Effects of long-term administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin on milk production and plasma insulin-like growth factor and insulin in crossbred Holstein cows

2005 ◽  
Vol 143 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-318 ◽  

The objective of the study was to determine the in vivo relationship between the long-term administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), circulating levels of IGF-I and insulin, mammary blood flow and other variables relevant to milk synthesis, in crossbred, Holstein cattle. Ten first-lactation, non-pregnant, crossbred, Holstein dairy cattle were divided into two groups of five animals each; an experimental group and a control group. Animals in each group were fed with rice straw, treated with 5 kg urea dissolved in 100 litres water per 100 kg dry rice straw as the source of roughage. Four consecutive study periods were carried out in each group. These consisted of a pretreatment period (45 days postpartum before lactation peak) and three treatment periods during early lactation (105 days postpartum), mid-lactation (165 days postpartum) and late lactation (225 days postpartum). During the treatment periods, animals that had completed 60 days of lactation were injected subcutaneously at fortnightly intervals with 500 mg of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) (POSILAC, Monsanto, USA) in the experimental group, while animals in the control group were injected subcutaneously at fortnightly intervals with 800 mg of sterile sesame oil, without rbST, as a placebo. During the pretreatment period, there were no significant differences in plasma concentrations of IGF-I, insulin and other parameters between the control group and the experimental group. During the treatment periods, the increase in the concentration of plasma IGF-I in rbST treated animals was significantly higher than in the control animals throughout the lactation period. Plasma glucose, protein and triglyceride concentrations in each group remained stable throughout the study. The total daily dry matter intakes were not significantly different between the groups. Milk yield increased by 20% with rbST treatment and it was 22% greater than that of the control animals receiving placebo in early lactation. Milk yield of rbST treated animals rose to a peak in early lactation and then gradually declined. In late lactation, milk yield of rbST-treated animals decreased by 19% as compared with early lactation. Udder plasma flow and udder blood flow markedly increased with rbST treatment and there were no significant changes in the control animals. The ratio of udder blood flow to the rate of milk production increased in mid- and late lactation in controls and the rbST treated animals. These findings suggest that the short persistency of lactation in rbST treated animals was similar to that in the control animals receiving placebo. Changes in milk production during the progress of lactation in rbST treated animals might not be controlled systemically only but also locally within the mammary gland. The lack of effect of higher plasma IGF-I levels on persistency of lactation in rbST treated animals, may be due to changes in the pattern of IGF-I binding proteins and paracrine production inhibiting IGF-I action.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0403 ◽  
Jessica Flores ◽  
José E. García ◽  
Jesús Mellado ◽  
Leticia Gaytán ◽  
Ángeles De Santiago ◽  

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) throughout lactation to high-yielding subfertile (conception > 270 days postpartum) Holstein cows undergoing extended lactations (≥480 d) on milk production and reproductive performance. The study used two large adjacent commercial herds with similar management in a hot area of northern Mexico (25° N). Cows in one herd (n=2341) received a 500-mg dose of rbST every 14 d until dried off, starting 60 days postpartum. The other herd served as control (n=984). Across parity, rbST-treated cows produced 20% greater milk yield than control cows in 305-d lactations. Across parities, milk yield from 305 d postpartum to the end of lactation was 2734 kg higher in rbST-treated cows than control cows. Across parities rbST-treated cows produced 4777 more kg of milk during the entire lactation (mean 605 d) than the control group (mean 572 d). Conception rates (CR) at first service were only 3.2% and 5.9% (p<0.05) for control and rbST-treated cows, respectively. Overall CR was 43.5% and 61.6% (p<0.05) for control and treated cows, respectively. Control cows required 2.4 more (p<0.01) services per conception than rbST-treated cows. It was concluded that in this hot environment, the use of rbST suits dairy producers because it substantially improves both milk yield and reproductive performance in subfertile high-yielding Holstein cows. By markedly increasing lactation length and lactation persistency farm efficiency is greatly improved due to extended herd life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
Erika Bezerra de Menezes ◽  
Maria Gorete Flores Salles ◽  
Cleidson Manoel Gomes da Silva ◽  
César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes ◽  
Giovanna Galeati ◽  

ABSTRACT: The effect of insulin administration on the productive responses of Saanen goats during early lactation was investigated. Ten of 20 adult females were subjected to subcutaneous administration of intermediate-acting insulin (0.14UI/kg body weight) at 2, 9, and 14 days postpartum. Milk yield was measured twice daily for 13 weeks and milk samples were collected to measure protein and fat contents. Plasma levels of progesterone, insulin, non-esterifies fatty acids, glucose and other metabolites were measured. Results showed a significantly increased effect of insulin treatment on the content of milk fat and protein; moreover, milk production in the first and second postpartum weeks were higher than control group. The peak of lactation in the insulin group was achieved one week earlier in comparison to the control group. In addition, the milk production rate showed lower persistency (milk yield 13 week/milk yield at peak) in the same group. During the first four weeks of postpartum, treated animals showed greater weight loss and higher non-esterified fatty acid concentration, whereas no effect was observed on the concentration of progesterone and other metabolites. The above results indicated that repeated administration of insulin in dairy goats during early lactation increase yield and qualitative components of milk, but has substantial consequences on animal productive rate and metabolic response.

