scholarly journals The cow–calf relationship: from maternal responsiveness to the maternal bond and the possibilities for fostering

2020 ◽  
Vol 87 (S1) ◽  
pp. 101-107
John P. Kent

AbstractThe relationship between the cow and calf develops over time after birth. The behavioural mechanisms underlying its development are important and comparisons with other species may increase our understanding. In nature the cow will separate herself from the herd to give birth and then the cow–calf relationship will develop with the ability to recognise each other. While twinning levels are low in cows, they do rear their twin calves. If the calf is lost at or after birth the cow can be responsive towards other calves and in specific circumstances the cow can develop a maternal bond with an alien calf, i.e. foster. In this Research Reflection a distinction is made between the development of, on the one hand, maternal responsiveness (the tendency of the cow to care for a calf which occurs before birth) and, on the other hand, the development of the maternal–filial bond or relationship which is reciprocal, occurs after birth and is characterised by the ability to discriminate the mother's own calf from alien calves. These processes can overlap and the relationship between cow and calf in this ‘hider’ species is more plastic than in some other mammals. For example, a cow might form an attachment with an alien calf before she gives birth. After the cow has given birth the loss of her own calf may result in the state of maternal responsiveness being maintained, such that developing a maternal bond with one or several appropriate alien calves is possible. Viable fostering techniques are possible. If a maternal relationship to the mother's own calf has developed then fostering will be more difficult. If the cow's relationship with her own calf is not exclusive, and she is in a state of maternal responsiveness then fostering of calves of an appropriate age and status can be achieved.

1999 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-80 ◽  
Florence Myles ◽  
Rosamond Mitchell ◽  
Janet Hooper

This paper explores the relationship between formulaic language and creative construction in SLA by examining the production of interrogatives in an extensive naturalistic corpus of L2 French produced by early classroom learners. The paper first analyzes the production and breakdown of such formulaic language over time, before exploring the development of more creative structures. The interaction between the two processes “rote learning of formulas and creative construction” is then investigated. This interaction is shown to be a dynamic two-way process, with learners being driven forward in the development of their L2 system by their attempts to resolve the tension between structurally complex but communicatively rich formulas on the one hand, and structurally simple but communicatively inadequate creative structures on the other hand.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-422
Estelle Variot
The One ◽  

"Etymological, Lexical and Semantic Correspondences in the Process of Feminization of Professional Names, Trades and Activities in French and Romanian Societies. The feminization of thought represented by language and of its varieties in the Roman World has allowed to highlight some convergences that come from a common linguistic heritage, often from Greek and Latin and some hesitation about adapting society to its realities. The feminization of some words which comes from an ancient process illustrates on the one hand the potential of the language and on the other hand some constraints sometimes linked to the society itself, which creates transitional periods, between matching grammatical correction and the evolution of linguistic uses over time. The possibilities of lexical enrichment (internal creation or loan) show the means available in French and Romanian and some convergences in the area of derivation, of lexical units and their etymologies. The grammatical perspective and word constructing methods make it possible to give keys for the feminization of names of trades or professions. Likewise, recording entries in the lexicon, their evolution, their assimilation or sometimes their forgetfulness, for the benefit of new constructions highlight the existence of objective and subjective criteria which teach us a lot about society as a whole. Keywords: feminization of professions, internal and external enrichment, suffixal match, use of words, grammar, lexicon, French and Romanian."

Peter Coss

In the introduction to his great work of 2005, Framing the Early Middle Ages, Chris Wickham urged not only the necessity of carefully framing our studies at the outset but also the importance of closely defining the words and concepts that we employ, the avoidance ‘cultural sollipsism’ wherever possible and the need to pay particular attention to continuities and discontinuities. Chris has, of course, followed these precepts on a vast scale. My aim in this chapter is a modest one. I aim to review the framing of thirteenth-century England in terms of two only of Chris’s themes: the aristocracy and the state—and even then primarily in terms of the relationship between the two. By the thirteenth century I mean a long thirteenth century stretching from the period of the Angevin reforms of the later twelfth century on the one hand to the early to mid-fourteenth on the other; the reasons for taking this span will, I hope, become clearer during the course of the chapter, but few would doubt that it has a validity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Jingxia Lin

