scholarly journals Chromosome composition of an F2 Triticum aestivum×T. turgidum spp. durum cross analysed by DArT markers and MCFISH

2010 ◽  
Vol 61 (8) ◽  
pp. 619 ◽  
Friederike S. Eberhard ◽  
Peng Zhang ◽  
Anke Lehmensiek ◽  
Ray A. Hare ◽  
Steven Simpfendorfer ◽  

This study has employed multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (MCFISH) and Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers to determine the segregation of parental A, B and D genome material into the progeny of a cross between a hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. 2-49) and a tetraploid durum wheat [T. turgidum L. spp. durum (Desf.) var. Bellaroi]. In the F2 progeny from a 2-49/Bellaroi cross, 82 out of 83 F2 plants investigated with DArT analysis carried some D genome material, principally as entire chromosomes, while 40 plants included at least one complete copy of all seven D genome chromosomes. Twelve plants containing partial D chromosomes were identified. MCFISH analysis of 26 additional F2 plants of the same cross showed that all 26 plants contained varying amounts of D genome material of which three carried single A-D translocations. In addition two telocentric D genome chromosomes were detected. The D genome content of each line and the breakpoint positions of the three A-D translocations were confirmed with DArT marker analysis. Overall results indicate a random recombination of A and B genome loci from the hexaploid female parent and the tetraploid male parent in this F2 population and a significant retention of the maternal D genome material. This study illustrates that the combined application of the MCFISH and DArT techniques provides a powerful approach for the analysis of crosses between cereal genotypes of different ploidy.

Genetics ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 149 (4) ◽  
pp. 2007-2023 ◽  
Marion S Röder ◽  
Victor Korzun ◽  
Katja Wendehake ◽  
Jens Plaschke ◽  
Marie-Hélène Tixier ◽  

Abstract Hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell) is one of the world's most important crop plants and displays a very low level of intraspecific polymorphism. We report the development of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers using procedures optimized for the large wheat genome. The isolation of microsatellite-containing clones from hypomethylated regions of the wheat genome increased the proportion of useful markers almost twofold. The majority (80%) of primer sets developed are genome-specific and detect only a single locus in one of the three genomes of bread wheat (A, B, or D). Only 20% of the markers detect more than one locus. A total of 279 loci amplified by 230 primer sets were placed onto a genetic framework map composed of RFLPs previously mapped in the reference population of the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI) Opata 85 × W7984. Sixty-five microsatellites were mapped at a LOD >2.5, and 214 microsatellites were assigned to the most likely intervals. Ninety-three loci were mapped to the A genome, 115 to the B genome, and 71 to the D genome. The markers are randomly distributed along the linkage map, with clustering in several centromeric regions.

Genome ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 689-693 ◽  
William A. Berzonsky

Toxicity to aluminum (Al) limits wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) yields. 'Atlas 66', a soft red winter wheat classified as tolerant (root growth ≥ 0.5 cm after Al stress) to 0.44 mM Al, was hybridized with tetraploid (4x) and hexaploid (6x) 'Canthatch', a hard red spring wheat classified as sensitive (root growth < 0.5 cm after Al stress) to 0.44 mM Al. Progenies produced from these hybridizations were tested for tolerance to 0.44 mM Al in solution to ascertain the number of genes and the genomes of 'Atlas 66', which determine tolerance to aluminum. Tests of 'Atlas 66', 6x-'Canthatch', and the F1's resulting from hybridizations between the parents indicated that dominant, nuclear genes carried by 'Atlas 66' determine tolerance to 0.44 mM Al. Segregation ratios for the F2 significantly differed from ratios expected for a dominant, duplicate genetic mechanism. F1 backcross segregation ratios did not significantly differ from ratios expected for dominant, duplicate nuclear genes for tolerance to aluminum. The expression of genes for tolerance to 0.44 mM Al for 'Atlas 66' appears to be more complex than is predicted by the existence of two dominant genes. A crossing scheme, which involved hybridizing 4x-'Canthatch' with 'Atlas 66', was executed to produce 42-chromosome plants having recombinant A- and B-genome chromosomes and D-genome chromosomes derived exclusively from 'Atlas 66'. Eleven F6 and F7 lines, developed from these plants, were selfed and plants in the F6 generation were backcrossed to 'Atlas 66' and 6x-'Canthatch'. The F6 and F7 lines were subjected to 0.44 mM Al in solution as were the backcrosses. While none of the lines had more than 50% of their seedlings classified as sensitive to Al in the F6 generation, four lines exhibited such a response in the F7 generation. In general, backcrossing the F6 lines to 6x-'Canthatch' increased sensitivity to Al, while backcrossing to 'Atlas 66' increased tolerance. Results suggest that genes for tolerance to Al in 'Atlas 66' wheat are not all located on D-genome chromosomes.Key words: aluminum tolerance, genomic inheritance, Triticum.

1959 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 1207-1216 ◽  
Ruby I. Larson

Cytogenetic analysis of selected F5 lines of the pentaploid hybrid, Rescue (Triticum aestivum L. emend. Thell.) × Golden Ball (T. durum Desf.) showed that chromosome XVI is the member of the D genome of Rescue that prevents transfer of the more solid top culm internode of Golden Ball to hexaploid segregates. It also produces a lax spike. Chromosome XX, which is the D-genome chromosome mainly responsible for the hollowness of hollow-stemmed hexaploids, probably has little effect in Rescue. Long awns were associated with low chromosome number but not with stem solidness or dense spike; therefore, the chromosome that suppresses awn development is probably not XVI.Three 42-chromosome segregates from the cross were more solid in the top internode than Rescue, presumably because of segregation of genes in the A and B genomes. It is unlikely, however, that a fully hexaploid segregate with a top internode as solid as that of Golden Ball can be selected from this hybrid.

