Defective Membrane Systems in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle of the UM-X7.1 Strain of Genetically Myopathic Hamster

1975 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-368
N. S. Dhalla ◽  
A. Singh ◽  
S. L. Lee ◽  
M. B. Anand ◽  
A. M. Bernatsky ◽  

1. The function of mitochondria, sarcotubular membranes (heavy microsomes), sarcolemma and myofibrils from the hind-leg skeletal muscle of about 60- and 150-day-old normal and myopathic (UM-X7.1) hamsters was examined. 2. The mitochondrial calcium uptake as well as mitochondrial phosphorylation and respiratory rates were lower in 60-day-old myopathic skeletal muscle, unlike 150-day-old myopathic animals, when pyruvate-malate and glutamate-malate were used as substrates. However, mitochondria from 150-day-old myopathic animals showed depressed glutamate-dependent respiratory and phosphorylation rates and succinate-supported initial rate of calcium uptake. 3. The microsomal calcium-uptake, but not calcium-binding, and Ca2+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity of the 150-day-old myopathic skeletal muscle were lower than the control values. Although microsomal calcium-binding, calcium-uptake and ATPase activities of the 60-day-old myopathic muscle were not depressed significantly, the initial rate of calcium uptake was less than the control. 4. The sarcolemmal Ca2+-ATPase, but not Mg2+-ATPase or Na+ +K+-ATPase, activity was higher in 60-day-old myopathic muscle whereas the activities of all these enzymes from 150-day-old myopathic animals were higher than the control. On the other hand, the Na+ +K+-ATPase activities from 60- and 150-day-old myopathic animals were inhibited by ouabain to a lesser extent in comparison with the respective control values. 5. The myofibrillar Ca2+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities as well as inhibition of Mg2+-ATPase due to Na+ and K+ in myopathic muscle were no different from the control values. 6. The results reported here give further support to the view that different membrane systems of the dystrophic muscle are defective.

1979 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70 ◽  
S. L. Lee ◽  
L. E. Alto ◽  
N. S. Dhalla

The effects of ether, chloroform, and halothane on calcium accumulation and ATPase activity of rat heart microsomes and mitochondria as well as on myofibrillar ATPase activity were investigated. Chloroform and halothane depressed microsomal and mitochondrial calcium uptake and binding in a parallel fashion. Ether decreased microsomal calcium binding and mitochondrial calcium uptake to varying degrees, while mitochondrial calcium binding was slightly enhanced. Whereas ether had no effect, chloroform depressed microsomal and mitochondrial total ATPase activities and halothane decreased microsomal ATPase and slightly stimulated mitochondrial total ATPase activities. Halothane was found to depress myofibrillar Mg2+-ATPase and ether was capable of decreasing myofibrillar Ca2+-ATPase. Chloroform was seen to inhibit both myofibrillar enzymes. These results suggest that the cardiodepressant actions of volatile anesthetic agents may be due to alterations in the calcium accumulating abilities of microsomal and mitochondrial membranes while direct myofibrillar effects may contribute to the depression seen with relatively higher concentrations of anesthetics.

1988 ◽  
Vol 66 (9) ◽  
pp. 1210-1213 ◽  
G. B. Frank ◽  
L. Konya ◽  
T. Subrahmanyam Sudha

The effects of the organic calcium channel blocker nitrendipine was tested on electrically evoked twitches and on potassium depolarization-induced contractures of rat lumbricalis muscles. Nitrendipine (10−7 to 5 × 10−5 M) blocked only the potassium contractures. It was concluded that blocking calcium uptake through the slow voltage-senstitive calcium channels during potassium depolarization blocks the mechanical response of the muscle. Thus extracellular calcium ions are required for the excitation–contraction (E–C) coupling during depolarization contractures. On the other hand, electrically evoked twitches were not affected by nitrendipine; therefore, extracellular calcium ions entering via the slow voltage-sensitive channels are not required for E–C coupling during the twitch.

2002 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-445 ◽  
Kevin Culligan ◽  
Niamh Banville ◽  
Paul Dowling ◽  
Kay Ohlendieck

Although the reduction in dystrophin-associated glycoproteins is the primary pathophysiological consequence of the deficiency in dystrophin, little is known about the secondary abnormalities leading to x-linked muscular dystrophy. As abnormal Ca2+ handling may be involved in myonecrosis, we investigated the fate of key Ca2+ regulatory membrane proteins in dystrophic mdx skeletal muscle membranes. Whereas the expression of the ryanodine receptor, the dihydropyridine receptor, the Ca2+-ATPase, and calsequestrin was not affected, a drastic decline in calsequestrin-like proteins of 150–220 kDa was observed in dystrophic microsomes using one-dimensional immunoblotting, two-dimensional immunoblotting with isoelectric focusing, diagonal two-dimensional blotting technique, and immunoprecipitation. In analogy, overall Ca2+ binding was reduced in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of dystrophic muscle. The reduction in Ca2+ binding proteins might be directly involved in triggering impaired Ca2+ sequestration within the lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Thus disturbed sarcolemmal Ca2+ fluxes seem to influence overall Ca2+homeostasis, resulting in distinct changes in the expression profile of a subset of Ca2+ handling proteins, which might be an important factor in the progressive functional decline of dystrophic muscle fibers.

