Feed intake, body composition, and plasma metabolic hormones in Merino sheep that differ genetically in fleece weight or fibre diameter

2006 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
N. R. Adams ◽  
J. R. Briegel ◽  
J. C. Greeff ◽  
E. N. Bermingham

Negative genetic correlations result in sheep selected for fleece weight having reduced fatness and reproductive turnoff. Both of these characteristics depend mainly on energy metabolism, but the links between wool growth and energy metabolism are poorly defined. The present study examined aspects of energy metabolism (body composition, feed intake, and metabolic hormones) in Merino sheep with high or low estimated breeding values for clean fleece weight (CFW) or fibre diameter (FD). The groups were selected to have similar mean liveweights. High CFW sheep had a lower proportion of fat (P < 0.01) and more lean tissue (P < 0.05) in their body, and ate more of a medium-quality diet (P < 0.05). Intake of a straw diet with low digestibility that imposed a physical constraint on feed intake was not associated with CFW. When fed at the same level (1.2 × calculated maintenance), high CFW sheep had lower plasma concentrations of glucose (P < 0.01), insulin (P < 0.05), and insulin-like growth factor-1 (P < 0.05), and higher concentrations of growth hormone (P < 0.001). Responses of plasma insulin or glucose to treatment with insulin, adrenaline, or propranolol were independent of CFW. No differences were found between the high and low FD groups, except that the plasma cortisol response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) was higher in sheep with low FD. Calculations indicate that the lower fat reserves and plasma insulin and glucose concentrations in the high CFW sheep are sufficient to account for previous reports of reduced number of lambs weaned in high CFW sheep. Furthermore, the results indicate that high CFW sheep have smaller metabolic energy reserves to withstand unfavourable feed conditions, and so may be less able to thrive and reproduce successfully in harsh feed environments.

2001 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 145 ◽  
S. W. P. Cloete ◽  
S. J. Schoeman ◽  
J. Coetzee ◽  
J. de V. Morris

(Co)variance estimates for weaning weight, yearling liveweight, clean fleece weight and fibre diameter at yearling age were obtained for Merino, Dohne Merino and South African Meat Merino flocks maintained on the same property. Direct additive genetic variances for weaning weight [expressed as a ratio of the total phenotypic variance (h2, direct heritability)] were estimated at 0.15 for Merinos, 0.21 for Dohne Merinos and 0.32 for South African Meat Merinos. Corresponding maternal variance ratios (m2, including direct maternal variance and permanent environmental maternal variance) were estimated at 0.15, 0.30 and 0.24, respectively. The correlation between direct and maternal variance ratios was high and negative in Dohne Merinos and South African Meat Merinos (–0.72 and –0.53, respectively). Direct heritability estimates for yearling liveweight were 0.30 for Merinos, 0.33 for Dohne Merinos and 0.45 for South African Meat Merinos. Corresponding maternal variance ratios were only significant in the latter 2 breeds, amounting to 0.13 in Dohne Merinos and 0.12 in South African Meat Merinos. For yearling clean fleece weight, h2 and m2 were estimated at 0.28 and 0.12, respectively, for both Merinos and Dohne Merinos. In the case of South African Meat Merinos, only the h2 estimate was significant, at 0.68. Maternal variance ratios for yearling fibre diameter were not significant in any of the breeds, while h2 ranged from 0.58 in Merinos to 0.75 in South African Meat Merinos. Selection progress for yearling traits seems likely in all breeds, depending on the breeding objectives being strived for.

1957 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 299 ◽  
JM Doney

The influence of inbreeding on several fleece and body characters in a strain of Australian Merino sheep is reported. The four families from which data were taken were derived from a single strain of Peppin Merinos. Inbreeding without selection has been carried on since the foundation of the families between 1939 and 1944. Inbreeding is responsible for a reduction in body size, fertility, greasy and clean fleece weight, and wrinkle score, but has relatively little influence on the fleece components (yield, staple length, fibre diameter, and density of fibre population). It follows that the reduction in fleece weight is a direct consequence of a decrease in total fibre number. Since the reduction in fibre number is likely to be a correlated effect of low pre-natal and early post-natal growth rates, it is suggested that the inbreeding has had no genetic effect on the several independent systems involved in adult wool production but has affected only those associated with fitness and vigour. The depression due to inbreeding therefore may not be caused by specific gene fixation but by increased homozygosity per se.

