate courses (UG Level) from the academic year 1979-80 till 2019-20.

2021 ◽  
pp. 504-517
Jaspreet Kaur ◽  
Gurmit Singh

The study was conducted to examine the emotional intelligence of female undergraduate students in relation to perceived parenting styles. The sample comprised of 64 female undergraduate students studying in a randomly selected (using lottery method) private degree college of Chandigarh affiliated to Panjab University. The data was collected using the Sevenfold Emotional Intelligence Scale by Kaur (2016) and Parenting Style Scale by Gupta and Mehtani (2017). There existed prevailing democratic parenting style as perceived by female undergraduate students. Significant differences were observed as higher emotional intelligence was witnessed among humanities as compared to commerce female undergraduate students. No significant correlation existed between emotional intelligence and all the parenting styles as perceived by female undergraduate students

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