On the Logical Metafunction

1996 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-183 ◽  
Carol Torsello

This study reconsiders the place and nature of the logical metafunction in systemic theory. Halliday considers logical and experiential as subparts of the ideational metafunction, which he differentiates from the interpersonal and the textual, and he relates specific parts of the lexicogrammar to each metafunction, and each metafunction to a parameter of the context of situation. Here the proposal is to consider the logical component as an added function available for combination with each of the other three, and related equally to each of these, as well as to the field, tenor and mode of the context of situation. Logical meaning is considered independently from the strict structural constraints of recursion, parataxis and hypotaxis. Both projection and expansion are seen as multifunctional and as occurring at all grammatical ranks and at text level. Logical meaning is also seen in relational and existential processes, and as an extra unifying element in systems perceived as overlapping (modality and modulation, comparison and intensification).

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 349-372 ◽  
Zoltán Varga ◽  
László Ronkay

The basic architecture of the external genitalia of Noctuidae (“genital capsula”) is bilaterally symmetric. Secondary asymmetry is well-known in different subfamilies and tribes. We review and interpret the functions and processes which may be responsible for secondary asymmetry (i.e., dissymmetry) of these structures in terms of structural vs. behavioural working hypotheses. We consider the genital structures as correlated elements of a complex structure (“bauplan”) in which some changes in details can be explained by selection due to optimization of the reproductive success. Major pathways of changes are, however, delimited by some structural constraints which appear in parallel in different phyletic lines of trifine Noctuidae. One of these constraints is the subsistence of symmetry in structures with own musculature. On the other hand, some rigid parts without own musculature can evolve more rapidly and divergently in connection with the different allocation of functions. Such asymmetric structures may have some selective advantages due to the more effective stimulation, on one side, and fixation of genital parts during copulation, on the other. Asymmetric structures can effectively enhance the variations of the spatial geometry but without change of the “bauplan” which can be preserved in parallel in different taxonomical groups. It means that the originally symmetric “bauplan” with its homologies can be considered as a phyletic “heritage”, while the functional dissymmetrisation driven by selective optimization is the “habitus” in which numerous homoplasies can occur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-430
Francesco Bagnardi ◽  
Valentina Petrović

In this article we examine the episode of labour discontent that occurred at the Fiat-Chrysler assembly plant in Kragujevac, Serbia, in the summer of 2017. The article traces the process through which the two main trade unions organised and channelled labour unrest at the plant level. Drawing on Offe and Wiesenthal’s conceptualisation of workers’ collective action dilemma, the case highlights the trade-off between on the one hand the need for institutional legitimation and on the other hand responsiveness to workers’ demands. We attempt to show that unions still have space in which to represent workers’ interests effectively when disputes emerge, regardless of unfavourable structural constraints and legacies. The article shows that not even traditionally non-conflictual and legacy unions can be fully sheltered from democratic pressures from workers and competitor organisations. Therefore, the ability to mediate between democratic and bureaucratic logics of action and legitimation remains crucial for any union and determines unions’ ability to represent effectively the interests of labour. Dans cet article, les auteurs examinent l’épisode de mécontentement des travailleurs qui s’est produit à l’usine d’assemblage Fiat-Chrysler à Kragujevac, en Serbie, à l’été 2017. L’article retrace le processus par lequel les deux principaux syndicats ont organisé et canalisé les conflits de travail au niveau de l’usine. En se fondant sur la conceptualisation développée par Offe et Wiesenthal du choix de l’action collective des travailleurs, ce cas met en évidence le compromis entre, d’une part, le besoin de légitimation institutionnelle et, d’autre part, la capacité à répondre aux demandes des travailleurs. Les auteurs tentent de montrer que les syndicats disposent encore de l’espace nécessaire pour représenter efficacement les intérêts des travailleurs lorsque des conflits surgissent, indépendamment des contraintes structurelles et de l’héritage défavorables qui leur ont été laissés. Cet article montre que même les syndicats traditionnellement non conflictuels et ceux issus du passé ne peuvent pas être totalement à l’abri des pressions démocratiques des travailleurs et des organisations concurrentes. Par conséquent, la capacité de médiation entre les logiques démocratiques et bureaucratiques de l’action et de la légitimation demeure primordiale pour tout syndicat et détermine la capacité des syndicats à représenter efficacement les intérêts des travailleurs. Im vorliegenden Artikel untersuchen wir die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Belegschaft und der Unternehmensleitung im Fiat-Chrysler-Montagewerk in Kragujevac, Serbien im Sommer 2017. Der Artikel zeichnet nach, wie die beiden großen betrieblich vertretenen Gewerkschaften die Unzufriedenheit der Arbeitnehmer auf der Werksebene kanalisiert und organisiert haben. Unter Bezugnahme auf Offes und Wiesenthals Konzeptualisierung des Dilemmas des kollektiven Handelns von Arbeitnehmern ist dieser Fall symptomatisch für den Zielkonflikt zwischen der Notwendigkeit institutioneller Legitimation einerseits und dem Reaktionsvermögen auf Forderungen von Arbeitnehmern andererseits. Wir versuchen nachzuweisen, dass Gewerkschaften nach wie vor Handlungsspielräume haben, um in Konfliktfällen Arbeitnehmerinteressen ungeachtet struktureller Einschränkungen und Altlasten effektiv zu vertreten. Der Artikel zeigt, dass nicht einmal traditionell konsensorientierte Gewerkschaften und Rechtsnachfolger der früheren sozialistischen Gewerkschaften umfassend vor demokratisch legitimiertem Druck von Arbeitnehmern und Mitbewerberorganisationen geschützt werden können. Die Fähigkeit, zwischen demokratischer und bürokratischer Handlungslogik und Legitimation vermitteln zu können, ist deshalb für alle Gewerkschaften von entscheidender Bedeutung und bestimmt ihre Fähigkeit, die Interessen von Arbeitnehmern wirksam zu vertreten.

