scholarly journals Too Small to Form a Galaxy: How the UV Background Determines the Baryon Fraction

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (S244) ◽  
pp. 279-283
M. Hoeft ◽  
G. Yepes ◽  
S. Gottlöber

AbstractThe cosmic ultraviolet background (UVB) heats the intergalactic medium (IGM), as a result the gas in dark matter halos below a certain mass is too hot to cool within a Hubble time. The UVB effectively suppresses the formation of dwarf galaxies. Using high resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations we show that photo heating leads to small baryon fractions in halos below ~ 6× 109h−1M⊙, independent of the cosmic environment. The simulations are carried out assuming a homogeneous UVB with flux densities as given by Haardt, &, Madau (1996). A halo may stop to condense gas significantly after the universe is reionised, namely when its mass falls below the characteristic mass scale set by the photo heating. Assuming a spherical halo model we derive this characteristic mass analytically and identify the main mechanisms that prevent the gas from cooling in small halos. The theoretically derived characteristic mass is smaller than the one obtained from observations. Increasing the energy per ionising photon by a factor between four and eight would be sufficient to reconcile both. This is equivalent to an average temperature of the IGM of ~ 104K. In this sense the faint end of the luminosity function may serve as a calorimeter for the IGM.

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 1771-1777

Given that dark matter is gravitationally dominant in the universe, and that galaxy formation is closely related to dark matter halos, a key first step in understanding galaxy formation and evolution in the CDM paradigm is to quantify the galaxy-halo connection for galaxies of different properties. Here I will present results about the halo/galaxy connection obtained from two different methods. One is based on the conditional luminosity function, which describes the occupation of galaxies in halos of different masses, and the other is based on galaxy systems properly selected to represent dark halos.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (S235) ◽  
pp. 385-388
Oleg Y. Gnedin

AbstractThe concordance cosmological model based on cold dark matter makes definitive predictions for the growth of galaxies in the Universe, which are being actively studied using numerical simulations. These predictions appear to contradict the observations of dwarf galaxies. Dwarf dark matter halos are more numerous and have steeper central density profiles than the observed galaxies. The first of these small-scale problems, the “missing satellites problem”, can be resolved by accounting for the low efficiency of gas cooling and star formation in dwarf halos. A newly-discovered class of HyperVelocity Stars will soon allow us to test another generic prediction of CDM models, the triaxial shapes of dark matter halos. Measuring the proper motions of HVS will probe the gravitational potential out to 100 kpc and will constrain the axis ratios and the orientation of the Galactic halo.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (S235) ◽  
pp. 43-47
H. J. Mo ◽  
X.H. Yang ◽  
F.C. van den Bosch ◽  
Y.P. Jing ◽  
S.M. Weinmann

AbstractWe use two methods to establish the relationship between galaxies and dark matter halos. One is based the conditional luminosity function model, which links galaxies and dark matter halos by matching the number density and clustering properties of galaxies with those of dark matter halos in the current CDM model. The second is based on galaxy systems identified from large redshift surveys of galaxies. The galaxy – dark halo relationships established by these two methods match well, and can provide important constraints on how galaxies form and evolve in the universe.

Vox Patrum ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 477-498
Ewa Osek

The present paper is a brief study on Julian the Apostate’s religion with the detailed analysis of the so called Helios myth being a part of his speech Against Heraclius (Or. VII), delivered in Constantinople in AD 362. In the chapter one I discuss veracity of the Gregory of Nazianzus’ account in the Contra Julianum (Or. IV-V) on the emperor’s strange Gods and cults. In the chapter two the reconstruction of the Julian’s theological system has been presented and the place of Helios in this hierarchy has been shown. The chapter three consists of the short preface to the Against Heraclius and of the appendix with the Polish translation and commentary on the Julian’s Helios myth. The Emperor’s theosophy, known from his four orations (X-XI and VII-VIII), bears an imprint of the Jamblichean speculation on it. The gods are arranged in the three neo-Platonic hypostases: the One, the Mind, and the Soul, named Zeus, Hecate, and Sarapis. The second and third hypostases contain in themselves the enneads and the triads. The Helios’ position is between the noetic world and the cosmic gods, so he becomes a mediator or a centre of the universe and he is assimilated with Zeus the Highest God as well as with the subordinated gods like Apollo, Dionysus, Sarapis, and Hermes. The King Helios was also the Emperor’s personal God, who saved him from the danger of death in AD 337 and 350. These tragic events are described by Julian in the allegorical fable (Or. VII 22). The question is who was Helios of the Julian’s myth: the noetic God, the Hellenistic Helios, the Persian Mithras, the Chaldean fire, or the Orphic Phanes, what is suggested by the Gregory’s invective. The answer is that the King Helios was all of them. The Helios myth in Or. VII is the best illustration of the extreme syncretism of the Julian’s heliolatry, where the neo-Platonic, Hellenistic, magic, and Persian components are mingled.

