Svaraj, the Indian ideal of freedom: a political or religious concept?

1984 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 429-441
C. Mackenzie Brown

To many Western students of India, svarāj and mokṣa have often seemed to represent two very different ideals of freedom, the former social, political, and modern; the latter individual, spiritual, and traditional. It is not surprising that the Hindu ideal of spiritual freedom is most commonly known by the term mokṣa (liberation), for it is this word that is usually listed as the fourth and supreme goal in the famous four ends of man (puruṣārtha). The first three ends, desire (kāma), success (artha), and morality (dharma), find their fulfillment within society, while mokṣa, it is generally said, takes one beyond society. It is pertinent to note, as Ingalls and others have pointed out, that mokṣa is a relatively late term, which came to be added to the older, first three goals of man. As a noun, mokṣa does not appear until the latest of the Upanisads, and then only three times, in Śvetāśvatara 6.16 and Maitrī 6.20 and 30. In addition, some orthodox schools did not accept the ideal of mokṣa for several more centuries, the Mīmāṁsā denying it until the eighth century A.D.

Amanda Porterfield

European trade, political order, and religious institutions deteriorated after 500 until kings emerged in the eighth century to command support as restorers of ancient Roman glory. Aided by principles of Christian kingship derived from Benedict’s Rule for monasteries, Charlemagne and his successors expanded the imagined reach of Pauline corporatism. Despite ongoing violence and disarray, the ideal of membership in Christ served as the basis for numerous forms of medieval organization, as well as for the imagined unity of Christendom. As written laws came increasingly to the fore to determine accountability to this ideal in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, cities developed their own systems of corporate governance, and appeals to corporate membership in Christ stimulated reform, innovation, and economic growth.

2007 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 367-388 ◽  

AbstractThis paper examines the debate engendered in ethnological and anthropological circles by Darwin's Origin of Species and its effects. The debate was more about the nature of human diversity than about transmutation. By 1859 many polygenists thought monogenism had been clearly shown to be an antiquated and essentially religious concept. Yet the doctrine of natural selection gave rise to a ‘new monogenism’. Proponents of polygenism such as James Hunt claimed natural selection had finally excluded monogenism, but Thomas Huxley, the most prominent exponent of the new monogenism, claimed it amalgamated the ‘best’ of both polygenism and monogenism. What it did provide was an explanation for the irreversible inequality of races, while it maintained that all humans were of one species. This bolstered belief in the innate superiority of the Caucasians over other peoples. The effect was finally to sever British ethnology from its evangelical monogenist roots. More subtly and surprisingly, it provided support in Church circles for a move away from the ideal of the ‘Native Church’.

This article interprets the Christian discourse of purity of heart in the context of the importance of care as a hermeneutic method. The key aspects of this discourse have been identified and studied in the doctrine of purity of heart in connection with the question of caring for the dignity of the individual as an image and likeness of God. The main functions of the heart as an essential factor in the constitution of the inner world of the individual and its intentional directions are identified and analyzed. The main focus of this study is on the Christian doctrine of purity of heart in the face of a situation of spiritual impurity that defiles the honor and dignity of the individual. It is proved that the opposition of purity / impurity is not limited to the ethical dimension, it contains in its content a metaphysical discourse, which indicates a sharp contradiction between the ideal of the integrity of the individual and its phenomenal manifestation in a state of splitting. The concern for the constitution of the ideal personality is traced through the actualization of spiritual acts of purification from attachment to worldly values ​​(aspect of spiritual freedom), filling the inner world of the individual with divine values ​​(aspect of axiological acquisition) and protecting the inner world from spiritual impurity (aspect of spiritual control). The study of the Christian doctrine of purity of heart is made taking into account the understanding of its content and mechanisms of construction. Its basis is determined by an organic combination of theistic and personalist discourses. The complex picture of the interweaving of various discursive mechanisms is reconstructed and the role of metaphysical, ethical, aesthetic, ascetic approaches in the conceptualization of the doctrine of purity of heart is analyzed. Concern for the purity of the heart is assessed as an essential condition and means of personalization, which affirms the values ​​of spiritual freedom (from the state of impurity of the inner world of man) and transcendence as the elevation of personality in the direction of divine-spiritual orientation.

M.S. Shahrabadi ◽  
T. Yamamoto

The technique of labeling of macromolecules with ferritin conjugated antibody has been successfully used for extracellular antigen by means of staining the specimen with conjugate prior to fixation and embedding. However, the ideal method to determine the location of intracellular antigen would be to do the antigen-antibody reaction in thin sections. This technique contains inherent problems such as the destruction of antigenic determinants during fixation or embedding and the non-specific attachment of conjugate to the embedding media. Certain embedding media such as polyampholytes (2) or cross-linked bovine serum albumin (3) have been introduced to overcome some of these problems.

