scholarly journals Biology characteristic, abundance index and fishing aspect of donkey croaker (Pennahia anea Bloch, 1793) in the Tangerang Waters

2020 ◽  
Vol 153 ◽  
pp. 01011
Karsono Wagiyo ◽  
Tirtadanu ◽  
Umi Chodriyah

Pennahia anea in Tangerang waters have a fork length between 9.4 and 23 cm, with an average of 18.9 cm and modus 18-18.5 cm. Growth type is isometric with correlation R2 = 0.7266 and b = 3.2251. The sex ratio of female: male = 1: 0.9. Level and index maturity of gonad are highest in February and lowest in March.The length first maturity of donkey croaker at 15.8 cmFL. The length of the first capture (Lc) by danish seine net at 16,76 cmFL and by gill net at 17.60 cmFL. Asymptotic length (L∞) at 23.89 cmFL and growth rate (K) = 0.84 per year. Mortality rate; total (Z) = 4.01, natural (M) = 1.73/year and by fishing (F) = 2.28/year. Exploitation rate (E) of donkey croaker fish is 0.57. CPUE the smallest in July was 0.41 kg/trip/day, the largest was in June 9 kg/trip/day, averaging 3.3 kg/trip/day. The fishing season from July to January with its peak in November and the famine season occurs in February-June with a peak in February. The main fishing gear for catching donkey croaker fish in the Tangerang waters is the danish seine net. The highest production of donkey croaker fish in June.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Thomas Hidayat ◽  
Tegoeh Noegroho ◽  
Karsono Wagiyo

Ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) merupakan salah satu sumberdaya ikan pelagis besar yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting. Informasi mengenai struktur ukuran dan beberapa parameter populasinya masih sangat terbatas khususnya di perairan Indonesia timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Morotai, Biak dan Jayapura dari Januari sampai Desember 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis ukuran ikan yang tertangkap dan menganalisis parameter populasi meliputi laju pertumbuhan, mortalitas dan tingkat eksploitasi. Estimasi parameter pertumbuhan, mortalitas dan laju eksploitasi dihitung menggunakan program FiSAT (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessement Tools). Ukuran ikan cakalang hasil tangkapan pancing tonda dan pancing ulur berkisar antara 15 – 94 cmFL (Fork Length), dengan modus antara 40-45 cmFL. Ukuran pertama kali tertangkap sebesar 40,1 cmFL dan kebanyakan adalah ukuran ikan yang sedang memijah. Hasil analisis menggunakan FiSAT II diperoleh laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,41/tahun, panjang asimptotik (L) 101,85 cmFL. Laju kematian alami (M) 0,6 / tahun, laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) 0,62 /tahun dan laju mortalitas total (Z) 1,22 /tahun. Tingkat eksploitasi ikan cakalang hampir fully exploited (E= 0,46). Disarankan tidak perlu ada penambahan upaya penangkapan atau status quo untuk menjaga agar sumberdaya ikan cakalang tetap terjaga kelestariannya. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) is one of the large pelagic fish resources which have high economic value. Information on the size structure and population parameters is still limited especially in the waters of eastern Indonesia. The Research was conducted from January to December 2013 at Morotai, Biak and Jayapura. The aim of this study was to analyze the size of the fish caught and some of population parameters such as the growth rate, mortality rates, and exploitation rate. Estimated of growth parameters, mortality and exploitation rate using the program FiSAT (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessement Tools). The size of skipjack tuna caught by troll line and handline in between 15-94 cmFL, with a mode of 40-45 cmFL. The Length at first capture was 40.1 cmFL, most of them had condition of spawning. By using program FiSAT II analysis resulted that growth rate (K) of skipjack tuna was 0.41/year, with length asimptotik (L) reaches 101.85 cmFL. The natural mortality rate (M) was 0.6 / year. The fishing mortality rate (F) was 0.62 / year and total mortality rate (Z) was 1.22 / year. The exploitation rate of skipjack tuna was nearly fully exploited (E = 0.46). It was recommended the exploitation rate of this fish should be no additional effort (status quo) to keep sustainability of the skipjack tuna resource.

