Modelling the provenance of detritus flushed through the Strait of Bosphorus, Turkey, during early Holocene outflow from the Black Sea to the world ocean

2017 ◽  
Vol 390 ◽  
pp. 147-169 ◽  
R.N. Hiscott ◽  
A.E. Aksu ◽  
C. Yaltırak
Н. Есин ◽  
N. Esin ◽  
Н. Есин ◽  
N. Esin ◽  
О. Сорокина ◽  

A method of calculation on local curves of the World ocean eustatic (absolute) variations is presented in this paper. It is shown that vertical motions of the Earth's Crust considerably distort eustatic curve of the sea level change (up to the contrary result). Thus, the local curves present little volume of information. A method of extraction of tectonic component from local curves is proposed. The World ocean level change in Holocene is calculated on local curves of the Mediterranean Sea. It was ascertained that the process of an active erosion of the Black Sea shelf began 3–4 ka.

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 105 ◽  

It was reported for the first time that Acartia tonsa was present in the Black Sea as early as in 1976. A.tonsa was found in the Mediterranean Sea in 1985. So, this copepod was initially introduced to the Black Sea and did not invade here from the Mediterranean. Probably A.tonsa was transferred to the Black Sea with ship's ballast water from some other region of the World Ocean. Differences in seasonal dynamics and size structure of A.clausi and A.tonsa in the Bay of Sevastopol in 1976 are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Oleksii Batyrev ◽  
Olga Andrianova ◽  
Radomir Belevich ◽  
Michael Skipa

<p>Coastal zone research is becoming increasingly important because the impact of climate change is most significant here. The state of coastal regions is determined by the variability in three contact media (geological, water, and air). Evaluation of level changes on the coasts of various parts of the World Ocean (the Mediterranean, Black, Baltic and North Seas, and the Atlantic coasts in Brazil and France) over a long period of time shows various fluctuations with an upward trend in recent decades.</p><p>To highlight the factors that determine the seashores' level fluctuations, three contact media parameters were considered on the example of the western part of the Black Sea. Calculations, analysis, and comparison of trends in the variability of hydrometeorological characteristics (air and water temperatures, precipitation, and river discharge) and sea level over a period of more than 100 years have been carried out.</p><p>To assess the intensity of fluctuations of the coastal land along the western coast of the Black Sea, the series of level heights were considered at 6 Ukrainian stations: Vylkove, Chornomorsk (Ilyichevsk), Odesa-port, port Yuzhne, Ochakiv and Sevastopol (partially used as a benchmark), at 2 stations on the Romanian coast: Constanta and Sulina, and 2 stations on the Bulgarian coast: Burgas and Varna. Estimates of the dynamics of the land for the stations of this region's coastal zone for more than a 100-year period are calculated, and it is shown in which way changes in sea level are a consequence of the processes occurring in the coastal land and at the bottom.</p><p>Comparison of the years with extreme fluctuations in the sea level with the years of the global El Niño phenomenon showed that one of the causes of the observed disturbances in the water and air environments is the distant manifestations of this phenomenon.</p><p>Level fluctuations, both in the Black Sea and in the World Ocean, are synchronous at low-frequency scales (their period is more than 5 years) since global climatic processes on our planet influence them; short-term fluctuations are distinguished by regional features and are created under the influence of local factors (tectonic, geophysical, hydrostatic, etc.).</p><p>Modeling and predicting changes in the coastal zone of various parts of the World Ocean requires continuation of systematic observations of sea-level fluctuations, hydrometeorological characteristics, and seismic conditions in regions with the longest data series; it's crucial for the Black Sea as well for the Mediterranean, Baltic, North Seas, and Atlantic shores.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 294-304
E. Maksymova ◽  
S. Kostrytska

