scholarly journals Ideas about difficult situations and other people among students with social frustrations

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 10005
Valeriya Alperovich ◽  
Anna Korochentseva

The article describes the problem of psychosocial personal characteristics as predictors of the coping behavior. Over the past few decades, the world has changed beyond recognition, the current generation of students has changed, and therefore the strategies that they use to cope with the difficulties that have appeared in their lives have also changed. The ways of their adaptation to modern reality have changed in comparison with the older generation. In this regard, the study of various predictors of coping behavior, which today prevail in the modern student environment, becomes relevant. The authors used content-analysis of metaphors, tests and methods of mathematical statistics (quartiles, regression analysis, Kruskal-Wallis H-test) and discovered the dependence between social frustration, metaphors of difficult life situations and coping-strategies. So, a high level of social frustration is connected with low rational and adaptive coping strategies in difficult life situations. Various coping strategies are associated with different metaphors of difficult life situations and of their participants: “friends” and “aliens”. The metaphors reflect personal perception of these situations based on scales “short distance-long distance”, “rational value-emotional value” and on parameters “undertaking the responsibility – placing the responsibility with others”, “stereotypical or differentiated image of the situation”.

Д.В. Бабкин ◽  
И.С. Бубнова ◽  
С.Р. Миронова

Актуальность статьи обусловлена тем, что выпускники вузов очень часто остаются не востребованными на рынке труда и профессионально дезадаптируются. В статье представлен анализ наиболее актуальных проблем формирования копинг стратегий поведения. Представлены результаты исследования стрессоустойчивости и копинг стратегий поведения безработных выпускников вуза и трудоустроившихся выпускников, согласно которым, выпускники ВУЗов, успешно устроившиеся на работу, наиболее часто используют относительно адаптивные когнитивные копинг стратегии поведения и адаптивные эмоциональные и поведенческие копинг стратегии поведения. Безработные выпускники ВУЗов часто используют неадаптивные варианты когнитивных копинг стратегий, относительно адаптивные варианты эмциональных копинг стратегий, а также адаптивные поведенческие копинг стратегии поведения. Полученные выводы указывают на то, что проблемные жизненные ситуации требуют активизации познавательных способностей человека и эмоциональной устойчивости. Устойчивые и неустойчивые к стрессу выпускники ведут себя в трудных ситуациях по-разному, используя различные по адаптивности копинг стратегии поведения. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that university graduates very often remain unclaimed in the labor market and professionally maladapted. The article presents an analysis of the most pressing problems of the formation of coping strategies of behavior. The paper presents the results of a study of stress resistance and coping behavior strategies of unemployed university graduates and graduates who successfully got a job in their specialty, according to which, university graduates who have successfully got a job most often use relatively adaptive cognitive coping strategies of behavior and adaptive emotional and behavioral coping strategies of behavior. Unemployed university graduates often use non-adaptive variants of cognitive coping strategies, relatively adaptive variants of emotional coping strategies, and adaptive behavioral coping strategies of behavior. The findings indicate that problematic life situations require the mobilization of a person's cognitive abilities and emotional stability. Resistant and unstable people behave in difficult situations in different ways, using coping strategies of different adaptability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 62-76
E.B. Laktionova ◽  
Yu.S. Pezhemskaya

The article presents the results of the research of subjective prognostic evaluation of the level of psychological safety of a situation and the strategies of coping behavior of adolescent offenders in comparison to adolescents with lawful behavior. Psychological safety of a situation is viewed as an environment resource ensuring the effectiveness of coping strategies used by adolescents in difficult situations. The research sample was comprised of 100 adolescents aged 14-15. It has been revealed that the situations with the lowest level of psychological safety are those associated with breach of confidentiality, betrayal, quarreling with friends and dependence on decisions of others. In their assessment of situations, juvenile offenders show higher levels of psychological safety than adolescents with lawful behavior. The latter have more varied ways of coping behavior than adolescent offenders do. While possessing the same levels of confidence in themselves, the world and other people, the adolescents who commit offences and those with lawful behavior differ both in their estimations of the psychological safety levels of situations and in their strategies for coping with troubles.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0252075
Patricia Macía ◽  
Mercedes Barranco ◽  
Susana Gorbeña ◽  
Esther Álvarez-Fuentes ◽  
Ioseba Iraurgi

