Absorption of Inorganic Phosphate in the Human Small Intestine

1979 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 407-412 ◽  
J. Walton ◽  
T. K. Gray

1. Intestinal phosphate absorption in human subjects was studied by the technique of triple lumen intestinal perfusion in vivo. 2. Ileal phosphate absorption increased as the intraluminal phosphate concentration was increased. 3. Ileal rates of phosphate absorption were lower at any given intraluminal phosphate concentration than previously described jejunal rates. Acidification of the ileal lumen did not increase phosphate absorption. 4. Phosphate absorption was shown in the jejunum to be dependent on the intraluminal sodium concentration. 5. Phosphate absorption in the human small intestine consists of at least two components, one directly proportional to water movement and the second apparently independent of water movement.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-337 ◽  
Hans N Englyst ◽  
Jan Veenstra ◽  
Geoffrey J Hudson

AbstractThe glycaemic index (GI) is an in vivo measurement based on the glycaemicresponse to carbohydrate-containing foods, and allows foods to be ranked on the basis of the rate of digestion and absorption of the carbohydrates that they contain. GI values are normalizedto a reference amount of available carbohydrate and do not reflect the amounts of carbohydrate normally present in foods; for example, a food with a low content of carbohydrates will have a high GI value if that carbohydrate is digested and absorbed rapidly in the human small intestine. This is potentially confusing for a person wishing to control his or her blood glucoselevels by the choice of foods. The rate and extent of starch digestion in vitro has been measured using a technique that classifies starch into three major fractions: rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS). In addition, thistechnique gives a value for rapidly available glucose (RAG), which includes RDS, free glucose and the glucose moiety of sucrose. When the values for thirty-nine foods were expressed on the basis ofthe available carbohydrate content of these foods, highly significant (P<0·001) positive correlations were observed between GI and both RDS and RAG. The measurement of RAGin vitro provides values for direct calculation of the amount of glucose likely to be rapidly absorbed in the human small intestine and,thus, to influence blood glucose and insulin levels. These values can be used to compare foods, as eaten,on an equal-weight basis. Food-table RAG values would allow simple calculation of the total amount of RAG provided by single foods, by whole meals and by whole diets. Studies are planned in which RAG and the glycaemic response in man will be measured for identical food products.

1963 ◽  
Vol 205 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-111 ◽  
Harold E. Harrison ◽  
Helen C. Harrison

Everted loops of rat small intestine were incubated in media varying in their concentrations of sodium and potassium. Reduction of sodium concentration was effected by substitution of choline chloride in equimolar amounts for sodium chloride in the saline-bicarbonate buffer. Concentrative transport of glucose, l-tyrosine, inorganic phosphate, and calcium was measured by determination of the final ratio of the concentrations of the solute in serosal and mucosal fluids, and the increment of the solute in serosal fluid during incubation. Ca45 was used as an indicator of calcium distribution. The glucose, l-tyrosine, and inorganic phosphate transport systems require sodium, and at a submaximal concentration of sodium an increased concentration of potassium is inhibitory. The calcium transport system does not require sodium and in loops from the distal small intestine calcium transport is enhanced by reduction of sodium concentration in the medium. It is postulated that there is a common sodium-requiring system which is necessary for the linkage of metabolic energy to glucose, amino acid, and inorganic phosphate transport.

1991 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-128 ◽  
D. J. Taylor ◽  
S. W. Coppack ◽  
T. A. D. Cadoux-Hudson ◽  
G. J. Kemp ◽  
G. K. Radda ◽  

1. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp were used simultaneously to assess the effect of insulin on intracellular pH and the major phosphorus-containing metabolites of normal human skeletal muscle in vivo in four normal subjects. 2. Insulin and glucose were infused for 120 min. Plasma insulin increased approximately 10-fold over pre-clamp levels (5.6 ± 0.9 m-units/l pre-clamp and 54 ± 5 m-units/l over the last hour of infusion; mean ± sem, n = 4). Plasma glucose concentration did not change significantly (5.4 ± 0.2 mmol/l pre-clamp and 5.5 ± 0.1 mmol/l over the last hour of infusion). 3. Insulin and glucose infusion resulted in a decline in the intracellular pH of forearm muscle of 0.027 ± 0.007 unit/h (P < 0.01), whereas in control studies of the same subjects, pH rose by 0.046 ± 0.005 unit/h (P < 0.001). 4. In the clamp studies, intracellular inorganic phosphate concentration rose by 18%/h, whereas ATP, phosphocreatine and phosphomonoester concentrations did not change. In plasma, inorganic phosphate concentration was 1.16 ± 0.05 mmol/l before infusion, and this decreased by a mean rate of 0.14 mmol h−1 l−1. No change was observed in any of these intracellular metabolites in the control studies. 5. The results show that, under physiological conditions, insulin does not raise intracellular pH in human muscle, and thus cannot influence muscle metabolism by this mechanism. The results also suggest that insulin causes a primary increase in the next flux of inorganic phosphate across the muscle cell membrane.

2010 ◽  
Vol 299 (2) ◽  
pp. F285-F296 ◽  
Joanne Marks ◽  
Edward S. Debnam ◽  
Robert J. Unwin

Transport of phosphate across intestinal and renal epithelia is essential for normal phosphate balance, yet we know less about the mechanisms and regulation of intestinal phosphate absorption than we do about phosphate handling by the kidney. Recent studies have provided strong evidence that the sodium-phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIb is responsible for sodium-dependent phosphate absorption by the small intestine, and it might be that this protein can link changes in dietary phosphate to altered renal phosphate excretion to maintain phosphate balance. Evidence is also emerging that specific regions of the small intestine adapt differently to acute or chronic changes in dietary phosphate load and that phosphatonins inhibit both renal and intestinal phosphate transport. This review summarizes our current understanding of the mechanisms and control of intestinal phosphate absorption and how it may be related to renal phosphate reabsorption; it also considers the ways in which the gut could be targeted to prevent, or limit, hyperphosphatemia in chronic and end-stage renal failure.

2003 ◽  
Vol 124 (4) ◽  
pp. A434
Freddy J. Troost ◽  
Wim H. Saris ◽  
Robert-Jan M. Brummer

1966 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 703-718 ◽  
R. H. Smith ◽  
A. B. McAllan

1. In ileal contents from differently fed ruminating calves, examined under conditions approximating to those obtaining in vivo, 34–74% of the magnesium and 63–93% of the calcium were non-ultrafilterable. The binding was shown to be due to at least two processes, one depending on the presence of phosphate, the other not. 2. Considerable non-phosphate binding occurred in samples adjusted in vitro to pH 5.5 and above. The binding material was probably not a single substance but the bound forms of both Mg and Ca were, at least partly, in equilibrium with the soluble forms, and some competition between the two metals occurred. Thus in any one sample the extent of binding for either metal was influenced by the concentration of both. With normal concentrations it was estimated that, in the ileum, about one-third of the Mg and half of the Ca was bound in this way, irrespective of whether pasture or one of a variety of stall diets was given. 3. Samples adjusted to about pH 6.5 and above (in vivo ileum pH was about 7.4–7.9) showed further precipitation of Ca and Mg to an extent which partly depended on the concentration of inorganic phosphate. Ca precipitation appeared to be mainly controlled by the concentration of Ca and inorganic phosphate but for Mg the precipitation depended also on the presence of factors other than Mg and inorganic phosphate. One such factor found to be present was the ammonium ion, but its practical importance is uncertain. 4. Ileal contents from milk-fed calves showed considerable non-phosphate binding of Ca but not of Mg.

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