The extent to which scientific and technical literature is covered by present abstracting and indexing periodicals

2010 ◽  
Vol 56 (43) ◽  
pp. 947-951 ◽  
S. C. Bradford
Svitlana Gruschko

The article investigates the role of communicative-functional approach in the translation of scientific and technical literature, when the translation itself is seen as a tool to accomplish purposeful activity of communicators, representatives of different interlingual groups. In practical terms, the difficulties of translating scientific and technical texts are due to the peculiarities of scientific style, insufficient understanding of the terminology of a particular field of knowledge, which complicates the choice of adequate translation solutions. In this context, an important role is played by the translation strategy, where the communicativefunctional approach dominates. The translation is implicitly included in the communication structure between the author and the recipient. The relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of studying the problems of scientific and technical literature translation, taking into account the current realities of interlanguage information exchange. Key words: communicative-functional approach, interlingual communication, translation, structure

Aliona Kolesnichenko ◽  
Natalya Zhmayeva

The article is devoted to the analysis of grammatical difficulties encountered in the process of automatic translation. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the SDL Trados automatic translation service. The types of grammatical errors when translating scientific and technical texts in SDL Trados are classified, the ways of overcoming them are outlined. Key words: scientific and technical literature, automatic translation, grammatical difficulties.

И.В. Бачериков ◽  
Б.М. Локштанов

При проектировании открытых и закрытых хранилищ измельченных сыпучих материалов древесных материалов, таких как щепа и опилки, большое значение имеет угол естественного откоса (статический и динамический) этих материалов. В технической литературе приводятся противоречивые сведения о величине этих углов, что приводит к ошибкам при проектировании складов. В справочных данных не учитываются условия, в которых эксплуатируются емкости для хранения сыпучих материалов, свойства и состояние этих сыпучих материалов. В свою очередь, ошибки при проектировании приводят к проблемам (зависание, сводообразование, «затопление» и т. д.) и авариям при эксплуатации бункеров и силосов на производстве. В статье представлены сведения, посвященные влиянию влажности и температуры на угол естественного откоса сыпучих материалов. На основании лабораторных и натурных экспериментов, проведенных с помощью специально разработанных методик и установок, была скорректирована формула для определения углов естественного откоса (статического и динамического) для измельченных древесных материалов в зависимости от их фракционного и породного состава, влажности (абсолютной и относительной) и температуры. При помощи скорректированной формулы можно определить угол естественного откоса древесных сыпучих материалов со среднегеометрическим размером частицы от 0,5 мм до 15 мм (от древесной пыли до технологической щепы) в различных производственных условиях. Статья может быть полезна проектировщикам при расчете угла наклона граней выпускающей воронки бункеров и силосов предприятий лесной отрасли и целлюлозо-бумажной промышленности. In the design of open and closed storage warehouses chopped wood materials for bulk materials such as wood chips and sawdust, great importance has an angle of repose (static and dynamic) of these materials. In the technical literature are conflicting reports about the magnitude of these angles, which leads to errors in the design of warehouses. In the referencesdoes not take into account the conditions under which operated capacities for storage of bulk materials, and properties and condition of the bulk material. The design errors lead to problems (hanging, arching, «flooding», etc.) and accidents in the operation of hoppers and silos at the mills. The article provides information on the impact of humidity and temperature on the angle of repose of granular materials. On the basis of laboratory and field experiments, conducted with the help of specially developed techniques and facilities has been adjusted formula for determining the angle of repose (static and dynamic) for the shredded wood materials depending on their fractional and species composition, humidity (absolute and relative) and temperature. It is possible, by using the corrected formula, to determine the angle of repose of loose wood materials with average particle size of from 0.5 mm to 15 mm (wood dust to pulpchips) in various operating conditions. The article can be helpful to designers in the calculation of the angle of inclination of the funnel faces produces bunkers and silos forest industries and pulp and paper industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (141) ◽  
pp. 114-122

Large forces and significant thermal effects are created on the rolls when rolling sheets. The higher the stability of the rolls, the less downtime during their rerolling and higher productivity. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in analyzing the ways of restoring rolls and choose the most appropriate method for restoring these parts. (Materials and methods) The article presents the analysis of the scientific and technical literature on the topic of rolling production, methods for restoring large-sized machine parts of machine-building and metallurgical industries that work in difficult conditions and are subject to a high degree of wear. Authors try to solve the problem by means of comparative and logical analysis based on theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research. (Results and discussion) The article presents two groups of methods for restoring rolled rolls: banding and surfacing the working layer of the roll. Authors have analyzed each method in terms of technology, equipment, and feasibility. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of the methods under consideration. (Conclusions) The most acceptable way to restore parts with a high degree of wear is surfacing. It is most efficient to apply submerged surfacing using an additional hot additive. Such surfacing, despite some complication of the equipment design, allows to deposit the metal on the roll with low heat input and in most cases in one pass. Surfacing using an additional hot additive allows to increase the productivity of the process by up to 250 percent while reducing the penetration depth by 2-3 times and saving energy by up to 40 percent.

