Ethnoveterinary plant preparations as livestock dewormers: practices, popular beliefs, pitfalls and prospects for the future

2005 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-103 ◽  
John B. Githiori ◽  
Johan Höglund ◽  
Peter J. Waller

AbstractEthnomedicine is an integral part of traditional medical practices in many countries of the developing world. A large proportion of the population uses this form of treatment for primary health care and for the treatment of ailments in their livestock. Livestock is a major asset for resource-poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists throughout the world and internal parasites are recognized by these communities as having an impact on livestock health. Parasitic infections are among those infections that traditional healers confidently treat and against which an enormous variety of remedies exist. Many of these are based on the use of plant preparations. Although various methods have been used for the validation of traditional phytomedical preparations, there is a lack of standardization of these procedures. The present study is aimed at providing an overview of ethnoveterinary deworming preparations, the various methods that have been used in their validation and the future prospects for their use against helminth parasites of ruminant livestock in developing countries, with an emphasis on nematode parasites. Recommendations are made on the procedures that should be followed to conduct in vivo and in vitro assays. Fostering better interaction between traditional healers and scientists is advocated to prevent harmful overexploitation, both of local knowledge and of plant species that may have effects against nematode parasites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Amar Deep Soren ◽  
Arun Kumar Yadav

Abstract Background The Santhal tribe in Assam, India use the roots of Asparagus racemosus (Asparagaceae) as a deworming remedy. The study aimed to investigate the anthelmintic credentials of this plant, using two representative groups of helminth parasites. Methods The in vitro testing was conducted against Hymenolepis diminuta (cestode) and Syphacia obvelata (nematode). Parasites were exposed to 10, 20 and 30 mg/ml concentrations of plant extract, and efficacy was adjudged on the basis of parasites paralysis and mortality. In vivo efficacy was examined using H. diminuta-rat and S. obvelata-mice models where animals were administered 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg doses of extract. Results In vitro assay, against H. diminuta revealed that at 30 mg/ml concentration the extract showed almost a comparable efficacy with that of reference drug praziquantel (PZQ) (1 mg/ml). The in vitro efficacy of extract against S. obvelata was however lower than H. diminuta. In vivo studies against H. diminuta at 500 mg/kg revealed 53.88 and 24 % reduction in eggs per gram (EPG) and worm counts respectively. Against S. obvelata the extract showed 26.61 and 30.93 % reduction for the same. Conclusions The findings of this study present suggest that the roots of A. racemosus are effective against intestinal helminthic infections and justifies its use as an anthelmintic in the traditional medicine of the Santhals.

2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (4) ◽  
pp. 153-159 ◽  
Zsuzsanna Rácz ◽  
Péter Hamar

A genetikában új korszak kezdődött 17 éve, amikor a petúniában felfedezték a koszuppressziót. Később a koszuppressziót azonosították a növényekben és alacsonyabb rendű eukariótákban megfigyelt RNS-interferenciával (RNSi). Bár a növényekben ez ősi vírusellenes gazdaszervezeti védekezőmechanizmus, emlősökben az RNSi élettani szerepe még nincs teljesen tisztázva. Az RNSi-t rövid kettős szálú interferáló RNS-ek (short interfering RNA, siRNS) irányítják. A jelen cikkben összefoglaljuk az RNSi történetét és mechanizmusát, az siRNS-ek szerkezete és hatékonysága közötti összefüggéseket, a célsejtbe való bejuttatás virális és nem virális módjait. Az siRNS-ek klinikai alkalmazásának legfontosabb akadálya az in vivo alkalmazás. Bár a hidrodinamikus kezelés állatokban hatékony, embereknél nem alkalmazható. Lehetőséget jelent viszont a szervspecifikus katéterezés. A szintetizált siRNS-ek ismert mellékhatásait szintén tárgyaljuk. Bár a génterápia ezen új területén számos problémával kell szembenézni, a sikeres in vitro és in vivo kísérletek reményt jelentenek emberi betegségek siRNS-sel történő kezelésére.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Luíza Dantas-Pereira ◽  
Edézio F. Cunha-Junior ◽  
Valter V. Andrade-Neto ◽  
John F. Bower ◽  
Guilherme A. M. Jardim ◽  

: Chagas disease, Sleeping sickness and Leishmaniasis, caused by trypanosomatids Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania spp., respectively, are considered neglected tropical diseases, and they especially affect impoverished populations in the developing world. The available chemotherapies are very limited and a search for alternatives is still necessary. In folk medicine, natural naphthoquinones have been employed for the treatment of a great variety of illnesses, including parasitic infections. This review is focused on the anti-trypanosomatid activity and mechanistic analysis of naphthoquinones and derivatives. Among all the series of derivatives tested in vitro, naphthoquinone-derived 1,2,3-triazoles were very active on T. cruzi infective forms in blood bank conditions, as well as in amastigotes of Leishmania spp. naphthoquinones containing a CF3 on a phenyl amine ring inhibited T. brucei proliferation in the nanomolar range, and naphthopterocarpanquinones stood out for their activity on a range of Leishmania species. Some of these compounds showed a promising selectivity index (SI) (30 to 1900), supporting further analysis in animal models. Indeed, high toxicity to the host and inactivation by blood components are crucial obstacles to be overcome to use naphthoquinones and/or their derivatives for chemotherapy. Multidisciplinary initiatives embracing medicinal chemistry, bioinformatics, biochemistry, and molecular and cellular biology need to be encouraged to allow the optimization of these compounds. Large scale automated tests are pivotal for the efficiency of the screening step, and subsequent evaluation of both the mechanism of action in vitro and pharmacokinetics in vivo are essential for the development of a novel, specific and safe derivative, minimizing adverse effects.

