Self-regulation all bass-ackwards: Similarities and differences in component structure in community and forensic psychiatric populations.

2021 ◽  
Eva Billen ◽  
Carlo Garofalo ◽  
Stefan Bogaerts
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (194) ◽  
pp. 195-199
Nataliia Huzenko ◽  

The problem of moral behavior experience for adolescents is quite sharp. The difficulty of moral behavior experience for older adolescents involves the separation in the pedagogical reality the phenomenon ‘moral behavior experience’ and its component clarification. Some issues of adolescents’ moral behavior allowed us to define our own concept ‘moral behavior experience’ as a system of conscious actions and deeds, formed in the process of acquiring knowledge about morality, moral norms, acquiring skills for their practice usage and skills of moral actions by emotional and volitional efforts. The article clarifies the component structure in the organization of moral behavior experience for older adolescents. Its clarification is necessary for understanding the process of moral behavior experience development. The paper identifies the components of moral behavior experience for older adolescents: motivational and valuable, cognitive and interesting, practical and active, personal and reflexive ones. The article describes each component separately in details. In the work the structure of moral behavior experience for older adolescents are characterized with the following components. The motivational and valuable component is represented by motivation, interest, values, moral feelings and attitudes, moral beliefs. The cognitive and interesting component is represented by knowledge of moral norms and behavior rules. The practical and active component is represented by personal ability to communicate, leadership, behavioral self-regulation. The personal and reflexive component is represented by personal traits, reflection, personal moral qualities, self-esteem and self-analysis in moral behavior. In the article the prospects of determining pedagogical conditions for moral behavior experience for older adolescents are clarified to prevent and avoid bullying. Undoubtedly, the elucidation of the component composition in the structure of the experience of moral behavior is necessary to understand the process of its formation. In the work in the structure of the experience of moral behavior of older adolescents, the following components were identified: motivational-value component (motivation, interest, values, moral feelings, relationships, moral beliefs); cognitive component (knowledge of moral norms and rules of conduct); practical-activity component (personality's ability to communicate, leadership, self-regulation of behavior), personality-reflexive component (personality traits, reflection, moral qualities of personality, self-esteem and self-analysis of moral behavior).

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-142
Елена Коницкая

Фразеологизмы служат действенным средством лаконизации речи и, следовательно, экономии языковых средств. Роль языковой экономии во фразеологии проявляется как на синхроническом уровне (возникновение модификаций фразеологизмов, не нарушающих цельности фразеологизма и норм его использования), так и на диахроническом уровне (закрепляясь в языке, модификации могут превращаться в новые устойчивые выражения, включающиеся во фразеологический фонд). Эти процессы, хорошо изученные в русском языке, недостаточно исследованы в словенском. В статье рассматривается роль языковой экономии в образовании словенских фразеологизмов на фоне русской фразеологии; сопоставляются результаты действия принципа языковой экономии, отмечаются как сходства, так и различия в двух славянских языках.Ключевые слова: словенская фразеология, русская фразеология, происхождение фразеологизмов, языковая экономия, эллипсис, имплицитность....Jelena KonitskayaRole of the economy principle in language in the Composition of Slovenian phraseologisms (compared with those in Russian) Phraseologisms serve as a telling resource of economy of language features. The role of the economy principle in language, in its phraseology, appears at the synchronic level (derivation of modifications of phraseological units) and at the diachronic level (derivation of new stable expressions incorporated into the stock of phraseology). The paper deals with the diachronic aspect of the problem. The results of compression (ellipsis, implication) caused by the economy principle in language (in phraseology) have been studied rather well in the Russian language (e.g., works of V. Mokiyenko and others), however, insufficiently in the Slovenian language. The paper comprises an analysis of the role of the economy principle in the composition of Slovenian phraseologisms against the background of the Russian phraseology; a comparison of the effect of the economy principle in language, both the similarities and differences in these two Slavic languages are pointed out. The similarities appear in the derivation of phraseologisms through elimination of the final part of expression(proverbs or phraseologisms of a broader component structure), e.g., Kovačeva kobila je vedno bosa > kovačeva kobila, in comparison with the Russian кто во что горазд, тот тем и промышляет (тот в то и играет)> кто во что горазд. Different constituents of a stable expression may turn elliptic in both languages, e.g., the collocation posipati si glavo s pepelom > posipati se s pepelom, speljati vodo na svoj mlin > voda na mlin, рус. дорого не по карману > не по карману, разбить в пух и прах > разбить в пух etc. In both languages, elimination (ellipsis) of a constituent may cause fogging of the inner form of phraseologisms; e.g., the collocation gledati kot čuk na palici > gledati kot čuk; ne priplаvati po prežgani juhi > ne priplаvati po juhi. Implication of additions in phraseologisms, leading to the derivation of structures with a broken syntactic relationship, is noted in both languages; e.g., Russian безо всяких, наша взяла, и никаких, прокатить на вороных, etc., the collocation ne reči ne bele ne črne, ne biti pri čisti, huda / tenka / slaba / tesna prede (komu), tristo kosmatih medvedov / hudičev etc. Forward pronominalisation may be consideredas a separate case of the manifestation of the economy principle in a language, noted in expressions such as ima ga pod kapo (‘быть пьяным’, literatim “иметь его под шапкой”), pobrisati jo (‘убежать’, literatim “почистить ее”), dobiti jih (‘быть избитым’, literatim “получить их”). The paper covers the sight of different possibilities of explaining of the derivation of Slavic expressions taking into account the role of the economy principle in language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Anna Igorevna Laktionova