AbstractTypological shift in lexicalizing motion events has hitherto been observed cross-linguistically. While over time, Chinese has shown a shift from a dominantly verb-framed language in Old Chinese to a strongly satellite-framed language in Modern Standard Mandarin, this study presents the Chinese dialect Wenzhou, which has taken a step further than Standard Mandarin and other Chinese dialects in becoming a thoroughly satellite-framed language. On the one hand, Wenzhou strongly disfavors the verb-framed pattern. Wenzhou not only has no prototypical path verbs, but also its path satellites are highly deverbalized. On the other hand, Wenzhou strongly prefers the satellite-framed pattern, to the extent that it very frequently adopts a neutral motion verb to head motion expressions so that path can be expressed via satellites and the satellite-framed pattern can be syntactically maintained. The findings of this study are of interest to intra-linguistic, diachronic and cross-linguistic studies of the variation in encoding motion events.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 681-693
Ariel Furstenberg

AbstractThis article proposes to narrow the gap between the space of reasons and the space of causes. By articulating the standard phenomenology of reasons and causes, we investigate the cases in which the clear-cut divide between reasons and causes starts to break down. Thus, substituting the simple picture of the relationship between the space of reasons and the space of causes with an inverted and complex one, in which reasons can have a causal-like phenomenology and causes can have a reason-like phenomenology. This is attained by focusing on “swift reasoned actions” on the one hand, and on “causal noisy brain mechanisms” on the other hand. In the final part of the article, I show how an analogous move, that of narrowing the gap between one’s normative framework and the space of reasons, can be seen as an extension of narrowing the gap between the space of causes and the space of reasons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (37) ◽  
pp. 281-332
柯香君 柯香君

<p>「高文舉故事」始自形成,便以多元樣貌流播於各地聲腔,依據本文所較析的四個版本,彼此間存在著複雜關係,或有獨立發展者,如南管戲《高文舉》,或有屬古本系統者,如《水雲亭還魂記》,或有保留南戲原貌者莆仙戲《高文舉》,乃至於集大成者「文林閣本」《高文舉珍珠記》。南戲《高文舉》已亡佚,其中以《高文舉珍珠記》之影響最為深遠。「高文舉故事」主要情節有三:「珍珠米糷」、「還魂訴冤」、「包拯斷案」。在「文林閣本」與「莆仙本」皆有「珍珠米糷」、「龍圖斷案」,而「還魂本」有「玉真還魂」、「龍圖斷案」,至於「南管本」則一概具無,可知「南管本」在高文舉故事流變過程中之獨特性。本文主要針對各版本間之「關目情節」、「曲文賓白」等詳實比勘,剖析「高文舉」在不同聲腔劇種間之承繼與創新,並試圖重構各地聲腔在「高文舉」演化過程中之地位與價值。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Gao Wen Jyu of southern opera has been disappeared and present versions include Zhen Zhu Ji (Yi Yang tune), Gao Wen Jyu of Southern Pipes (Quan tune), Gao Wen Jyu of Pu Xian (Hsin Hua tune) and Revival After Death of Shui Yun Pavilion (Qing Yang tune). Among others, Zhen Zhu Ji is the most influential one. The plots such as &ldquo;Window Meeting&rdquo; and &ldquo;Zhen Zhu Mi Lan&rdquo; are not only the selected Zhe Zi operas for the later generations, but also the adapted texts of local operas. Main plots of &ldquo;story of Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo; are below: &ldquo;Zhen Zhu Mi Lan&rdquo;, &ldquo;Revival After Death to Appeal for Justice&rdquo; and &ldquo;Master Pao&rsquo;s Judgment&rdquo;. Zhen Zhu Ji and &ldquo;version of Pu Xian&rdquo; include &ldquo;Zhen Zhu Mi Lan&rdquo; and &ldquo;Master Pag&rsquo;s Judgment&rdquo;. &ldquo;Version of revival after death&rdquo; includes &ldquo;Revival After Death of Yu Chen&rdquo; and &ldquo;Master Pao&rsquo;s Judgment&rdquo;. &ldquo;Version of Southern Pipes&rdquo; does not include the above. Hence, it shows the uniqueness of &ldquo;version of Southern Pipes&rdquo; in the evolution of &ldquo;story of Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo;. Varieties of plots result in the richness of &ldquo;story of Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo;. The process of spread reveals flexibility and regionality of local common systematic tunes and varieties of operas. </p> <p> This study will treat four versions of Gao Wen Jyu as the subjects to significantly compare and analyze the original stories and difference and similarity of related work. First, it explores present versions to recognize the evolution of the story &ldquo;Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo;; secondly, it precisely compares &ldquo;plots&rdquo; and &ldquo;singing and talking&rdquo; of the versions to analyze the inheritance and innovation of &ldquo;story of Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo; in different common systematic tunes and varieties of Chinese operas. It, on the one hand, clarifies the relationship and origin of different versions of &ldquo;Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo; and, on the other hand, probes into cultural characteristics of &ldquo;time&rdquo; and &ldquo;region&rdquo; of operas; finally, it attmpets to reconstruct the positions and values of common systematic tunes in different regions in the evolution process of &ldquo;Gao Wen Jyu&rdquo;. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Ю. А. Абсалямова

