fleece weight
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Farm anullah ◽  
Momen Khan ◽  

The current study was completed to analyze the effect of natural components on various improvement affecting traits of Kajli sheep in Pakistan. For this reason, we apply two huge contemporary datasets in sheep to explore factors that influence the traits. Therefore, the generation information record of 13715 Kajli sheep lambing accumulated from 1994 to 2010 at Livestock Experimental Stations Khushab and Khizarabad, Punjab. Information records were genuinely analyzed through utilizing PC modified Mixed Model Harvey’s Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood. The two farms information data was analyzed by utilizing an animal model program. The factual model was incorporated to evaluate the Birth Weight (BW), 120 days at Weaning Weight (WW), Pre-Weaning Average Daily Gain (PRADG), Yearling Weight (YW) and Greasy Fleece Weight (GFW). Year of Birth (YOB), Birth Season (BS), Birth Types (BT) and sex was the fix effect in the model. Results indicated that, the overall general values for birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, pre-weaning weight and fleece weight were noted. Year of birth, type of birth, sex, and herd was influenced altogether significantly while, birth weight and greasy fleece weight, the period of birth showed no essential difference. In weaning weight and pre-weaning increment normally, year of birth, sort of birth and herd showed a critical contact except for sex. Male sheep were heavier than female sheep and single conceived sheep were also basically heavier than twins were during offspring birth. Results emulate that the Kajli sheep breed can be improved on through selection and further developed management. The cascade type of influence of the current investigation has levelheaded ramification not just for sheep farming by and by just as for intensified associate of boundaries which definitely convince deviation of weight, weight has become itself essential forecaster of in a matter of seconds wellness results. These outcomes displayed there are complex associations among hereditary qualities and ecological elements of parental, placental and fetal beginning. These are profoundly affected traits by maternal sustenance, genes, be concerned, the executive, environment, occasional diversity of seasons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 249-250
Valentina Sabrekova ◽  
Maxim Korenyuga ◽  
Julia Timoshenko ◽  
Feyzullah Feyzullaev

Abstract This study aimed to determine the effect of crossbreeding on wool production for sheep of different kinship ratios. Purebred (Volgograd) and crossbred (F3, Volgograd x ¼ North Caucasian) sheep were used. The birth liveweights (n = 100) of tups were similar (3.71 kg and 3.69 kg) whereas crossbred ewes were heavier than purebreds (3.45 kg vs 3.3 kg). At 2.5 months (n = 97), crossbred tups outweighed purebreds by 6.94% (22.17 kg and 20.73 kg (p ≤ 0.05); ewes’ liveweights were similar (19.98 kg and 19.88 kg). Crossbred tups’ weaning weights (n = 70) exceeded purebred tups by 20.85% (32.33 kg and 26.75kg, (p ≤ 0.01); crossbred ewes outweighed purebreds by 7.38% (27.20 kg and 25.33 kg). Crossbred tup yearlings (n = 67) outweighed purebreds (52.10 and 48.90 kg) (P ≤ 0.01) whereas ewe yearlings were similar (37.30 kg vs. 36.70 kg). However, fleece weights (n = 30) of crossbred tups were heavier than of purebreds. Greasy fleece weight of crossbred tups was 6.72 kg and 6.14 kg (P ≤ 0.05). Clean fleece weight of crossbred tups outweighed purebred by 13.73% (3.56 kg and 3.13 kg, P ≤ 0.05). Greasy fleece weight of crossbred ewes was 3.95 kg and 3.57 kg (P ≤ 0.05). Clean fleece weight of crossbred tups outweighed purebred by 15.34% (2.18 kg and 1.89 kg, P ≤ 0.05). Wool yield of crossbred and purebred tups were 53 and 51%, ewes were 55 and 53%. Staple lengths of crossbred and purebred tups were 12.53 cm and 10.51 cm (P ≤ 0.001), crossbred and purebred ewes were 11.48 cm and 9.56 cm (P ≤ 0.01). This study indicates there was no negative effect of an admixture of new blood of North Caucasian breed on wool productivity of F3. These results can help improve meat and wool production.