O. Korshunova ◽  
L. Smirnova

The Vologda region is an area of developed dairy cattle breeding and the organization of comlete-fledged feeding of highly productive cows requires a special approach due to difficult soil and climatic conditions, which causes an insufficient balance of feed and rations. This paper has been solving the problem that is important for the region. The purpose of this work was to study the effectiveness of milk production with the use of the mineral and energy complex Reactor in feeding of cows. Researches on the effectiveness of using the feed additive Reactor have been carried out in the APC “Verny” in the Ustyuzhensky district in the Vologda region. In order to implement the set tasks 4 groups of cows of Black-and-White breed have been formed based on the principle of pairs-analogues, taking into account their age (2,4 lactation), live weight (540 kg), milk yield for 305 days of the last lactation (6250 kg) and physiological state. Cows of all groups have been received the main ration, but the animals of the 1st experimental group in the fresh period and the cows of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in the transit period have been additionally fed the mineral and energy complex Reactor. As the result of researches, new data on the zootechnical and economic feasibility of using this feed additive in the feeding of cows with the milk yield of 6000–7000 kg per lactation have been obtained, which allows identifying additional reserves for increasing milk yield with rational use of feed resources. The level of profitability of milk production for the period of increasing the milk yield in the control group was 10,4 %, and in the experimental group – 15,0; 16,8 and 20,7 %, respectively, i.e. there is the increase in this indicator by 1,5–2 times if the feed additive Reactor is used before and after calving.

S. Sukhanova ◽  
G. Uskov ◽  
T. Leshchuk ◽  
N. Pozdnyakova ◽  
V. Yaroslavtsev ◽  

Scientists of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev conduct research on the development of diff erent feed additives and compound feeds, their use in feeding animals and poultry. It has been developed mineral additives, which used mineral components to meet the needs of macro- and microelements of cows during lactation. The purpose of the work was to solve the problem of lack of minerals in animal husbandry by preparing granular feed additives based on raw materials of domestic production, enriched with trace element salts. Feeding of experimental mineral additives positively aff ected the average daily milk yield already in the 1st month of lactation. Thus, in the 1st experimental group more milk has been obtained by 0.6 % and in the 2nd group by 1.9 % compared to the control one. In the 2nd month of lactation milk yield in the 1st experimental group was greater by 2.3 %, and in the 2nd experimental group – 4.0 % compared to the control group. The same trend has been observed in the following months: in the 3rd month of lactation the diff erence in milk yield compared to the control group was in the 1st experimental group 4.0 %, in the 2nd experimental group – 6.5 %, in the 4th month, respectively, 5.7 and 9.3 %. Milk yield for 120 days of lactation in cows of the control group was 2951.4 kg of milk (in terms of 4 % fat content) in the 1st experimental group more by 3.4 %, and in the 2nd experimental group by 6.2 %. The fat content in the milk of cows of the experimental groups was higher by 0.03 and 0.04 abs.%, and protein by 0.02 and 0.03 abs.%, respectively. In this regard, the sale price of 1 kg of milk has changed. In the control group it amounted to 21,48 rubles, in the 1st experimental group more by 0,7 %, and in the 2nd group by 1,0 %. This led to an increase in the profi tability of milk production: in the 1st experimental group by 4,5 %, and in the 2nd experimental group by 6,8 %. Consequently, the feeding of new mineral additives allowed to reduce the prime-cost of milk, increase milk productivity of cows and profi tability of milk production.