Théophile Aké Bédia ◽  
Bakari Coulibaly ◽  
Yao Aristide Konan ◽  
Essetchi Paul Kouamelan ◽  
Valentin N’douba

The study evaluated some population parameters of Polydactylus quadrifilis within Ebrié lagoon (Potou sector). Samples were obtained using artisanal gillnet fishery from April 2004 to March 2006. A total of 741 individuals of P. quadrifilis ranged from 11 to 70 cm were examined. Population parameters were estimated where asymptotic length (L∞) was found 60 cm, growth rate (K) 0.33 per year, the longevity (T max) 9.09 years, and growth performance index (Φ′) 3.06. The length at first capture (Lc50 = 10.60 cm) was lower than the length at first maturity (Lm50 = 40 cm). Total mortality rate (Z) was calculated as 1.10 per year including natural mortality and fishing mortality. The exploitation rate (E=0.36) was found to be less than the maximum exploitation rate (E max = 0.44) and indicated that P. quadrifilis is not overexploited. The current exploitation rate should be maintained by sustainable fisheries measures including monitoring of fishing effort.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 167
Setiya Triharyuni ◽  
Ngurah N Wiadnyana

Lobster merupakan komoditas perikanan andalan yang banyak dieksploitasi di perairan Kupang untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar dalam dan luar negeri. Hal ini menyebabkan kegiatan penangkapan lobster berlangsung sangat intensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek biologi dan musim penangkapan lobster. Data dan informasi yang dikumpulkan meliputi ukuran panjang karapas dan berat serta jenis kelamin tiap-tiap jenis lobster yang tertangkap serta hasil tangkapan dan upaya yang dilakukan secara bulanan. Data tangkapan lobster yang dianalisis dicatat selama periode Oktober 2015 - Desember 2016. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  terdapat empat jenis lobster dari kelompok Palinuridae, yaitu lobster bambu (P. versicolor), lobster batu (P. penicillatus), lobster pasir (P. homarus) dan lobster mutiara (Panulirus ornatus). Berdasarkan jumlah individu, tangkapan lobster bambu mendominasi yaitu sekitar 60 % dari tangkapan total. Secara umum ukuran dari semua jenis lobster sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam peraturan perundang undangan. Nisbah kelamin yang seimbang dan ukuran rata-rata pertama kali tertangkap lebih besar dari setengah panjang infinitif dan panjang pertama matang gonad menunjukkan bahwa sumber daya lobster masih layak untuk dieksploitasi. Musim penangkapan losbter di wilayah Kupang ini secara umum terjadi pada periode musim penghujan yang mulai dari September sampai Februari. Pembinaan kepada nelayan perlu ditingkatkan agar nelayan tetap patuh pada peraturan perundangan yang berlaku, bahkan dapat diikuti dengan nelayan di wilayah lainnya. Lobster fishery commodity in Kupang. Many lobsters are exploited in these waters to meet domestic and foreign market demand. This led to lobster fishing activities very intensive. The research on lobster resources was conducted to analyze the biology aspect and lobster fishing season. Data included, length of the carapace, individual weight, sex of lobsters and the monthly catches and efforts. The lobster catch data analyzed were recorded during the period of October 2015 - December 2016. The results show that there were four species of lobster from the Palinuridae group,i.e:the ornate spiny lobster (Panulirus ornatus), pronghorn spiny lobster (P. penicillatus), scalloped spiny lobster (P. homarus) and painted spiny lobster (P. versicolor). The catch was dominated by P. versicolor with 60% of the total catch. Generally the size of all lobster species with the regulation concerning the lobster fishing. The balance of sex ratio and the size of Lc of more than 0,5 of Land more than length at first maturity indicates that the lobster resource in Kupang and surrounding waters  is still exploited. The losbter fishing season is generally in the rainy season period from September to february. The increase of guidance to fishermen is needed to keep the fishermen the law and regulations, even can be followed by fishermen in other areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Dini Sofarini ◽  
Mohammad Mahmudi ◽  
Asus Maizar S. Hertika ◽  
Endang Yuli Herawati