Ali William Canaza-Cayo ◽  
Pablo Antonio Beltrán-Barriga ◽  
Emma Quina-Quina ◽  
Francisco Halley Rodríguez-Huanca ◽  
Rodrigo Reis Mota ◽  

Background: The fibre characteristics of fleece weight (FW), mean fibre diameter (MFD), coefficient of variation of mean fibre diameter (CVMFD) and common phenotypic correlations between them of Huacaya alpacas (Vicugna pacos) breed, were estimated on 959 one-year-old animals, under extensive rangeland management conditions. Methods: Samples were taken between 2005 and 2018 (male and female), of two coat colors (white and brown), at the Toccra CEDAT-DESCO Alpaca Development Center (Arequipa, Perú). Model were developed an they included year, sex and coat color and their interactions with FW, MDF and CVMDF of alpaca’s fibre under the experimental design was completely randomized with a factorial arrangement of 12×2×2. Result: Statistical significant effect was for year of birth × sex interaction when FW was analyzed while year of birth × color interaction explained MFD and CVMFD variation (p less than .001). Phenotypic correlation calculated by Pearson’s coefficient showed that FW was positively correlated with MFD (0.24) while CVMFD was positively correlated with MFD (0.10). Results from this study indicated that the FW was influenced by both year of birth and sex, while MFD and CVMFD were influenced by both year of birth and color. Overall, it was concluded that a genetic progress can be achieved in the huacaya alpaca breed of CEDAT genetic improvement program.

Jimmy Semakula ◽  
Rene A Corner-Thomas ◽  
Steve T Morris ◽  
Hugh T Blair ◽  
Paul R Kenyon

Abstract The relationship between ewe body condition score (BCS) and liveweight (LW) has been exploited previously to predict the former from LW, LW-change and previous BCS records. It was hypothesized that if fleece weight- and conceptus- free liveweight and LW-change, and in addition, height at withers were used, the accuracy of current approaches to predicting BCS would be enhanced. Ewes born in 2017 (n = 429) were followed from 8 months to approximately 42 months of age in New Zealand. Individual ewe data were collected on LW and BCS at different stages of the annual production cycle (i.e. pre-breeding, at pregnancy diagnosis, pre-lambing and weaning). Additionally, individual lambing dates, ewe fleece weight and height at withers data were collected. Linear regression models were fitted to predict current BCS at each ewe age and stage of the annual production cycle using two LW-based models namely, unadjusted for conceptus weight and fleece weight (LW alone1) and adjusted (LW alone2) models. Further, another two models based on a combination of LW, LW-change, previous BCS and height at withers (combined models) namely, unadjusted (combined1) and adjusted for conceptus and fleece weight (combined2) were fitted. Combined models gave more accurate (with lower Root Mean Square Error: RMSE) BCS predictions than models based on LW records alone. However, applying adjusted models did not improve BCS prediction accuracy (or reduce RMSE) or improve model goodness of fit (R 2) (P > 0.05). Further, in all models, both LW-alone and combined models, a great proportion of variability in BCS could not be accounted for (0.25 ≥ R 2 ≥ 0.83) and there was substantial prediction error (0.33 BCS ≥ RMSE≥ 0.49 BCS) across age groups and stages of the annual production cycle and over time (years). Therefore, using additional ewe data which allowed for the correction of LW for fleece and conceptus weight and using height at withers as an additional predictor did not improve model accuracy. In fact, the findings suggest that adjusting LW data for conceptus and fleece weight offers no additional value to the BCS prediction models based on LW. Therefore, additional research to identify alternative methodologies to account for individual animal variability is still needed.

Hongchang Zhao ◽  
Shaohua Zhu ◽  
Tingting Guo ◽  
Mei Han ◽  
Bowen Chen ◽  

Abstract To investigate single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci associated with yearling wool traits of fine-wool sheep for optimizing marker-assisted selection and dissection of the genetic architecture of wool traits, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) based on the fixed and random model circulating probability unification (FarmCPU) for yearling staple length (YSL), yearling mean fiber diameter (YFD), yearling greasy fleece weight (YGFW), and yearling clean fleece rate (YCFR) by using the whole-genome re-sequenced data (totaling 577 sheep) from the following 4 fine-wool sheep breeds in China: Alpine Merino sheep (AMS), Chinese Merino sheep (CMS), Qinghai fine-wool sheep (QHS), and Aohan fine-wool sheep (AHS). A total of 16 SNPs were detected above the genome-wise significant threshold (p = 5.45E-09), and 79 SNPs were located above the suggestive significance threshold (p = 5.00E-07) from the GWAS results. For YFD and YGFW traits, 7 and 9 SNPs reached the genome-wise significance thresholds, while 10 and 12 SNPs reached the suggestive significance threshold, respectively. For YSL and YCFR traits, none of the SNPs reached the genome-wise significance thresholds, whereas 57 SNPs exceeded the suggestive significance threshold. We recorded 14 genes located at the region of ±50-kb near the genome-wise significant SNPs and 59 genes located at the region of ±50-kb near the suggestive significant SNPs. Meanwhile, we used the Average Information Restricted Maximum likelihood algorithm (AI-REML) in the “HIBLUP” package to estimate the heritability and variance components of the four desired yearling wool traits. The estimated heritability values (h 2) of YSL, YFD, YGFW, and YCFR were 0.6208, 0.7460, 0.6758, and 0.5559, respectively. We noted that the genetic parameters in this study can be used for fine-wool sheep breeding. The newly detected significant SNPs and the newly identified candidate genes in this study would enhance our understanding of yearling wool formation, and significant SNPs can be applied to genome selection in fine-wool sheep breeding.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 625
Mengli Zhao ◽  
Huitong Zhou ◽  
Yuzhu Luo ◽  
Jiqing Wang ◽  
Jiang Hu ◽  

