2020 ◽  
Vol 88 ◽  
pp. 151-184
Tatjana Sandon ◽  
Luca Scalco

This article focuses on the role of concubinae in the Roman world, through analysis of inscriptions and reliefs on funerary monuments involving these women and their relatives. It investigates why concubinatus was chosen in preference to legal marriage, and how the concubina was perceived as a member of her partner's family. The results bring to light how this type of quasi-marital union was an appealing option for men of social standing, and that the role of concubinae accepted by their partners was not so dissimilar to that of legal wives. The article considers funerary monuments from Roman Italy, dating from the first century BC to the early third century AD. It deals with the role of Roman concubinae by analysing tombstones from both an archaeological and historical point of view; the aim of this analysis is to reconstruct a social pattern of concubinatus and of the individuals involved in this type of quasi-marital relationship, with the aid of two different types of ancient sources.

Investment in capital, both physical and financial, and innovation in its uses are often considered the linchpins of modern economic growth, while credit and credit markets now seem to determine the wealth—as well as the fate—of nations. This book asks whether it always thus, and whether the Roman economy—large, complex, and sophisticated as it was— looked anything like today’s economies in terms of its structural properties. Through consideration of the allocation and uses of capital and credit and the role of innovation in the Roman world, the contributors to this volume go to the heart of the matter. How was capital in its various forms generated, allocated, and employed in the Roman economy? Did the Romans have markets for capital goods and credit? Did investment in capital lead to innovation and productivity growth? The authors consider multiple aspects of capital use in agriculture, water management, trade, and urban production, and of credit provision, finance, and human capital in different periods of Roman history, in Italy and elsewhere in the Roman world. Using many different types of written and archaeological evidence, and employing a range of modern theoretical perspectives and methodologies, the contributors, an international team of historians and archaeologists, have produced the first book-length contribution to focus exclusively on (physical and financial) capital in the Roman world, a volume that is aimed at experts in the field as well as at economic historians and archaeologists specializing in other periods and places.

S. Saghiri

Concentrating on the role of supply chain decoupling point, this chapter introduces different levels of customisation and mass operations and three types of mass customisation. It argues that in each mass customisation type, information systems which are upstream and downstream of the decoupling point can be varied. Consequently, information flows in different types of mass customisation have been examined. This analysis is an endeavour to organise mass customisation information systems across the supply chain, while it can be a useful structure for future researches in this area as well.

2013 ◽  
Vol 690-693 ◽  
pp. 1553-1567 ◽  
Md Arifuzzaman ◽  
Rafiqul A. Tarefder

This study evaluates the role of antistripping agents to resist moisture-induced damage in asphalt binders. A total of five different types of antistripping agents are used. Plastomer and elastomer modified asphalt binders are used to modify the original base binder. Functionalized and non-functionalized AFM tips are used to determine adhesion in asphalt. With-CH3 tip, lime is found to be the most effective to protect moisture damage in asphalt binder as the adhesion loss is almost zero. The statistical tests show the Pearson values are very close to-1 that indicates a good correlation among the variables. Also the p-values are well below the prescribed value of 0.2% that indicates the test results to be significant from the statistical point of view.