1867 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 89-107 ◽  

1. The principle of the conservation of force, as I apprehend it, is the definite quantitative relation existing between all the phenomena of the universe whatsoever, both in direction and amount, whether such phenomena be considered in the relation of cause and effect, or as antecedent and consequent events. 2. In the particular application of this principle to the advancement of physical science, and also to the invention of new engines and machinery to meet the progressive requirements of society, problems not unfrequently present themselves which involve the consideration of static and dynamic force, from several different aspects; and the solution of these problems often brings out results which are as surprising as they are paradoxical. Of such cases, in which the idea of paradox alluded to is involved, may be mentioned the one contained in the 36th Proposition of Newton’s 'Principia' (Book 2, Cor. 2), and in D. Bernoulli’s 'Hydrodynamica,' p. 279; in which the repulsive force of a jet of Water issuing from a hole in the bottom or side of a vessel with a velocity which a body would acquire in falling freely from the surface, is equal to the weight of a column of water of which the base is equal to the section of the contracted vein and about twice the height of the column which produces the flowing pressure; the static force of reaction being thus double that which, without experiment, had been predicted. An instance in which the quantity of dynamic force is increased paradoxically may be seen in that curious and useful piece of apparatus the injector, by means of which a boiler containing steam of high pressure is able to feed itself with water through a hole in its shell, though this hole is open to the atmosphere; or the steam from a low-pressure boiler is enabled to drive the feed-water through a hole (also open to the atmosphere) into a high-pressure boiler. Although, when rightly interpreted, these examples of paradox, as well as many others of a similar character, are in strict accordance with the principle of conservation, yet they are at the same time contrary to the inferences which are generally drawn from analogical reasonings, and to some of those maxims of science which are framed for the instruction of the unlearned. As the examples cited are only adduced for the purpose of illustrating some analogous phenomena observed in connexion with certain combinations of static and dynamic force in molecular mechanics which form the subject of the present research, it is not my intention to enter into the rationale of either of them, but to direct attention to some new and paradoxical phenomena arising out of Faraday’s important discovery of magneto-electric induction, the close consideration of which has resulted in the discovery of a means of producing dynamic electricity in quantities unattainable by any apparatus hitherto constructed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 616 ◽  
pp. A96 ◽  
Yves Revaz ◽  
Pascale Jablonka

We present the results of a set of high-resolution chemo-dynamical simulations of dwarf galaxies in a ΛCDM cosmology. Out of an original (3.4 Mpc/h)3 cosmological box, a sample of 27 systems are re-simulated from z = 70 to z = 0 using a zoom-in technique. Gas and stellar properties are confronted to the observations in the greatest details: in addition to the galaxy global properties, we investigated the model galaxy velocity dispersion profiles, half-light radii, star formation histories, stellar metallicity distributions, and [Mg/Fe] abundance ratios. The formation and sustainability of the metallicity gradients and kinematically distinct stellar populations are also tackled. We show how the properties of six Local Group dwarf galaxies, NGC 6622, Andromeda II, Sculptor, Sextans, Ursa Minor and Draco are reproduced, and how they pertain to three main galaxy build-up modes. Our results indicate that the interaction with a massive central galaxy could be needed for a handful of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies only, the vast majority of the systems and their variety of star formation histories arising naturally from a ΛCDM framework. We find that models fitting well the local Group dwarf galaxies are embedded in dark haloes of mass between 5 × 108 to a few 109 M⊙, without any missing satellite problem. We confirm the failure of the abundance matching approach at the mass scale of dwarf galaxies. Some of the observed faint however gas-rich galaxies with residual star formation, such as Leo T and Leo P, remain challenging. They point out the need of a better understanding of the UV-background heating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Hamdoon A. Khan ◽  

With the consideration of the light which carries the photon particles, the Lorentz transformation was constructed with an impressive mathematical approach. But the generalization of that equation for all the velocities of the universe is direct enforcement on other things not to travel faster than light. It has created serious issues in every scientific research that was done in the last century based on the special theory of relativity. This paper replaces the velocity of light with some other velocities and shows us the possible consequences and highlights the issues of special relativity. If I travel through my past or future and was able to see another me there, who would be the real Hamdoon I or the one I see there in the past or future! If the real one is only me, the one I saw, is not me, so, I could not travel through my or someone else's past or future. Therefore, no one can travel through time. If both of us are the same, can the key of personal identity be duplicated or be separated into two or more parts? These are some of the fundamental philosophical arguments that annihilate the concept of time travel which is one of the sequels of special relativity.

Traditio ◽  
1946 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-30 ◽  
Philip Merlan

According to Aristotle all heavenly movement is ultimately due to the activity of forty-seven (or fifty-five) ‘unmoved movers'. This doctrine is highly remarkable in itself and has exercised an enormous historical influence. It forms part of a world-picture the outlines of which are as follows. The universe consists of concentric spheres, revolving in circles. The outermost of these bears the fixed stars. The other either bear planets or, insofar as they do not, contribute indirectly to the movements of the latter. Each sphere is moved by the one immediately surrounding it, but also possesses a movement of its own, due to its mover, an unmoved, incorporeal being. (It was these beings which the schoolmen designated as theintelligentiae separatae.) The seemingly irregular movements of the planets are thus viewed as resulting from the combination of regular circular revolutions. The earth does not move and occupies the centre of the universe. Such was Aristotle's astronomic system, essential parts of which were almost universally adopted by the Arabic, Jewish, and Christian philosophers of the Middle Ages.

György Darvas

The paper makes an attempt to resolve two conceptual mingling: (a) the mingling of the two interpretations of the concept of orderedness applied in statistical thermodynamics and in symmetrology, and (b) the mingling of two interpretations of evolution applied in global and local processes. In conclusion, it formulates a new interpretation on the relation of the emergence of new material qualities in selforganizing processes on the one hand, and the evolution of the universe, on the other. The process of evolution is a sequence of emergence of new material qualities by self-organization processes, which happen in negligible small segments of the universe. Although thermodynamics looks at the universe as a closed (isolated) system, this holds for its outside boundaries only, while the universe has many subsystems inside, which are not isolated (closed), since they are in a permanent exchange of matter, energy, etc. with their environment (with the rest of the universe) through their open boundaries. Any ";;emergence";; takes place, i.e., all new qualities come into being just in these small open segments of the universe. The conditions to apply the second law of thermodynamics are not present here. Therefore, global evolution of the universe is the consequence of local symmetry decreases, local decreases of orderedness, and possible local decreases of entropy.

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