1991 ◽  
Vol 280 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38 ◽  
R Makuch ◽  
K Birukov ◽  
V Shirinsky ◽  
R Dabrowska

Calponin and caldesmon, constituents of smooth-muscle thin filaments, are considered to be potential modulators of smooth-muscle contraction. Both of them interact with actin and inhibit ATPase activity of smooth- and skeletal-muscle actomyosin. Here we show that calponin and caldesmon could bind simultaneously to F-actin when used in subsaturating amounts, whereas each one used in excess caused displacement of the other from the complex with F-actin. Calponin was more effective than caldesmon in this competition: when F-actin was saturated with calponin the binding of caldesmon was eliminated almost completely, whereas even at high molar excess of caldesmon one-third of calponin (relative to the saturation level) always remained bound to actin. The inhibitory effects of low concentrations of calponin and caldesmon on skeletal-muscle actomyosin ATPase were additive, whereas the maximum inhibition of the ATPase attained at high concentration of each of them was practically unaffected by the other one. These data suggest that calponin and caldesmon cannot operate on the same thin filaments. CA(2+)-calmodulin competed with actin for calponin binding, and at high molar excess dissociated the calponin-actin complex and reversed the calponin-induced inhibition of actomyosin ATPase activity.

1987 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-273 ◽  
Michael Chua ◽  
Angela F. Dulhunty

The action of the tranquilizer diazepam on rat skeletal muscle showed that relaxation of isometric twitches is controlled by different processes in extensor digitorum longus (fast-twitch) and soleus (slow-twitch) muscles. Diazepam caused an increase in the amplitude of twitches in fibres from both muscles but increased the twitch duration only in soleus. The amplitude of fused tetani were reduced in both muscles and the rate of relaxation after the tetanus slowed by as much as 34% when the amplitude of the tetanus was reduced by only 11%. The slower tetanic relaxation indicated that calcium uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum was slower than normal in slow- and fast-twitch fibres. We conclude therefore that calcium uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum is rate limiting for twitch relaxation in slow-twitch but not fast-twitch fibres and suggest that calcium binding to parvalbumin controls relaxation in the fast fibres.

1979 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Ronald K Tume

The exposed proteins of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles from skeletal muscle were iodinated with the use of Sepharose 4B-bound lactoperoxidase, so that the location of the proteins in the membrane could be determined. It was found that the pattern of protein labelling could be modified simply by changing the constituents of the incubation media. This implies that the position or configuration of a particular protein in the membrane can be altered by the local environment. When the reaction was performed in the presence of 25 mM tris-maleate, pH 7 �0, alone, the Ca2+ pump ATPase (molecular weight 105000) and calsequestrin (47000) were both heavily labelled, suggesting they are at least partially exposed on the outer surface of the membrane. By contrast the high affinity calcium-binding protein (55000) was not labelled. However, when the vesicles were iodinated under conditions that were suitable for ATPase activity and Ca2+ accumulation, namely in the presence of 25 mM tris-maleate, pH 7 �0, 5 mM ATP, 5 mM Mg2+ and 0�05 mM Ca2+, a different pattern of labelling was obtained. No labelling of calsequestrin was observed whereas the extent of labelling of the Ca2+ pump ATPase remained about the same. The inclusion of anyone of the additives mentioned was effective in inhibiting the iodination of calsequestrin in the SR vesicle. When added alone, Ca2+ was more effective than Mg2+ in preventing labelling of calsequestrin. Half-maximal inhibition was observed at concentrations of approximately 0�05 mM Ca 2+ and 0�2-0�3 mM Mg2+ . Although much reduced, significant labelling of calsequestrin was observed even in the presence of 5 mM ATP. Investigations with partially purified calsequestrin revealed that the iodination of calsequestrin was the same in both the presence and absence of 1 mM Ca2 +. Therefore the reduction in label observed in intact SR vesicles probably represents a change in the location of calsequestrin within the membrane, rather than inhibition by Ca2+ of the iodination sites of the protein itself.

1997 ◽  
Vol 272 (4) ◽  
pp. C1087-C1098 ◽  
E. E. Burmeister Getz ◽  
S. L. Lehman

The models of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca pump used to simulate Ca kinetics in muscle fibers are simple but inconsistent with data on Ca binding or steady-state uptake. We develop a model of the SR pump that is consistent with data on transient and steady-state Ca removal and has rate constants identified under near-physiological conditions. We also develop models of the other main Ca-binding proteins in skeletal muscle: troponin C and parvalbumin. These models are used to simulate Ca transients in cut fibers during and after depolarizing pulses. Simulations using the full SR pump model are contrasted with simulations using a Michaelis-Menten (MM) approximation to SR pump kinetics. The MM pump underestimates the amount of Ca released during depolarization, underestimates the initial rate of Ca binding by the pump, and overestimates the later rate of Ca pumping. These errors are due to fast initial binding by the SR pump, which is neglected in the MM approximation.

1981 ◽  
Vol 241 (2) ◽  
pp. H263-H267 ◽  
A. Malhotra ◽  
S. Penpargkul ◽  
T. Schaible ◽  
J. Scheuer

To study effects of physiologic hypertrophy on contractile protein ATPases and sarcoplasmic reticulum, hypertrophy was caused in female Wistar rats by a chronic swimming program. Nonhypertrophied hearts of female control sedentary rats and rats made to run on a treadmill program were also examined. The swimming program, but not the running program, resulted in a significant increase in heart weight. Actomyosin ATPase activity was also increased by 15% in the hearts of swimmers but not runners. Similar increases were observed for Ca2+-activated myosin ATPase activity and actin-activated ATPase of myosin. Sarcoplasmic reticulum from the hearts of swimmers showed increased calcium binding and calcium uptake as a function of time and of calcium concentration. Sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase activities were not altered by hypertrophy. These findings in physiologic hypertrophy contrast with those of pathologic hypertrophy in which ATPase activity of contractile proteins and calcium binding and uptake of sarcoplasmic reticulum have generally been found to be depressed.

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