Lab on a Chip ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 795-820
Andrea Spanu ◽  
Laura Martines ◽  
Annalisa Bonfiglio

This review focuses on the applications of organic transistors in cellular interfacing. It offers a comprehensive retrospective of the past, an overview of the latest innovations, and a glance on the future perspectives of this fast-evolving field.

2007 ◽  
Vol 275 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-330 ◽  
Jiaoyun Xia ◽  
Yongxian Wang ◽  
Junfeng Yu ◽  
Shiqiang Li ◽  
Lin Tang ◽  

Cells ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 248 ◽  
Aurore Claude-Taupin ◽  
Leïla Fonderflick ◽  
Thierry Gauthier ◽  
Laura Mansi ◽  
Jean-René Pallandre ◽  

Early detection and targeted treatments have led to a significant decrease in mortality linked to breast cancer (BC), however, important issues need to be addressed in the future. One of them will be to find new triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) therapeutic strategies, since none are currently efficiently targeting this subtype of BC. Since numerous studies have reported the possibility of targeting the autophagy pathway to treat or limit cancer progression, we analyzed the expression of six autophagy genes (ATG9A, ATG9B, BECLIN1, LC3B, NIX and P62/SQSTM1) in breast cancer tissue, and compared their expression with healthy adjacent tissue. In our study, we observed an increase in ATG9A mRNA expression in TNBC samples from our breast cancer cohort. We also showed that this increase of the transcript was confirmed at the protein level on paraffin-embedded tissues. To corroborate these in vivo data, we designed shRNA- and CRISPR/Cas9-driven inhibition of ATG9A expression in the triple negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-436, in order to determine its role in the regulation of cancer phenotypes. We found that ATG9A inhibition led to an inhibition of in vitro cancer features, suggesting that ATG9A can be considered as a new marker of TNBC and might be considered in the future as a target to develop new specific TNBC therapies.

Molecules ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 2759 ◽  
Samuel Odeyemi ◽  
Graeme Bradley

The use of medicinal plants for the management of diabetes mellitus is on the rise in the developing countries, including South Africa. There is increasing scientific evidence that supports the claims by the traditional healers. In this review, we compare the families of previously reported anti-diabetic plants in the Eastern Cape by rating the anti-diabetic activity, mode of action and also highlight their therapeutic potentials based on the available evidence on their pharmacology and toxicity. Forty-five plants mentioned in ethnobotanical surveys were subjected to a comprehensive literature search in the available electronic databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and Elsevier, by using “plant name” and “family” as the keywords for the primary searches to determine the plants that have been scientifically investigated for anti-diabetic activity. The search returned 25 families with Asteraceae highly reported, followed by Asphodelaceae and Alliaceae. Most of the plants have been studied for their anti-diabetic potentials in vivo and/or in vitro, with most of the plants having a higher percentage of insulin release and inhibition against carbohydrate digesting enzymes as compared with insulin mimetic and peripheral glucose uptake. Almost all the investigated plants also inhibit oxidative stress as part of their hypoglycemic activity with less toxicity. However, the isolation of their bioactive molecules is still lacking. This review provides a resource to enable thorough assessments of the therapeutic profiles of available medicinal plants used for the management of diabetes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Further studies such as the identification of the active ingredients of potent plants still need to be carried out; this may lead to new molecules in drug discovery and development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
César Díaz-Godínez ◽  
Julio C. Carrero

AbstractNeutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are DNA fibers associated with histones, enzymes from neutrophil granules and anti-microbial peptides. NETs are released in a process denominated NETosis, which involves sequential steps that culminate with the DNA extrusion. NETosis has been described as a new mechanism of innate immunity related to defense against different pathogens. The initial studies of NETs were carried out with bacteria and fungi, but currently a large variety of microorganisms capable of inducing NETs have been described including protozoan and helminth parasites. Nevertheless, we have little knowledge about how NETosis process is carried out in response to the parasites, and about its implication in the resolution of this kind of disease. In the best case, the NETs entrap and kill parasites in vitro, but in others, immobilize the parasites without affecting their viability. Moreover, insufficient studies on the NETs in animal models of infections that would help to define their role, and the association of NETs with chronic inflammatory pathologies such as those occurring in several parasitic infections have left open the possibility of NETs contributing to pathology instead of protection. In this review, we focus on the reported mechanisms that lead to NET release by protozoan and helminth parasites and the evidence that support the role of NETosis in the resolution or pathogenesis of parasitic diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 787-789
Patrick W. Serruys ◽  
Ahmed Elkoumy ◽  
Osama Soliman
The Past ◽  

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