scholarly journals The Paleobiology Database application programming interface

Paleobiology ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Shanan E. Peters ◽  
Michael McClennen

AbstractThe Paleobiology Database (PBDB; consists of geographically and temporally explicit, taxonomically identified fossil occurrence data. The taxonomy utilized by the PBDB is not static, but is instead dynamically generated using an algorithm applied to separately managed taxonomic authority and opinion data. The PBDB owes its existence to many individuals, some of whom have entered more than 1.26 million fossil occurrences and over 570,000 taxonomic opinions, and some of whom have developed and maintained supporting infrastructure and analysis tools. Here, we provide an overview of the data model currently used by the PBDB and then briefly describe how this model is exposed via an Application Programming Interface (API). Our objective is to outline how PBDB data can now be accessed within individual scientific workflows, used to develop independently managed educational and scientific applications, and accessed to forge dynamic, near real-time connections to other data resources.

Data Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Jörg Schad ◽  
Rajiv Sambasivan ◽  
Christopher Woodward

Experimenting with different models, documenting results and findings, and repeating these tasks are day-to-day activities for machine learning engineers and data scientists. There is a need to keep control of the machine-learning pipeline and its metadata. This allows users to iterate quickly through experiments and retrieve key findings and observations from historical activity. This is the need that Arangopipe serves. Arangopipe is an open-source tool that provides a data model that captures the essential components of any machine learning life cycle. Arangopipe provides an application programming interface that permits machine-learning engineers to record the details of the salient steps in building their machine learning models. The components of the data model and an overview of the application programming interface is provided. Illustrative examples of basic and advanced machine learning workflows are provided. Arangopipe is not only useful for users involved in developing machine learning models but also useful for users deploying and maintaining them.

Analysis of structured and consistent data has seen remarkable success in past decades. Whereas, the analysis of unstructured data in the form of multimedia format remains a challenging task. YouTube is one of the most popular and used social media tool. It reveals the community feedback through comments for published videos, number of likes, dislikes, number of subscribers for a particular channel. The main objective of this work is to demonstrate by using Hadoop concepts, how data generated from YouTube can be mined and utilized to make targeted, real time and informed decisions. In our paper, we analyze the data to identify the top categories in which the most number of videos are uploaded. This YouTube data is publicly available and the YouTube data set is described below under the heading Data Set Description. The dataset will be fetched from the Google using the YouTube API (Application Programming Interface) and going to be stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Using MapReduce we are going to analyze the dataset to identify the video categories in which most number of videos are uploaded. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate Apache Hadoop framework concepts and how to make targeted, real-time and informed decisions using data gathered from YouTube.

Nishant Wadkar ◽  
Abhishek Joshi ◽  
Akshay kumar Vallakati ◽  
Prof. Mittal Solanki

Railway is known as the lifeline of the Mumbai. Railway authorities have to work hard to keep this lifeline on track and on time. There are all kind trains schedules, timetable, schedule books of train timing etc. but trains do not run on time due to various reasons or causes. The moto of the project is to display the passenger information display message on the mobile phone application in real time in which data from railway server will be collected and displayed on the mobile application with the help of application programming interface (API) and database. It will also display the important messages and an announcement in the application.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 73-89 ◽  
Evelina N. Pencheva ◽  
Ivaylo I. Atanasov ◽  
Vladislav G. Vladislavov

Abstract 5th Generation (5G) mobile system is expected to support the requirements of mission critical communications for ultra reliability and availability, and very low latency. With the development of messaging and data transfer in mobile networks, mission critical communication users see more and more potential in data communications. In this paper, we explore the capabilities of Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) that appears to be a key 5G component, to provide short messaging service at the network edge. The provided use cases illustrate the capabilities for transferring mobile originating and mobile terminating short messages to and from mission critical mobile edge applications. The data model describes the service resource structure and the Application Programming Interface definitions illustrate how the mobile edge applications can use the service. Some implementation aspects related to behavioral logic of the network and applications are provided. The performance analysis enables estimation of latency introduced by the service.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-284
Ahmad Sugiarta Isnaini Isnaini ◽  
Karmono Karmono

