scholarly journals Structure of intact Thermus thermophilus V-ATPase by cryo-EM reveals organization of the membrane-bound VO motor

2010 ◽  
Vol 107 (4) ◽  
pp. 1367-1372 ◽  
W. C. Y. Lau ◽  
J. L. Rubinstein
2015 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 3397-3402 ◽  
Christoph von Ballmoos ◽  
Nathalie Gonska ◽  
Peter Lachmann ◽  
Robert B. Gennis ◽  
Pia Ädelroth ◽  

The ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus is a membrane-bound protein complex that couples electron transfer to O2 to proton translocation across the membrane. To elucidate the mechanism of the redox-driven proton pumping, we investigated the kinetics of electron and proton transfer in a structural variant of the ba3 oxidase where a putative “pump site” was modified by replacement of Asp372 by Ile. In this structural variant, proton pumping was uncoupled from internal electron transfer and O2 reduction. The results from our studies show that proton uptake to the pump site (time constant ∼65 μs in the wild-type cytochrome c oxidase) was impaired in the Asp372Ile variant. Furthermore, a reaction step that in the wild-type cytochrome c oxidase is linked to simultaneous proton uptake and release with a time constant of ∼1.2 ms was slowed to ∼8.4 ms, and in Asp372Ile was only associated with proton uptake to the catalytic site. These data identify reaction steps that are associated with protonation and deprotonation of the pump site, and point to the area around Asp372 as the location of this site in the ba3 cytochrome c oxidase.

2013 ◽  
Vol 394 (5) ◽  
pp. 667-676 ◽  
Padmaja Venkatakrishnan ◽  
Andrea M. Lencina ◽  
Lici A. Schurig-Briccio ◽  
Robert B. Gennis

Abstract Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-2) is a single-subunit membrane-associated flavoenzyme that is part of the respiratory chain of many prokaryotes. The enzyme catalyzes the electron transfer from NADH to quinone but is not directly coupled to the generation of a proton motive force. The purpose of the current work is to compare two different NDH-2s that are encoded in strains of Thermus thermophilus. The aerobic T. thermophilus HB27 strain expresses one NDH-2 that has been previously isolated and characterized. In this work it is shown that a gene, which is misannotated as an NADH oxidase, encodes this enzyme. Unlike HB27, strain NAR1 of T. thermophilus is capable of partial denitrification, and in addition its genome contains the nrcN gene that encodes a second putative NDH-2. Of particular interest is the fact that nrcN is part of an operon (nrcDEFN) that is proposed to encode a protein complex specifically required for nitrate reduction. In this work, the nrcN gene has the activity expected of a NDH-2, and functions independently of other components of the putative Nrc complex. The biochemical properties of the two NDH-2 enzymes are compared. Efforts to demonstrate that NrcN is part of a multiprotein complex were not successful. However, the NrcE protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to be a membrane-bound protein containing heme B.

E. Horvath ◽  
K. Kovacs ◽  
I. E. Stratmann ◽  
C. Ezrin

Surgically removed human pituitary glands as well as pituitary tumors fixed in glutaraldehyde, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in epon resin, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate have been investigated by electron microscopy in order to correlate ultrastructure with functional activity. In the course of this study two distinct types of microfilaments have been identified in the cytoplasm of adenohypophysiocytes.Type I microfilaments (Fig. 1) were found in the cytoplasm of anterior lobe cells of five female subjects with disseminated mammary cancer and two patients with severe diabetes mellitus. The breast cancer patients were treated pre-operatively for various periods of time with different doses of oxysteroids. The microfilaments had an average diameter of JO A, formed parallel bundles, were scattered irregularly in the cytoplasm and were frequently located in the perikaryon. They were not membrane-bound and failed to show any periodicity.

D.G. Osborne ◽  
L.J. McCormack ◽  
M.O. Magnusson ◽  
W.S. Kiser

During a project in which regenerative changes were studied in autotransplanted canine kidneys, intranuclear crystals were seen in a small number of tubular epithelial cells. These crystalline structures were seen in the control specimens and also in regenerating specimens; the main differences being in size and number of them. The control specimens showed a few tubular epithelial cell nuclei almost completely occupied by large crystals that were not membrane bound. Subsequent follow-up biopsies of the same kidneys contained similar intranuclear crystals but of a much smaller size. Some of these nuclei contained several small crystals. The small crystals occurred at one week following transplantation and were seen even four weeks following transplantation. As time passed, the small crystals appeared to fuse to form larger crystals.