Georgy Kantor

Roman concept of dominium has been fundamental in the formation of concepts of ownership in European legal tradition. It is, however, often considered outside the context of Roman imperial rule and of the multiplicity of legal regimes governing property relations in Roman provinces outside Italy. This chapter starts from the classic passage in the Institutes of Gaius, claiming that the right of dominium did not exist in provincial land, where it belonged to the Roman state. Gaius’ statement is often dismissed in modern historical scholarship as a ‘conveyancer’s fantasy’ (A.H.M. Jones). It is argued here that, on the contrary, this passage and other similar statements in Roman juristic literature and technical literature on land-measurement, show an important facet of Roman ideas of ownership as a socially contingent right, dependent on civic status of the owner, status of the territory within the empire, and Roman recognition of local property regimes.

Kenneth A. Shepsle

Simple majority rule is badly behaved. This is one of the earliest lessons learned by political scientists in the positive political theory tradition. Discovered and rediscovered by theorists over the centuries (including, famously, the Majorcan Franciscan monk Raymon Llull in the thirteenth century, the Marquis de Condorcet in the eighteenth, the Reverend Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) in the eighteenth, and Duncan Black in the twentieth), the method of majority rule cannot be counted on to produce a rational collective choice. In many circumstances (made precise in the technical literature), it is very likely (a claim also made precise) that whatever choice is produced will suffer the property of not being “best” in the preferences of all majorities: for any candidate alternative, there will always exist another alternative that some majority prefers to it. This chapter suggests that while a collection of preferences often cannot provide a collectively “best” choice, institutional arrangements, which restrict comparisons of alternatives, may allow majority rule to function more smoothly. That is, where equilibrium induced by preferences alone may fail to exist, institutional structure may induce stability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 225-227
Michael J. Wade ◽  
Urs Broderick Furrer

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 2699
Marceli N. Gonçalves ◽  
Marcelo M. Werneck

Optical Current Transformers (OCTs) and Optical Voltage Transformers (OVTs) are an alternative to the conventional transformers for protection and metering purposes with a much smaller footprint and weight. Their advantages were widely discussed in scientific and technical literature and commercial applications based on the well-known Faraday and Pockels effect. However, the literature is still scarce in studies evaluating the use of optical transformers for power quality purposes, an important issue of power system designed to analyze the various phenomena that cause power quality disturbances. In this paper, we constructed a temperature-independent prototype of an optical voltage transformer based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and piezoelectric ceramics (PZT), adequate to be used in field surveys at 13.8 kV distribution lines. The OVT was tested under several disturbances defined in IEEE standards that can occur in the electrical power system, especially short-duration voltage variations such as SAG, SWELL, and INTERRUPTION. The results demonstrated that the proposed OVT presents a dynamic response capable of satisfactorily measuring such disturbances and that it can be used as a power quality monitor for a 13.8 kV distribution system. Test on the proposed system concluded that it was capable to reproduce up to the 41st harmonic without significative distortion and impulsive surges up to 2.5 kHz. As an advantage, when compared with conventional systems to monitor power quality, the prototype can be remote-monitored, and therefore, be installed at strategic locations on distribution lines to be monitored kilometers away, without the need to be electrically powered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5498
Alvaro Rodríguez-Prieto ◽  
Mariaenrica Frigione ◽  
John Kickhofel ◽  
Ana M. Camacho

The growth of green energy technologies within the frame of the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) along with the concern about climatic changes make nuclear energy an attractive choice for many countries to ensure energy security and sustainable development as well as to actively address environmental issues. Unlike nuclear equipment (immovable goods), which are often well-catalogued and analyzed, the design and manufacturing codes and their standardized materials specifications can be considered movable and intangible goods that have not been thoroughly studied based on a detailed evaluation of the scientific and technical literature on the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) materials behavior. The aim of this work is the analysis of historical advances in materials properties research and associated standardized design codes requirements. The analysis, based on the consolidated U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.99 Rev.2 model, enables determination of the best materials options, corresponding to some of the most widely used material specifications such as WWER 15Kh2MFAA (used from the 1970s and 1980s; already in operation), ASME SA-533 Grade B Cl.1 (used in pressurized water reactor-PWR 2nd–4th; already in operation), DIN 20MnMoNi55 and DIN 22NiMoCr37 (used in PWR 2nd–4th) as well as ASTM A-336 Grade F22V (current designs). Consequently, in view of the results obtained, it can be concluded that the best options correspond to recently developed or well-established specifications used in the design of pressurized water reactors. These assessments endorse the fact that nuclear technology is continually improving, with safety being its fundamental pillar. In the future, further research related to the technical heritage from the evolution of materials requirements for other clean and sustainable power generation technologies will be performed.

ARS Journal ◽  
1959 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 885-891
M. H. Smith

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