Christian Wagner

India has long-standing relations with Western Europe. The Strategic Partnership Agreement of 2004 with the European Union and similar agreements with individual European states form the institutional basis for economic, political, military, technological, and cultural cooperation with India. But despite common interests in many areas, the strategic perspectives remain limited because of structural constraints in India and Western Europe. Even after the Treaty of Lisbon, the foreign policy of the EU will be shared between Brussels and the member states. India’s foreign policy is handled mostly by the under-staffed Ministry of External Affairs. This is far from being adequate to cope with the requirements of an interdependent global system and India’s own aspirations to play a more important role. Hence, only if both sides understand the structural constraints and limitations of the other, will the partnership flourish on a more realistic basis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-157
Saefudin Saefudin

Abstract The research dealing with the speech acts and politeness strategy in the texts of religius speech/Khutbah Jum’at aims at describing the kinds of illocutionary speech acts and politeness strategy used by da’i in making speech text or discourse. The method used in the reasearch is qualitative and descriptive method. This researh is a contectual one by deciding the research components. The speech acts study is mainly based on the searle’s theory, and the other suppoting theories, especilaly related to the functional language theory. The data is taken from the collection of Islamic speeh, which were published by Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa Jakarta. Furthermore, based on the analysis, the data  found in the texts involve speech acts modes, kinds of illocitionary speech acts, and the politeness strategy as well.. However, the meaning or massage implied in the texts is still informative expressions, but not able to touch an important aspect of the other different speech acts and the politeness strategies suitable to the context of situation and culture. Abstrak Penelitian tentang kesantunan berbahasa pada teks ceramah/khutbah Jumat ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan jenis tindak tutur ilokusi dan strategi kesantunan yang digunakan oleh penceramah/khotib dalam pembuatan teks atau wacana ceramah/khutbahnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini bersifat kontekstual dengan mempertimbangan komponen tutur. Kajian tindak tutur berlandaskan pada teori J.L Austin dan Searle, serta teori-teori pendukung lainnya, terutama yang terkait dengan bahasa fungsional. Data diambil dari kumpulan ceramah/khutbah Jum’at yang diterbitkan oleh Masjid Agung Sunda Kelapa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pemaparan data-data yang ditemukan dalam wacana ceramah/khotbah Jum’at meliputi; modus tuturan, jenis tuturan ilokusioner, serta strategi kesantunan. Namun demikian, pesan yang terkandung dalam teks ceramah/Khutbah Jum’at masih bersifat informatif, belum sampai menyentuh persoalan pentingnya tindak tutur yang lain dan strategi kesantunan sesuai dengan konteks situasi dan budaya. DOI: 10.15408/al-turas.v23i1.5159

2018 ◽  
pp. 612
I Gde Yudhi Argangga Khrisnantara ◽  
A.A. Sg. Shanti Sari Dewi ◽  
I Nengah Sudipa

This study entitled Illocutionary Acts in the Movie “Capture the Flag” is aimed to explain the type and function of illocutionary acts found in the movie and to analyze the context of situation which determines the illocutionary act of the utterance in the movie. The data were taken from the utterances in the movie entitled “Capture The Flag” and it was explained in descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by watching the movie and reading the movie script, then by noting down the utterances which belong to illocutionary acts. Then, the data were classified into types of illocutionary acts and their function. Afterwards, the context of situation which determines the illocutionary act of the utterances were defined. There were two theories used in conducting this study. The first theory was proposed by Searle (1976) and supported by Yule about the types of illocutionary acts. The theory was used to analyze the types of illocutionary acts and its function. The other theory usedwas proposed by Holmes (2013) about the context of situation. This theory was applied to explain the intended meaning of the utterances. There were five types of illocutionary acts found in the movie, namely Representatives, Directives, Commisives, Expressives, and Declaratives. The functions of each type were boasting, concluding,claiming, affirming, informing, commanding, warning, suggesting, inviting, threatening, offering, apologizing, thanking, blaming and declaring.

