Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia
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Published By Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia

2579-8634, 1693-0339

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-213
Yusup A Jentewo ◽  
Roni Bawole ◽  
Tresia S Tururaja ◽  
Mudjirahayu Mudjirahayu ◽  
Zeth Parinding ◽  

This study aims to determine the total length and scar condition of the body of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in Cendrawasih Bay National Park (TNTC), Papua-Indonesia. Photo-identification was used to identify individuals of the whale shark R. typus based on spot patterns behind the last gill slit of each individual. Photo-identification was also used to determine the scar of the whale shark. The total length of whale sharks were estimated based on the length of a snorkeller (assumed to be 1.6 m) swimming alongside the whale shark. We identified 21 individuals of R. typus. Of these 21 individuals, 14 were new sightings and seven were re-sightings that have been recorded in the previous photo collection database. R. typus ranged in size from 2 to 5 m total length (average 3.78 m, ±0,86, N= 21). Based on their size, all individuals of whale shark were categorized as juvenile. 52% of R. typus identified had scars and 38 % were not and 10% were unknown. The majority of whale sharks had amputation (12 individuals) and abrasion (7 individuals) scars. Scars occurred most often on the caudal fin and dorsal fin, five and four individuals respectively. This information is useful for understanding potential threats and designing better management programmes for R. typus conservation in TNTC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-290
Yuli Andriani ◽  
Zahidah Zahidah ◽  
Rosidah Rosidah ◽  
Iskandar Iskandar

This research aims to determine the effect of fine bubble technology with different pressures on Siamese catfish seed's growth and feed efficiency in an aquaponic system. This research used a completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications. Treatment A (Control), Treatment B (FBs with a pressure of 4.5 atm), Treatment C (FBs with a pressure of 5 atm and treatment D (FBs with a pressure of 5.5 atm). The parameters observed were Specific Growth Rate, Feed Conversion Ratio, water quality (temperature, pH, DO, and ammonia), and plant productivity.  The seeds used were catfish seeds aged 16-36 days, 1-2 inches long, and weighed 0.26-0.29 grams. The container used is a fiber tub of 16 units with a size of 70 cm x 70cm x 70 cm. The feed used is commercial feed PF 1000 content crude protein 35%. The data were analyzed using variance with the F test at the 95% confidence level. The best treatment for catfish growth was treatment D (pressure 5.5 atm), which gave the highest SGR value of 7.24 ± 0.5 and FCR value of 1.19 ± 0.09. The value of water quality parameters is in suitable condition for the growth of catfish seed. The best plant productivity was found in treatment D with an average weight of 60.75 g.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-276
Surianti Surianti ◽  
Hasrianti Hasrianti ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Muh Irwan

Tilapia cultivation has the potential to be developed in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi. However, the obstacle faced in tilapia cultivation is feed; the price is relatively high because the raw materials are still imported. One of the efforts to overcome dependence on imported feed raw materials is using local raw materials, namely rice bran. This study aims to determine the best type of probiotic in hydrolyzing rice bran flour into artificial feed on survival and conversion ratio of tilapia fish feed. This research was conducted in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The test animals used were tilapia larvae with an average size of 1.03 g. The maintenance container is a tarpaulin pond with a size of 1 m x 1 m x 1 m filled with 85 L of freshwater. The study was designed using a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and three replications. The fermenting materials used as treatment were Bacillus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Aspergillus nigers, Yeast (Acetobacter). The test feed was given to 20 tilapia larvae stocked in each container for 60 days of rearing. The survival data and feed conversion ratio for tilapia were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that tilapia fed fermented rice bran feed using the fermenter Lactobacillus sp. had a significant effect on survival (SR) with a value of 85% and the feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tilapia with a value of 2.23.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-251
Mohamad Ayip Firmansyah ◽  
Mustahal Mustahal ◽  
Mas Bayu Syamsunarno ◽  
Muh Herjayanto

