The expression of the Hangenberg Event (latest Devonian) in a relatively shallow-marine succession (Pomeranian Basin, Poland): the results of a multi-proxy investigation

2014 ◽  
Vol 152 (3) ◽  
pp. 400-428 ◽  

AbstractThe uppermost Famennian – lowermost Tournaisian interval has been analysed in detail using biostratigraphy, sedimentology, magnetic susceptibility and geochemistry in a reference section of the relatively shallow carbonate ramp environment within the Pomeranian Basin. High-resolution biostratigraphic study, based on miospores, allows recognition of the standard western Europeanlepidophyta–nitidus(LN) andverrucosus–incohatus(VI) zones, as well as theConvolutispora majorZone, a local Pomeranian equivalent of the European standardhibernicus–distinctus(HD) Zone. The sedimentary succession and specific phenomena recognized close to the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, such as fluctuations in water column euxinia, wildfire evidence, relative sea-level changes and perturbations of the carbon cycle reflected by positive carbon excursions, display a pattern partly similar to that observed in many areas in Europe during the Hangenberg Event, although the Hangenberg Black Shale horizon is not developed here. These important microscale environmental perturbations were observed not only within the Famennian LN miospore Zone but in a wide interval between the LN and the lowermost localConvolutispora majormiospore zones ( = lower part of HD standard miospore Zone). It is still uncertain whether the recognized event(s) were connected solely with the Hangenberg Event, which was possibly complex and multi-phased as is sometimes suggested, or whether they represent a succession of regionally limited, post-Hangenberg events. This question needs to be further investigated on broader stratigraphic and geographical scales.

2002 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-154 ◽  
Lennart Jeppsson ◽  
Mikael Calner

ABSTRACTGraphic correlation using graptolites and conodonts provides a high-resolution timescale for correlating from coastal to deep oceanic sections and, thereby, also a detailed record of the sequence of changes during the Mulde Secundo-Secundo Event. That interval includes sedimentary facies otherwise unknown in older Wenlock to early Ludlow strata on Gotland. The identified sequence of changes includes a detailed record of, in order: two extinctions (Datum points 1 and 1·5); widespread deposition of carbon-rich sediments extensive enough to cause a δ13C increase of c. 4.8‰, the onset, maximum and end of a sea-level fall and rise of at least 16 m during 30 kyr; a third extinction (Datum 2); a disaster fauna; and a slow faunal recovery. Thus, a secondary result of the event was a weakened greenhouse effect triggering a glaciation: the Gannarve Glaciation (new term). The order of changes proves that regression did not cause the extinctions. Faunal and sea-level changes, as well as the sedimentary succession, fit well with predictions based on an oceanic model. Extinctions were primarily caused by a severe drop in primary planktonic productivity, causing starvation among planktonic larvae in non-coastal settings. The Grötlingbo Bentonite (new term), the thickest in the Wenlock of Gotland, was deposited across the basin shortly after Datum 2. Temporal resolution is high enough to permit some comparison with Quaternary glaciations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 133 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 243-252 ◽  
Wen Lin ◽  
Janok P. Bhattacharya ◽  
Brian R. Jicha ◽  
Brad S. Singer ◽  
William Matthews

Abstract Controls on high-frequency sequences formed during super-greenhouse conditions in the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway remain equivocal because of the active foreland basin tectonic setting and the lack of direct evidence of polar glaciations to support a glacio-eustatic origin. This paper quantifies eustatic sea-level changes based on high-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis and improved chronometry of shallow marine deposits of the Late Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone in New Mexico, USA. Backstripping techniques remove tectonic and compactional subsidence and enable quantification of the magnitude of eustatic sea-level change, that allow evaluation of the dominant controls on the high-frequency sequences to resolve the role of orbitally controlled, climate-driven eustasy versus tectonics. Sixty-five parasequences, constituting 29 parasequence sets and 12 sequences are identified in the ∼1.2 m.y. duration of the Late Cretaceous Gallup system. New 40Ar/39Ar dating of bentonites constrains the durations of the individual parasequences, parasequence sets, and sequences, and that these match Milankovitch periodicity, indicating an orbital climate control. The magnitudes of sea-level changes between parasequences range between −28 m and +22 m, which are compatible with hypotheses of both aquifer and glacio-eustasy. Aquifer-eustasy predicts a reciprocal relationship between floodplain cycles and shallow marine sequences, such that aquifer drawdown and falling water tables should correlate to rising sea levels (highstands), whereas increased aquifer storage and rising water tables should correlate to falling sea levels (lowstands). Our preliminary observations show synchronous, versus reciprocal, relationships that may be more compatible with a glacio-eustatic origin. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the Cretaceous greenhouse was marked by high-frequency, low-amplitude glaciations driven by orbital climate cycles, but further work is required to evaluate the contribution of aquifer-eustasy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
A. Pallikarakis ◽  
I. Papanikolaou ◽  
M. Triantaphyllou ◽  
C. Grützner ◽  
G. Migiros ◽  

Τhe most important active fault that intersects the eastern tip of Corinth Canal,the Kalamaki-Isthmia fault, is studied in detail, involving data analysis from nine boreholes, magnetic susceptibility measurements within boreholes and paleoenvironmental interpretations. Samples taken from boreholes were analysed and paleoenvironmental changes in the sequence are described. We correlate magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements with paleoenvironmental and lithological alternations within the boreholes. We have ascribed low MS values to marine highstand deposits and high MS values to lowstand terrestrial deposits. Glacioeustatic sea level changes and tectonic movements have led to a very complicated lithosedimentary pattern that involves subaerial exposure, fluvialterrestrial, lagoonal, shallow marine environments and possibly even some lake sediments. Our results indicate that the Kalamaki fault is active and has a low slip rate of 0.05±0.02 mm/yr.