Keratin-associated proteins (KAPs) and keratins determine the physical and chemical properties of cashmere fibers as they are the main components of the fibers. It has been reported that ovine KRTAP1-2 affects clean fleece weight, greasy fleece weight and yield in sheep, but the gene has not been described in goats and its effects on fiber traits are unknown. In this study, we identify the keratin-associated protein 1-2 gene (KRTAP1-2) in the goat genome and describe its effect on cashmere fiber traits in 359 Longdong cashmere goats. Six sequence variants (named CAPHI-KRTAP1-2*A to CAPHI-KRTAP1-2*F) were revealed using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis. These sequences have the highest homology with ovine KRTAP1-2 sequences. There were a 60-bp deletion, a 15-bp insertion and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) including two non-synonymous SNPs in the coding sequence. The caprine KRTAP1-2 gene was expressed in the skin tissue, but a signal was not observed for the kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen, heart and longissimus dorsi muscle. Variation in caprine KRTAP1-2 was found to be associated with raw cashmere fiber weight, but not with fiber diameter and length.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
D.A. Van der Merwe ◽  
T.S. Brand ◽  
L.C. Hoffman

In this study, the wool growth of Dohne Merino, Dormer, Merino and South African Mutton Merino (SAMM) lambs reared on a feedlot diet (10.62 MJ ME/ kg feed, 20.7% crude protein) was monitored from about two months old until the lambs were shorn as yearlings. The 100 cm2 patches on the left sides of the lambs were sheared monthly and the clippings were weighed to determine the wool growth rate. At approximately one year old, the lambs were shorn and the fleeces were weighed. A mid rib fleece sample was also retrieved from each lamb for quality analysis. Merino lambs presented the highest wool growth rates (12.943 g/day) and fleece weights (6.140 kg), whereas Dormer lambs exhibited the lowest values for these traits (8.487 g/day and 3.330 kg, respectively (P <0.05)). The lack of differences between Dohne Merino (9.720 g/day and 4.671 kg) and SAMM (10.553 g/day and 4.158 kg) lambs for these wool growth rate and fleece weight traits was attributed to disparities in live weight (86.8 kg and 105.2 kg, respectively (P <0.05), with heavier SAMM lambs offsetting the expected variations in fleece weight. Wool from Dohne Merino and Merino sheep had the finest fibre diameters (<21 μm), followed by SAMM wool (22–23 μm), with Dormers producing coarse wool (>27 μm). These results could be used as guidelines in sheep production to predict the income contribution of wool from these breeds.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Zully Ramos ◽  
Hugh Thomas Blair ◽  
Ignacio De Barbieri ◽  
Gabriel Ciappesoni ◽  
Fabio Montossi ◽  

This study evaluated the phenotypic trends for wool and growth traits of the fine Merino genetic nucleus in Uruguay. Data were collected from one-year-old lambs over a twenty-year period (1999–2018). The overall aim of the selection flock was to reduce fiber diameter with concomitant increases in fleece and live weights. Traits analyzed included fiber diameter (FD), greasy fleece weight (GFW), coefficient of variation of FD (CVfd), staple length (SL), scoured yield (SY), live weight post-shearing (LW), eye muscle area (EMA) and fat thickness (FAT). Data from approximately 5300 one-year-old male and female lambs were analyzed. During the study period, FD decreased by approximately 3 µm, whereas GFW and LW increased by at least 0.5 and 3.0 kg, respectively. There were interactions between the sex of the individual and the year for all wool traits. Except for FAT, all other traits were affected by the dam age. This study indicates that the selection program applied in the fine Merino genetic nucleus over a twenty-year period resulted in reductions in FD and increases in GFW and LW. Therefore, the results indicate it is possible to produce ultrafine wool in semi-extensive grazing systems without compromising other economically relevant traits in one-year-old lambs.

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