The province of South Kalimantan has the largest peat swamp that is named Danau Panggang Swamp with an area of 5,390.7 Ha. This swamp has ecological, economic and potential functions of a large fishery resource. The purposes of this study are to evaluate the exploitation rate of Snake Head Fish (Channa striata) in Danau Panggang Swamp, by population dynamic analysis using FISAT program of Von Bertalanffy method.  The results showed that the growth pattern of Snake Head Fish (Channa striata) has the tendency to grow negative allometric with 63.4 cm of long infifer (L¥), growth rate (k) 0.15 per year, theoretical age at the time of the fish is equal to 0 (t0) is -1.48257 years. While the natural mortality rate (M) was 0.43, the mortality rate due to catch (F) of 0.69/year and the total mortality rate  (Z) of 1.12/year, and the rate of exploitation value E = 0.62.  These results indicated that the exploitation rate of Head Snake Fish (Channa striata) in Danau Panggang swamp has a tendency to overfishing.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Ali Suman

Tingkat eksploitasi udang putih (Penaeus merguiensis) sangat intensif. Hal ini terindikasi dengan hasil tangkapan udang di WPP-NRI 716 selama 9 tahun terakhir meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji beberapa parameter populasi dan aspek biologi udang putih di perairan Tarakan. Data panjang karapas dan tingkat kematangan gonad udang putih dikumpulkan dari tempat pendaratan udang di Selumit Pantai, Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara pada Januari sampai dengan November 2016. Pendugaan parameter populasi dengan aplikasi model analisis menggunakan program ELEFAN 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata ukuran udang putih pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) pada panjang karapas 32,51 mm dan rata-rata ukuran pertama kali matang gonad 33,58 mm. Puncak musim pemijahan terjadi pada Maret dan Agustus. Laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 1,33 per tahun (betina) dan 1,55 per tahun (jantan). Laju kematian total (Z) sebesar 7,5 per tahun (betina) dan 8,85 per tahun (jantan), laju kematian alamiah (M) sebesar 1,82 per tahun (betina) dan 2,16 per tahun (jantan) serta laju kematian akibat penangkapan (F) sebesar 5,68 per tahun (betina) dan 6,69 per tahun (jantan). Laju pengusahaan (E) udang putih di perairan Tarakan adalah sebesar 0,76 per tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan udang putih telah mengalami lebih tangkap (overfishing). Kondisi ini menggambarkan perlunya dilakukan pengurangan upaya sekitar 52 %.  The banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) have been exploited intensively. For instance, within nine years the number of shrimp production in FMA 716 increased dramatically. This research aims to identify the some population parameters of banana prawn in the Tarakan waters. This research was carried out from January to November 2016. Data were analyzed using the analytical model application with ELEFAN I. The result showed that the length at first capture (Lc) of banana prawn was 32,51 mmCL and the length at first maturity (Lm) was 33,58 mm CL. The peak season of spawning period was indicated on March and August. The growth rate (K) was 1,33 /year (female) and 1.55/year (male). Total mortality rate (Z) was 7.5/year (female) and 8,85/year (male), natural mortality rate (M) rate was 1.82/year (female) and 2.16/year (male) and fishing mortality rate ( F) were 5.68/ year (female) and 6.69/year (male). The exploitation rate (E) of banana prawn in the Tarakan waters was 0.76 per year. Therefore, level of existing fishing effort of the banana prawn should reduced about 52 % in the next year.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 99 ◽  
Duranta D. Kembaren ◽  
Ali Suman