Abstract. The article considers "human resilience" as a meta-ability. The difficulty of comparing research results due to various psychological approaches and methods is noted. The necessity of studying not only the socio-psychological and psychological levels of human resilience, but also its psychophysiological level is substantiated. The author offers a level and component structure of human resilience. The data of an empirical study are presented aimed at studying the conditionality of human resilience by the features of temperament and control of behavior. The control of behavior is considered the ability for voluntary and conscious self-regulation, emotional intelligence and coping mechanisms determined by cognitive, emotional and volitional abilities. Materials and methods. The following methods were used: Self-regulation profile questionnaire, J. Strelau Pavlovian Temperament Survey (PTS), Ways of Coping Questionnaire (OSS – WCQ), EmIn emotional intelligence questionnaire, Resilience Research Center Adult Resilience Measure (RRC-ARM). Results. As a result of multiple regression analysis of the data, crucial individual characteristics of resilience (within the considered components) were identified. These include: “General level of emotional intelligence”, “Balance of nervous processes”, “Search for social support” as a coping strategy and “Planning” as a mechanism of subjective self-regulation. It is shown that emotional intelligence, the ability to seek help from other people and independently set life goals can be developed through education and psychotherapy.

Heiko D. Wijnholds ◽  
Michael W. Little

One of the biggest challenges marketers face with e-commerce is the regulatory environment, both at home and abroad. This is especially pertinent for international transactions between the U.S. and the European Union (EU). This chapter attempts to identify and categorize the major global issues involved. It also points out similarities and differences between the U.S. and the EU on such issues as regulation and self-regulation, taxation, jurisdiction and liability. The purpose of the chapter is to explain the various marketing challenges resulting from specific legal problems. Recommendations are developed for firms contemplating e-marketing to the EU.

2020 ◽  
pp. 53-58
Okhrimenko Z.V.

У статті автором проаналізовано сучасні вітчизняні і зарубіжні підходи до визначення поняття «про-фесійно-ціннісні орієнтації». Зроблено висновок, що у контексті теми дослідження зарубіжні науковці переважно вивчають вплив певних соціально-психологічних факторів на ціннісну сферу працівників. Натомість вітчизняні науковці більше зосереджуються на психолого-педагогічному аналізі механізмів формування ціннісних орієнтацій і їх впливі на розвиток особистості. Визначено, що професійно-цінніс-ні орієнтації виступають змістовим складником професійного самовизначення учнів і є провідною регу-лювальною функцією самопізнання, самоставлення, саморегуляції. Відповідно, виконуючи мотиваційну, спонукальну роль, професійно-ціннісні орієнтації спрямовують людину на самозміни та саморух.З метою висвітлення методики вивчення стану сформованості професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій у учнів у статті надано авторське визначення поняття «професійно-ціннісні орієнтації у учнів до тру-дової діяльності», визначено (на основі компонентно-процесуальної моделі свідомого привласнення зростаючою особистістю духовних цінностей (І. Бех)) його компонентна структура (пізнавальний, емоційно-мотиваційний, довільного імпульсу, практично-дієвий та самоціннісний компоненти і від-повідні до них показники) та охарактеризовано рівні їх сформованості (високий, середній, низький). Надано перелік методик для діагностики рівнів сформованості професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій у учнів, які широко використовуються в психолого-педагогічній практиці, що свідчить про їх надій-ність та відповідність віковому виміру психологічної структури особистості підлітка і старшоклас-ника. Зроблено висновок, що описана методика дасть змогу повною мірою дослідити особливості професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій сучасних учнів старшого підліткового та юнацького віку до трудо-вої діяльності. In the article the author analyzes modern domestic and foreign approaches to the definition of professional and value orientations. It is concluded that in the context of the research topic, foreign scholars mainly study the influence of certain socio-psychological factors on the value sphere of employees. Instead, domestic scholars focus more on psychological and pedagogical analysis of the mechanisms of formation of value orientations and their impact on personality development. It is determined that professional and value orientations are a semantic component of professional self-determination of students and are the leading regulatory function of self-knowledge, self-attitude, self-regulation. Accordingly, performing a motivational, motivating role, professional and value orientations direct a person to self-change and self-movement.In order to highlight the methodology of studying the state of formation of professional and value orientations in students, the article provides the author’s definition of “professional value orientations in students to work”, defined (based on component-procedural model of conscious appropriation of spiritual values by a growing person (I. Bekh)) its component structure (cognitive, emotional-motivational, arbitrary impulse, practical-effective and self-valuable components and corresponding indicators) and the levels of their formation (high, medium, low) are characterized. A list of methods for diagnosing the levels of formation of professional and value orientations in students, which are widely used in psychological and pedagogical practice, indicates their reliability and compliance with the age dimension of the psychological structure of the personality of adolescents and high school students. It is concluded that the described method will allow to fully explore the features of professional and value orientations of modern students of older adolescence and adolescence to work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 736-746
Kati Nowack

Temporal aspects have been studied extensively within the context of music perception but insufficiently within the context of music preference. In this online questionnaire study, I investigated the impact of chronotype (morningness, eveningness) and time perspective (present, future) on music preferences. Participants ( n = 258) completed the Short Test of Music Preferences for 26 music genres, the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory and the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire. Principal component analysis replicated a six-component structure of music preference. Whilst preference scores were highest for intense music for all participants, I found significant effects of chronotype and time perspective on music preferences. In particular, present-oriented evening types and future-oriented morning types differed in their preferences for various music genres. Consistent with a matching hypothesis, present-oriented evening types (fast life histories) showed greater preferences for contemporary (i.e., high rhythmic complexity), sophisticated (i.e., high complexity) and electronic music (i.e., fast tempo) compared to future-oriented morning types (slow life histories; greater difficulties with temporal irregularities). Consistent with a self-regulation hypothesis, present-oriented evening types showed greater preferences than future-oriented morning types for campestral music (i.e., slow tempo and low complexity).

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