ABSTRAK Pengembangan sistem digital checker merupakan tranformasi dari sistem manual yang di distribusikan ke dalam bentuk digital berbasis aplikasi mobile android. Selama ini proses pencatatan setiap ritase dilakukan oleh checker. Checker adalah karyawan yang secara khusus melakukan pencatatan ritase. Proses pencatatan ritase yang dilakukan saat masih bersifat manual menggunakan kertas, dan hasil dari proses pencatatan manual melalui kertas tersebut kemudian diolah dan dianalisa pada satuan kerja Operasional Control Center (OCC). Setelah proses pengolahan data dan analisa yang dilakukan oleh satuan kerja OCC, barulah kemudian dilaporkan ke management. Dari penerapan sistem checker manual tersebut dapat menyebabkan proses pengambilan keputusan bisnis apabila dilihat dari sisi management kurang efektif dan efesien. Selain itu juga dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mengetahui serta memutuskan pencapaian produksi secara ideal berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Oleh sebab itu maka dibutuhkan media perantara berupa sistem aplikasi berbasis mobile android. Tujuan dari pengembangan sistem digital checker ini adalah untuk mengalihkan sistem yang selama ini manual menjadi digitalisasi yaitu pencatatan ritase menggunakan mobile android pada PT. Satria Bahana Sarana. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan (action research), dengan pendekatan metode 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem digital checker. Adapun aplikasi yang dibangun berbasis android menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan database MySQL, Indexing & Elastic for (temporary saving) serta web service API (Application Programming Interface), TypeScript. Implementasi akhir dari pengembangan sistem digital checker ini dapat mempercepat dan memberikan informasi ritase melalui penginputan data secara langsung oleh checker dengan sistem aplikasi mobile android, sehingga proses ritase dapat diketahui dengan cepat dan tepat karena data disajikan secara real time selama 24 Jam. Sistem digital checker berbasis aplikasi android telah diuji coba pada PT. Satria Bahana Sarana di site Bangko pit 1 utara dan site Mahayung. Dampak dari penerapan aplikasi digital checker ini juga dapat meminimalisir penumpukan dan penggunaan kertas. Kata Kunci : digital checker, ritase, android, 4D, PT. Satria Bahana Sarana  ABSTRACT The development of a digital checker system is a transformation of a manual system that is distributed into digital form based on an android mobile application. The during this recording process, each participant is carried out by the examiner. Inspector is an employee who specifically records the reality. The process of recording the ritase is done while still manually using paper, and the results of the manual recording process through paper are then processed and analyzed in the Operational Control Center (OCC) departement. After the data processing and analysis carried out by the OCC departement, it is then reported to management. From the application of this manual inspection system, it can cause the decision making process taken by the management to be less effective and efficient. In addition it takes a long time to be discussed and also determine the ideal production in accordance with predetermined criteria. Therefore we need media related to the android mobile-based application system. The purpose of the development of this digital checker system is to move the system that has been manually into digitization, namely the recording of ritase using an android phone at PT. Satria Bahana Sarana. The methodology in this research is action research, by studying the 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) method used in the development of digital inspection systems. Android based applications use the PHP programming language and MySQL database, Indexing & Elastic for (temporary storage) and web service API (Application Programming Interface), TypeScript. The final implementation of the development of the digital checker system can accelerate and provide social information through inputting data directly by the checker with the android mobile application system, so that the security process can be supported quickly and precisely in accordance with the data presented in real time for 24 hours. Android based digital checker system has been tested on PT. Satria Bahana Sarana at Bangko site pit 1 north and Mahayung site. The impact of implementing this digital checking application can also minimize paper buildup and use Keywords: digital checker, ritase, android, 4D, PT. Satria Bahana Sarana 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Agung Tri Putra ◽  
Risfendra Risfendra

Gula merupakan bahan pokok pangan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan sehari-hari baik dalam rumah tangga maupun industri. Banyak industri yang mengalami masalah pada saat proses penyimpanan gula karena sulit nya mengontrol dan memonitoring suhu serta kelembaban pada gudang penyimpanannya. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi Ubidots sebagai alat untuk mengontrol dan memonitoring yang bisa dioperasikan secara bersamaan. Aplikasi ini merupakan platform yang mempermudah user dalam pengambilan data dari sensor DHT22 dan mengubahnya menjadi informasi.  Untuk membantu user dalam pengumpulan data disatu penyimpanan, Ubidots juga menyediakan API (Application Programming Interface) untuk melakukan perubahan dan pengambilan data dari web server. Proses pengiriman data ke aplikasi dan web server dioperasikan secara online dengan kata lain memerlukan jaringan internet. Pengiriman dan penerimaan data ini menggunakan NodeMCU sebagai mpdul wi-fi pada sistem ini. Dalam hasil akhirnya aplikasi Ubidots dapat melakukan pengontrolan buka tutup gerbang dan monitoring suhu kelembaban dari aplikasi secara real time maupun pembambilan data kembali menggunakan API pada web server sehingga didapatkan gula dengan kualitas yang baik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Nadia Thereza ◽  
Iwan Pahendra Anto Saputra ◽  
Zaenal Husin