Gas hydrates occurring in the World Ocean are considered as the additional and perspective non-traditional resource of hydrocarbon materials. The proposed classification of deposits as for mining and geological conditions of their occurrence as well as methodological approach to their development and calculation of technological parameters of methane extraction from the World Ocean floor with minimum impact upon the Earth’s hydrosphere is of considerable importance in the context of current studies of new and most prospective source of energy in terms of the available experience gap as for the development of gas hydrate deposits. The approach to search for and explore gas hydrate deposits occurring on and under the World Ocean floor has been suggested; the approach is based upon the regularities of gas hydrate distribution in lithological varieties and geological structures. The necessity to take into consideration the pore space enclosing gas hydrate thicknesses to calculate their reserves has been substantiated. The overview of scientific literature sources summarizingthe results of marine expeditions as well as the analysis of publications of world scientific community dealing with the studies of gas hydrates has made it possible to determine that gas hydrate deposits are associated to the zones of jointing of continental plates and oceanic troughs. In their turn, those zones, due to different genesis, are made up of the corresponding various products of sedimentary rock accumulations. Detailed analysis of the Black Sea floor structure has been performed. Three geomorphological zones have been singled out; basic types of gas-bearing capacity manifestation and methane liberation from the interior have been represented. Quantitative evaluation of methane content in gas hydrate deposits has been given taking into account the detected ones. Data concerning gas-bearing capacity of the Black Sea floor proved by the map of mud volcanoes location within the areas of gas hydrate sampling have been considered. That was the basis to analyze peculiarities of the formation of bottom-sediment gas hydrates basing upon genetic origin of lithological composition of their enclosing rocks and their structures in terms of the Black Sea floor. Relation between the features of the World Ocean floor structure and the distribution of gas hydrate deposits has been determined. Theoretical approach to search for and explore gas hydrate deposits both in the Black Sea and in the World Ocean has been developed and proposed. Interaction between different zones of the World Ocean floor and types of gas hydrate deposits based upon the compositions of their enclosing rock has been shown. Lithological composition of the rocks enclosing gas hydrates has been analyzedin detail. That will make it possible to determine the type of any specific deposit and elaborate technological scheme to open and develop methane-containing gas hydrate deposits.

1995 ◽  
Vol 32 (7) ◽  
pp. 63-70
I. Ethem Gönenç ◽  
Oguz Müftüoglu ◽  
Bilsen Beler Baykal ◽  
Ertugrul Dogan ◽  
Hüseyin Yüce ◽  

Unlike other seas of the world, the Black Sea shows unique quality and trophic properties. Fortunately, only the upper layer water of the Black Sea is introduced into the Bosphorus and has a significant effect on the quality and trophic conditions of the Marmara Sea. These effects are discussed in the light of data obtained from collaborative efforts of Turkish and Romanian research institutions and processed satellite images. In conjunction with these discussions, recommendations for a suitable effluent disposal strategy for Istanbul's wastewater have been given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-77
L. I. Ryabushko ◽  
A. V. Bondarenko

Mud volcanoes are one of unique natural phenomena widely spread around the world. They can be found in Crimea, including the Bulganak sopochnoe field – the largest cluster of active mud volcanoes on the peninsula (45°25′29.04″N, 36°27′51.64″E). Study of mud volcano microalgae in Crimea, as well as in other regions of Russia, has not been conducted so far. Therefore, scientific interest is caused by need and urgency of the study of these volcanoes. First data on microalgae species composition of active mud volcanoes are presented in this article. Samples collected by O. Yu. Eremin (03.08.2012 and 13.04.2013) in the upper 2–3-cm layer of suspension and in surface water were investigated. The ranges of salinity and water temperature were 27–32 g per L and +28…+31 °C, respectively. Microalgae species composition was determined in water preparations using Axioskop 40 (Carl Zeiss) light microscope at magnification of 10×40 with software AxioVision Rel. 4.6. Totally 16 taxa were found: Cyanobacteria (1), Dinophyta (2), Bacillariophyta (6), and Euglenophyta (7). Of these, cyanobacteria Chamaecalyx swirenkoi (Schirshov) Komárek et Anagnostidis, 1986 was found by us in the mud volcano in August 2012. Pennate species of diatoms were also identified – single living (of genera Cylindrotheca (Ehrenberg) Reimann & J. C. Lewin, Lyrella Karajeva, and Nitzschia Hassall) and colonial species (of genera Berkeleya Greville and Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo). The brackish-water, benthic, boreal-tropical species Nitzschia thermaloides Hustedt was recorded for the algal flora of Crimea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov for the first time. Euglenophytes were also found in the samples – 5 species of the genus Trachelomonas Ehrenberg and 2 species of the genus Strombomonas Deflandre. Of all the species found in the mud volcano ecotope, 7 species are common for the Black Sea, and 9 species, including 3 euglenophytes, are common for the Sea of Azov. It is shown that by characteristics of halobility, species found in the mud volcano belong to freshwater complex (53 %), with a significant share of marine (27 %) and brackish-water (20 %) species. Of the phytogeographic flora elements, boreal species make up 33 %, boreal-tropical – 47 %, and cosmopolites – 20 %. Three species of potentially toxic algae are recorded: diatom Pseudo-nitzschia prolongatoides (Hasle) Hasle, 1993, as well as dinophytes Prorocentrum lima (Ehrenberg) Dodge, 1975 and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii Balech, 1994. The last species is marine, boreal-tropical, and new to the algology of Crimea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Azov. In the article, own and literary data on morphology, ecology, and phytogeography of species, as well as on their general distribution in different waterbodies of the world, are also presented. Some microalgae species are indicators of saprobity; they are able to participate in purification of water from organic substances. Photos of mud volcanoes and micrographs of some species are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-131
A. G. Zatsepin ◽  
S. B. Kuklev ◽  
T. A. Podymova