Study of biology and population dynamic of banana shrimp (<em>Penaeus merguiensis</em>) in Tarakan waters, East Borneo was carried out from January to November 2012. The aim of this research was to identify the biological aspects and population dynamics of banana shrimp. For estimating dynamic population, data were analysed using FiSAT II. The result showed that length at first capture (Lc) of banana shrimp by mini trawl (pukat hela) was 35 mm and the size at first maturity (Lm) was 33,86 mm in carapace length. Spawning occured all year around and reached it’s peak in March. The growth coefficient (K) of banana shrimp was 1,45/year with carapace asymptotic length (CL”) of 80 mm. Total mortality rate (Z) and natural mortality rate (M) were 4,85/year and 1,76/year. While fishing mortality rate (F) and exploitation rate (E) were 3,09/year and 0,64, respectively. The exploitation rate of banana shrimp in Tarakan waters tended to be overexploited so that it needed to be managed wisely and carefully by reducing the fishing effort and fishing season especially on spawning season. The recruitment peak of banana shrimp occured in May.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 137
Eko Prianto ◽  
Mohammad Mukhlis Kamal ◽  
Ismudi Muchsin ◽  
Endi Setiadi Kartamihardja

Ikan baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan ekonomis penting di perairan umum daratan Indonesia khususnya Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Ikan ini memiliki nilai ekonomis penting untuk ikan konsumsi. Pada tahun 2004 hasil tangkapan ikan baung di Sumatera Selatan berjumlah 1.684,6 ton sedangkan pada tahun 2005 berjumlah 899,5 ton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek reproduksi ikan baung di paparan banjiran. Lokasi penelitian di Lubuk Lampam Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dimulai bulan Nopember 2012-Nopember 2013. Ikan sampel dikumpulkan dari hasil tangkapan nelayandan hasil tangkapan percobaan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap jaring insang (gill net), pancing (pole and line), bubu dan bengkirai (traps). Analisis datameliputi: nibah kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, indek kematangan gonad, ukuran pertama kali matang gonad, potensi reproduksi dan pola reproduksi. Sampel ikan baung berjumlah 384 ekor terdiri dari jantan dan betina masing-masing sebanyak 118 dan 266 ekor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nisbah kelamin ikan baung yang ditemukan dalam penelitian baung 0,44:1, yang menunjukkan nibah kelamin tidak seimbang. Nilai IKG ikan baung betina berkisar 1,8-14.3% sedangkan ikan baung 1,3-3,9%. Ukuran pertama kali (Lm) ikan yang matang gonad untuk baung jantan (232 mm) dan betina (332 mm). Rata-rata fekunditas ikan baung berjumlah 47.882+13.624 dengan pola pemijahannya adalah serempak.Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) is one of the economically important fish species in Indonesiainland water, especially Ogan Ilir district. These fish have an important economic value as fish consumption. In 2004,production of baung in South Sumatra amount 1684.6 tons decreased to 899.5 tons in 2005. The aim of this research was to determine some aspects of reproductiveof green catfish in floodplain. The research location in a Lubuk Lampam floodplain Ogan Ogan Ilir South Sumatra began in November 2012-November 2013. Fish samples were collected by experimental fishing such gill nets, pole and line, traps. Data analysis includes sex ratio, level maturity, gonado somatic index, first maturity, reproductive potential and reproductive patterns. Green catfish samples have totally 384 specimen consist ofmales and females, 118 and 266 specimen, respectively. The results showed sex ratio of the male and female of green catfish was 0.44: 1, which shows the sex ratio isunbalanced. Gonado somatic index value of green catfish female ranged 1.8-14.3%while male was 1.3-3.9%. The size at the first maturity of the male and female of green catfish was 232 and 332 mm, repectively. Thefecundity average of green catfish range 47.882 + 13.624 and the spawning pattern of green catfish was classified into total spawner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Yoke Hany Restiangsih ◽  
Nur’ainun Muchlis

