Catholic Religious Education in Germany and the Challenges of Religious Plurality

Angela Kaupp
2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-89 ◽  
Carl Sterkens ◽  
Mohamad Yusuf

This article analyses Indonesian students’ preferences for different types of religious education, with the help of their personal characteristics and inter-group attitudes. We investigate a comparative understanding of Muslim, Christian and Hindu students of different types of religious education. The comparative measurement of different models of religious education shows that the mono-religious model consists of all aspects of religious education. A remarkable result is that in all models, the attitudinal aspect (sometimes together with the affective) is the most dominant aspect. The cognitive aspect is absent in the inter-religious model. On average, all Muslim, Christian and Hindu students prefer the mono-religious over the inter-religious model. For the mono-religious model, the negative evaluation of religious plurality is the strongest predictor; and indeed, is the only aspect to contribute to the preference for the mono-religious model among Muslims. The attitude towards pluralism is the most important predictor of the preference for a mono-religious model among Christians. This result is in contrast with our hypothesis. As for Hindu respondents, the centrality of own religion has the most positive correlation with the mono-religious model. Pluralism is the most influential factor for the inter-religious model among all groups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-169
Zuyyina Candra Kirana

Abstract Humans are social creatures, they cannot live alone. In living together, of course, they have differences or diversity, ranging from physical, speaking style, preferences, how to dress, and so forth. Every person is unique, so living in diversity is something that cannot be avoided. But from diversity also often leads to acts of radicalism, from this point the values ​​of Pancasila need to be immediately applied in the world of education to overcome religious-based radicalism by encouraging the implementation of interreligious education because interreligious education using Pancasila as an appropriate reference reduces the nature of excessive fanaticism. In other words, the author expresses a tolerance education and good pluralism is interreligious education. Interreligious education is education that brings each student to encounter diversity in religion, ethnicity, and race, and leads students to become open and tolerant people. Where interreligious education can be included in the curriculum of religious education and citizenship education and school programs. at the same time emphasizing that interreligious education does not need to drag a person into the siltation of aqeedah or religious relativism, as is usually feared. Instead, this is an effective form of shared norms and positive attitudes towards religious plurality so that religious encounters can be an opportunity for mutual enrichment and cooperation, to optimize the personal potential of each religious adherent in the association of humanity.

Ta dib ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Kurnali Sobandi

In general, religion and religious education serve to create the Indonesian human faith and the obedience to God Almighty, also to create noble, and capable people in maintaining the harmony of inter-religious relations. In addition it serves to cultivate the participants' ability to understand, appreciate and practice the values of religion are offset mastery in science, technology and art. The development of school culture based religious education in public schools is an alternative solution on the problems which are actually classic, but until now they have not been resolved properly, which in turn would be a matter of continuity up from one period to the next, namely the problem of narrow time allocation, three hours for elementary, 2 hours face to face for SMP and SMA / SMK (per-hour 40 minutes instead of 60 minutes) and the problems therein multicultural religious plurality. Implementation of the development of school-culture based religious education in public schools covers the principles of development, through a learning process, learning outcomes assessment, and indicators of school and classroom assessment.Secara umum, agama dan pendidikan agama mencetak  manusia Indonesia menjadi  beriman, patuh pada Tuhan, juga berakhlak mulia, sehingga mampu mempertahankan hubungan antar umat beragama yang harmonis. Selain itu, pendidikan agama juga berfungsi untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan peserta didik untuk memaahami, menghargai dan mempraktikkan nilai-nilai agama dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi serta seni. Pengembangan pendidikan agama berbasis school culture di sekolah umum adalah solusi alternatif atas problematika yang sebenarnya bersifat klasik, namun hingga kini belum juga terselesaikan dengan baik, sehingga pada gilirannya akan menjadi persoalan yang berkesinambungan hingga dari satu periode ke periode berikutnya yaitu problematika alokasi waktu yang sempit yakni tiga jam untuk SD, 2 jam tatap muka untuk SMP dan SMA/SMK (per-jam bukan 60 menit tetapi 40 menit) dan problematika multikultural didalamnya pluralitas agama. Implementasi pengembangan pendidikan agama berbasis school culture di sekolah umum memuat prinsip pengembangan, melalui proses pembelajaran, penilaian hasil belajar, dan indikator penilaian sekolah dan kelas. 

Al-Ulum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 289
Abdul Rohman

Radicalism has recently become a phenomenon. Violences in some areas of Indonesia is a proof. These violences are caused by the conflict that is be partly due to a plurality. These problems have to be overcome in order to shape the unity of the nation. This study will discuss the role of schools in developing the diversity of students in response to the religious plurality in society, which will be focused on how the curriculum is constructed, teaching-learning is done, as well as how the teacher and student�s understanding on religious pluralism is, as a result of the education process. With a qualitative research, a case study in SMA Madania Bogor West Java, this study shows that school with a pluralistic based religious education, fits for internalizing the values of pluralism, in turn forming tolerances and inclusiveness.

