Effect of heat treatment on moisture sorption behavior of wheat flours using a hygrometric technique

K.A. Riganakos ◽  
M.G. Kontominas
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Ria Ambarwati

Latar Belakang: Perlu pengembangan modifikasi makanan tambahan dengan komposisi bahan berbasis F100.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan kadar energi, protein dan lemak serta uji daya terima cookies berbasis F100 dengan substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung pisang.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap 1 faktorial. Konsentrasi substitusi tepung labu kuning dan tepung pisang 10%, 20%, 30% dan 0% sebagai kontrol dengan 3 kali ulangan. Kadar energi dengan menggunakan DKBM, kadar protein diuji dengan metode micro Kjeldahl dan kadar lemak dengan metode soxlet. Uji daya terima pada 25 panelis agak terlatih dan 20 balita usia 2-5 tahun. Perbedaan kadar protein dan lemak diuji dengan ANOVA dan uji lanjut LSD, Tukey HSD. Uji daya terima panelis agak terlatih diuji dengan Friedman. Perbedaan kadar energi dan uji daya terima pada balita dianalisis secara deskriptif.. Hasil: Kadar energi paling tinggi pada cookies dengan subtitusi tepung labu kuning konsentrasi 10% (100,73 kkal/100 gram) dan tepung pisang konsentrasi 10% (101,23/100 gram). Ada perbedaan kadar protein dan lemak cookies dengan substitusi tepung labu kuning (p=0,000) dan substitusi tepung pisang (p=0,000). Ada perbedaan daya terima panelis terhadap rasa (p=0,046), warna (p=0,000), tekstur (p=0,007) dan tidak ada perbedaan aroma (p=0,126) cookies substitusi tepung labu kuning. Tidak perbedaan terhadap rasa (p=0,984), warna (p=0,352), tekstur (p=0,758), aroma (p=0,680) cookies substitusi tepung pisang. Lebih dari 50% balita menghabiskan cookies substitusi tepung labu kuning konsentrasi 10%, 20% dan tepung pisang konsentrasi 30%.Kesimpulan: Konsentrasi substitusi tepung labu kuning 10%, 20% dan substitusi tepung pisang 30% dapat direkomendasikan sebagai alternatif makanan tambahan.1.    Nency Y, Arifin MT. Gizi Buruk, ancaman generasi yang hilang. 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Jakarta: Bhatara Karya Aksara; 1985. p. 1–121.15. Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia. Daftar Komposisi Bahan Makanan. Jakarta. Persatuan Ahli GiziIndonesia; 2005. 16. Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia. Tabel Komposisi Pangan Indonesia. Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo; 2009. 17. Riganakos KA, Kontominas MG. Effect of heat treatment on moisture sorption behavior of wheat flours using a hygrometric tehnique. Developments in Food Science. 1995;37:995–1005. 18. See EF, Wan Nadiah WA, Noor Aziah AA. Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of breads supplemented with pumpkin flour. ASEAN Food Journal. 2007;14(2):123–30. 19. Asmaraningtyas D. Kekerasan, warna dan daya terima biskuit yang disubstitusi tepung labu kuning. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Skripsi. 2014.20. Winarno F. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama; 2004. p 41–43.21. Utomo LIVA, Nurali E, Ludong M. 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2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Yuxiang Huang ◽  
Ru Liu ◽  
Fandan Meng ◽  
Yanglun Yu ◽  
Wenji Yu

The influence of heat treatment on moisture sorption behavior of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens), especially under dynamic sorption conditions, was investigated. Moso bamboo was heated to 180 and 200°C for 8 h to investigate the chemical components and sorptive behavior at sinusoidal relative humidity (RH) and constant humidity. The results of chemical components revealed that the content of holocellulose,α-cellulose, and hemicellulose decreased while that of lignin increased slightly with increasing treatment temperatures. The results of static adsorption at constant RH showed that 200°C treated bamboo exhibited the lowest moisture content and moisture sorption coefficient. The results of dynamic sorptive behavior indicated that the moisture content changed sinusoidally but lagged behind the triggering sinusoidal RH changes. Heat-treated bamboo presented greater phase lag and smaller amplitudes of moisture content and sorption hysteresis due to the hemicellulose removal.