On May 20, 2021, the head of the Laboratory of Lithodynamics and Geology of the Southern Department of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, prominent scientist and public figure Kosyan Ruben Derenikovich is 75 years old. R.D. Kosyan is a leading Russian expert in the field of studying the regularities of hydrogenic movements of detrital material in the coastal zone of the sea. He is a participant of many expeditions and thematic conferences, an expert on some major international projects, and lectures in various countries of the world. Under his leadership, a group of models was developed to calculate the long-shore sediment discharge, as well as the associated deformation of the relief in the coastal zone of the sea. R.D. Kosyan was awarded the Order of Courage, as well as the International Medal of the Black Sea Commission for merits in the study of the Black Sea. Congratulations to the wonderful scientist-oceanologist on the solemn date.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 79-84
OLEG V. Donetsk National University ◽  

Basing on a constructivist approach to international relations and foreign policy, the author has defined the conceptual content of the script, in which the experts of the Ukrainian National Institute for Strategic Studies imagine Crimea and the Black Sea region. The study was carried out on the basis of the materials of the Institute's analytical reports to the messages of the President to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in 2014-2018. It was found that the ideas about Crimea contained in them are extremely mythologized: in the political picture of the world of the Institute's experts, the peninsula is considered as a “Russian bridgehead”, a source of “military threat" and an "occupied territory". Ukrainian experts are convinced that the motives of Russia's foreign and defense policy in the Black Sea direction are allegedly due to its desire for "expansion", "imperial policy" and the desire to "restore the Soviet Union." They perceive the reunification of Crimea with Russia as an event that led to a cardinal transformation of the geopolitical space of the Black Sea region that contradicts Ukrainian national interests. At the same time, on rational grounds, the institute is actively searching for conceptual approaches to organizing a new regional security system and creating a long-term, broad and durable alliance of anti-Russian forces, which could act as a NATO parallel structure in the Black Sea region in the future. Moreover, Ukrainian experts do not have any own geopolitical project or idea on this. They are considering several options for regional coalitions at once, paying special attention to the Polish concept of "Intermarium", which consists in creating a block of Baltic-Black Sea states.

2022 ◽  
pp. 243-256
Giga Abuseridze ◽  
Janis Grasis

In the recent history of the world, especially in the last two decades, large-scale military actions by Russia and Russian intervention have attracted wide international attention. Russia's increasingly confrontational stance has been manifested in military interventions in Georgia (2008) and in Ukraine (2014). The occupation/annexation of the territories of Georgia and Ukraine by the Russian Federation is a gross violation of the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of a country, as well as of the norms and principles of international law, that have significantly changed the international order established between the states and called into question the security of the Black Sea region and Europe as a whole. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a legal analysis of Russia's aggressive policy and the economic consequences of Ukraine and Georgia as aggrieved parties.

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