R. A. Crowther

The reconstruction of a three-dimensional image of a specimen from a set of electron micrographs reduces, under certain assumptions about the imaging process in the microscope, to the mathematical problem of reconstructing a density distribution from a set of its plane projections.In the absence of noise we can formulate a purely geometrical criterion, which, for a general object, fixes the resolution attainable from a given finite number of views in terms of the size of the object. For simplicity we take the ideal case of projections collected by a series of m equally spaced tilts about a single axis.

R. Beeuwkes ◽  
A. Saubermann ◽  
P. Echlin ◽  
S. Churchill

Fifteen years ago, Hall described clearly the advantages of the thin section approach to biological x-ray microanalysis, and described clearly the ratio method for quantitive analysis in such preparations. In this now classic paper, he also made it clear that the ideal method of sample preparation would involve only freezing and sectioning at low temperature. Subsequently, Hall and his coworkers, as well as others, have applied themselves to the task of direct x-ray microanalysis of frozen sections. To achieve this goal, different methodological approachs have been developed as different groups sought solutions to a common group of technical problems. This report describes some of these problems and indicates the specific approaches and procedures developed by our group in order to overcome them. We acknowledge that the techniques evolved by our group are quite different from earlier approaches to cryomicrotomy and sample handling, hence the title of our paper. However, such departures from tradition have been based upon our attempt to apply basic physical principles to the processes involved. We feel we have demonstrated that such a break with tradition has valuable consequences.

G. Van Tendeloo ◽  
J. Van Landuyt ◽  
S. Amelinckx

Polytypism has been studied for a number of years and a wide variety of stacking sequences has been detected and analysed. SiC is the prototype material in this respect; see e.g. Electron microscopy under high resolution conditions when combined with x-ray measurements is a very powerful technique to elucidate the correct stacking sequence or to study polytype transformations and deviations from the ideal stacking sequence.

N. Bonnet ◽  
M. Troyon ◽  
P. Gallion

Two main problems in high resolution electron microscopy are first, the existence of gaps in the transfer function, and then the difficulty to find complex amplitude of the diffracted wawe from registered intensity. The solution of this second problem is in most cases only intended by the realization of several micrographs in different conditions (defocusing distance, illuminating angle, complementary objective apertures…) which can lead to severe problems of contamination or radiation damage for certain specimens.Fraunhofer holography can in principle solve both problems stated above (1,2). The microscope objective is strongly defocused (far-field region) so that the two diffracted beams do not interfere. The ideal transfer function after reconstruction is then unity and the twin image do not overlap on the reconstructed one.We show some applications of the method and results of preliminary tests.Possible application to the study of cavitiesSmall voids (or gas-filled bubbles) created by irradiation in crystalline materials can be observed near the Scherzer focus, but it is then difficult to extract other informations than the approximated size.

K.-H. Herrmann ◽  
D. Krahl ◽  
H.-P Rust

The high detection quantum efficiency (DQE) is the main requirement for an imagerecording system used in electron microscopy of radiation-sensitive specimens. An electronic TV system of the type shown in Fig. 1 fulfills these conditions and can be used for either analog or digital image storage and processing [1], Several sources of noise may reduce the DQE, and therefore a careful selection of various elements is imperative.The noise of target and of video amplifier can be neglected when the converter stages produce sufficient target electrons per incident primary electron. The required gain depends on the type of the tube and also on the type of the signal processing chosen. For EBS tubes, for example, it exceeds 10. The ideal case, in which all impinging electrons create uniform charge peaks at the target, is not obtainable for several reasons, and these will be discussed as they relate to a system with a scintillator, fiber-optic and photo-cathode combination as the first stage.

T. Ichinokawa ◽  
H. Maeda

I. IntroductionThermionic electron gun with the Wehnelt grid is popularly used in the electron microscopy and electron beam micro-fabrication. It is well known that this gun could get the ideal brightness caluculated from the Lengumier and Richardson equations under the optimum condition. However, the design and ajustment to the optimum condition is not so easy. The gun has following properties with respect to the Wehnelt bias; (1) The maximum brightness is got only in the optimum bias. (2) In the larger bias than the optimum, the brightness decreases with increasing the bias voltage on account of the space charge effect. (3) In the smaller bias than the optimum, the brightness decreases with bias voltage on account of spreading of the cross over spot due to the aberrations of the electrostatic immersion lens.In the present experiment, a new type electron gun with the electrostatic and electromagnetic lens is designed, and its properties are examined experimentally.

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