Usage of the Net Present Value-at-Risk to Design Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Systems Under Uncertain Scenarios

Bernard Dusseault ◽  
Philippe Pasquier
2020 ◽  
Bernard Dusseault ◽  
Philippe Pasquier

<p>The design by optimization of hybrid ground-coupled heat pump (Hy-GCHP) systems is a complex process that involves dozens of parameters, some of which cannot be known with absolute certainty. Therefore, designers face the possibility of under or oversizing Hy-GCHP systems as a result of those uncertainties. Of course, both situations are undesirable, either raising upfront costs or operating costs. The most common way designers try to evaluate their impacts and prepare the designs against unforeseen conditions is to use sensitivity analyses, an operation that can only be done after the sizing.</p><p>Traditional stochastic methods, like Markov chain Monte Carlo, can handle uncertainties during the sizing, but come at a high computational price paid for in millions of simulations. Considering that individual simulation of Hy-GCHP system operation during 10 or 20 years can range between seconds and minutes, millions of simulations are therefore not a realistic approach for design under uncertainty. Alternative stochastic design methodologies are exploited in other fields with great success that do not require nearly as many simulations. This is the case for the conditional-value-at-risk (CVaR) in the financial sector and for the net present value-at-risk (NPVaR) in civil engineering. Both financial indicators are used as objective functions in their respective fields to consider uncertainties. To do that, they involve distributions of uncertain parameters but only focus on the tail of distributions. This results in quicker optimizations but also in more conservative designs. This way, they remain profitable even when faced with extremely unfavorable conditions.</p><p>In this work, we adapt the NPVaR to make the sizing of Hy-GCHP systems under uncertainties viable. The mixed-integer non-linear optimization algorithm used jointly with the NPVaR, the Hy-GCHP simulation algorithm and the g-function assessment methods used are presented broadly, all of which are validated in this work or in referenced publications. The way in which the NPVaR is implemented is discussed, more specifically how computation time can be further reduced using a clever implementation without sacrificing its conservative property. The implications of using the NPVaR over a deterministic algorithm are investigated during a case study that revolves around the design of an Hy-GCHP system in the heating-dominated environment of Montreal (Canada). Our results show that over 1000 experiments, a design sized using the NPVaR has an average return on investment of 126,829 $ with a standard deviation of 18,499 $ while a design sized with a deterministic objective function yields 137,548 $ on average with a standard deviation of 33,150 $. Furthermore, the worst returns in both cases are respectively 35,229 $ and -32,151 $. This shows that, although slightly less profitable on average, the NPVaR is a better objective function when the concern is about avoiding losses rather than making a huge profit.</p><p>In that regard, since HVAC is usually considered a commodity rather than an investment, we believe that a more financially stable and predictable objective function is a welcome addition in the toolbox of engineers and professionals alike that deal with the design of expensive systems such as Hy-GCHP.</p>

Ewa Krawczyk

The Value at Risk model allows answering the base question asked by investor. How much money could be lost with given financial resources involved into given project, in fixed time and fixed risk preference The covariance method used to estimate VaR is static model, but analytic manner of computing allows, after essential analysis, to determine value at risk relatively clearly and quickly. Presented attempt of initiating tool to analyzing quantified risk of investment on real estate market, specialized for capital market, gives observations: a) in the situation of significant growth of investments on real estate market, financed mainly by banking institutions, there is necessity to work out risk models for this market segment, allowing to limit excessive losses caused by too optimistic prices and inappropriate calculations of the effectiveness of the investment, b) well known and used risk models for capital market are basics for connection the both market segments - capital and real - and empirical verification, including investing projects, c) VaR model can be used for determining quantified risk of an investing project, characterized by profitability ratio Net Present Value, but received results should be treated with limited confidence.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 637-644 ◽  
Kyle Eyvindson ◽  
Zhuo Cheng

Deciding on a plan of action for a forest holding involves a significant amount of uncertainty. As forest planning involves the use and extraction of resources, uncertainty lies in both the future development of the forest (biological uncertainty) and the development of the market for forest-based products (economic uncertainty). Additionally, natural hazards can be a source of unexpected losses. In traditional forest management planning, the most common way to deal with uncertainty is to ignore it. Growth models are used that are assumed to be correct, and timber prices are assumed to be held constant. By ignoring the fact that these models provide only one representation of what may happen, the forest owner may get an overly optimistic (or pessimistic) view of the potential value of the forest holding. Through a stochastic programming formulation, these uncertainties can be modelled directly into the optimization formulation, and a management plan can be created that incorporates the risk preferences of the decisionmaker. This is highlighted through an example that maximizes the net present value of the holding while minimizing the conditional value at risk of obtaining a stated even flow of income.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-124
B. A. Semenov ◽  
D. S. Saponenko ◽  