Considering the importance of psychological variables on health-related processes, this study investigated the role of resilience and coping strategies in relation to health. The aim of this research was to explore the underlying association between these aspects for the better understanding of the effect of psychosocial variables on mental health in cancer. This information could lead to the design of adapted psychological interventions in cancer. Participants with different diagnosis of cancer were recruited (N = 170). They came from the Spanish Association Against Cancer of Biscay. Resilience was measured with the 10 items Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, coping with the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and mental health was measured as a global indicator through the SF-12 and the GHQ-12. A structural equation model (SEM) was conducted to test the effects between the constructs. Results showed that resilience and coping were significantly associated. Results reflected an absence of significant correlation between adaptive and disadaptive coping strategies. Resilience was the factor that most correlated with health outcomes (β = –.45, p < .001). However, disadaptive coping strategies did not correlate with resilience or mental health indicators. Findings in this study underscore the positive contribution of high levels of resilience and an adaptive coping on participants´ level of health. Disadaptive coping strategies did not reflect any positive relation with resilience or health indicators. Thus, promoting resilience and adaptive coping could be a significant goal for psychosocial and educational interventions in people with cancer.

2019 ◽  
pp. 030573561985452 ◽  
Michael J. Silverman

While many people use music for emotion regulation, there is a dearth of empirical inquiry investigating if music-based self-regulatory factors correlate with and predict coping in adults with substance use disorder (SUD). The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore music-based emotion regulation, healthy and unhealthy music use, and coping strategies in adults with SUD on a detoxification unit via correlational and multiple regression analyses. Participants ( N = 194) completed the Brief Music in Mood Regulation Scale, the Healthy-Unhealthy Music Scale, and the Brief COPE. Correlations and multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine which music-based emotion regulation factors were related to and predicted coping. There were a plethora of significant relationships between music-based factors and coping. Regression results indicated that solace predicted acceptance and entertainment predicted venting. Healthy music use predicted active coping and humor, while unhealthy music use predicted venting, denial, behavioral disengagement, and self-blame. Generally, unhealthy music use predicted maladaptive coping while healthy music use predicted adaptive coping. As music use is common for people with SUD, it seems that music-based emotion regulation training may have the possibility to augment adaptive coping skills with the ultimate goal of increasing the likelihood of recovery.

Paul Kennedy

Chapter 7 discusses session six of the CET program for SCI. This session focuses on maladaptive and adaptive coping, and begins by reviewing what has been learned throughout the course of the sessions so far (stress, appraisal, and coping strategies). Maladaptive coping is then explored and contrasted to adaptive coping.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-28 ◽  
Chandrakala Sharma ◽  
D Subedi ◽  
L Rai ◽  
K Upreti

INTRODUCTION: Many women face problems related to infertility in various aspects of their life. Also, it is not comfortable to discuss on this issue. Because of this, the feelings and distress faced by women may not come out and the pent up emotions may lead to different stress related problems.   MATERIAL AND METHODS : A descriptive research design was adopted to assess the stress and coping mechanism of infertile women attending infertility clinic in Kathmandu Nepal. The study was conducted from October 2011 to January 2013. Purposive sampling technique was used and sample size was 100. Data was collected through semi- structured interview using; 'Perceived Stress Scale'(PSS) and 'Coping Check List' (CCL).   RESULTS: Regarding stress level of respondents, 40% were at very high level of stress and 35% with high level of stress. High level stress was found among the age group of 21-30 years. In relation to level of stress and coping strategies, 54.17% respondents with high stress used religious coping strategies, 50% of the respondents with very high stress also used religious coping, followed by 40% emotional coping and 37.5% problem focused coping and seeking social support strategies to overcome the stress.   CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the  almost more than half of the respondents were under high level of stress and mostly were those who are under  treatment for more than 1-3 yrs of duration. The study also concluded that the higher the age the respondents were more stressed due to the infertility. It was also found that most of the respondents used religious coping as well as emotional focused coping during the stressful period.DOI: of Universal College of Medical Sciences (2014) Vol.02 No.04 Issue 08Page: 24-28

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78 ◽  
Asha Bhandarker ◽  
Snigdha Rai