2019 ◽  
pp. 13
I Made Hartadi Jaya Nugraha ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukarini ◽  
Putu Weddha Savitri

This study entitled “Verbal and Visual Sign of the Greenpeace Advertisement” is intended to identify the verbal and visual sign presented in Greenpeace advertisement, to find out the messages conveyed in Greenpeace advertisement, and to analyze the relations between verbal and visual signs in Greenpeace advertisement. The data in this study were taken from three Greenpeace advertisements inadso ftheworld.com. This study was using documenting method to collect the data and qualitative method to analyze the data. The data were analyzed based on the theory proposed by Barthes as cited in MacEachren (1995), in the two systems of signification which formulates that a sign is a system consisting of expression (E) which relates (relation –R-) to the content (C), the theory proposed by Leech (1972) which focuses on the standard component of press advertisement, and the theory proposed by Halliday and Hassan (1985) in the three features of context of situation. The result of analysis shows that the verbal signs appear as the texts, words, or sentences in the advertisement. On the other hand, visual signs appear as a picture on the advertisement for the message conveyed can be seen from the denotative and connotative meaning of the advertisements. Therefore, verbal and visual advertisements support one another in presenting the message of the advertisement itself.

Stéphane Bernatchez

AbstractIn the debate over the legitimacy of judicial review, Jürgen Habermas put forward two justifications for the role of constitutional judges within deliberative democracy. Judicial review must examine the procedural conditions of the legislative process and participate within a learning process that would ensure the continuous redefinition of the Constitution. This procedural concept of constitutional justice remains subject to the scrutiny of the other procedural theories. Whereas the theory of contextual proceduralization questions the concept of the legal judgment and more specifically the habermassian conception of the application of a legal norm, the systemic theory offers the conceptual framework required to explain this learning process and the function of judicial review in the legal system. Therefore, Habermas' procedural theory is extended in line with alternative theories of the proceduralization of law.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 723-742 ◽  
Sari Hanafi ◽  
Rigas Arvanitis

This article aims at questioning the relationship between Arab social research and language by arguing that many factors including the political economy of publication, globalization, internationalization and commodification of higher education have marginalized peripheral languages such as Arabic. The authors demonstrate, on the one hand, that this marginalization is not necessarily structurally inevitable but indicates dependency by choice, and, on the other hand, how globalization has reinforced the English language hegemony. This article uses the results of a questionnaire survey about the use of references in PhD and Master’s theses. The survey, which was answered by 165 persons, targeted those who hold a Master’s or PhD degree from any university in the Arab world or who have dealt with a topic related to the Arab world, no matter in which discipline.

2019 ◽  
pp. 173-188
Ram Neta

The goal of this chapter is to provide a unified solution to two widely discussed epistemological puzzles: the puzzle of easy knowledge and the puzzle of higher-order evidence. The chapter begins by setting out each of these two puzzles. It then briefly surveys some of the proposed solutions to each puzzle, none of which generalizes to the other. Finally, the chapter argues that the two puzzles arise because of a widespread confusion concerning the relation of substantive and structural constraints of rationality: or, in the epistemic domain, the relation of evidence and coherence. Clearing up this confusion allows us to clear up both puzzles at once.

2000 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-261 ◽  
Johanne Paradis ◽  
Elena Nicoladis ◽  
Fred Genesee

Does young bilingual children's code-mixing obey the same structural constraints as bilingual adults' code-mixing? The present study addresses this question using code-mixing data from 15 French–English bilingual children filmed in conversation with both parents at six-month intervals from the age of 2;0 to 3;6. The children's code-mixed utterances were examined for violations of the principles set out in the Matrix-Language Frame model (e.g. Myers-Scotton, 1993, 1997). The results show that the children obeyed all the constraints set out in the Matrix Language Frame model the majority of the time. With respect to the Morpheme Order Principle and to the interaction of Congruence and Matrix Language Blocking, they demonstrated consistent adherence with only marginal violations from the outset. In contrast, the children produced comparatively more frequent violations of the System Morpheme Principle and showed increasing adherence to this principle over time. We discuss possible explanations for the contrast between the children's performance on the System Morpheme Principle and the other constraints, which include the unequal emergence of INFL in the acquisition of French and English.

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