scholarly journals Metal-rich and Metal-poor Globular Clusters in Ellipticals: Did we Learn Anything? or Constraints on Galaxy Formation and Evolution from Globular Cluster Sub-populations

2002 ◽  
Vol 207 ◽  
pp. 207-217
Markus Kissler-Patig

A brief review on globular cluster sub-populations in galaxies, and their constraints on galaxy formation and evolution is given. The metal-poor and metal-rich sub-populations are put in a historical context, and their properties, as known to date, are summarized. We review why the study of these sub-populations is extremely useful for the study of galaxy formation and evolution, but highlight a few caveats with the current interpretations. We re-visit the current globular cluster system formation scenarios and show how they boil down to a single scenario for the metal-poor clusters (namely the formation in “universal”, small fragments at high z) and that a hierarchical formation seems favored for the metal-rich clusters.

1999 ◽  
Vol 186 ◽  
pp. 181-184
Duncan A. Forbes

There exists a relationship between globular cluster mean metallicity and parent galaxy luminosity (e.g. Brodie & Huchra 1991; Forbes et al. 1996), which appears to be similar to that between stellar metallicity and galaxy luminosity. The globular cluster relation has a similar slope but is offset by about 0.5 dex to lower metallicity. The similarity of these relations suggests that both the globular cluster system and their parent galaxy have shared a common chemical enrichment history. If we can understand the formation and evolution of the globulars, we will also learn something about galaxy formation. With this aim in mind we have created the SAGES (Study of the Astrophysics of Globular clusters in Extragalactic Systems) project. Project members include Brodie, Elson, Forbes, Freeman, Grillmair, Huchra, Kissler–Patig and Schroder. We are using HST Imaging and Keck spectroscopy to study extragalactic globular cluster systems. Further details are given at

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (S246) ◽  
pp. 394-402
Stephen E. Zepf

AbstractThis paper reviews some of the observational properties of globular cluster systems, with a particular focus on those that constrain and inform models of the formation and dynamical evolution of globular cluster systems. I first discuss the observational determination of the globular cluster luminosity and mass function. I show results from new very deep HST data on the M87 globular cluster system, and discuss how these constrain models of evaporation and the dynamical evolution of globular clusters. The second subject of this review is the question of how to account for the observed constancy of the globular cluster mass function with distance from the center of the host galaxy. The problem is that a radial trend is expected for isotropic cluster orbits, and while the orbits are observed to be roughly isotropic, no radial trend in the globular cluster system is observed. I review three extant proposals to account for this, and discuss observations and calculations that might determine which of these is most correct. The final subject is the origin of the very weak mass-radius relation observed for globular clusters. I discuss how this strongly constrains how globular clusters form and evolve. I also note that the only viable current proposal to account for the observed weak mass-radius relation naturally effects the globular cluster mass function, and that these two problems may be closely related.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S266) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Myung Gyoon Lee ◽  
Sang Chul Kim ◽  
Ho Seong Hwang ◽  
Hong Soo Park ◽  
Doug Geisler ◽  

AbstractThe globular cluster system in M31 is an ideal laboratory for studying the formation and evolution of M31 as well as the globular clusters themselves. There have been numerous surveys and studies of the globular clusters in M31. However, only recently has the entire body of M31 been searched for globular clusters using wide-field CCD images by our group. A new era for the M31 globular cluster system has begun with the advent of wide-field CCD surveys of M31. We have discovered more than 100 new globular clusters in M31. Our catalog currently includes more than 500 globular clusters confirmed either based on spectra or HST images, many more than in the Milky Way. We present the structure, kinematics and chemical abundance of the M31 globular cluster system based on this large sample, and the implications for the formation and evolution of M31.

2002 ◽  
Vol 207 ◽  
pp. 294-300 ◽  
Thomas H. Puzia ◽  
Markus Kissler-Patig ◽  
Jean Brodie ◽  
Paul Goudfrooij ◽  
Michael Hilker ◽  

Extragalactic Globular Clusters are useful tracers of galaxy formation and evolution. Photometric studies of globular cluster systems beyond the Local Group are still the most popular method to investigate their physical properties, such as their ages and metallicities. However, the limitations of optical photometry are well known. The better wavelength sampling of the underlying cluster's SED using K-band photometry combined with optical passbands allows us to create colors which reduce the age-metallicity degeneracy to the largest extent. Here we report on the very first results of our near-IR photometric survey of globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies outside the Local Group.

2010 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-389 ◽  
K. A. Woodley ◽  
M. Gómez

AbstractWe review our recent studies of the globular cluster system of NGC 5128. First, we have obtained low-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectroscopy of 72 globular clusters using Gemini-S/GMOS to obtain the ages, metallicities, and the level of alpha enrichment of the metal-poor and metal-rich globular cluster subpopulations. Second, we have explored the rotational signature and velocity dispersion of the galaxy's halo using over 560 globular clusters with radial velocity measurements. We have also compared the dependence of these properties on galactocentric distance and globular cluster age and metallicity. Using globular clusters as tracer objects, we have analyzed the mass, and mass-to-light ratio of NGC 5128. Last, we have measured the structural parameters, such as half-light radii, of over 570 globular clusters from a superb 1.2-square-degree Magellan/IMACS image. We will present the findings of these studies and discuss the connection to the formation and evolution of NGC 5128.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (S351) ◽  
pp. 442-446
Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti ◽  
Sergey Khoperskov ◽  
Paola Di Matteo ◽  
Misha Haywood

AbstractThe Galactic globular cluster system went and is still going through dynamical processes that require to be explored in detail. Here we illustrate how primordial massive globular clusters born in the Milky Way’s disc evolved by stripping material from each other or even merging very early during their lives. These processes might explain the puzzling presence of star-by-star spreads in iron content observed in massive globular clusters and should be taken into account when studying globular cluster stellar populations. In this context, we show how the direct comparison between the predictions provided by our direct N-body simulations and observations can shed light on the origin and chemo-dynamical evolution of globular clusters.