2020 ◽  
В.В. Ляшенко ◽  
И.В. Каешова ◽  
А.В. Губина ◽  
Н.В. Сичкар

Молочное скотоводство России должно быть конкурентоспособным на внешнем и внутреннем рынках. Развитие отрасли обеспечивается за счет формирования в различных регионах широкой сети крупных специализированных молочных комплексов, оснащенных современным высокотехнологическим оборудованием, укомплектованных высокопродуктивным скотом и реализующих инновационные технологии производства молока. Формирование маточного стада молочных комплексов осуществляется, как правило, за счет импортного поголовья высокопродуктивного голштинского скота. Исследованиями ряда ученых установлено, что у завезенных из-за рубежа животных отмечают проблемы с адаптацией к иным специфическим условиям содержания. Поэтому изучение адаптационных способностей импортного поголовья представляет научный интерес. Поскольку в каждом регионе увеличивается количество голштинского скота, выращенного в условиях российских ферм и комплексов, является актуальной сравнительная оценка продуктивных и племенных качеств импортных и отечественных коров с учетом происхождения, зоны разведения и возраста. Кроме улучшения условий содержания скота и методов селекционно-племенной работы на молочных комплексах используют современные способы совершенствования рационов кормления животных, в том числе включение в рацион пробиотических добавок. В статье приведены результаты оценки молочной продуктивности импортных (венгерских и датских) и отечественных коров-первотелок разных регионов в условиях современных молочных комплексов с интенсивной технологией производства молока. Установлено, что голштинский скот разного происхождения отличается высокой молочной продуктивностью и хорошей адаптацией к условиям содержания и кормления, а имеющиеся различия в уровне продуктивности, очевидно, связаны с конкретными местными условиями региона и технологией. В ООО «РАО «Наровчатское» удой за 305 дней лактации у венгерских коров-первотелок больше, чем у российских на 13,7 % (р ≤ 0,001), массовая доля жира в молоке на 0,15 % (р ≤ 0,05), а массовая доля белка в молоке на 0,18 % (р ≤ 0,001). В ООО «Грин Агро-Сахалин» у коров-первотелок отечественного происхождения удой был выше на 3,1 %, чем у сверстниц из Дании. Однако, достоверной разности между группами не выявлено. По массовой доли жира и белка в молоке достоверной разности между группами не отмечено. Продуктивный потенциал исследуемого поголовья пока не реализован ни одной группой животных. Использование пробиотического препарата «Ветоспорин-актив» показало, что у коров опытной группы удой за лактацию увеличился на 6,7 % (р < 0,05) в сравнении с контрольной группой. По содержанию массовой доли жира и белка в молоке коров опытной группы достоверных различий не обнаружено. Dairy cattle breeding in Russia should be competitive in foreign and domestic markets. The development of the industry is ensured by the formation in various regions of a wide network of large specialized dairy complexes equipped with modern high-tech equipment, staffed with highly productive cattle, and implementing innovative milk production technologies. The formation of the broodstock of dairy complexes is carried out, as a rule, due to the import of livestock of highly productive Holstein cattle. Studies by a number of scientists have found that animals imported from abroad have problems adapting to other specific conditions of housing. Therefore, the study of the adaptive abilities of imported livestock is of scientific interest. As the number of Holstein cattle raised in Russian farms and complexes is increasing in each region, a comparative assessment of the productive and breeding qualities of imported and domestic cows is relevant, taking into account the origin, breeding zone and age. In addition to improving livestock conditions and breeding methods in dairy complexes, modern methods of improving animal feeding diets are used, inter alia the inclusion of probiotic additives in the diet. The article presents the results of the evaluation of the milk productivity of imported (Hungarian and Danish) and domestic first-calf heifers from different regions in modern dairy complexes with intensive milk production technology. It was established that Holstein cattle of different origin is characterized by high milk productivity and good adaptation to conditions of housing and feeding, and the existing differences in the level of productivity are obviously related to the specific local conditions of the region and technology. In OOO RAO Narovchatskoye (LLC), milk yield for 305 days of lactation in Hungarian first-calf heifers was 13.7 % more than in Russian cows (p ≤ 0.001), the mass fraction of fat in milk was 0.15 % (p ≤ 0.05), and the mass fraction of protein in milk was 0.18 % (p ≤ 0.001). At OOO Green Agro-Sakhalin (LLC), the milk yield of first-calf heifers of domestic origin was 3.1 % higher than that of the herdmates from Denmark. However, no significant difference between the groups was revealed. According to the mass fraction of fat and protein in milk, no significant difference between the groups was noted. The productive potential of the studied livestock has not yet been realized by any group of animals. The use of the probiotic preparation Vetosporin-Active showed that in the cows of the experimental group, the milk yield for lactation increased by 6.7 % (p <0.05) in comparison with the control group. No significant differences were found in the content of the mass fraction of fat and protein in the milk of cows of the experimental group.