Oryzias woworae has a beautiful color and has been traded as ornamental fish. This species is an endemic ricefish from Muna Island, Southeast Sulawesi, and is threatened with endangered status. Information on the optimal spawning sex ratio in O. woworae is unknown. This study aimed was to examine the optimization of reproduction based on the sex ratio of male: female broodstock O. woworae involved in spawning. The sex ratio of male: female spawning broodstock used were 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4. The male and female brooders used had a total length of 3,1 ± 0,5 cm and 2,5 ± 0,5 cm. After adaptation, the broodstock of O. woworae was put into aquariums according to the treatment, and each container contained three spawning substrates. The harvesting of eggs on the substrate is carried out two times a day. The results showed that spawning O. woworae with a ratio of 1♂: 4♀ produced the lowest number of eggs and was significantly different with ratios of 1♂: 1♀ and 1♂: 2♀ (P<0,05). The ratio of 1♂ : 3♀ gave the highest egg hatching of 55% but was not significantly different from other treatments (P>0,05). The difference in male and female ratios did not affect the survival rate of O. woworae larvae (P>0,05), with values from 91,9-100%. The highest larvae produced was found in the spawning ratio of 1♂ : 3♀ with 37 larvae but not significantly different from other treatments (P>0,05). The water quality values during the study were temperature 26,5-310C, pH 5,5-8,8, and dissolved oxygen 5,3-6,0 mg L-1. O. woworae broodstock spawning can be optimized with a male to female ratio of 1:3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-304
Rosidah Rosidah ◽  
Yuniar Mulyani ◽  
Fittrie Mellianawaty Pratiwy ◽  
Afifah Shabirah ◽  
Juli A Sinaga

This study aims to find out the right lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates to improve the common carp body's immune system against the attack of the Aeromonas hydrophila bacterium. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolates were obtained from the organs of the common carp intestine. The study used a Completely Randomized Design consisting of four treatments and three replications. The treatment used was immersion of test fish for 24 hours in several isolates of LAB with a density of 108 cfu ml-1, namely A: without LAB isolate (control), B: isolate CcB7, C: isolate CcB8, D: isolate CcB15. Immersion is done three times with a frequency of seven days. Parameters observed included clinical symptoms, survival rate, red and white blood cell counts. The results showed the immersion of LAB isolate CcB15, namely Lactobacillus gasseri was most effective for increasing the body's resistance to Common Carp, which was demonstrated by mild clinical symptoms and faster recovery, high fish survival rate (83.33%), and number of cells the highest white blood count of 147,47x103 cell mm-3 (an increase in white blood cells by 38%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 215-233
Jusmaldi Jusmaldi ◽  
Ardana Reswari Dianingrum ◽  
Nova Hariani

The growth pattern and condition factors of three spots gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) from Lempake Dam, East Kalimantan, are not yet informed. These studies aimed to investigate fishes' length and body weight, sex ratio, length-bodyweight relationships, growth patterns, and condition factors. The collection of fish sampling was carried out monthly from February to May 2020. A total of 912 individual samples of sepat rawa fish were caught by 15 fish traps using a purposive sampling method at three stations. This research showed that the total length of the fishes analyzed ranged from 31.68 to 103.53 mm, while body weight ranged from 1.12 to 7.22 g. The sex ratio in males and females was 1:1.19. The regression model of the length-body weight relationships calculated was W=3x10-5L2.861 for total samples, W=5x10-5L2.710 for males, and W=2x10-5L2.977 for females. The length-body weight was obtained strong relationships in all samples and sexes, with the regression coefficient (r) ranging from 0.965 to 0.977. An isometric growth pattern and the growth coefficient “b”=2.977 was observed in females, while a negative allometric growth pattern in males and both sexes, with the growth coefficient “b”= 2.710 and “b”=2.861. The values of relative condition factor (Kn) observed for females were ranged from 1.472 to 1.555 and for males ranged from 1.024 to 1.082. The growth pattern and relative condition factor of three spot gourami in the Lempake Dam were affected by the number of fishes in gonad mature condition and body shape.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-319
Kasianus Krisye Firstantha ◽  
Tri Rima Setyawati ◽  
Riyandi Riyandi ◽  
Gema Wahyudewantoro

Pipe fish is a type of freshwater fish that has potential as ornamental fish. The research objective was to determine the status and habitat conditions of the Merowi River pipe fish as a member of Syngnathidae. The research was conducted from July to December 2019. The research stations were determined based on differences in existing environmental bases.  Sampling had done randomly by using scoop net and umbrella fish trap. The data used include population density, age group,test Chi-Square and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that 2 genera consisted of 3 species of pipe fish, as much 248 individu.  Doryichthys deokhatoides 26 individu (0.042 Catch/Unit Efort); D. martensii 209 individu (0.34 Catch/Unit Efort);  Microphis retzii 13 individu (0.02 Catch/Unit Efort). The length of the pipe fish ranged from 48.1 mm to 87.4 mm, and  the ratio of male to female is 1: 1 (balanced). The presence of members of Syngnathidae in the Merowi River was effect by temperature and current velocity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-265
Ira Akhdiana ◽  
Muhammad Zairin Jr ◽  
Gadis Sri Haryani ◽  
Muhammad Agus Suprayudi