Daniele Castrizio

The paper examines the coins found inside the Antikythera wreck. The wreck of Antikythera was discovered by chance by some sponge fishermen in October 1900, in the northern part of the island of Antikythera. The archaeological excavation of the wreck has allowed the recovery of many finds in marble and bronze, with acquisitions of human skeletons related to the crew of the sunken ship, in addition to the famous “Antikythera mechanism”. Various proposals have been made for the chronology of the shipwreck, as well as the port of departure of the ship, which have been based on literary sources or on the chronology of ceramic finds. As far as coins are concerned, it should be remembered that thirty-six silver coins and some forty bronze coins were recovered in 1976, all corroded and covered by encrustations. The separate study of the two classes of materials, those Aegean and those Sicilian allows to deepen the history of the ship shipwrecked to Antikythera. The treasury of silver coinage is composed of thirty-six silver cistophoric tetradrachms, 32 of which are attributable to the mint of Pergamon and 4 to that of Ephesus. From the chronological point of view, the coins minted in Pergamon have been attributed by scholars to the years from 104/98 B.C. to 76/67 B.C., the date that marks the end of the coinage until 59 B.C. The coins of Ephesus are easier to date because they report the year of issue, even if, in the specimens found, the only legible refers to the year 53, corresponding to our 77/76 B.C., if it is assumed as the beginning of the era of Ephesus its elevation to the capital of the province of Asia in 129 B.C., or 82/81 B.C., if we consider 134/133 B.C., the year of the creation of the Provincia Asiana. As for the three legible bronzes, we note that there are a specimen of Cnidus and two of Ephesus. The coin of the city of Caria was dated by scholars in the second half of the third century B.C. The two bronzes of Ephesus are dated almost unanimously around the middle of the first century B.C., although this fundamental data was never considered for the dating of the shipwreck. The remaining three legible bronzes from Asian mints, two from the Katane mint and one from the Panormos mint, belong to a completely different geographical context, such as Sicily, with its own circulation of coins. The two coins of Katane show a typology with a right-facing head of Dionysus with ivy crown, while on the reverse we find the figures of the Pii Fratres of Katane, Amphinomos and Anapias, with their parents on their shoulders. The specimen of Panormos has on the front the graduated head of Zeus turned to the left, and on the verse the standing figure of a warrior with whole panoply, in the act of offering a libation, with on the left the monogram of the name of the mint. As regards the series of Katane, usually dated to the second century B.C., it should be noted, as, moreover, had already noticed Michael Crawford, that there is an extraordinary similarity between the reverse of these bronzes and that of the issuance of silver denarii in the name of Sextus Pompey, that have on the front the head of the general, facing right, and towards the two brothers from Katane on the sides of a figure of Neptune with an aplustre in his right hand, and the foot resting on the bow of the ship, dated around 40 B.C., during the course of the Bellum siculum. We wonder how it is possible to justify the presence in a wreck of the half of the first century B.C. of two specimens of a very rare series of one hundred and fifty years before, but well known to the engravers of the coins of Sextus Pompey. The only possible answer is that Katane coins have been minted more recently than scholars have established. For the coin series of Panormos, then, it must be kept in mind that there are three different variants of the same type of reverse, for which it is not possible to indicate a relative chronology. In one coin issue, the legend of the ethnic is written in Greek characters all around the warrior; in another coin we have a monogram that can be easily dissolved as an abbreviation of the name of the city of Panormos; in the third, in addition to the same monogram, we find the legend CATO, written in Latin characters. In our opinion, this legend must necessarily refer to the presence in Sicily of Marcus Porcius Cato of Utica, with the charge of propraetor in the year 49 B.C. Drawing the necessary consequences from the in-depth analysis, the data of the Sicilian coins seem to attest to their production towards the middle of the first century B.C., in line with what is obtained from the ceramic material found inside the shipwrecked ship, and from the dating of the coins of Ephesus. The study of numismatic materials and a proposal of more precise dating allows to offer a new chronological data for the sinking of the ship. The presence of rare bronze coins of Sicilian mints suggests that the ship came from a port on the island, most likely from that of Katane.

Paul Kelly

The conventional view of inflation in the Roman world, based on evidence from Roman Egypt, is that prices were steady from the middle of the first century AD until around AD 274, other than a doubling of prices between AD 160 and 190. By a quantitative treatment of the data for all available prices, and indicators of prices, this paper shows that this picture is broadly correct for wheat, but that prices for other goods increased throughout the period from AD 160 to 270. This pattern suggests that there were two co-existing market sectors. One for wheat, where prices appear to have been impacted by state action, and another where other commodities were left to find their own market level within a relatively free market.


LABURPENA: Artikuluan modu oso oinarrizkoan aurkezten dira (hartzaile nagusiak zuzenbide-graduko ikasleak baitira) gure aroko lehenengo hiru mendeetako legelari erromatarrek civitates direlakoek trafiko juridikoan gauzatzen zuten jarduerari buruz egindako erreferentziak. Gai aurkeztu ostean (mundu erromatarrean zeuden mota desberdinetako hiri-kokalekuen arteko diferentziak ere azaltzen dira), klasikoen testuak aztertzen dira; horietan, hiri erromatarrei aitortutako ahalmenak aipatzen dira, zuzenbide publikoaren zein pribatuaren esparrukoak. Azterlanetik kanpo geratzen dira epigrafeetan edo legelariak ez zirenen testuetan egindako aipamenak. RESUMEN: El artículo presenta, de una manera muy básica (ya que tiene como principales destinatarios a las y los estudiantes del grado de derecho) algunas de las referencias que encontramos en los escritos de los juristas romanos de los tres primeros siglos de nuestra era a la actuación de las civitates en el tráfico jurídico. Tras una presentación del tema (en la que se explica la diferencia entre los diversos tipos de asentamientos urbanos existentes en el mundo romano) se pasa revista a los textos de los clásicos en los que se mencionan las facultades reconocidas a las ciudades romanas, tanto en el ámbito del derecho público como privado, dejando fuera del estudio las menciones transmitidas en epígrafes o en escritos de no juristas. ABSTRACT: Because it is mainly addressed to students, this paper presents, in a very basic way, some references to the role of the civitates, as legal entities in legal transactions; the texts are collected from Roman jurists of the first three centuries of our era. After an introduction of the different types of varied urban settlements in the Roman, world, there is an exposition based in the recognized faculties to the cities as actors of legal transactions, both in the field of public and private law, leaving aside the references transmitted in inscriptions or in writings of non-Jurists.