Представлена научно обоснованная методика определения оптимальных параметров вертикальных теплообменников грунтового контура геотермальной теплонасосоной установки по условию достижения максимума интегрального эффекта или чисто дисконтированного дохода (Net Present Value). Расчетами подтверждено, что максимальная экономическая эффективность вертикальных теплообменников грунтового контура может достигаться при соблюдении оптимальных значений двух определяющих параметров: общей длины U-образной тепловоспринимающей трубы и расхода проходящего по ней теплоносителя. Оптимальные значения этих параметров рассчитываются в зависимости от вида и температуры грунта, диаметра и марки полиэтиленовых труб, начальной температуры теплоносителя на входе, тарифов на теплоту и электроэнергию, удельных капитальных вложений во все элементы грунтового зонда, включая земляные работы, с учетом реальной нормы дисконта и ряда дополнительных исходных данных. Методика позволяет при различных климатических условиях и типах грунта определять оптимальные конструктивные и режимные параметры вертикальных грунтовых теплообменников и количественно оценивать максимально достижимую экономическую эффективность использования грунтовых контуров с вертикальными U-образными зондами для отбора низкопотенциальной теплоты грунта...

2018 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 06017 ◽  
Polina Tretyakova

The article provides information about the ring heating system comprising heat pumps. The system is designed as a closed loop, which includes a pump, a thermal energy battery, and a heat pump. The evaporator is connected to the system of water intake from the well and the cooling system of air inside the greenhouse. The resulting thermal energy is consumed for the needs of heating and watering the greenhouse complex. We present a method for determining the dependence of the net present value on the temperatures in supply and return pipelines and temperature of low-potential heat source. The main economic indicators of the implementation of this system on a typical block greenhouse in the city of Tyumen are determined.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. e013
Kyle Eyvindson ◽  
Rami Saad ◽  
Ljusk Ola Eriksson

Aim of study: To examine methods of incorporating risk and uncertainty to stand level forest decisions.Area of study: A case study examines a small forest holding from Jönköping, Sweden.Material and methods: We incorporate empirically estimated uncertainty into the simulation through a Monte Carlo approach when simulating the forest stands for the next 100 years. For the iterations of the Monte Carlo approach, errors were incorporated into the input data which was simulated according to the Heureka decision support system. Both the Value at Risk and the Conditional Value at Risk of the net present value are evaluated for each simulated stand.Main results: Visual representation of the errors can be used to highlight which decision would be most beneficial dependent on the decision maker’s opinion of the forest inventory results. At a stand level, risk preferences can be rather easily incorporated into the current forest decision support software.Research highlights: Forest management operates under uncertainty and risk. Methods are available to describe this risk in an understandable fashion for the decision maker.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Muhammad Jamil ◽  
Januari Frizki Bella

Adapun tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha industri pengolahan kecap Aneka Guna apabila dilihat dari segi kelayakan finansial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian yaitu di Kota Langsa dengan pertimbangan bahwa lokasi tersebut merupakan daerah yang terdapat industri pengolahan kecap asin dan mudah di jangkau oleh penulis. Waktu penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juni - Oktober 2014. Tenaga kerja yang digunakan berjumlah 27 orang, 20 tenaga kerja pria dan 7 orang tenaga kerja wanita. Jumlah penggunaan tenaga kerja selama 5 tahun sebesar 3759 HKP. Total biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan oleh pengusaha dalam usaha pembuatan kecap didaerah penelitian selama 5 tahun adalah Rp. 2.076.988.000,-. Pendapatan kotor yang diperoleh pengusaha sebesar Rp. 8.199.690.000,- dan pendapan bersih yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. 6.122.702.000,-                 Kota Langsa hanya memiliki 1 pengusaha pengolahan kecap asin dan dijadikan sebagai pengusaha sampel yaitu usaha industri pengolahan kecap asin Aneka Guna. Hasil perhitungan di peroleh Net Present Value (NPV) sebesar Rp. 263.281.290 (lebih besar dari nol), sedangkan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) sebesar 84% lebih besar dari tingkat bunga yang berlaku (D.F. = 18%), sedangkan Net B/C Ratio sebesar 3,27 (lebih dari pada 1) dan Pay Back Priod (PBP) 1 Tahun 6 Bulan (lebih kecil dari umur ekonomis).  

2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 259-267
Frank Schuhmacher ◽  
Benjamin R. Auer
At Risk ◽  

Controlling ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 425-426
Mischa Seiter ◽  
Sven Eckert
At Risk ◽  

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