The Appropriate Role of State Law in the Federal Arbitration System: Choice and Preemption

2009 ◽  
pp. 63-87
Edward Brunet ◽  
Richard E. Speidel ◽  
Jean E. Sternlight ◽  
Stephen H. Ware
1981 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 797-831 ◽  
Marc A. Franklin

This article summarizes the results of a study of 291 reported cases brought against media for libel during a four-year period. The results confirmed the finding in an earlier study that only 5 percent of plaintiffs emerged from the appellate process with judgments compared with more than 60 percent of defendants. Most of the defense successes occurred without trial. In cases that did reach trial, plaintiffs were successful far more often before juries than before judges but lost more than half these judgments on appeal. Cases were analyzed in terms of the identity of the parties, the content of the charges, and the role of state and federal law in shaping the outcome. Despite the recent attention to federal constitutional protections, it is clear that media defendants still do, and must, rely heavily on state law defenses. Finally, the Hutchinson and Wolston rulings of 1979 produced little change in appellate decisions.

Dewa Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Ketut Sudantra

The regulation of legal protection for customers who have savings funds in village financial institutions (LPD) is unclear. This causes no legal certainty for customers if the LPD experiences financial problems. The existence of LPDs in Bali is regulated in two types of legal rules, namely state law and customary law (legal pluralism). Analyzing the legal certainty aspects of deposit guarantor in statutory regulations and customary law is the aim of this research. This study uses a normative legal research methodology. This study uses two types of approaches namely, the statute and the conceptual approaches. The legal materials chosen as the basic analysis are primary and secondary legal materials. The conclusion of this study shows that the role of state law is more dominant than customary law. The above conclusion is shown by the fact of the research that most of the matters related to the technical operations of the LPD are regulated by the state law, in this case, is regional regulation about LPD. Based on the results of the study on the norms of local regulations on LPD and the nine awig –awig as a form of customary law from representatives of the nine regencies and city in Bali, there is no regulation on deposit guarantor institutions for LPD customers in Bali to provide legal protection. So that, regulating LPDs in Bali with two legal systems, namely the state law and the customary law system, does not guarantee legal certainty for the safety of customer's deposits. Pengaturan perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah yang mempunyai dana simpanan  di Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) saat ini tidak jelas. Hal ini menyebabkan tidak ada kepastian hukum bagi nasabah apabila LPD mengalami masalah keuangan. Keberadaan LPD di Bali diatur dalam dua jenis aturan hukum yaitu hukum negara dan hukum adat  (pluralisme hukum). Mengkaji aspek kepastian hukum penjamin simpanan  dalam setiap norma dalam peraturan perundang-undangan serta dalam hukum adat merupakan tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum doktrinal (normatif). Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis pendekatan yaitu pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (statute approach), dan pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Adapun bahan hukum yang dipilih sebagai dasar analisis adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Kemudian kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa dua sistem hukum dalam pengaturan LPD di Bali menunjukkan peran hukum negara lebih dominan daripada hukum adat.  Kesimpulan ini ditunjukkan oleh fakta penelitian yang ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar hal yang berkaitan dengan teknis operasional LPD yang merupakan satu-satunya organisasi keuangan milik Desa Adat di Bali diatur oleh hukum negara dalam hal ini diatur dalam peraturan daerah tentang LPD. Kemudian, berdasarkan hasil kajian terhadap norma peraturan daerah tentang LPD dan terhadap sembilan awig–awig sebagai bentuk hukum adat dari perwakilan Kabupaten dan Kota di Bali, tidak ada ditemukan pengaturan tentang lembaga penjamin simpanan bagi nasabah LPD di Bali untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum. Dengan demikian pengaturan LPD di Bali dengan dua sistem hukum yaitu hukum negara dan sistem hukum adat ternyata tidak menjamin kepastian hukum bagi keamanan dana simpanan para nasabah. 