1999 ◽  
Vol 50 (7) ◽  
pp. 1179 ◽  
J. W. D. Cayley ◽  
G. A. Kearney ◽  
G. R. Saul ◽  
C. L. Lescun

The productivity of spring-lambing fine wool Merino sheep grazing pastures sown in 1977 to perennial ryegrass and subterranean clover was assessed from 1989 to 1998. The pastures were fertilised each autumn with single superphosphate at 6 levels, and were stocked at a low, medium, or high stocking rate (SR) at each level of fertiliser. The average phosphorus (P) applied annually since sowing (P ) ranged from 1.6 to 32.9 kg/ha. The SRs used varied with fertiliser level in that they were higher where more fertiliser had been applied, so that the highest SR at each level of fertiliser ensured that the pastures were well utilised. Each ewe raised 1 lamb, which was removed at weaning. The influence of fertiliser on the productivity of the sheep at 4 classes (1–4) of SR (mean SR = 7.1, 10.1, 12.6, and 18.2 ewes/ha for classes 1–4, respectively) was described by: y = A−BCP, where y represents production per sheep (kg), and A, B, and C are constants. For greasy fleece weight, estimates of B and C were 1.59 and 0.84; and for SR classes 1–4, the estimates of A were 5.06, 4.89, 4.78, and 4.46, respectively. For weaning weight of lambs, estimates of B and C were 8.4 and 0.82, and estimates of A were 23.5, 22.7, 21.5, and 20.9 for SR classes 1–4. The mean fibre diameter (µm) of the wool was described by: D = 14.18+1.48 GW, where GW is the mean greasy wool produced annually per sheep (kg) averaged over all sheep and years for each of the 18 treatments. The price (cents/kg) of wool with a fibre diameter D (P D) was given by: P D = 12197+4.94P2 + 688D−0.1945P20D − 5810√D, where 20 µm wool is P20 cents/kg. Supplements were fed if the body condition of ewes fell to a predetermined level. The supplement fed per ewe each year (S), expressed as metabolisable energy (in MJ) was described by: S = −602 − 44.1S R + 178.5P + 8.71S R P +539 √SR− 338.5√P−70.8P√SR, where S R and P represent the mean stocking rate (ewes/ha) and mean P applied annually. When a current set of costs and prices was applied to these equations, the maximum gross margin for a SR of 7.1 ewes/ha was $AU119/ha with 8.6 kg P/ha applied annually, and $AU262/ha for SR of 18.2 ewes/ha with 17.6 kg P/ha applied annually. If income derived from sheep is maintained constant, intensifying the sheep enterprise from the low to the high SR system would involve increasing sheep numbers by about 17%, but would release about 55% of the farm’s area for another purpose.

1976 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 163 ◽  
DH White ◽  
BJ McConchie

The wool characteristics of Merino wethers were measured for 6 years in a stocking rate experiment. The decline in fleece weight due to increasing stocking rate from 4.9 to 12.4 sheep per hectare was usually accompanied by a reduction in fibre diameter and staple length and an increase in staple crimp frequency. The magnitude of these responses differed considerably between years; in one year clean fleece weight was reduced by 50%, with an associated reduction of 5 µm in mean fibre diameter and one of 2 cm in staple length. In four of the six years of the experiment, variation in fibre diameter accounted for at least 50% of the variation in wool production between stocking rate treatments. The relationships between clean fleece weight and fibre diameter were similar between years, mean fibre diameter being reduced by about 1.8 �m for each kilogram reduction in clean fleece weight. Fibre diameter is the major determinant of wool price, and this information should improve the prediction of economic responses to changes in stocking rate.

1991 ◽  
Vol 130 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-320 ◽  
P. C. Wynn ◽  
M. C. Stuart ◽  
A. L. C. Wallace ◽  
A. C. Kirby ◽  
E. F. Annison

ABSTRACT The effect of daily administration of ovine GH for a period of 4 weeks on somatomedin-C biological activity in plasma was investigated in mature Merino sheep fed a maintenance energy intake (low plane; LP) or 1·6 times this amount (high plane; HP). The GH treatment resulted in a significant (P < 0·05) increase in plasma GH levels in blood samples collected 23·5 h after each daily injection in both LP and HP groups. Plasma concentrations of somatomedin-C activity and insulin were significantly stimulated to a maximum level by the third GH injection and remained at this level for 7 days. Subsequently, circulating levels of both hormones fell to 40–50% of the peak response to GH and returned to basal levels within 48 h of the cessation of GH injections. In the HP group the response of plasma insulin and somatomedin-C activity to GH injection was greater than in the LP group. Journal of Endocrinology (1991) 130, 313–320

2004 ◽  
Vol 55 (8) ◽  
pp. 833 ◽  
N. R. Adams ◽  
S. M. Liu ◽  
J. R. Briegel ◽  
M. J. Thompson

