Copper and zinc bioavailabilities to ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) grown in biosolid treated Chilean soils

2009 ◽  
Vol 90 (8) ◽  
pp. 2665-2671 ◽  
Inés Ahumada ◽  
Orianne Gudenschwager ◽  
M. Adriana Carrasco ◽  
Gabriela Castillo ◽  
Loreto Ascar ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 265 ◽  
R. A. Waller ◽  
P. E. Quigley ◽  
G. R. Saul ◽  
G. A. Kearney ◽  
P. W. G. Sale

The survival of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants was studied in sheep pastures in south-western Victoria during the dry summer of 1996–97. Recruitment of perennial ryegrass seedlings into the pasture sward was also monitored in the autumn–winter periods in 1997 and 1998. The objective was to investigate whether a tactical stocking strategy, consisting of variable length summer, autumn and winter rotations and continuous stocking in spring, might increase perennial ryegrass tiller survival and seedling recruitment in the autumn, compared with continuous stocking all year. The grazing strategies were compared on 2 contrasting pastures: an upgraded pasture [sown with newer cultivars of perennial ryegrass and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) with 26 kg phosphorus/ha.year as applied fertiliser] and a naturalised perennial ryegrass pasture receiving 6 kg P/ha.year. Paddocks were grazed by Border Leicester × Merino ewes, mated to a terminal sire so as to lamb in September. Perennial ryegrass tiller density was higher on the upgraded pasture with a mean density of 7750 tillers/m2 in early summer which declined to zero live tillers by mid summer. Live tillers began to reappear before the opening rains and then increased after the rain. Mean tiller density in the upgraded pasture declined over the 2 summers, with only 2050 tillers/m2 being present 2 months after the opening rains in 1998. There were no effects (P>0.05) of pasture type or grazing strategy on the number of tagged tillers that survived the summer period. Only 12% of the vegetative tillers, randomly tagged in December 1996, survived to May 1997. More than half of the tillers (56%) that produced a seedhead produced daughter tillers which survived the dry summer–autumn period. A significant (P<0.05) interaction between grazing strategy and pasture type occurred with the number of perennial ryegrass seedlings that had established 4 weeks after the opening rains in 1997. There was a 5–11-fold increase in seedling numbers which regenerated in the tactically stocked, upgraded pasture compared with the other treatments. Seedling recruitment was considerably lower in the autumn of 1998, due presumably to an overall decline in perennial ryegrass density relative to annual grasses in 1997. A second experiment investigated the effect of excluding sheep from grazing at anthesis until seedhead maturation or until the opening rains, together with a mechanical seed dislodgment treatment at seed maturity. All exclusion treatments increased seedling recruitment 4–7-fold, compared with continuous stocking. The results suggest a possible mechanism by which perennial ryegrass density can be increased without expensive reseeding.

1958 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 436 ◽  
W Shepherd

Moisture relations of four species used for making hay—white clover (Trifolium repens L.), subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)—have been investigated. Shapes and positions of equilibrium moisture content-relative humidity curves differed between species; and in general, moisture contents were lower for fast-cured than for slow-cured material and lower for over-mature than for less mature material. Sorption hysteresis effects were observed. Under the experimental conditions employed, equilibrium moisture contents were lower for material subjected to conditioning atmospheres immediately after mowing than for material cured prior to conditioning. Variations in the shape and position of equilibrium curves were frequently in accordance with known variations in chemical composition.

1975 ◽  
Vol 15 (73) ◽  
pp. 227 ◽  
J Lipsett

Phalaris tuberosa and wheat (Triticum sativum) responded to application of molybdenum in a series of pot experiments with a soil known to support subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) without additional molybdenum in the field. No response to molybdenum was recorded with oats (Avena sativa), barley (Hordeum vulgare), rye grass (Lolium perenne), kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum), rape (Brassica rapus) or subterranean clover.