Coral fish is the one of the important fish resources in Indonesian waters, but the potential and exploitation rate needs to be obtained. Pink ear emperor is one of coral fish that many caught in Bangka. Research was conducted to determine biological aspect of pink ear emperor caught by fish traps, that includes length distribution, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, maturity stage, food habits, and length at first mature. This research was conducted from February 2014 to November 2015 with sampling location in Sungailiat fishing port. The observed aspects included fork length, weight, sex, gonad maturity and fish stomach contents was done monthly. The results showed the growth pattern are allometric negative,  folk length ranged from 12 to 58 cm. The condition of sex ratio of males to females was 1:2,06. The gonade maturity stage of males and females were stage I, II, III, and IV for all months of observation. Stomach contained was shellfish, crap, shrimp and fish. Length at first capture(Lc) was 28 cm and length at first maturity(Lm) was 26 cm. Size length at first capture was bigger than the size length at first maturity, so the pink ear emperor at Sungailiat available to maintained the balance of fish stock on population.AbstrakIkan karang merupakan salah satu sumber daya yang penting di perairan Indonesia, namun tingkat potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatannya masih perlu untuk dikaji.  Ikan lencam merupakan salah satu ikan karang yang banyak tertangkap di perairan Bangka. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji beberapa aspek biologi ikan lencam hasil tangkapan bubu, meliputi sebaran ukuran panjang, pola pertumbuhan, nisbah kelamin, dan ukuran rata-rata pertama kali matang gonad dan kebiasaan makan. Penelitian ini dilaksanankan di PPN Sungailiat pada bulan Februari 2014 – November 2015. Aspek yang diamati meliputi panjang cagak, bobot tubuh ikan, jenis kelamin, kematangan gonad, dan isi lambung ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan  ikan lencam bersifat allometrik negatif. Sebaran ukuran panjang berkisar antara 12 – 58 cm. Nisbah kelamin jantan terhadap betina sebagai 1 : 2,06. Pada setiap bulan pengamatan tingkat kematangan gonad jantan dan  betina berada pada stadia I, II, III, dan IV. Isi lambung ikan lencam selama pengamatan terdiri dari kerang-kerangan, kepiting, udang, dan hancuran ikan. Panjang pertama kali ikan tertangkap (Lc) sebesar 28 cm dan pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) sebesar 26 cm. Rata-rata ukuran pertama kali tertangkap lebih besar dbandingkan dengan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad sehingga ikan lencam di Perairan Bangka masih dapat mempertahankan keseimbangan stok dalam suatu populasi.

Pareng Rengi ◽  
Polaris Nasution ◽  
Arthur Brown ◽  
Ayu Nita Ervina Tambunan

Selectivity is a fishing gear characteristic capable of catching fish of a specific size and species from the existing population distribution. Mesh size is one of the important factors that influence gillnets’ selectivity, because different length-classes of fish are caught by them. This report focuses on the selectivity of two mesh sizes of gillnets (8.89 cm and 10.16 cm) on mackerel's catch and constructing a gillnet in Sungailiat waters. Experimental fishing methods and selectivity analysis were used for the fishing gear’s more selective preparation, if the largest fishing ratio's value at the fork length (L) is high and the standard deviation value (S) is closer to 1. It is concluded that to be more selective a largest S (L) value of 0.999267194 at fork length (L=54.95 cm), and with a larger value of S (L) 0.997096071 and with (L=66.55 cm) for mesh Sizes 8.89 cm and 10.16 cm, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Karsono Wagiyo ◽  
Tirtadanu Tirtadanu ◽  
Tri Ernawati