Although sheep with a relatively high fleece weight have reduced fat deposition and a lower reproductive rate, research has failed to identify any specific metabolic demand that growing a fleece places on the physiology of the sheep. This paper reports two experiments in which the effect of fleece weight was examined in ewes infused intravenously with amino acids. The first experiment was carried out when the ewes were 107 days pregnant, and the second 2 years later in non-pregnant ewes from the same flock. The ewes were derived initially from groups that differed in staple strength, but there was no effect of staple strength group on the characteristics measured in either experiment. In Expt 2, ewes were also infused with a bolus of l-[ring-d5] phenylalanine, and the enrichment in plasma determined by GC/mass spectrometry over the next 24 h. In both experiments, fasting plasma insulin concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in ewes with a high fleece weight, and this difference continued during infusion in Expt 2 (P < 0.05). In Expt 1, infusion of ewes with amino acids resulted in higher (P < 0.05) plasma concentrations of α-amino nitrogen (indicating amino acids) in the ewes with a higher fleece weight, and in Expt 2, ewes with a high fleece weight had a 19% higher rate of appearance of endogenous phenylalanine (P < 0.05). We conclude that sheep with high wool growth rates have higher whole-body protein turnover rate, which may be achieved in part by lower insulin concentrations. Lower insulin in turn provides a mechanism through which wool growth rate may influence energy availability to other tissues.

1993 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 259 ◽  
NM Fogarty ◽  
AR Gilmour

A profit equation was developed for Australian Corriedale and Polwarth dual-purpose sheep kept for both wool and lamb production. Ten traits contribute to income and costs and were included in the breeding objective. These encompass wool production, fibre diameter, and feed intake of breeding ewes and hogget ewe replacements; sale weight and carcass fat depth of lambs; and reproductive rate and mature weight of ewes. The relative economic value for each trait in the enterprise was calculated from the profit equation using income and costs for 1 year. Overall gain ($A) and gain in each trait in the breeding objective from selection using an index of hogget greasy fleece weight, hogget fibre diameter, dam's number of lambs weaned, lamb weight, and lamb fat depth are reported. The sensitivity of the genetic changes in each trait in the breeding objective and index coefficients were assessed for a range of prices of products and feed costs. Sensitivity to changes in heritabilities and genetic correlations was also assessed. The incorporation of these maternal traits into LAMBPLAN is discussed. For the standard parameters and prices used, gain in leanness accounted for one-third of overall gain ($/ewe. s.d. of selection). Other traits that contributed to overall gain were fibre diameter (28%), reproduction (18%), and growth (14%). There was a small gain through feed intake (8%), and a very small loss in wool weight. Measures of fatness, growth, and fibre diameter were the important traits in the selection index. Inclusion of hogget greasy fleece weight and dam's number of lambs weaned each added <1% to the efficiency of the selection index. Varying the sale price for lamb and the price differentials for fibre diameter and fat depth had the greatest impact on overall gain. High lamb price increased gains in both reproduction and lamb weight, whereas, high price differentials for fibre diameter and fat mainly increased gains in the particular trait. A large range in prices for wool had very little effect on the individual traits or overall. Changing feed costs had little effect on overall gain, although high feed cost reduced gains from reproduction which were compensated by reduced feed intake. Halving the heritability value for each trait reduced overall gain, largely through reduction in the trait. Varying the genetic correlations of wool production with other traits had little effect. However, when genetic correlations of reproduction with weight, fat, and fibre diameter were varied there were changes in overall gain, largely through reproduction.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (8) ◽  
pp. 941 ◽  
A. L. Vizard ◽  
K. A. Hansford

Summary. The topmaking performance of fleeces from sheep that were ranked high or low on index selection using objective measurement was compared with that of sheep from the same flock that were ranked high or low on visual assessment. A flock of 451 15-month-old fine-wool Merino sheep were classed by 2 experienced fine-wool sheep classers into 3 grades: best, average and culls. Forty-four sheep were assessed as ‘best’ and 77 sheep were graded as ‘culls’ by both classers. These sheep were defined as the ‘best visual’ and ‘worst visual’ sheep, respectively. Measurements of clean fleece weight, mean fibre diameter, coefficient of variation of fibre diameter and body weight were used in a selection index to rank all sheep in the flock. The selection index was designed to rapidly reduce mean fibre diameter and slowly increase clean fleece weight, whilst maintaining staple strength and body weight. The 44 sheep with the highest index value were defined as ‘best index’ sheep and the group of 77 sheep with the lowest index or obvious physical faults were defined as the ‘worst index’ sheep. Twenty-five fleeces were randomly selected from each of the ‘best’ and ‘worst visual’, ‘best’ and ‘worst index’ sheep for individual processing through to top. The fleeces from the ‘best index’ sheep produced greater quantities of tops that were significantly finer, longer, of lower curvature and produced less noil than all other groups. In contrast to the large difference in quality between tops from the ‘best’ and ‘worst index’ sheep, there was little difference in quality between tops from the ‘best’ and ‘worst visual’ sheep. This indicates that the traditional wool producer views of wool quality are unrelated to processing performance. It was concluded that Merino sheep selected by index selection using direct measurement of fleece weight, mean fibre diameter and coefficient of variation of diameter as selection criteria produced greater quantities of wool of superior processing performance to that from sheep selected using visual assessment.

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