Operasional sektor perkebunan di Indonesia sebagian besar masih mengandalkan sistem konvensional yang menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk melakukan kontrol ke lapangan. Dengan kondisi tersebut, masih sulit jika ingin melakukan peningkatan kinerja operasional menjadi lebih efisien, efektif, dan produktif. Ditambah lagi, kondisi pandemi yang tengah dihadapi saat ini secara tidak langsung sangat berdampak dan berpotensi menurunkan angka produktivitas. Sistem operasional ataupun pengelolaan lahan perkebunan harus mengalami perubahan. Pemanfaatan teknologi dan inovasi sangat dibutuhkan untuk membantu mempertahankan ataupun meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil produksi. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan suatu rancangan sistem informasi berbasis website, yang bekerja menyampaikan informasi kondisi geografis suatu area secara real-time sebagai solusi dari permasalahan pemantauan kondisi geografis. Sistem informasi tersebut bekerja menggunakan informasi berupa data spasial (bereferensi geografis) yang dikenal dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis atau Geographic Information System (GIS).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  membangun GIS berbasis web guna memberikan informasi dan menggambarkan kondisi (normal, rawan, kritis) pada suatu area/lahan secara real-time. Metode penelitian ini terdiri dari lima tahapan, yaitu persiapan penelitian (studi literatur), pengkajian objek (observasi, analisis kebutuhan sistem), perancangan dan pembangunan GIS dan integrasi dengan IoT, analisis dan pengujian penerapan GIS, serta penarikan kesimpulan. Sistem informasi geografis yang dibuat adalah dengan menampilkan peta (maps) area yang dipantau. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menampilkan maps adalah Google Maps Platform yang mana pada platform tersebut terdapat interface yang disebut API (Application Programming Interface). Google Maps API digunakan untuk menghubungkan sistem informasi geografis yang berbasis website dengan google maps. GIS memberikan informasi dan menggambarkan kondisi geografis suatu area secara real-time, kondisi area yang normal ditandai dengan warna hijau, kondisi antara (rawan kritis) ditandai dengan warna kuning serta kondisi area yang kritis ditandai dengan warna merah. Dengan adanya sistem informasi geografis, maka membantu para pekerja lapangan dalam memantau kondisi geografis suatu area secara real-time tanpa harus berada langsung di lokasi. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian pengguna, sebagian besar menyatakan “sangat setuju” bahwa GIS ini bermanfaat, bersifat user-friendly, mudah diakses kapanpun dan di manapun, serta memiliki kecepatan akses yang baik. Selain itu, sebagian besar juga menyatakan “setuju” bahwa GIS mampu menampilkan informasi yang akurat dan dapat membantu pekerjaan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-25
Anna Xambó ◽  
Alexander Lerch ◽  
Jason Freeman

Music information retrieval (MIR) has a great potential in musical live coding because it can help the musician–programmer to make musical decisions based on audio content analysis and explore new sonorities by means of MIR techniques. The use of real-time MIR techniques can be computationally demanding and thus they have been rarely used in live coding; when they have been used, it has been with a focus on low-level feature extraction. This article surveys and discusses the potential of MIR applied to live coding at a higher musical level. We propose a conceptual framework of three categories: (1) audio repurposing, (2) audio rewiring, and (3) audio remixing. We explored the three categories in live performance through an application programming interface library written in SuperCollider, MIRLC. We found that it is still a technical challenge to use high-level features in real time, yet using rhythmic and tonal properties (midlevel features) in combination with text-based information (e.g., tags) helps to achieve a closer perceptual level centered on pitch and rhythm when using MIR in live coding. We discuss challenges and future directions of utilizing MIR approaches in the computer music field.

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