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 1969-1978
Qiao Lei ◽  
Jiazhen Pan ◽  
Jianqiang Bao ◽  
Zhiying Huang ◽  
Yuting Zhang

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Xiuping Jiang ◽  
Xiuping Jiang ◽  
Huanhuan Li ◽  
Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy ◽  
Songming Zhu ◽  

Abstract. Understanding of moisture sorption isotherms (MSI) is critical for predicting the stability of wood during handling, transport, and storage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the adsorption and desorption isotherm characteristics of high-pressure (HP) treated paulownia wood and to identify the best-fitting model to describe its sorption behavior. The equilibrium moisture contents (EMCs) of HP-treated paulownia wood were obtained using a static gravimetric method under different storage conditions: three temperatures (20°C, 30°C, and 40°C) and five water activity (aw) levels (0.32 to 0.95). Results showed that HP parameters did not significantly affect the MSI trend of treated groups. Eight modified models (modified Chung-Pfost, modified Henderson, modified Oswin, modified Halsey, Chen-Clayton, Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB), simply modified GAB, and Peleg) were fitted to the experimental data. The Chen-Clayton model (temperature-dependent) produced randomized residuals and the best prediction performance for both adsorption and desorption among all models. Net isosteric heat of adsorption and desorption decreased from 7.55 to 4.84 kJ mol-1 and from 18.1 to 12.2 kJ mol-1, respectively, with an increase in EMC from 7.5% to 10%. The isosteric temperature (Tß) was 352 K for adsorption and 335 K for desorption, between which all the adsorption and desorption reactions proceeded at the same rate. All thermodynamic functions were adequately characterized by a power law model. Keywords: Equilibrium moisture content, High-pressure treatment, Modeling, Moisture sorption isotherm, Paulownia wood, Temperature, Thermodynamic analysis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 528 ◽  
pp. 63-71 ◽  
Juliane Viganó ◽  
Ebner Azuara ◽  
Vânia R.N. Telis ◽  
Cesar I. Beristain ◽  
Maribel Jiménez ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
pp. 2192-2200 ◽  
Heartwin A. Pushpadass ◽  
F. Magdaline Eljeeva Emerald ◽  
Bharat Chaturvedi ◽  
K. Jayaraj Rao

Neda Maftoonazad ◽  
Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy ◽  
Michele Marcotte

The moisture sorption behavior of pectin films formulated with different sorbitol content was evaluated and films with different equilibrium moisture contents were obtained. Different models were used to describe the moisture sorption isotherms (MSI) of pectin films, sorbitol and pectin powder. Based on changes observed in MSI, sorbitol was found to strongly interact with pectin polymers. Incorporation of sorbitol in pectin films resulted in lower equilibrium moisture contents at low to intermediate water activities (aw), but much higher moisture contents at aw > 0.53. Estimates of monolayer moisture values (1.53 – 3.81 g H2O kg-1 solids) were obtained by the application of Guggenheim-Anderson-DeBoer (GAB) model. A differential mechanical analyzer (DMA) was used for mechanical properties of formulated films while a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) was used for thermal properties and glass transition temperature (Tg). With both DMA and DSC tests, the strong plasticizing action of water and sorbitol was evident. Tg vs. moisture content data were successfully fitted to the Fox empirical model. Multi-frequency DMA measurements provided estimates for the apparent activation energy (Ea) of the second glass transition in the range of 131-184 kJ/mol; the values for Ea decreased with increasing sorbitol concentration. Water vapor permeability (WVP) and mechanical properties of the films were also analyzed under varying sorbitol and moisture contents. Increasing moisture or addition of sorbitol to pectin films increased the elongation at break, but decreased the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and Tg, and increased WVP of the films.

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