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the combination of estradiol-17β hormone and spirulina in feed on blood plasma biochemistry, histology, and gonad development of female bada fish (Rasbora argyrotaenia). The research method were an experimental study using a completely randomized design with four treatment combinations and four replications, namely without the addition of the estradiol-17β hormone and spirulina (P0), the addition of the estradiol-17β hormone at 7 g kg-1 feed (P1), the addition of spirulina at 30 g kg-1 feed (P2) and the addition of the estradiol-17β hormone at 7 g kg-1 feed and spirulina at 30 g kg-1 feed. Female bada fish (4.22±1.28 g) were kept in an aquarium measuring 100x50x50 cm3 with a density of seven individuals per aquarium. Fish were fed the treatment twice daily, with 3% of the biomass for six weeks. The test parameters were estradiol-17β hormone concentration, egg diameter, blood plasma glucose concentration, blood plasma total cholesterol concentration, and gonadal histology observations. The experimental results showed that the concentration of the estradiol-17β hormone in the body plasma of treatments P1 and P3 was statistically significantly different (P<0.05) compared to treatments P0 and P2. The combination of estradiol-17β hormone and spirulina added to the feed gave not significantly different results (P>0.05) on blood plasma biochemistry and egg diameter of bada fish broodstock. A combination of estradiol-17β hormone and spirulina hormones in the feed resulted in better P1 and P3 treatments with higher plasma concentrations of the estradiol-17β hormone. Observations of gonadal development from histology showed that the bada fish gonads belonged to the asynchronous type.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 321-337
Charles P.H Simanjuntak ◽  
Faqih Baihaqi ◽  
Tri Prabowo ◽  
Shafira Bilqis A ◽  
Sulistiono Sulistiono ◽  

The sustainability of amphidromous fishes is determined by the success of the larval recruitment process from marine to freshwaters habitats. This study aimed to determine the recruitment pattern of freshwater amphidromous fish to the Cimaja River estuary, Palabuhanratu Bay in terms of season and daily. Amphidromous fish were caught monthly on the 25th of Hijri or waning crescent from December 2020 to August 2021. Sampling in one whole day with observation intervals every 4 hours was carried out in June 2021 to reveal the time of larvae and juveniles of the amphidromous fish recruit to the Cimaja River estuary. A total of 13 species of amphidromous fishes representing five genera and two families was captured. The recruitment of amphidromous fishes into the Cimaja River occurs between the peak of the rainy season to dry season. Generally, amphidromous recruit into the estuary waters of the Cimaja River is at the juvenile stage (11.9-21.8 mm body length). However, the recruitment of some amphidromous fish species appears at the postflexion stage (6.9-11.9 mm BL). Based on diel observations, larvae and juveniles of amphidromous fish are generally preferred to recruit to the Cimaja River estuary in the early morning (03:00 am) and afternoon (03:00 pm). Recruitment of amphidromous fish larvae to the Cimaja River follows a semi-diurnal tidal cycle which is a tidal type in Palabuhanratu Bay. Amphidromous fishes use tidal flux to recruit and migrate upstream of the Cimaja River through estuaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-184
Friesland Tuapetel

Eco-biological information of Cheilopogon abei in Geser Streit is unknown. The objective of this research is to observe the sex ratio, first size maturity, gonad maturity and gonado somatic index (GSI) with fecundity of flying fish Ch abei in Geser East Seram Strait waters. Sampling was done for ten months started from February to November 2018, using gill net measuring 1.50 inch. All fish samples were measured in fork length and weighted so dissected to make observations on the level of gonad maturity and the number of eggs in female fish. A total of 682 flying fish was found during the study with a fork length range of 182.6-243.3 mm and a weight of 73.98-115.45 g. The results of the analysis showed that the proportion of the number of male fish was less than that of the female fish for almost every month of observation. The first size gonad mature of male and female is 210.5 mm and 214.1 mm FL. The gonad maturity index of male fish ranges from 0,963-7,967 and female fish ranges 1,315-8,069, the total fecundity is 2321-9438 eggs. Gonads of ripe fish in each month of observation. The spawning peak of Ch abei takes place in June-July and it is hoped that no arrests will be made in both months, to ensure the sustainability of the stock.

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