scholarly journals Corrigendum to “Wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2: Lessons learnt from recent studies to define future applications” [Sci. Total Environ. 759 (2021) 143493]

2022 ◽  
Vol 810 ◽  
pp. 152346
Mohamed Hamouda ◽  
Farah Mustafa ◽  
Munjed Maraqa ◽  
Tahir Rizvi ◽  
Ashraf Aly Hassan
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Amjad Mohamed-Saleem

With nearly three million Sri Lankans living overseas, across the world, there is a significant role that can be played by this constituency in post-conflict reconciliation.  This paper will highlight the lessons learnt from a process facilitated by International Alert (IA) and led by the author, working to engage proactively with the diaspora on post-conflict reconciliation in Sri Lanka.  The paper shows that for any sustainable impact, it is also critical that opportunities are provided to diaspora members representing the different communities of the country to interact and develop horizontal relations, whilst also ensuring positive vertical relations with the state. The foundation of such effective engagement strategies is trust-building. Instilling trust and gaining confidence involves the integration of the diaspora into the national framework for development and reconciliation. This will allow them to share their human, social and cultural capital, as well as to foster economic growth by bridging their countries of residence and origin.

Waterlines ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 9-12
Andrew Fox

M Benatmane ◽  
B Salter

With the ever tightening of budgets and legislation, new vessel builds are facing tough times.  The future maritime industry requires more efficient vessels to minimise ship operational costs with cleaner technologies that meet stringent environment regulations, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, specifically carbon emissions. Emissions reduction continues to be high on the agenda for the marine industry, it is responsible for about 2.5 percent of global greenhouse emissions1 and is under great pressure to reduce its environmental impact. With pressure comes the opportunity to incentivize innovation, developments and implementation of energy efficient measures, both design and operational. Naval propulsion systems are no different from other industries, and the industry is exploring ways to optimise propulsion and electrical power generation systems architecture for better performance and efficiency. Electric technology plays a leading role. The paper will: Provide a brief overview about the hybrid propulsion concept, with key electrical, mechanical qualities and issues. Describe different designs configurations and performances of hybrid propulsion systems from demonstrated and operational systems in the commercial and naval world. Cover the lessons learnt in technologies and controls used on such systems. Examine future architectures including energy storage and explore the benefits and the flexibility these can bringto the hybrid propulsion sphere.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-181
Maura Mbunyuza-deHeer Menlah

This article reports on a proposed evaluation plan that has been developed to assess the work done by the State Information Technology Agency (SITA). The SITA programme was implemented in response to the South African government’s call to improve the lives of the populations in some rural areas through technology. The programme was meant to address slow development in  rural  areas  that  lack  technological  innovations  and  advances.  In  the proposed evaluation plan a review is made of secondary data, deciding how strategic priorities are to be determined, as well as analysis of the rural context environment. The researcher gives an account of how the evaluation strategies are to be piloted and rolled out thereafter. Lessons learnt are recorded and reported upon. A proposed evaluation plan will be developed, based on the lessons learnt in line with the objectives of the project.

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