Andrew Wilson

This chapter summarizes the archaeological evidence currently known for Roman water-mills, tracing the development and spread of water-powered grain milling over time across the Roman Empire. Problems of quantification and evidence bias, both documentary and archaeological, are addressed. In particular, it is argued that large discoidal millstones, formerly thought to derive either from animal-powered or water-powered mills, must come from water-mills, and that the idea of Roman animal-driven mills with discoidal millstones is a myth. This dramatically increases the amount of evidence available for water-powered grain milling, although very unevenly spread across the empire, and heavily dependent on the intensity of research in particular regions—good for Britain, parts of France, and Switzerland; poor everywhere else. The chapter also summarizes the state of knowledge on other applications of water-power—for ore-crushing machines at hard-rock gold and silver mines (by the first century AD), trip-hammers, tanning and fulling mills, and marble sawing (by the third century AD). The picture is fast-changing and the body of evidence continues to grow with new archaeological discoveries. The chapter ends with some thoughts about the place of water-power in the overall economy of the Roman world, and on the transmission of water-powered technologies between the Roman and medieval periods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-45
Mikhail A. Smirnov

The expression “linguistic Kantianism” is widely used to refer to ideas about thought and cognition being determined by language — a conception characteristic of 20th century analytic philosophy. In this article, I conduct a comparative analysis of Kant’s philosophy and views falling under the umbrella expression “linguistic Kantianism.” First, I show that “linguistic Kantianism” usually presupposes a relativistic conception that is alien to Kant’s philosophy (although Kant’s philosophy itself may be perceived as relativistic from a certain point of view). Second, I analyse Kant’s treatment of linguistic determinism and the place of his ideas in the 18th century intellectual milieu and provide an overview of relevant contemporary literature. Third, I show that authentic Kantianism and “linguistic Kantianism” belong to two different types of transcendentalism, to which I respectively refer as the “transcendentalism of the subject” and the “transcendentalism of the medium.” The transcendentalism of the subject assigns a central role to the faculties of the cognising subject (according to Kant, cognition is not the conforming of a subject’s intuitions and understanding to objects, but rather the application of a subject’s cognitive faculties to them). The transcendentalism of the medium assigns the role of an “active” element neither to the external world nor to the faculties of the cognising subject, but to something in between — language, in the case of “linguistic Kantianism.” I conclude that the expression “linguistic Kantianism” can be misleading when it comes to the origins of this theory. It would be more appropriate to refer to this theory by the expression “linguistic transcendentalism,” thus avoiding an incorrect reference to Kant.

H. Delacroix

How can we explain that our dreams are often not a chaotic, incoherent pile of images, but a definite, perfectly organized sequence of images? How do the sensations and images fit in dreams, what kind of logic do they obey, what is the role of emotions and ideas? Henri Delacroix formulates these questions in his article and offers his answers, delineating and examining different types of dreams. Taking into account and critically evaluating the concepts of contemporary researchers who studied the problem of dreams, Delacroix puts forward his own hypothesis. From his point of view, at the basis of many dreams lies an extremely changeable and mobile basic idea which is able to direct the movement of images that are its representation. Images represent the development of a mental theme or a combination of many topics. Between a dream and a daydream, according to Delacroix, there is only a difference in complexity and systematization.        Translation of the publication: Delacroix H. Sur la structure logique du rêve // Revue de métaphysique et de morale. 1904. T. 12. № 6. P. 921–934.

1989 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 47-53
Gé Stoks

An adventure is a new type of computer game which has become immensely popular in the course of the 1980s. This article is about the possible role of adventures in foreign language learning and teaching (FLL). First there is a brief explanation of what adventures are, the different types and the way communication within the game can take place in natural language. Examples are given for French, German and English. Adventures can play a role in FLL in several respects: -they stimulate discovery learning procedures -they encourage the use of certain reading strategies -they are suitable contexts for vocabulary learning -they can present contexts for communication. Moreover adventures can be looked upon as a new type of literary text, which learners can read as an alternative to a book (some adventures are known as interactive fiction). The article then presents a set of criteria for FLL: For advanced levels text adventures are more suitable than graphic ones from the point of view of language learning, because they present a rich language environment. Graphic ones may be more suitable for beginners. Adventures should accept a variety of syntactic patterns and provide adequate semantic analyses, so that the student gets appropriate feedback. A certain tolerance to spelling is needed, or easy correction options should be available. The program must show the student the type of language it accepts. Hint-files to help students when they get stuck are important and possibly an on-line glossary might be useful. The vocabulary used must not be too exotic and the plot not too complex. It is finally demonstrated that the Infocom adventure SHERLOCK meets these requirements to a large extent.

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