2018 ◽  
pp. 137
Nathan Martins Lemes ◽  
Miguel Belinati Piccirillo

ResumoHá elementos que constituem o Estado, apresentados a partir do artigo 18 da Constituição Federal. O ordenamento jurídico se apresenta como tendo dois tipos primordiais de normas, umas sendo sancionatórias e outras de organização. Há fatos que são vistos como obrigações formais dos cidadãos, mas não significa dizer que há democracia, esta passando por várias transformações ao longo da história. Estabelece-se no art. 18, na República Federativa, a constituição da União, Estados, Distrito Federal eMunicípios. Cada ente deve assumir um papel de responsabilidade pela luta da dignidade da pessoa humana (art. 1º). E o Direito no Estado entra para a garantia do mínimo de dignidade ao indivíduo. Vale muito mais um direito vivente do que apenas vigente, ou seja, o que realmente se vive socialmente e não apenas formalidades.Palavras chave: Democracia, Estado, Federação, República Federativa do Brasil.AbstractThere are elements that constitute the State, contained in article 18 of the Brazilian Constitution. Law appears to have two main types of norms, namely those that impose sanctions and norms of organization. Certain facts constitute obligations of citizens, although that does not imply that there is democracy, and they undergo several transformations through history. It is established in article 18 of the constitution of the Federal Government, of States, of the Federal District, and of Municipalities. Each entity must take on a role of responsibility for fghting for human dignity (article 1). Thus, State Law must aim to ensure a minimum of dignity to the individual. To this end, a living legal system is of more value it being merely valid, that is, it should live in society and not be only formalism.Keywords: Democracy, State, Federation, Federative Republic of Brazil.ResumenExisten elementos que constituyen el Estado, contenidos en el artículo 19 de la Constitución brasileña. El derecho aparece como dos tipos de normas, a saber, las que imponen sanciones, y normas de organización. Ciertos hechos constituyen obligaciones de los ciudadanos, aunque eso no implica que existe una democracia, pues esta pasa por múltiples cambios en la historia. El artículo 18 establece la constitución del Gobierno Federal, los Estados, el Distrito Federal, y las Municipalidades. Cada entidad debe asumir un rol de responsabilidad en la lucha por la dignidad humana (artículo 1). El Derecho Estatal, por tanto, debe asegurar un mínimo de dignidad al individuo. Así, un derecho vivo es más valioso que su mera validez, esto es, debe ser vivido socialmente, y no ser mera formalidad.Palabras clave: Democracia, Estado, Federación, República Federativa de Brasil.

10.12737/2067 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 254-258
Татьяна Парфенова ◽  
Tatyana Parfenova

The article is devoted to the concept and types of legislating in the modern theory of law is studied here. The problem of determining the legislating process as an activity directed on creation of the legal act called the most significant element of the structure of existing law is also risen here. Such approach is explained by the feature of the Romano-Germanic law, which by its nature and character is a statutory law, led by the main law. Relying on comparative researches, the article discusses in detail the form of legislating directly related to the activities of the State law-making, by-laws making and judicial legislating. Legislation for the Romano-Germanic law, due to the postulates based in the Roman law, is one of the most significant kinds of legislating. A very important role, along with legislating plays by-laws creating, otherwise legislating of the executive bodies. Analyzing the controversial issue of judicial legislating in the Roman-Germanic legal family, the author points out the different role of the court depending on either Roman or German group is ment. For the Roman legal family court practiceis a source of law, which is the most significant. The article concludes the overview of the forms of legislating related to the activities of the state indirectly. These include contract legislating and legislating of legal custom.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 157-163
E. A. Morgunova

The review covers The II International Civil Congress on Comparative Studies (Mozolinskie Readings) "The Role of Man in Civil Law", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA) held online on December 4-5, 2020. The Congress was organized by the Department of Civil Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), the Scientific and Educational Center of Private Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), the Statute Publishing house, the Russian Arbitration Center at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration, the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University (The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages). The Congress was organized with the participation of the Department of Civil and Administrative Proceedings and the Department of History of State and Law of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA).The Congress was attended by Russian and foreign scientists from Austria, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Italy, China, Latvia, Poland and the United States, as well as a representative of the world intellectual property organization. The total number of participants of the Congress was more than 600 people.On the first day of the Congress, a plenary session and a panel discussion "The Role of an and the Role of IT in Judicial Protection" were held. On the second day, master classes for young scientists, a platform for presentations by young post-graduate scientists and creative workshops for students were organized with moderation by leading scientists on the topic of the creative workshop. The sponsor of the creative workshops was the "ConsultantPlus" company. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
Rezky Panji Perdana Martua Hasibuan ◽  
Anisa Ashari

AbstractCorona Virus Disease 2019 or known as Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic established by World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to causing health emergencies, the presence of this virus also has implications for several sectors such as finance that have an unstable economy. Based on this the role of the state is needed to ensure its prevention and treatment. Indonesia as a state of law must actually guarantee the certainty and protection of its citizens through the handling set forth in a regulation and the establishment of central and regional synergy. This study will comprehensively examine the situation of the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and the role of the state in handling this pandemic both at the central and regional levels, even through handling in the perspective of emergency state law. This research uses a normative juridical research type through the legislation approach and obtained through library research as a reference source. The results of this study are to explain and explain the role and effort of the state in carrying out the handling of a pandemic as a manifestation of the purpose of the state's presence to protect the entire Indonesian nation. Keyword : The Role of the State, Corona Virus Disease 2019, Regulation, Emergency State Law

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