1974 ◽  
Vol 14 (70) ◽  
pp. 640 ◽  
KFM Reed

Pastures at Glenormiston in western Victoria, sown with Phalaris tuberosa cv. Australian (phalaris) or Lolium perenne cv. Victorian (ryegrass) each with Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover), were grazed continuously by wethers at six rates of stocking over the range 19.8 to 32.1 sheep ha-1 from October 1966 to March 1971. Pasture growth was measured at three rates of stocking. During a four-year period, the phalaris and ryegrass pastures produced average annual yields of 10.4 and 8.0 t dry matter ha-1 respectively. The growth of phalaris pasture was usually greater in winter when it produced approximately 30 per cent more dry matter than ryegrass pasture. The effect of rate of stocking on pasture growth was rarely significant except in the final six months of the experiment when there was a reduction in growth rate as stocking rate increased. The basal cover of phalaris declined in the two years after a drought in 1967-68 to about 20 per cent irrespective of stocking rate. The basal cover of ryegrass also declined during this period, to a greater extent than phalaris, but in 1969 and 1970 there was some recovery at the lower stocking rates when the ryegrass was able to set seed. The basal cover of subterranean clover was about 20 per cent at 19.8 sheep ha-1 in most years and usually less at the higher stocking rates. The main species that replaced the sown species were Poa annua, Trifolium cernuum, Trifolium glomerata, Arctotheca calendula and Holcus lanatus. The amount of pasture present above a cutting height of 1.5 cm was less than 2 t ha-1 during most of the experiment and decreased as rate of stocking increased. The crude protein concentration of pasture present was always greater than 11 per cent except during the drought in 1967-68, when it fell as low as 5.2 per cent on the ryegrass pastures and to half this level on the phalaris pastures.

2011 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-232 ◽  
Anita Jakab ◽  
János Kátai ◽  
Magdolna Tállai ◽  
Andrea Balláné Kovács

A tenyészedényes kísérletünket a DE AGTC MÉK Agrokémiai és Talajtani Intézet tenyészházában állítottuk be 2010. május 27-én. A kísérletben Debrecen-Látókép környékéről származó mészlepedékes csernozjom vályogtalajt alkalmaztunk, amely az alábbi jellemzőkkel rendelkezett: KA: 37,5; leiszapolható rész: 51%; pH(KCl): 5,5; pH(H2O): 6,6; Hu%: 2,8; AL-P2O5: 140 mg·kg-1; AL-K2O: 316,3 mg·kg-1. Az adatok alapján a kísérleti talaj gyengén savanyú, vályog kötöttségű, közepes nitrogén- és foszfor-, valamint jó kálium-ellátottsággal rendelkezett. A kísérletben kontroll-, műtrágya-, valamint szalmakezelést alkalmaztunk, melyeket bizonyos kombinációkban három különböző baktériumkészítménnyel (Bactofil A, EM-1, Microbion UNC) egészítettünk ki. A kísérletet három ismétlésben véletlenblokk elrendezésben állítottuk be. A tesztnövény angolperje (Lolium perenneL.) volt. A kísérlet kezdetétől számított 8. héten a talaj-, valamint a növényminták begyűjtésére került sor. Meghatároztuk a növényminták száraztömegét, a növény foszfor- és káliumtartalmát, valamint a talajminták nitrát-, valamint AL-oldható foszfor- és káliumtartalmát. Eredményeink alapján főbb megállapításaink a következők: – Az angolperje száraztömegét a műtrágyakezelés szignifikánsan növelte. A hatás a tápelem-ellátottság javulásával magyarázható. – A növény foszforkoncentrációja a műtrágyázás következtében csökkent, amelyet a hígulási effektussal magyarázhatunk. – A növény káliumkoncentrációját a műtrágya-, valamint a műtrágya+baktériumtrágya kezelések szignifikánsan serkentették. – A talaj nitráttartalma szignifikánsan növekedett a műtrágyakezelés kivételével minden kezelésben. – A talaj AL-P2O5-tartalma az NPK-műtrágyázás és az EM-1 kezelés következtében statisztikailag igazolható mértékben megnövekedett, míg az AL-K2O-tartalom kizárólag a szalmakezelés hatására nőtt. A baktériumkészítmények önmagukban alkalmazva általában nem eredményeztek jelentős változást a vizsgált paraméterekben, azonban a készítmények szerves/ásványi anyagokkal kombinált adagolása esetében különböző mértékben befolyásolták a vizsgált mutatókat.

M Gonzalez Yanez ◽  
R Mcginn ◽  
D H Anderson ◽  
A R Henderson ◽  
P Phillips

It Is claimed that the use of the correct enzyme system as an additive on grass silage will satisfactorily control the fermentation and reduce the cell-wall fibre content, thus preserving the nutrients In the silage and aiding their utilisation by the animal (Henderson and McDonald, 1977; Huhtanen et al, 1985; Raurama et al, 1987; Chamberlain and Robertson, 1989; Gordon, 1989;).The aim of the present experiment was to assess the effect of biological additives, enzymes or a combination of enzymes with an Inoculum of lactic acid bacteria, on the composition of silage and on its nutritive value when offered to store lambs as the sole constituent of their diet.On 1st June 1988, first cut perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) at pre-ear emergence was ensiled direct cut untreated (U), treated with a commercial enzyme (E) or with a commercial inoculum of lactic acid bacteria with enzymes (I) in 6t capacity bunker silos. The grass was cut with a mower and lifted with a New Holland precision chop forage harvester. The additives were pumped onto the grass using a dribble bar sited over the pick-up drum.

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