1988 ◽  
Vol 126 ◽  
pp. 37-48
Robert Zinn

Harlow Shapley (1918) used the positions of globular clusters in space to determine the dimensions of our Galaxy. His conclusion that the Sun does not lie near the center of the Galaxy is widely recognized as one of the most important astronomical discoveries of this century. Nearly as important, but much less publicized, was his realization that, unlike stars, open clusters, HII regions and planetary nebulae, globular clusters are not concentrated near the plane of the Milky Way. His data showed that the globular clusters are distributed over very large distances from the galactic plane and the galactic center. Ever since this discovery that the Galaxy has a vast halo containing globular clusters, it has been clear that these clusters are key objects for probing the evolution of the Galaxy. Later work, which showed that globular clusters are very old and, on average, very metal poor, underscored their importance. In the spirit of this research, which started with Shapley's, this review discusses the characteristics of the globular cluster system that have the most bearing on the evolution of the Galaxy.

1989 ◽  
Vol 111 ◽  
pp. 121-140
Allan Sandage

AbstractIt is shown that the intrinsic spread in the absolute magnitudes of the RR Lyrae variables in a given globular cluster can reach 0.5 magnitudes at a given period or at a given color, due to luminosity evolution away from the zero age horizontal (ZAHB). The size of this intrinsic luminosity spread is largest in clusters of the highest metallicity.The absolute magnitude of the ZAHB itself also differs from cluster to cluster as a function of metallicity, being brightest in clusters of the lowest metallicity. Three independent methods of calibrating the ZAHB RR Lyrae luminosities each show a strong variation of MV(RR) with [Fe/H]. The pulsation equation of P<ρ>0.5 = Q(M,Te, L) used with the observed periods, temperatures, and masses of field and of cluster RR Lyraes gives the very steep luminosity-metallicity dependence of dMv(RR)/d[Fe/H] = 0.42. Main sequence fitting of the color-magnitude diagrams of clusters which have modern main-sequence photometry gives a confirming steep slope of 0.39. A summary of Baade-Wesselink MV(RR) values for field stars determined in four independent recent studies also shows a luminosity-metallicity dependence, but less steep with a slope of dMV(RR)/d[Fe/H] = 0.21.Observations show that the magnitude difference between the main sequence turn-off point and the ZAHB in a number of well observed globular clusters is independent of [Fe/H], and has a stable value of dV = 3.54 with a disperion of only 0.1 magnitudes. Using this fact, the absolute magnitude of the main sequence turn-off is determined in any given globular cluster from the observed apparent magnitude of the ZAHB by adopting any particular MV(RR) = f([Fe/H]) calibration.Ages of the clusters are shown to vary with [Fe/H] by amounts that depend upon the slopes of the MV(RR) = f([Fe/H]) calibrations. The calibrations show that there would be a steep dependence of the age on [Fe/H] if MV(RR) does not depend on [Fe/H]. No dependence of age on metallicity exists if the RR Lyrae luminosities depend on [Fe/H] as dMV(RR)/d[Fe/H] = 0.37. If Oxygen is not enhanced as [Fe/H] decreases, the absolute average age of the globular cluster system is 16 Gyr, independent of [Fe/H], using the steep MV(RR)/[Fe/H] calibration that is favored. If Oxygen is enhanced by [O/Fe] = – 0.14 [Fe/H] + 0.40 for [Fe/H] < –1.0, as suggested from the observations of field subdwarfs, then the age of the globular cluster system decreases to 13 Gyr, again independent of [Fe/H], if the RR Lyrae ZAHB luminosities have a metallicity dependence of dMV(RR)/d[Fe/H] = 0.37.

1993 ◽  
Vol 139 ◽  
pp. 3-14
Allan Sandage

AbstractThe Oosterhoff division of globular clusters into two dichotomous mean period groups is a result of the variation with metallicity of the combined effects of (1) a mean increase in period with decreasing metallicity, and (2) the change of globular cluster horizontal branch (HB) morphology from the M3 to the M13 HB type within the instability strip in the metallicity range of [Fe/H] between -1.7 and -1.9. A new representation of the Oosterhoff period effect showing this property is made from the individual cluster data in Figure 1. The relation between period and metallicity for cluster and for field RR Lyraes at the blue fundamental edge of the instability strip in the HR diagram as read from this figure islog Pab = -0.122(±0.02)([Fe/H]) - 0.500(±0.01)using the metallicity scale of Butler.The high slope coefficient is consistent with the extant models of the HB when they are read at the varing temperature of the fundamental blue edge given by equation (3) of the text. Most of the current literature treats only the constant temperature condition, which is manifestly incorrect. It is this temperature effect that reconciles the observations and the models.A new calibration of the absolute magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars as a function of metallicity, combined with new oxygen enhanced isochrones for globular clusters (Bergbusch & VandenBerg 1992) reduces the age of the Galactic globular cluster system to 14.1 ± 0.3 Gyr (internal error). The resulting lower age of the universe which, when combined with a Hubble constant near 50 km s-1 Mpc-1 determined from type I supernovae, shows that the cosmological expansion has been decelerated by an amount consistent with the closure density, permitting Ω ∼ 1 now from the timing test.

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