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the distressing impact of toxic leadership on the mental state of the subordinates and examine the unique coping mechanisms used by them to deal with such leaders. The paper also examined the relationship between psychological distress and coping strategy used by subordinates to deal with the toxic leader. Design/methodology/approach This study presents a validity testing of two scales. The first scale was designed to measure experienced psychological distress emanating from exposure to toxic leaders, and the second scale aims to assess the coping strategies utilized by subordinates to deal with the toxic leaders. Data were collected from 570 employees working in public as well as private organizations in India. Findings The results of this paper supported the theorized two three-dimensional tools to measure: psychological distress (loss of self-worth, withdrawal and agitated) and coping strategies to deal with toxic leaders (assertive coping, avoidance coping and adaptive coping). Reliability estimates and construct validity of both the tools were established. The results also suggest that the loss of self-worth was negatively related with assertive coping, avoidance coping and adaptive coping. However, withdrawal was positively related with assertive coping and avoidance coping. Finally, agitation was positively related with avoidance and adaptive coping. Originality/value To the authors’ knowledge, this is one of the rare studies to examine together the phenomenon of both psychological distress experienced by subordinates and the coping strategies utilized by them to deal with toxic leaders.

Orna Braun-Lewensohn ◽  
Sarah Abu-Kaf ◽  
Khaled Al-Said ◽  
Ephrat Huss

Bedouin society has undergone rapid changes over the past decade. The younger generation of Bedouin women is better educated, which has enabled them to enter different professions, increased their incomes and elevated their social status. We examined the sense of coherence (SOC) and its components of meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility as well as the use of coping strategies among Bedouin women from three age groups. We also investigated the coping resources and strategies before determining the relationships between these variables in the three groups. One hundred ninety-six women participated in the study. Differences were found mostly between the oldest age group (61 years and older) and the two younger groups (21–40 and 41–60 years old). The oldest women reported less meaningfulness and used less positive reframing, planning, humor and acceptance. In terms of coping strategies, venting was used more by the youngest group whereas behavioral disengagement was used more by the oldest group. In the younger groups, SOC and its components were positively correlated with the use of coping strategies that are considered to be adaptive and with emotional support. However, the correlations between these factors were negative among the oldest group, which points to non-adaptive coping strategies used by these women. These results are discussed in light of the salutogenic, stress-appraisal and coping theories.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-186
Sabina Alexandra Dumitrescu

In this study we have succeeded to render an authentic image of Romanian adolescents in terms of EI, coping strategies, and self-esteem. The study involved 211 adolescents aged between 15 and 18, who attend high school in Bucharest. The aim of the study was to identify the relationships between EI and coping strategies, EI and self-esteem, but also the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between EI and coping strategies. Three psychometric instruments were used: TEIQue ASF for the assessment of EI, the Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents for self-esteem, and CERQ for coping strategies. The results have shown that EI predicts the nature of the coping strategies chosen by adolescents when confronted with stressful situations. Also, self-esteem has proven to be a significant mediator only in the relationship between EI and maladaptive coping, improving its effects, but not in the relationship between EI and adaptive coping.

S. S. Aleksanin ◽  
V. Yu. Rybnikov ◽  
M. V. Savelyeva

Relevance. The large-scale accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant raised the problem of overcoming its economic, medical, social and psychological consequences. This is extremely important for liquidators of the Chernobyl accident consequences (LACs) with more than 15 different somatic diseases that reduce their quality of life and coping resources, negatively affect the psychological status, the effectiveness of treatment and medical rehabilitation.Intention. Assessment of psychological status and coping behavior in LACs in the remote period and justification of the need to provide them with psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.Methodology. Using psychological tests, 101 LACs undergoing inpatient treatment for somatic pathology were examined. The psychological status (health, activity, mood; state and trait anxiety, the impact of a traumatic event) and coping strategies were assessed. The results were compared with a control group using the Student’s t-test for different-sized unrelated samples.Results and discussion. The features of the psychological status and coping behavior in LACs in the remote period are shown. Indicators of well-being, activity, mood are presented; state and trait anxiety, the impact of a traumatic event and coping strategies are comparatively assessed. The most significant markers of psychological disorders and maladaptive coping strategies are identifiedConclusion. The data presented in the article are an important basis for including psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance in the programs of specialized medical care for LACs in the inpatient settings within state guarantees of free medical care for citizens of the Russian Federation.

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