Numen ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 55 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 300-334 ◽  
Wanda Alberts

AbstractIn contrast to well-established didactics of theologies, the study of religions, even though its field is becoming more and more important in schools and elsewhere in society, has not yet developed a didactic branch. This article outlines and exemplifies three tasks for didactics of the study of religions: (1) analysis of models of education about religion/s, (2) development of concepts for education about religion/s, (3) engagement in practical issues related to education about religion/s, including participation in political and public debates about religion, religious plurality, education, and religious education. Tasks 1 and 2, which may be called "inner-academic," are exemplified with research results from my study about integrative religious education in Europe. Task 3, relating to the communication of academic insights beyond academia, is regarded as a necessary complement to "inner-academic" work. In conclusion, it is argued that in order to develop didactics of the study of religions it is necessary to combine the subject knowledge and methodologies of the study of religions with insights from education. Rather than leaving this educational task to educationalists with little knowledge of our subject, the study of religions needs to establish its own didactics with respect to various educational contexts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Muh Idris

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Islamic religious education is often accused of advocating religious fanaticism and ideology of truth. The condition is resulted from relative detachment of religious education from social reality. As such, religious education fails to strengthen the awareness of religious plurality in the society. This paper is the result of a Content Analysis research on Azyumardi Azra’s thoughts on multicultural education. It is found that according to Azyumardi Azra, multicultural education is an education of and for socio-cultural diversity aiming at strengthening the Indonesian unity amid its very diverse population. Unity in Diversity is one of the four pillars of Indonesian nationhood namely the Pancasila, NKRI, 1945 Constitution, and Unity in Diversity.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Pendidikan agama yang selama ini dijalankan sering dikritik karena dianggap menimbulkan fanatisme keberagamaan dan melahirkan ideologi kebenaran karena praktik pendidikan agama kurang menyentuh aspek realitas sosial. Pendidikan agama kurang menumbuhkan kesadaran positif tentang realitas plural kehidupan agama masyarakat. Tulisan ini menganalisis pemikiran Azyumardi Azra tentang pendidikan multikultural. Dengan menggunakan analisis isi penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pendidikan multikultural dalam pandangan Azyumardi Azra adalah pendidikan untuk/tentang keragaman kebudayaan masyarakat Indonesia tentang pembentukan keikaan di tengah kebhinnekaan. Konsep pendidikan multikultural Azyumardi Azra ini berangkat dari realitas masyarakat Indonesia dalam rangka memperkuat kembali (revitalisasi) empat pilar wawasan kebangsaan yaitu Pancasila, NKRI, UUD 1945, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> education, multiculturalism, Azyumardi Azra, fanatism</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Muhammad Thoyib

Developing peace education in society is the ‘main gateway’ of Indonesian civilization in the future to create tolerant, moderate and inclusive human beings. This study aims to identify challenges, strategies, and contribution to developing peace education for deradicalization in Pesantren al-Bidayah Pasuruan and Pesantren Miftahul Ula, Nganjuk, East Java which are famous as ‘humanist pesantrens’ with unique diversity of religious thoughts, cultures, and beliefs around them. This research is a qualitative research using interactive analysis model that consists of data reduction, data display and data verification. The conclusions of this study are: First, the challenges of peace education development at Pesantren al-Bidayah Pasuruan and Pesantren Miftahul Ula Nganjuk encompass several forms: the ideological challenge of religious social fundamentalism, religious political cannibalism, and exclusive religious education. Second, the strategies of implementing peace education development at the two pesantrens include: learning to understand cultural diversity, learning to understand religious plurality, and learning to understand social economic-based community. Third, the contribution of peace education development at the two pesantrens includes: contribution of building non-violence culture, developing cultural appreciation of human rights, and awakening democratic values   and tolerance around society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-222
Rosdiana Rosdiana ◽  
Ahmad Bahtiar

This research focuses on normative juridical aspects related to the tendency of religious selection in children as a result of Interfaith Marriage (PBA). With the approach of the sociology of religion and the psychology of child development, this study looks at how the pattern of children’s education influences the tendency of the religion child's selection. Research informants are four PBA pairs taken randomly in the International Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP) organization. The research findings explain that children's religious preferences follow the path and parenting patterns of their parents who have different religions. In this study there were at least three parenting practices applied by parents of interfaith marriages. First, parents of married couples of different religions teach two religious teachings at once. Secondly, one of the couples from interfaith marriages took over the child's religious education so that the children followed their religion. Third, an agreement to make one child join each parent's religion. The pattern of nurture and religious environment that is applied by interfaith married couples to their children, related to religion, is very influential in the development of children's religious understanding. Religious education that is tolerant and understands religious plurality is a basic basis so that children are not trapped in psychological conflicts blaming one of their parents’ religions. This research is expected to contribute to the development of family law, particularly law on protecting children.Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada aspek yuridis normatif terkait dengan kecenderungan pemilihan agama pada anak hasil Pernikahan Beda Agama (PBA). Dengan pendekatan sosiologi agama dan psikologi perkembangan anak, penelitian ini melihat bagaimana pola pendidikan anak yang berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan pemilihan agama anak tersebut. Informan penelitian adalah  empat  pasangan PBA dalam lingkungan organisasi International Conference on Religion and Peace (ICRP) yang dipilih secara random. Temuan penelitian menjelaskan bahwa preferensi agama anak mengikuti alur dan pola pengasuhan kedua orang tua mereka yang berbeda agama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  ada tiga pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua pernikahan beda agama. Pertama, orang tua dari pasangan nikah beda agama mengajarkan dua ajaran agama sekaligus. Kedua, salah seorang pasangan dari pernikahan beda agama mengambil alih pendidikan agama anak agar anak-anak mengikuti agamanya. Ketiga,  kesepakatan untuk menjadikan salah satu anak ikut agama masing-masing orang tua. Pola pengasuhan dan lingkungan keagamaan  yang diterapkan oleh pasangan nikah beda agama kepada anak-anak mereka, terkait dengan agama, sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pemahaman agama anak-anak. Pendidikan agama yang toleran dan memahami pluralitas agama menjadi basis dasar agar anak-anak tidak terjebak dalam konflik psikologis menyalahkan salah satu agama orang tuanya. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan sumbangsih bagi pengembangan hukum keluarga, khususnya hukum perlindungan terhadap anak.

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