2009 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 403-423 ◽  
Karem Azmy ◽  
Denis Lavoie

The Lower Ordovician St. George Group of western Newfoundland consists mainly of shallow-marine-platform carbonates (∼500 m thick). It is formed, from bottom to top, of the Watts Bight, Boat Harbour, Catoche, and Aguathuna formations. The top boundary of the group is marked by the regional St. George Unconformity. Outcrops and a few cores from western Newfoundland were sampled at high resolution and the extracted micritic materials were investigated for their petrographic and geochemical criteria to evaluate their degree of preservation. The δ13C and δ18O values of well-preserved micrite microsamples range from –4.2‰ to 0‰ (VPDB) and from –11.3‰ to –2.9‰ (VPDB), respectively. The δ13Ccarb profile of the St. George Group carbonates reveals several negative shifts, which vary between ∼2‰ and 3‰ and are generally associated with unconformities–disconformities or thin shale interbeds, thus reflecting the effect of or link with significant sea-level changes. The St. George Unconformity is associated with a negative δ13Ccarb shift (∼2‰) on the profile and correlated with major lowstand (around the end of Arenig) on the local sea-level reconstruction and also on those from the Baltic region and central Australia, thus suggesting that the St. George Group Unconformity might have likely had an eustatic component that contributed to the development–enhancement of the paleomargin. Other similar δ13Ccarb shifts have been recorded on the St. George profile, but it is hard to evaluate their global extension due to the low resolution of the documented global Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc – middle Arenig) δ13Ccarb profile.

2015 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-65 ◽  
Natália B. dos Santos ◽  
Ernesto L.C. Lavina ◽  
Paulo S.G. Paim

AbstractThe northern portion of the coastal plain of the Rio Grande do Sul State (southernmost Brazil) comprises an outer sandy barrier that protects a complex lagoon system formed during the Holocene. The terraces of three different lagoons (Gentil, Malvas and Pinguela) formed along their margins record the depositional processes and the relative base level changes over the past 5000 yr. Therefore, our main objective was to characterize and quantify base level fluctuations from the study of these terraces, to correlate them to sea-level changes and to describe the depositional architecture related to the distinct sea-level stages (high-resolution sequence stratigraphy). Satellite images, topographic and GPR profiles, auger holes and radiometric dating were used. The main results indicate a close relationship between relative base level and relative sea-level changes, a stillstand period just after the last transgressive maximum (4840–4650 cal yr BP) and a subsequent overall relative sea-level fall of about 3 m. Both a normal (highstand systems tract) and a forced regression (falling-stage systems tract) controlled the geological record preserved in the terraces. The highstand (older terrace) is characterized by agradational bedding, whereas the falling stage comprises three progradational sets (terraces) bounded by erosive surfaces related to smaller-scale sea-level drops.

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 893-930 ◽  
Michael Larsen ◽  
Stefan Piasecki ◽  
Finn Surlyk

A rocky shore developed in early Middle Jurassic times by transgression of the crystalline basement in Milne Land at the western margin of the East Greenland rift basin. The basement is onlapped by shallow marine sandstones of the Charcot Bugt Formation, locally with a thin fluvial unit at the base. The topography of the onlap surface suggests that a relative sea-level rise of at least 300 m took place in Early Bathonian – Middle Oxfordian times. The sea-level rise was punctuated by relative stillstands and falls during which progradation of the shoreline took place. Palynological data tied to the Boreal ammonite stratigraphy have greatly improved time resolution within the Charcot Bugt Formation, and the Jurassic succession in Milne Land can now be understood in terms of genetically-related depositional systems with a proximal to distal decrease in grain size. The sequence stratigraphic interpretation suggests that translation of the depositional systems governed by relative sea-level changes resulted in stacking of sandstone-dominated falling stage deposits in the eastern, basinwards parts of Milne Land, whereas thick, remarkably coarsegrained transgressive systems tract deposits formed along the western basin margin. The bulk of the Charcot Bugt Formation consists of stacked sandstone-dominated shoreface units that prograded during highstands. The overall aggradational to backstepping stacking pattern recognised in the Charcot Bugt Formation is comparable to that in the contemporaneous Pelion Formation of the Jameson Land Basin and in correlative units of the mid-Norway shelf and the Northern North Sea. We suggest that the long-term evolution of the depositional systems may have been controlled by long-term eustatic rise acting in concert with relative sea-level changes reflecting regionally contemporaneous phases of rift initiation, climax and gradual cessation of rifting.

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