Proposed System for Effective Adoption of E-government to Obtain Construction Permit in Egypt

Heba Fawzy ◽  
Dalia A. Magdi
Ronald C. Lippy

The nuclear industry is preparing for the licensing and construction of new nuclear power plants in the United States. Several new designs have been developed and approved, including the “traditional” reactor designs, the passive safe shutdown designs and the small modular reactors (SMRs). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) provides specific Codes used to perform preservice inspection/testing and inservice inspection/testing for many of the components used in the new reactor designs. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews information provided by applicants related to inservice testing (IST) programs for Design Certifications and Combined Licenses (COLs) under Part 52, “Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants,” in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 52) (Reference 1). The 2012 Edition of the ASME OM Code defines a post-2000 plant as a nuclear power plant that was issued (or will be issued) its construction permit, or combined license for construction and operation, by the applicable regulatory authority on or following January 1, 2000. The New Reactors OM Code (NROMC) Task Group (TG) of the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (NROMC TG) is assigned the task of ensuring that the preservice testing (PST) and IST provisions in the ASME OM Code to address pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints (snubbers) in post-2000 nuclear power plants are adequate to provide reasonable assurance that the components will operate as needed when called upon. Currently, the NROMC TG is preparing proposed guidance for the treatment of active pumps, valves, and dynamic restraints with high safety significance in non-safety systems in passive post-2000 reactors including SMRs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
Gina Sofia Rahman ◽  
Herijanto Bekti ◽  
M.D Enjat Munajat

AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) di Dinas Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kabupaten Ciamis, dengan menggunakan teori servqual dari Zeithaml mengukur 5 dimensi, yaitu Tangible, Reliabillity, Assurance, responsiveness dan Empathy. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian jenis kualitatif dengan tekhnik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan studi kepustakaan, dan studi lapangan berupa observasi dan wawancara dengan 6 informan yaitu, Kepala DPMPTSP, Kabid Perizinan, Kabid Pengaduan dan Advokasi, Petugas Frontliner, Kabid Kepegawaian dan Pemohon Perzinan IMB.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Kualitas Pelayanan di DPMPTSP Kabupaten Ciamis masih belum berjalan secara efektif dan efisien dikarenakan kurang nya SDM si bagian pelayanan perizinan DPMPTSP Kabupaten Ciamis, kurangnya kemampuan petugas dan sarana untuk menunjang online service. Kata kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Izin Mendirikan Bangunan, Servqual.AbstractThis study discusses the Quality of Building Construction Permits (IMB) at the Ciamis District One-Stop Integrated Services Investment Office (DPMPTSP), using the servqual theory from Zeithaml to measure 5 dimensions, namely Tangible, Reliabillity, Assurance, Responsiveness and Empathy. This research is a qualitative type of research with data collection techniques using library studies, and field studies in the form of observation and interviews with 6 informants namely, Head of DPMPTSP, Head of Licensing, Head of Complaints and Advocacy, Frontliner Officers, Head of Personnel and IMB Licensing Applicants. research, Service Quality in DPMPTSP Ciamis Regency still has not run effectively and efficiently because of the lack of human resources in the licensing service section of DPMPTSP in Ciamis Regency, lack of staff ability and means to support online services.Keywords: Service Quality, Building Construction Permit, Servqual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Junaidi Junaidi

The results of the study discovered that the actualization of personnel in building construction permit services in Lhokseumawe city, Aceh, Indonesia, is manifested through fair behavior, work quality behavior, competency behavior, initiative behavior, communication behavior, and work standard behavior. This research concludes that although the behavior of the officials has been manifested in the aforementioned behavior, it has not been fully actualized in the building construction permit service, because there are still many internal and external obstacles. Internal obstacles such as limited personnel resources, services that are not yet transparent and not accountable. Besides, there is no certainty of time, no operational standard work, and complicated bureaucratic path. The external obstacle is the lack of public legal awareness, and most of them have not fulfilled the completeness of administrative documents. It is suggested that the apparatus can actualize their behavior in IMB services optimally. This study suggests that the stakeholder should provide particular and extra training and education for the personnel, including character building, as well as forming a special team to supervise and evaluate the IMB.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
H. Boado Magan ◽  
D. F. Delmastro ◽  
M. Markiewicz ◽  
E. Lopasso ◽  
F. Diez ◽  

CAREM is a CNEA (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica) project. This project consists of the development, design, and construction of a small nuclear power plant. First, a prototype of an electrical output of about 27 MW, CAREM 25, will be built in order to validate the innovation of the CAREM concept and then developed to commercial version. After several years of development, the CAREM Project reached such a maturity level that the Argentine government decided on the construction of CAREM prototype. Several activities are ongoing with the purpose of obtaining the construction permit for the CAREM prototype.

2001 ◽  
Vol 95 (4) ◽  
pp. 910-919 ◽  
Bernard H. Oxman ◽  
William S. Dodge

Metalclad Corporation v. Mexico. ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/97/l. 40 ILM 36 (2001), available at <>.NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitral Tribunal, August 30, 2000.Mexico v. Metalclad Corporation. 2001 B.C.S.C. 664, available, at <>.Supreme Court of British Columbia, May 2, 2001.In 1993, Metalclad Corporation purchased the Mexican company Confinamiento Tecnico de Residuos Industriales, S.A. de C.V. (COTERIN) in order to build and operate a hazardous-waste transfer station and landfill in Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi. Although the federal government of Mexico and the state government of San Luis Potosi had granted COTERIN permits to construct and operate the landfill, the municipality of Guadalcazar denied a municipal construction permit, and the governor of San Luis Potosi subsequently declared an area encompassing the landfill to be an ecological reserve.

Yong Lak Paek ◽  
Seon Ho Song ◽  
Seong Hun Oh

This paper describes an overview of the nuclear regulatory framework of Korea such as licensing process and preoperational inspection program for the new reactor, etc. In addition, this paper has been prepared to share the information on the regulatory issues in new reactors that have been granted construction permit lately in Korea.

Anna Przewiezlikowska

In Poland, after World War II, most of the technical infrastructure was built based on a construction permit, and without a legal title to a given real property. Therefore, a necessity arose for the regulation of property rights where technical infrastructure was built. For the establishment of the right-of-way for transmission facilities it is essential to regulate the legal relationships between the owner of the real estate and the transmission entity and their entry into the land and mortgage register. The extent of the granted right-of-way determines the value of consideration for the owner of the encumbered property. This study analyzes the rules for the determination, establishment and surveying preparation of the right-of-way for various types of transmission facilities. First a thorough examination of the legal status of the real property was required and then the extent of the necessary right-of-way to be established for the given facilities was analyzed. The next stage of the study involved determining the extent of the rights-of-way and appropriate protective zones for the networks pursuant to the relevant technical guidelines. The analysis revealed significant diversity of legal regulations on the establishment of the right-of-way for the specific types of public utilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Toni Kusnandar

At present mapping using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology is a popular alternative. The use of UAVs by the public is increasing because more and more manufacturers are marketing their products and are available in the market. Apart from the relatively affordable price, UAV features and capabilities are increasing. DroneDeploy and Agisoft have simplified the process of making maps. Monitoring software can be used starting from planning, implementation, processing, to the results of processing.The planned development of a tourist area in the area of Sindang Pakuwon Village which is a village in the Cimanggung District area of Sumedang Regency, requires a location map as a condition for submitting the construction permit. Landowners need to make a representative, economical but still quality map.Utilization of multi-rotor copter type UAVs that are more widely available and the availability of software, has a resource plan that is efficient and very fast, but is quite accurate and representative. 

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