1982 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-82 ◽  
Patrick E. McGuire ◽  
Jan Dvořák

Polyploid species of Triticum sensu lato were crossed with Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell. cv. Chinese Spring monotelodisomics or ditelosomics that were monosomic for chromosome 5B. Progeny from these crosses were either euploid, nullisomic for 5B, monotelosomic for a given Chinese Spring chromosome, or nullisomic for 5B and monotelosomic simultaneously. The Chinese Spring telosome in the hybrids permitted the evaluation of autosyndesis of chromosomes of the tested species. In addition, several Chinese Spring eu- and aneuhaploids were produced. Genotypes of T. cylindricum Ces., T. juvenale Thell., T. triunciale (L.) Raspail, T. ovatum (L.) Raspail, T. columnare (Zhuk.) Morris et Sears, T. triaristatum (Willd.) Godr. et Gren., and T. rectum (Zhuk.) comb. nov. were all shown to have suppressive effects on heterogenetic pairing in hybrids lacking 5B or 3AS, whereas T. kotschyi (Boiss.) Bowden had no effect. It was concluded that diploid-like meiosis in these species is due to genetic regulation. A number of these genotypes promoted heterogenetic pairing in the presence of 5B. A model is presented to explain this dichotomous behavior of the tested genotypes. Monotelosomic-3AL haploids had a greater amount of pairing than did euhaploid Chinese Spring, which substantiated the presence of a pairing suppressor(s) on the 3AS arm. Evidence is presented that shows that T. juvenale does not have a genome homologous with the D genome of T. aestivum.

Jamal Nasar ◽  
Ashfaq Alam ◽  
Muhammad Zubair Khan ◽  
Bilal Ahmed

The utilization of organic fertilizers in farmlands to enhance crop productivity and soil health is increasing globally. Compost and charcoal obtained from the decomposition and slow pyrolysis (respectively) of plants and animals wastes. Here we evaluated the effect of charcoal and compost on the growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at Agriculture Research Farm Peshawar, Pakistan during 2014-2015. Results showed that the application of compost and charcoal as sole or in combination significantly affected the yield and yield attributes of wheat. Data divulged that the maximum numbers of plant tillers (337 m-2), number of productive tillers per plant (313 m-2), number of grains per spike (56 spike-1) and 1000 seeds weight (50.2 g) were produced by the combined application of compost and charcoal at 5+5 Mg ha-1 while plant height (95.3 cm) was enhanced with the application of charcoal at 10 Mg ha-1. The gain (4106.7 kg ha-1) and biological yield (8473.3 kg ha-1) was significantly increased with the compost application at the rate of 10 Mg ha-1. These results proved that charcoal and compost can be used as organic fertilizers for boosting growth and yield performance of wheat under the agro-climatic conditions of Peshawar, Pakistan.

1986 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 696-700 ◽  
Nicolás Jouve ◽  
Benito Giorgi

The meiotic behaviour of three hexaploid triticale × Triticum aestivum L. hybrids having different doses of ph1 mutant alleles was investigated using C-band staining of pollen mother cells at first metaphase. D-genome chromosomes that were clearly distinguished by their small size and unbanded response to Giemsa staining were increasingly promoted to pair with the homoeologous chromosomes of the A and B genomes in the absence of Ph1 genes. However, the wheat–rye associations were not enhanced when one or two ph1 alleles were present. The distribution of meiotic configurations was significantly different for each chromosome in the ph1/ph1 hybrid. Thus, 1B did not form multivalents in this hybrid, and the remaining identified chromosomes differed significantly in the level of involvement in tri-, quadri-, or quinque-valents. The hybrids should be of value for hexaploid and wheat breeding programs.Key words: Triticale, Triticum aestivum, C-banding, ph1 mutants.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 256
Satender Yadav ◽  
Y.P.S. Solanki ◽  
Vikram Singh ◽  
Shikha Yashveer ◽  
Hari Kesh

Genome ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 1628-1639 ◽  
Lili Qi ◽  
Bend Friebe ◽  
Bikram S. Gill

Most pericentromeric regions of eukaryotic chromosomes are heterochromatic and are the most rapidly evolving regions of complex genomes. The closely related genomes within hexaploid wheat ( Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD), as well as in the related Triticeae taxa, share large conserved chromosome segments and provide a good model for the study of the evolution of pericentromeric regions. Here we report on the comparative analysis of pericentric inversions in the Triticeae, including Triticum aestivum, Aegilops speltoides , Ae. longissima, Ae. searsii, Hordeum vulgare , Secale cereale , and Agropyron elongatum . Previously, 4 pericentric inversions were identified in the hexaploid wheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ (‘CS’) involving chromosomes 2B, 4A, 4B, and 5A. In the present study, 2 additional pericentric inversions were detected in chromosomes 3B and 6B of ‘CS’ wheat. Only the 3B inversion pre-existed in chromosome 3S, 3Sl, and 3Ss of Aegilops species of the Sitopsis section, the remaining inversions occurring after wheat polyploidization. The translocation T2BS/6BS previously reported in ‘CS’ was detected in the hexaploid variety ‘Wichita’ but not in other species of the Triticeae. It appears that the B genome is more prone to genome rearrangements than are the A and D genomes. Five different pericentric inversions were detected in rye chromosomes 3R and 4R, 4Sl of Ae. longissima, 4H of barley, and 6E of Ag. elongatum. This indicates that pericentric regions in the Triticeae, especially those of group 4 chromosomes, are undergoing rapid and recurrent rearrangements.

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