В статье анализируются особенности восприятия лесного пространства башкирами. На основе языковых, фольклорных материалов сделана попытка раскрыть различные аспекты взаимоотношений лес - человек, образ леса в картине мира башкир. Как и в большинстве традиционных культур, в целом мифологический образ леса носит отрицательный характер. В фольклоре он часто описывается как тёмный, мрачный, неизвестный, таящий опасности, противопоставляясь обжитому и освоенному пространству селений. Лесной пандемониум также представлен в основном отрицательными персонажами. В целом образ леса в традиционной картине мира башкир предстаёт довольно неоднозначным. С одной стороны - это категория, связанная с потусторонним миром, неизведанная, «чужая» территория. С другой - лес издавна являлся источником различных благ - в виде строительного материала, пушнины, различных продуктов питания, укрывал от врагов. The article analyzes the features of Bashkirs' perception of the forest space. On the basis of the materials of the epos, folklore, folk ideas, an attempt was made to reveal the various aspects of the relationship between forest and man, the image of the forest in Bashkirs' world view. As in most traditional cultures, the mythological image of the forest as a whole is negative. In folklore, it is often described as dark, gloomy, unknown, fraught with danger, being contrasted with the inhabited and developed space of the villages. The forest pandemonium is also represented mainly by negative characters. On the other hand, in the domestic perception forest is valued for the benefits derived from it: shelter, food, protection from enemies. In addition, Bashkirs, distinguished by a developed aesthetic perception and contemplative thinking, appreciated its beauty, which is also reflected in folklore. In general, the image of forest in the Bashkirs' traditional view of the world appears rather ambiguous. On the one hand, it is the category associated with the other world, unknown, «foreign» territory. On the other hand, the forest has long been a source of various benefits - in the form of construction materials, furs, various food products, and it sheltered them from enemies.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Andrey Kurtenkov

It is related leg problems to the realization of the necessity of doing a detailed analysis of the phenotype correlations between body weight and exterior measurements. As a result of the study, lower coefficients have been obtained of the correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings, on the other hand (respectively 0.563 and 0.608), compared with the one between the body weight and the girth behind the wings (0.898). It is advisable in the selection of ostriches to take into consideration the necessity of a higher phenotypic correlation between the girth of the tarso metatarsus on the one hand, and the body weight and the girth behind the wings on the other hand, with a view to preventing leg problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Tautvydas Vėželis

This article examines the problem of overcoming nihilism in Heidegger’s dialogue with Jünger. It is suggested that nihilism is manifested in various forms and is the deep logic of the whole history of European civilization. One of the main aims of this paper is to outline the relationship of nihilism and Nothing in Heidegger’s dispute with Jünger, viewing how Heidegger distinguishes his approach from Jünger’s point of view. Heidegger, on the one hand, treats nihilism as consummation of the Western metaphysical tradition, on the other hand, identifies Nothing itself as the shadow of Being, which cannot be overcome in the traditional dialectical thinking manner.

2006 ◽  
pp. 29-56
Michal Sládecek

In first chapters of this article MacIntyre?s view of ethics is analyzed, together with his critics of liberalism as philosophical and political theory, as well as dominant ideological conception. In last chapters MacIntyre?s view of the relation between politics and ethics is considered, along with the critical review of his theoretical positions. Macintyre?s conception is regarded on the one hand as very broad, because the entire morality is identified with ethical life, while on the other hand it is regarded as too narrow since it excludes certain essential aspects of deliberation which refers to the sphere of individual rights, the relations between communities, as well as distribution of goods within the state.

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