1991 ◽  
Vol 117 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-263 ◽  
R. H. Phipps ◽  
C. Madakadze ◽  
T. Mutsvangwa ◽  
D. L. Hard ◽  
G. De Kerchove

SUMMARYTwenty-four Bos indicus cows of the Mashona/Nkone breeds, 36 dairy crossbreds (Mashona/ Nkone x Friesian), 48 Holsteins, 42 Friesians and 25 Jerseys were used to study the effect on milk production of sometribove (500 mg), a prolonged release formulation of bovine somatotropin (BST). BST was administered at 14-day intervals by subcutaneous injections into the ischio-rectal fossa which lies lateral to and on either side of the anus (tailhead). With the exception of the Bos indicus cows, which received seven injections of BST, all other treated cows received eight.The administration of BST to Bos indicus cows, significantly (P < 0·05) increased milk yield from 0·45 to 1·75 kg/cow per day, and extended lactation. These effects combined to increase total milk production during the 14-week trial from 226 kg for the control group to 993 kg for the group treated with BST. With dairy crossbreds the use of BST significantly (P < 0·01) increased milk yield from 8·6 to 11·0 kg/cow per day. Milk composition for Bos indicus and dairy crossbreds wasunaffected by the administration of BSTBST significantly (P < 0·05) increased milk yield in Jersey (+ 2·9 kg/day), Friesian (+ 3·6 kg/day) and Holstein (+ 2·7 kg/day) cows. Bodycondition of treated cows tended to be slightly lower than that of the control cows at the end of treatment.Cows remained in excellent health throughout all the trials. Farmers commented on how easy the injection was to give in the tailhead site, and on the complete absence of any adverse injection site reaction.

1992 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 633-649 ◽  
Bruno J. Marty ◽  
Elliot Block

Sixty dairy cows were used to evaluate the effect on performance, metabolism and liver function of adding dietary fat during early lactation (weeks 3–15 postpartum) and injecting recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) over the entire lactation. Fat was added to an 18% protein concentrate that was offered in a 1:1 ratio of haylage:concentrate and fed as a total mixed ration. Corn in the control (CRT) concentrate was exchanged for either 2.5% animal fat (AFA), 2.5% Megalac™ calcium salts of fatty acids (CSFA) (ML1), 2.5% Purina CSFA (RP1) or 5% Purina CSFA (RP2). RbST treatment consisted of a subcutaneous injection of either a placebo, 10.3 mg rbST daily or 350 mg rbST every 14 d. Fat-corrected milk production was higher (P < 0.05) in RP2-fed cows than CTR-fed cows and higher for cows injected with rbST daily than in those injected biweekly. Plasma-urea nitrogen and insulin concentrations were lower in RP2-fed cows than in CTR-fed cows and were also lower in rbST-injected cows than in placebo-injected cows (P < 0.05). Plasma triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol concentrations, but not non-esterified fatty acid and phospholipid concentrations, were higher (P < 0.05) in RP2-fed cows than in CTR-fed cows. CSFA supplementation increased C16:0 of the plasma TG fraction and decreased that of C18:0. Dietary fat supplementation did not affect hepatic lipid composition, but liver-TG concentration increased (P < 0.05) with rbST injections. Dietary fat supplementation together with somatotropin injections did not change production parameters from those found with fat supplementation or somatotropin alone. Key words: Dietary fat, dairy cows, bovine somatotropin, lipids

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 214-219 ◽  
Marta Gimunová ◽  
Martin Zvonař ◽  
Kateřina Kolářová ◽  
Zdeněk Janík ◽  
Ondřej Mikeska ◽  

Abstract Background During pregnancy, a number of changes affecting venous blood flow occur in the circulatory system, such as reduced vein wall tension or increased exposure to collagen fibers. These factors may cause blood stagnation, swelling of the legs, or endothelial damage and consequently lead to development of venous disease. Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of special footwear designed to improve blood circulation in the feet on venous blood flow changes observed during advancing phases of pregnancy. Methods Thirty healthy pregnant women participated in this study at 25, 30, and 35 weeks of gestation. Participants were allocated at random to an experimental group (n = 15) which was provided with the special footwear, or a control group (n = 15). At each data collection session, Doppler measurements of peak systolic blood flow velocity and cross-sectional area of the right popliteal vein were performed using a MySonoU6 ultrasound machine with a linear transducer (Samsung Medison). The differences were compared using Cohen’s d test to calculate effect size. Results With advancing phases of pregnancy, peak systolic velocity in the popliteal vein decreased significantly in the control group, whereas it increased significantly in the experimental group. No significant change in cross-sectional area was observed in any of the groups. Conclusions Findings in the experimental group demonstrated that wearing the footwear tested may prevent venous blood velocity from reducing during advanced phases of pregnancy. Nevertheless, there is a need for further investigation of the beneficial effect on venous flow of the footwear tested and its application.

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