Patricia L. Jansma

The presence of the membrane bound vesicles or blebs on the intestinal epithelial cells has been demonstrated in a variety of vertebrates such as chicks, piglets, hamsters, and humans. The only invertebrates shown to have these microvillar blebs are two species of f1ies. While investigating the digestive processes of the freshwater microcrustacean, Daphnia magna, the presence of these microvillar blebs was noticed.Daphnia magna fed in a suspension of axenically grown green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardii for one hour were narcotized with CO2 saturated water. The intestinal tracts were excised in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M cacodyl ate buffer and then placed in fresh 2% glutaraldehyde for one hour. After rinsing in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer, the sample was postfixed in 2% OsO4, dehydrated with a graded ethanol series, infiltrated and embedded with Epon-Araldite. Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and Reynolds lead citrate before viewing with the Philips EM 200.

Roy Skidmore

The long-necked secretory cells in Onchidoris muricata are distributed in the anterior sole of the foot. These cells are interspersed among ciliated columnar and conical cells as well as short-necked secretory gland cells. The long-necked cells contribute a significant amount of mucoid materials to the slime on which the nudibranch travels. The body of these cells is found in the subepidermal tissues. A long process extends across the basal lamina and in between cells of the epidermis to the surface of the foot. The secretory granules travel along the process and their contents are expelled by exocytosis at the foot surface.The contents of the cell body include the nucleus, some endoplasmic reticulum, and an extensive Golgi body with large numbers of secretory vesicles (Fig. 1). The secretory vesicles are membrane bound and contain a fibrillar matrix. At high magnification the similarity of the contents in the Golgi saccules and the secretory vesicles becomes apparent (Fig. 2).

P.W. Coates ◽  
E.A. Ashby ◽  
L. Krulich ◽  
A. Dhariwal ◽  
S. McCann

The morphologic effects on somatotrophs of crude sheep hypothalamic extract prepared from stalk-median eminence were studied by electron microscopy in conjunction with concurrently run bioassays performed on the same tissue samples taken from young adult male Sherman rats.Groups were divided into uninjected controls and injected experimentals sacrificed at 5', 15', and 30' after injection. Half of each anterior pituitary was prepared for electron microscopic investigation, the other half for bioassay. Fixation using collidine buffered osmium tetroxide was followed by dehydration and embedment in Maraglas. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate were used as stains. Thin sections were examined in a Philips EM 200.Somatotrophs from uninjected controls appeared as described in the literature (Fig. 1). In addition to other components, these cells contained moderate numbers of spherical, electron-dense, membrane-bound granules approximately 350 millicrons in diameter.

A. Sosa ◽  
L. Calzada

The dependence of nuclear metabolism on the function of the nuclear membrane is not well understood. Whether or not the function of the nuclear membrane is partial or totally responsible of the repressed template activity of human sperm nucleus has not at present been elucidated. One of the membrane-bound enzymatic activities which is concerned with the mechanisms whereby substances are thought to cross cell membranes is adenosintriphosphatase (ATPase). This prompted its characterization and distribution by high resolution photogrammetry on isolated human sperm nuclei. Isolated human spermatozoa nuclei were obtained as previously described. ATPase activity was demonstrated by the method of Wachstein and Meisel modified by Marchesi and Palade. ATPase activity was identified as dense and irregularly distributed granules confined to the internal leaflet of the nuclear membrane. Within the nucleus the appearance of the reaction product occurs as homogenous and dense precipitates in the interchromatin space.

W. Krebs ◽  
I. Krebs

Various inclusion bodies occur in vertebrate retinal photoreceptor cells. Most of them are membrane bound and associated with phagocytosis or they are age related residual bodies. We found an additional inclusion body in foveal cone cells of the baboon (Papio anubis) retina.The eyes of a 15 year old baboon were fixed by immersion in cacodylate buffered glutaraldehyde (2%)/formaldehyde (2%) as described in detail elsewhere . Pieces of retina from various locations, including the fovea, were embedded in epoxy resin such that radial or tangential sections could be cut.Spindle shaped inclusion bodies were found in the cytoplasm of only foveal cones. They were abundant in the inner segments, close to the external limiting membrane (Fig. 1). But they also occurred in the outer fibers, the perikarya, and the inner fibers (Henle’s fibers) of the cone cells. The bodies were between 0.5 and 2 μm long. Their central diameter was 0.2 to 0. 3 μm. They always were oriented parallel to the long axis of the cone cells. In longitudinal sections (Figs. 2,3) they seemed to have a fibrous skeleton that, in cross sections, turned out to consist of plate-like (Fig.4) and tubular profiles (Fig. 5).

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