Teluk Jakarta merupakan salah satu daerah penangkapan dan habitat rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di Indonesia. Permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat dan bersamaan dengan penurunan kualitas perairan mengakibatkan stok rajungan mengalami tekanan eksploitasi dan degradasi habitat. Agar pengelolaan sumberdaya rajungan di Teluk Jakarta tetap lestari, maka diperlukan penelitian mengenai perikanan dan dinamika populasi. Tujuan penelitian memperoleh data dan informasi mengenai daerah tangkapan, alat dan musim penangkapan, indeks kelimpahan, produksi dan komposisi, struktur ukuran, nisbah kelamin, kematangan gonad, musim pemijahan, ukuran panjang pertama tertangkap, ukuran panjang pertama matang gonad, laju pertumbuhan, laju kematian dan laju eksploitasi. Data dan informasi diperoleh dengan eksplorasi, observasi, enumerasi, wawancara dan perunutan pada tempat pendaratan ikan dan instansi lain yang terkait dengan perikanan, selama tahun 2016. Hasil penelitian didapatkan karakteritik daerah penangkapan rajungan; substrat lumpur berpasir dengan perairan dasar yang mempunyai salinitas 30,5-32 ppt, oksigen 6,5-6,9 ml/l, pH 7,5-8,01, kecepatan arus 0,08-0,24 m/dt. Alat tangkap utama berupa jaring insang dasar bermata 3-3,5 inchi, musim penangkapan Mei-Agustus dan paceklik November-Januari. CPUE rajungan tahun 2016 sebesar 7,2 kg/tarik/trip/hari dan mengalami penurunan 55,22 % tahun 2007. Rajungan berkontribusi 69,11 % terhadap hasil tangkapan jaring insang dasar, sumberdaya ikan lainnya 30,89 %. Modus lebar karapas 85-90 mmCW, lebar karapas pada perairan dekat pantai 84,3 mm dan kearah lepas pantai 99,4 mm. Rajungan di Teluk Jakarta mempunyai tipe pertumbuhan alometrik negatif. Nisbah kelamin jantan : betina = 1 : 0,83, betina dominan pada perairan kearah lepas pantai dan jantan dominan kearah pantai (salinitas rendah). Musim pemijahan rajungan di Teluk Jakarta sepanjang tahun, mempunyai dua puncak pada bulan Maret dan September dengan pusat sebaran gonad ovigerous di sekitar perairan P. Damar. Rata-rata ukuran pertama tertangkap (Lc) = 93,87 mmCW lebih besar dari rata-rata ukuran pertama matang gonad (Lm) = 68,8 mmCW. Laju pertumbuhan (K) = 1,08 mmCW/tahun dengan lebar karapas maksimal (L”) = 142,5 mmCW. Laju kematian total (Z)= 4,87/tahun, penangkapan (F) = 3,63/tahun, alami (M) = 1,24/tahun dan laju pengusahaan (E) = 0,75/tahun. Jakarta Bay is one of the fishing areas and habitat of blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) in Indonesia. Market demand that continues to increase and along with the decline in water quality results in crab stocks experiencing pressure from exploitation and habitat degradation. So that the management of crab resources in the Jakarta Bay remains sustainable, research on fisheries and population dynamics is needed. The purpose of the study was to obtain data and information; fishing ground, fishing season and main gears, abundance index, production and composition of catch, size structure, sex ratio, gonad maturity, spawning season, first length of catch, length of first gonad maturity, growth rate, mortality rate and exploitation rate. Data and information were obtained by exploration, observation, enumeration, interviews and tracing at fish landing sites and other institutions related to fisheries, during 2016. The results of the study obtained the characteristics of the crab fishing ground; sandy mud substrate with bottom waters which have a salinity of 30.5-32 ppt, oxygen 6.5-6.9 ml / l, pH 7.5-8.01, flow velocity 0.08-0.24 m / sec. The main gears are bottom gill nets with mesh size 3-3.5-inch, the fishing season in May-August and famine in the November-January. CPUE of blue swimmer crabs in the 2016 was 7.2 kg / pull / trip / day decreased 55.22% in 2007. The blue swimmer crabs contributed 69.11% to the catch of bottom gill nets, other fish resources 30.89%. Carapace width frequency have mode is 85-90 mmCW, carapace width in waters near the coast is 84.3 mm and offshore is 99.4 mm. The blue swimmer crabs in Jakarta Bay has a negative allometric growth type. Sex ratio male: female = 1: 0.83, female dominant in offshore and male dominant direction towards in shore and (low salinity). The spawning season of blue swimmer crabs in Jakarta Bay has two peaks in March and September with an ovigerous gonad distribution center around the waters of P. Damar. The average size of the length first catch (Lc) = 93.87 mmCW is greater than the average size of the length first gonad maturity (Lm) = 68.8 mmCW. Growth rate (K) = 1.08 mmCW / year with length infinity of carapace width (L”) = 142.5 mmCW. Maturity rate are total (Z) = 4.87/year, capture (F) = 3.63/year, natural (M) = 1.24/year and explotation rate (E) = 0.75/year.

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